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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1881845 No.1881845 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a listing of the tiers of scientists? IE Astrophysicist = God tier and Chemists = Shit tier?

Or am I only thinking of Randal Munroe's comic about the purity of the sciences?


>> No.1881858
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>> No.1881877

wtf is chemistry doing under top tier?

>> No.1881885


better accuracy

>> No.1881890

A better question is why English is under Shit Tier. It's not as if ANY of the other sciences can function properly without being able to express ideas and concepts using language or anything.

>> No.1881893

>life sciences mid-tier

>genetics is a life science, in top tier
>pharmacology is a life science, in top tier
>medicine is a life science, in ultimate tier

op is fag

>> No.1881894

>Charts to soothe the autist's ego

>> No.1881902

I just copied it from somewhere and now you're raging because poly sci (probably your major) is shit tier? QQ moar

>> No.1881911
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Is psychology stereotypically considered a mediocre major? I'm not in college yet, but I find psychology fascinating in general.

>> No.1881915

Fascinatingly useless.

>> No.1881913 [DELETED] 


Finished college last year, faggy OP. I am getting a PhD in a mid-tier life science (evolutionary biology).

Without my "mid-tier" science you'd still think Jesus made life 6000 years ago.

>> No.1881923

it's pretty worthless - you might *have* to take it as a mandatory elective so just sleep through it and get your A+

>> No.1881925

art is more useful than psychology

>> No.1881933

Psychology is an art. Unless you were comparing it to finger-painting class, then I wholeheartedly agree.

>> No.1881937


So are these majors measured by their utilitarian value? When you say useless, to what end? I'm a bit confused.

>> No.1881942

only psychologists respect other psychologists, and even then, they're full of shit.

>> No.1881947

As far as the meaning of end implies.

>> No.1881948


>>Socially inept faggots that wouldn't know how to practically implement anything learned in any psychology class they've taken or have yet to take.

>> No.1881958

Fortunately its called liberal art.

>> No.1881961


I suspect that the field is actually broader than you give it credit for.

>> No.1881967

and it's mandatory even in ME, so just sleep through it and get your A+ and move along

>> No.1881979

I took a required "psychology of human relations" class. I must say that it was absolutely retarded and was not the interesting kind of psychology.

>> No.1881986

I doubt these classes that a lot of colleges are apparently requiring touch upon neuropsychology, evolutionary psychology, biological psychology, etc. - at least to the extent that it's substantive / interesting. Take that for whatever it's worth; I have some time before I start applying.

>> No.1881987

>Top Tier: astrophysics
Derp, astrophysics is physics. herp derp.

>> No.1881991

Cause chem is a science and is therefore higher than most other things in the hierarchy, even though it is a shit science

>> No.1882007

You'd think the people in /sci would give psychology a bit of props, but noooo....

People here generally frown on the religious and the thought that human consciousness is divine and inexplicable by science, saying that it's merely chemical reactions and electrical impulses that can be explained by science....but when they have to go to a class that explores that same premise more in-depth....BUTTHURT!

>> No.1882015
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>> No.1882017

Hey faggot, we have nothing against neurology. Psychology is a bunch of poppycock, deal with it.

>> No.1882020


You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Chemistry has helped slaughter soooooooo many people!


>> No.1882025

So physics + astronomy + computer science is double awesome + normal?
I can live with that

>> No.1882029

Chem is Awesome and therefore on one of the highest ranking tiers in that chart.

>> No.1882031


I don't believe in any sort of supernatural dimension and I still find it fascinating. Hell, I don't believe humans have souls. To say that it's "chemical reactions and electrical impulses" doesn't make the mind any less complex.

>> No.1882034

Technically, that'd be triple awesome.

>> No.1882035

Wow.....Are you retarded?
There are dozens of languages out there
I can express myself even in Portuguese

Rurtherfó, Bó Eeeeeh caralho

>> No.1882037

Astrophysics = astronomy, actually

>> No.1882042


Well then you aren't one of the butthurts mentioned. Never said there weren't exceptions.

>> No.1882050

Women do not sleep with the homeless.

>> No.1882053

homeless people have more chance of getting laid than a scientist.

>> No.1882061
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....nuff said

Chemistry, bitch!

>> No.1882064
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Just to clarify things for you artsys.

>> No.1882074


>Implying that's not physics

>> No.1882089

thats physics dumbass

>> No.1882091

lol chemists trying to justified their shit tier science.

>> No.1882099
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>reality op

>> No.1882101

I would say that philosophy belongs in god tier, not as a money making major, but at the highest level it relates directly to all of the god tier subjects. That said I am not a philosophy major as I want to make money.

>> No.1882107
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>> No.1882108

lol this tier list is shit

move law up a tier and move everything that's not math engineering and medicine off god tier

>> No.1882114
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they also don't sleep with basement dwellers.

>> No.1882115

Philosophy is not shit tier. It's a shit tier career, and most of the people that study it are shit tier, but philosophy itself is nowhere near shit tier.

>> No.1882116
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>> No.1882118

wrong I have gotten way more pussy with "I am an engineering major." than when "I am an art major(cad and design)."
true story.
But I wasted 3 years on a useless "fuck my parents" major. :(

>> No.1882121


>>implying the initial fission and fusion that releases that awesome energy should be listed under "physics" rather than "chemistry".

Maybe you're not implying that. idk. But realize that all that's happening in the picture takes more than one branch of science to describe.

>> No.1882124
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>> No.1882125


Chemistryfag? Astronomyfag?

>> No.1882127
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>daughter of philosophy

>> No.1882128

Women like money
>>women like guys who can make money

>> No.1882132


>> No.1882133
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>> No.1882134


Women also like guys with a body. Make sure you aren't failing in that regard.

No, I am not from /fit/

>> No.1882135


What the fuck are you talking about?
Science is a man.

>> No.1882137

Chemfag here. I'm in Organic I right now, and we just started synthesis in lecture and lab. It makes me feel like some sort of demigod.

>> No.1882138

Shit Tier =sex with skanky emo sluts
God Tier =sex with hot preppy girls (assuming you are not hideous)

>> No.1882140


Science is a sexy woman. Fuck your shit.

>> No.1882142
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Any bitch would sleep with you for money, but if thats what you have to rely on. Well sir, you have no game.

>> No.1882144
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>scientific method
>assumes materialism, naturalism
>composed by enlightenment-era philosophers
>fathered by Aristotle, another philosopher

>> No.1882152



>> No.1882154
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>> No.1882162

What the gesture means...
-Kiss on the stomach: I'm ready.
-Kiss on the Forehead: I hope we're together forever.
-Kiss on the Ear: You're my everything.
-Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.
-Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.
-Kiss on the Neck: We belong together.
-Kiss on the Shoulder: I want you.
-Kiss on the Lips: I like you.
What the gesture means...
-Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
-Slap on the Butt: That's mine.
-Holding on tight: I don't want to let go.
-Looking into each other's Eyes: I just plain like you.
-Playing with Hair: Tell me you love me.
-Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
-Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you.
Don't ask for a kiss, take one.
If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love.
Post this again after reading
Or you will have a bad year of Relationships.
If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now
and can't get them out of your head
then Re-post this within One Minute and
Whoever you are missing will surprise you!!

>> No.1882163



>> No.1882164

You guys would argue over anything. To say chem is a shit science is plain stupid. It's equal to, if not greater than, physics. (But that's just my opinion).

Requesting the tier sheet that says the major you love is god tier and the major your parents told as shit. That pic is more accurate than posted so far.

>> No.1882168

>thinks i need to justify how i get laid
If that makes you feel better buddy.
btw: I am referring to women being attracted to a person in a lucrative major, still works while you are a broke ass college student. ;)

>> No.1882171

>English majors get more sex than lawyers
I don't think so Tim.

>> No.1882175


I'm pretty sure astronomy has been in existence long before philosophy.

>> No.1882178

Astronomy came from astrology, which was the philosophy of the time.

>> No.1882181

Was not arguing that, but I fucking hate chemistry. Love math and physics though...

>> No.1882189

Shit philosophy doesn't count.

>> No.1882192

Fuck yeah, medical God Tier.

>> No.1882195

Neither does shit science, astronomy didn't separate from astrology until philosophy did.

>> No.1882201

Engineering wins, it is the only God Tier that (for the moment) pays badass money with a Bachelor's degree

>> No.1882207

Truth, engineering ftw

>> No.1882213

Got Tier: Mathematics
Shit Tier: everything else

>> No.1882214

they were considered the same thing, one didnt come from the other they just branched off each other a little over a thousand years or so ago

>> No.1882217

refer to:

>> No.1882222

Exactly, astrology was combined with the metaphysical views of the time, and it wasn't until much later that the supernatural aspects of astrology were rejected and astronomy became a field of its own.

>> No.1882226

Political science is shit tier but leads to more money and power than any other....

>> No.1882229

>implying successful politicians studied political science in school
Law, business, more law, more business.

>> No.1882257
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>> No.1882259
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Law is for faggots who want to domineer over others because they can't do anything themselves.

>> No.1882260

actually was leading to the point that successful politicians' major is not as relevant as the school they 'attended' that, and being a Christian.

>> No.1882265


>> No.1882269

There it is... the jealous cry of those who realize an Engineer w/ a 4 year degree makes more than they do with a masters...

>> No.1882274

*except sometimes computer sciences

>> No.1882278

LOL Obama is trolling all the medical students who think they will make money...

>> No.1882291


>> No.1882315

Economics deserves to get moved up because of the pay.

>> No.1882316

Geology major here. Geologists get alot of pussy. All the green-hippie-liberal-savetheworld- bitches digg it.

>> No.1882319

>ranked music as shit tier
>doesnt know music is math in audio form

>> No.1882324


If these charts were about the salary, you wouldn't have business, econ, or IT so low. Engineers make great money, but face it; it's a soulless career.

>> No.1882329
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>> No.1882344

Not as souless as chemistry. Engineering is fun, imho.

>> No.1882358

I'm doing Com Sci and I believe Chemistry deserves to be higher than or equal to Com Sci

>> No.1882359

I'm going CE focusing on structural with my eye towards construction engineering. Some in the dept. don't consider it as 'pure' but it has good earning potential, and you get outside and interact with people also, so I like it.

>> No.1882361


oh man, tell me about it, it's pretty soul crushing.

>> No.1882378

Biochemistry is like godmode chemistry.

>> No.1882398


>> No.1882529

What the FUCK is Archaeology doing in Shit tier?

>> No.1882531

That's where it belongs.

>> No.1882666


What? Sexy women are good for fucking and doing chores. Men are good for everything else and get shit done, just like science!

>> No.1882668 [DELETED] 

Хоть я не ангел Но я хочу быть с тобой И ты тоже не ангел Но всё равно будешь мой

>> No.1882675

Get out of here Stalker!

>> No.1882680

We don't like yer type 'round here!

>> No.1882685
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>> No.1882690

Get out of here Stalker!

>> No.1882688 [DELETED] 

Хоть я не ангел Но я хочу быть с тобой И ты тоже не ангел Но всё равно будешь мой

>> No.1882714

Philosophy haters are no more than double niggers.

>> No.1882717

Uhhhhhh okaaaaaaaayyyy..../b/ needs to get out. Might want to spam somewhere where the people DON'T know how to trace your ip address.

>> No.1882720


Shut the fuck up fag. If you can get my IP then what is it? You can't even do shit with it because I doubt I'm using any vulnerable services... got back to high school

>> No.1882721

Wow, engineering is God tier? My self esteem just went from 0 to 19, thx /sci/

>> No.1882723
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>mfw this chart every day to make me feel self-conscious.

>> No.1882724

CS should be god tier along with engineering

>> No.1882731


So you ARE from /b/!
That was a lie. Can't track your ip without going through a lot of illegal trouble.

>> No.1882733
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>> No.1882737

>this chart every day to make me


>> No.1882739

You have got to be kidding me. There is no way that my machine right now is connecting to yours in any way so there would be no record of my IP. My IP is stored on 4chan's log files (if it has any). The only way to get it from there would be to hack the database and sift through a bunch of shit until you run across my post. If you aren't willing to do the "illegal trouble", then what is it?

>> No.1882740


most COS courses are not as difficult as most engineering courses, but comp science goes hand in hand with engineering in the real world. They are probably equally important to science and industry. I'd give it god points.

>> No.1882763
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Wow... You really took all bait, line, and sinker.

>> No.1882791
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These hierarchies kind of annoy me. Even though I'm a physics major (and therefore at the top), I don't think there's anything wrong with someone who's interested in psychology (apparently low tier) majoring in psychology. If every fucker majored in physics, we'd have nearly everyone competing for 0.1% of the jobs, and 99% of skill-requiring jobs would be left undone.

That being said, I never understood why people would want to major in "women's studies" or some stupid shit. Seriously, what can you do with a degree like that? Congratulations, you're an expert at political correctness and inadvertent reverse sexism, have a cookie.

>> No.1882807

only a 12 year old autist takes tier lists seriously

>> No.1882819

So... what's wrong with Political Science?

>> No.1882822

Stop replying

>> No.1882823
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>Top Tier.

Glorious Engineering Race here, go back to the Stone age, geologists.

>> No.1882843

holy shit, you'd better be fucking me

>> No.1882856

Geology is about one-tenth as useful as engineering. It's a rigorous academic discipline though. You have to be smarter than a writefag to do it.

>> No.1882863

Petroleum engineering and geophysics here. In fact, Geology helps to make the world run (without it, we wouldn't be able to get to a lot of oil deposits). You might want to re-think your statement.

>> No.1882884

See? The only thing geologists are good for is finding things.

It takes an engineer to get it out of the ground.

>> No.1882890

Honestly most engineers I've met are dumb as hell and unable to actually make shit in the real world. No concept of how to make something functional.

>> No.1882892

It is still extremely useful though. From everything I've seen at my internship, the engineers work together with the geologists on essentially the same problem (specifically, how to get the oil out of the particular rock it is encased in without destroying the surrounding area).

>> No.1882937

So true.

>> No.1882957

At least some political scientists take the scientific component seriously. There is a strong empirical component to the discipline but low standards for reproducibility. It's still young, man.

>> No.1882961
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I'm just messing around, man. Geologists are pretty cool.
Without them, we wouldn't have the hardest metal known the man.

>> No.1882964

Oh yeah, I love diamonds.

>> No.1882968
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