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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 12 KB, 210x251, asian man shares his watermelon slice with his ape companion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1877337 No.1877337 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /sci/ related dreams.

>Go to new Literature class
>walk in, see teacher
>teacher is Richard Dawkins
>he is the best teacher ever

>> No.1877355
File: 34 KB, 234x251, kermit is sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
>mfw I wake up

>> No.1877354

>go to class
>the other students aren't retarded

seriously, it's so disheartening to go to physics and have to listen to someone argue with the teacher about something stupid like "oh man why don't internal forces matter sir they're still FORCES"

>> No.1877362

> Go to /sci/
> Scroll down, see this topic
> OP is a faggot
> He is the biggest faggot ever

>> No.1877373

>Be naturally gifted in mathematics
>Any PhD I want

>> No.1877414

>dream I was an atheist/agnostic
>life is depressing and lonely
>wake up
>thank the lord for my wonderful life

>> No.1877432

> go outside
> all religious people have either been shot in the head or locked up in a mental institute
> at last peace and progress

>> No.1877448

>implying that the lack of God isn't the reason for chaos and sin

>> No.1877463
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> implying the best countries to live in aren't the least religious

>> No.1877466

You do know that ALL wars in the history of MANKIND have been because of atheists and their "secular agenda" to get rid of God.

>> No.1877471
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>> No.1877489

>get pwnd hard
>say other person is a troll
Nice debating skills you got there bro

>> No.1877494
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>> No.1877498

WTF is happening in this thread guys?

>> No.1877505
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>> No.1877516
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>> No.1877523

>implying america wasn't the greatest country in the world for 200 years as a country based on God

>> No.1877527

Hey, butthurt samefag, See:

>> No.1877533

>>1877523 > america based on God
Lol No.

>america was the greatest country in the world for 200 years.
Lol No.

>> No.1877536
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> implying the founding fathers of the us weren't against organized religion
> implying the us isn't declining as a superpower thanks to their moronic religious fanatics

You had a good run, Americans.

>> No.1877538



And that was my first post in this godawful thread. Just an innocent objective observer.

>> No.1877539

... rebuttal? or just saying lol no...

>> No.1877540

How many wars has USA lost?
How many wars has your 3rd world country won?
Don't be mad just because God loves us more.

>> No.1877543

>i pledge allegiance, to the flag...one nation, under god

>greatest superpower in the world

but nice debate skills, i particularly enjoyed the part where you said, "no"
very stimulating

>> No.1877550


>> No.1877556

Vietnam wasn't a war idiot.
It was a conflict.
And we still won anyways.
Go read history before you post faggot.

>> No.1877561

i can't tell if you're serious, because your comment is so retarded

>> No.1877562

its didnt have under god in it originally

>> No.1877565

>ad hominem
Typical atheist argument...

>> No.1877567
File: 61 KB, 389x388, 1272347879122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>War is a phenomenon of organized violent conflict

You're just butthurt that you got your asses handed to you by some gooks in tree huts.

>> No.1877572

Don't shit urself

>> No.1877576
File: 10 KB, 185x273, Arguingoninternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never has this image been more true.

>> No.1877581

okay hypothetically speaking god exists
why would he possibly like America more than any other country?

>> No.1877584

>i pledge allegiance, to the flag...one nation, under god
Under god was added in the 50s. Your country was founded by secularists.

>> No.1877585

Great job atheist, more LOL funny pictures and no actual arguments.
Have fun in hell.

>> No.1877593


Again, I'm just an observer, tired of seeing this shit on page 1.

>> No.1877592

Because we were the first free nation!

>> No.1877595

Ever hear of the war of 1812?

Hint: Its the one where *Canadians* and British burned down the white house.

>> No.1877597
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Then why can't I own a Canadian, smart guy?

>> No.1877600

Shit even if they believe it they'll do it wrong. Like the bitch in this evolution class I'm in who asked what kind of Australopithecus ancient Egyptians were

>> No.1877607

>evolution class

>> No.1877614

we are not free any more than any other country and we most certainty not the first. This is your gods favorite country because you live in it.
If you lived in Israel, guess what? you would think that that was god's favorite country

>> No.1877616

>Again, I'm just an observer, tired of seeing this shit on page 1.
Then why aren't you putting sage in the email field?
Typical idiot atheist.

>> No.1877622
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> thinks sage works outside of /b/

>> No.1877628

It does if you put it in all fields

>> No.1877701

Or if you put it in just email field. Like it says on the 4chan FAQ...

>> No.1877845
File: 70 KB, 301x450, 1285783976219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All fields
>Didn't put it in the image field