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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1878913 No.1878913 [Reply] [Original]

Did time ever start? Can it just always have existed or something?

Hell, does it even exist? What if there is no past or future, and just a continuous present we all just move into, and whatever event or action or anything that happens is gone as soon as it occurs? Educate me /sci/, this is not a troll but a dilemma that's confusing the fuck out of me.

>> No.1878923

It really doesn't matter. Though I couldn't tell you much on the subject.

>> No.1878925

The past doesn't exist because it's over with
The future doesn't exist because it hasn't happened yet
The present doesn't exist because by the time we observe it, it's already in the past, which doesn't exist.

Therefore, nothing really exists.

>> No.1878932

The concept of time is still not really understood and there seems to be no real effort to investigate that. We do have quite an understanding of how space and time are linked, other than that: tough luck.

On the other hand, space and time are equivalent and it's just our stubborn way of thinking that seems to have a problem, the rest of the universe is quite cool with it.

>> No.1878939

Presentism is inconsistent with general relativity. Look it up, follow links, learn about physics.

Spoiler: universe is a 4 dimentional block-space, all-existing and static.

>> No.1878940

inb4 nothing really mattress

>> No.1878949

Keep your nihilism out of here.

>> No.1878962

The concept of time was just invented by humans so that they could figure out how old things are or when things happen or are going to happen. What we perceive as time is always moving forward, but couldn't have started and can't stop, since its only a measurement of the number of units of time have past or will pass.

>> No.1878974

no. things dont just start. did math start

>> No.1878978

He who controls the past controls the future.
He who controls the present controls the past.

>> No.1878984

Well kind of when some nut discovered it or something. But that's pretty much the start of our understanding of math.

>> No.1878985



>> No.1878990

Check out my site OP

>> No.1878999

>implying I believe what men in white coats tell me

>> No.1879130

No one knows. Those who say they do are bullshitting. I shall now proceed to bullshit: The universe has been doing what it does for all eternity, that is erupting forth from a single, impossibly dense point, where it expands for a few hundred billion years, and then slowly shrinks. Eventually the shrinking accelerates, and again the universe is one single impossibly small point, but this doesn't last long. Like a ball thrown hard into a wall, it quickly reverses, once more expanding. And so the cycle repeats, some cycles form more planets then others out of the endless clouds of hydrogen mostly, some cycles don't. And so it continues, the cycle of expansion and retraction, as it has for hundreds and hundreds of centillions of years. Or I could be full of shit.