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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 83 KB, 700x438, Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1870522 No.1870522 [Reply] [Original]

god = love

>> No.1870527


>> No.1870528

so god= oxytocin and vassopressin?

>> No.1870529
File: 90 KB, 479x299, MasterXehanortKH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satan = government

>> No.1870530

so OP i see you are new to trolling

>> No.1870533

god doesnt need to be a supernatural creature, it can also be sth thats really precious to you, like "love".

>> No.1870541

Chemicals don't exist,
Saying something is 'a chemical' is disregard, saying that the specific thing is meaningless, and the work generated between 'chemicals' is expendable.

>> No.1870545

sup aether

>> No.1870555

god = energy. Faggot.

>> No.1870564

Nature is humanity's mother
The Sun is humanity's father
These are 100% fact,
========================= <--- (line A)
You see "line A", you deny all whats written above it, and from below it you start making conclusions. You don't accept your roots, you deny and ignore, which means every conclusion that you do come to is false and egotistical.

What now?

>> No.1870567

hmmm, what now science? mad?

>> No.1870568


You think too small and act too big for your britches.

>> No.1870569

that's not an answer, NEXT!
"What now science? Hmmm? Still mad?"

>> No.1870571

disregard that i suck dicks

>> No.1870577

So you're all still in denial then? Brilliant!

You forget about your mother nature, You forget about your father the sun. You then guise your human parents in those clothes. After you deny the love that brought you here, and again place the work in your parents hands. You worship the government, which is the Synagogue of Satan, and you don't even consider your roots.

100% evil, retarded and dumb.
You deserve to be killed, and you're going to earn yourselves (and us good people) hell on earth. You're scum, I'd love to rip you to pieces.

>> No.1870584

Oh hai Aether. I see you've changed your tripcode after failing horribly by revealing you're a fucking retard without a degree.

>> No.1870585
File: 186 KB, 894x894, Terror-Aether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat got your tounge? Mad?

You'll never be able to say you were as brave as me, or as intelligent. You'll never be able to say you loved life more, or that you were more romantic. You'll never be a better human than me, and you'll never achieve more than what I did. You'll never know God, like I did. You're on level with cockroaches and rats, whilst I'm a child of the sun and nature, and I love, love.


>> No.1870588

>or as intelligent
Coming from the guy who admittedly doesn't understand calculus. Trollface.jpg

>> No.1870592

But who obviously understands life; what would you consider more important, life, or calculus. Mad?? Jelly? You spend your time reading the Devils word, which enslaves you and drives you insane - unimaginative and soulless, you treat everything as chemicals. I on the other hand am free, and everything is life.

>> No.1870595

You don't understand anything. You don't know anything. You're a delusional faggot. Are you mad? If not, why keep posting on this board? Psychological problems? Is that why you got discharged from the navy?

>> No.1870597

You are living in a world dominated by technological advancement. Deal with it.

>> No.1870598

Care to elaborate and explain why...

These two statements are wrong

>> No.1870601

I'm a Christian, ofcourse I enjoy technology. I'm more of a scientist than you are. The problem is the destruction of nature, the ignorance of humanitys parents, and disregard for life/love.

>> No.1870603

Ow wow, that's just another huge fail. Samefagging faggot.

>> No.1870607

You didn't elaborate, therefore you're suppressing without education on the opposing argument. You're not intelligent and you just admitted that.

Elaborate and tell me why these statements were false.

>> No.1870612

>The problem is the destruction of nature, the ignorance of humanitys parents, and disregard for life/love.
if thats your definition of evil, then im a good person. i try to reduce my "carbon footprint", i understand the importance of the sun for human life and, in a way, the nature's influence on us. What we call "evolution" is basically the nature's "will". and im grateful for life and love.
im an atheist though.

>> No.1870633


You're nothing more than a pitiful cuckold. Ignorant of the very intricate patterns existing intrinsically within every single action of what it is that you claim to love so dearly. I hate to be the one to break it to you, and on the internet, no less -- but your love is in the arms of the natural sciences while you're too busy claiming that she is not that type of girl. I'm assuming you are still very young, at least I should hope so.

>> No.1870634

your mom = spontaneous anal sex with big black cock every saturday night

>> No.1870637

Aether your problem is:

you just present us with your believes. Of course nobody will say: YES, you are RIGHT! Now I see. Nature IS our mother etc.

you have to back up your believes. Define mother for example. What do you mean by "nature is our mother".

We are part of nature, that is a fact. But why use the term mother? Start there, explain it to me.

>> No.1870643
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satan = love

>> No.1870647
File: 162 KB, 338x273, dick-tracy-watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is troll.

>> No.1870657

Care to answer me aether?

>> No.1870658
File: 152 KB, 447x700, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kingdom hearts = great game

>> No.1870663
File: 5 KB, 125x98, 1281830411742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aether (michael) = huge faggot

>> No.1870680


Is that him?

>> No.1870692
File: 20 KB, 640x480, m19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nature is humanity's mother, for through evolution of the ~heat from the sun~ and the ~cold of nature~ we were born. Therefore nature is humanity's mother, for we came from her, and the sun is humanity's father, for it's his work that led us to be here.

What more explanation do you need?

>> No.1870694

You can ignore the truth all you like, but when you realise there is no-one waiting for you, you'll regret it.

>> No.1870696
File: 11 KB, 192x192, fail1286440834461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1870712

you're all obviously mad, i'll let you drown in your egos for a bit and then post this again later. toodles 'individuals'

>> No.1870714
File: 30 KB, 386x442, Aether_the_gayest_of_the_apes3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bullshit bullshit...random bullshit....more bullshit...I dont know how to use words...pay attention to me....random bullshit

Sooner or later, someone will find out where you live and fuck you up for yout faggotry

>> No.1870719

Egos? Your the tripfag here, with the manic need to plaster your face all over /sci/.

>> No.1870721

For life, and for humanity, dying is not a problem.

>> No.1870733


>avoiding the question
>obviously dumb/mad


Explain why this
Is incorrect

>> No.1870736


You can't cause it's true. Time to make pics and spread acrross the internet.

>> No.1870738
File: 28 KB, 512x360, Aether_loves_the_cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain why this is incorrect

>> No.1870740


Becuase a Hellion is just a vulture with a firebat gun.

Internets: 1
Aether: 0

Flawless victory, ect.

>> No.1870741

The statement is true, it needs no explanation. We did come from nature (evolution), and nature is a result of the cold on the earth and the heat from the sun.

>> No.1870742




>> No.1870743
File: 71 KB, 640x480, 128482138n2490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can't cause it's true. aether is a huge underage faggot who loves the cocks!

>> No.1870745

Here's why I don't believe God = love.

God created man in his image. Artists often hate what they've created right after they make it, and dick around with it until they get pissed off and burn the damn thing.

Revelations, man.

>> No.1870747

What game is that from? I can't tell if it's Kingdom Hearts or Warcraft.

>> No.1870748


Yep, you sure showed us. Guess you'll be leaving now.

>> No.1870749


He still thinks God is a man on the clouds!!!


Here's why you don't think God = love, (education, media, government).

You fucking prick, don't ever claim to be Christian infront of me you little rodent.

>> No.1870750

Kingdom hearts, a tale of sealed truth. Revenge or love, you choose (it ends with revenge on 2012).

>> No.1870752

how does it fell to have no friends?

>> No.1870759

It's feel and not bad, depends what friends you're talking about, 'individuals' are not friends, they're just walking clones that I bump in to now and again. As for human friends, I have many, in spirit.

>> No.1870761
File: 5 KB, 200x200, sad_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does it fell to have no friends?
It must be a fell thing indeed.

>> No.1870764


Watch this video.

Blonde Haired is the Spirit of Christianity.
Brown Haired is the Spirit of Al Quieda
Blue Haired is the Spirit of Muslims

All are one, and aim for the same cause.
They keys, are you guys, nothing but tools to the government and his army (represented by the suitd anti soldier; as you can see in the video, the government reinforces the spirit of his army with keys (that's you guys and planes, and rockets).

If the power of love does not change the world.
The power of revenge will force it to.

>> No.1870770

Fells good man. Fells them good.

>> No.1870773

us theists hold our keys in our hands.

>> No.1870774

Dude, this is for your own good.

Turn off the computer. Go outside. Now. Take a walk. Interact with people. Your mind is just about gone. Step away from the computer before it's too late.

Most of us who spend any amount of time here have issues. But you are seriously careening over the edge. Get a grip, man.

>> No.1870778

I think it's time he got some sleep.

>> No.1870780
File: 57 KB, 435x600, Sigmund-Freud-photo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have little if no scocial skills (steming from bad parenting), and are borderline mentally retarded. You come to /sci/, as it is the only place you get to communicate with other human beings (Other the the gay gang rapes). You seek social validation in your life, you urge to fit in. Sadly, being mocked on /sci/ is the closest thing you know to friendship, hence you urge your own mockey.

>I pity you.....
You are a sad sad little kid who is in desperate need of psychological help.

>Hang in there....
Have you ever thought of being less of a faggot?
Maybe you might actually make friends in real life?

>> No.1870782

You're both keys, what's the problem?

>> No.1870783

You're a key too, and a fraud. No such thing as psychology, you're all insane.

>> No.1870788

As you can see in the video, the Muslim spirit saves the Al Quieda spirit through faith; giving the Al Quidea spirit time to prepare.

Didn't we just pull out of Iraq?

>> No.1870791
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>> No.1870795
File: 41 KB, 250x350, 1274784202683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

represent faggot

>> No.1870796

love = love
God = God

I just want you all to know that I'm working very diligently on solving problems between science and religion. Soon I will release a free document reveal the only truth that all is one and one is all.

But you must MUST understand that nothing really matters.

Learn more about the properties of nothing and you may learn more than eye.

>> No.1870798
File: 347 KB, 759x549, 1279047357628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt gay gang rape the BEST

>> No.1870804
File: 41 KB, 700x459, 1281127180417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horray a gay thread

>> No.1870810
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>> No.1870821
File: 23 KB, 485x323, 20081111-hardcore-gay-sex_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat gay

>> No.1870825
File: 122 KB, 721x535, 1278640058765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey aether?
where you at?
lets get together and have gay seck

>> No.1870827

God = Love
The reason Gays exist, is the thought of "being romantic" is gay, and that's exactly why homosexuality is at place in society.

So no, this thread is not Gay, you guys are.

>> No.1870843

Okay, okay. So you say the sun and the earth are our parents, because without them we obviously wouldn't exist.

So? What does that imply?

>> No.1870848
File: 34 KB, 364x242, fat-asian-queers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1870850
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>> No.1870851
File: 102 KB, 500x375, 3464616703_2f46e15354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill the gays!

>> No.1870856

engineering thread?

>> No.1870857
File: 23 KB, 336x262, raw-black-guys-extreme-hardcore-action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you want to kill aether?

>> No.1870860

It's the fact that there is people here now who know I'm telling the truth which drives me to post on /sci/. The fact I'm doing "Good," and that you all need to be saved from the hell you're in, boosts my spirit into continuing. You treat life as death, you show no respect/love for life, only what you 'define' love as, you don't let love control you, instead you let the government (hate, greed, wars, lust, jealousy, etc) control you, and then you act like you're human, because to you it's funny. But it's not funny, you're just insane, and you use your 'defined' insane to back you up; psychology is lolmode, as I said, you're all insane to nature, you don't respect you're real mother and father, instead the government, and you believe the governments false-reality to be 'reality', when it's not, it's just words and semantics - you're already dead, you died the first death. If you know of the reaction inside the sun, and you don't treat that reaction as love, for you, then that's another meaningless factor of life.

Ergo, knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world.

Atheism: Knowledge, Greed, Lust, Sin lovers.
Theism: Imagination, Love, Peace, Good lovers
Good Vs Evil.
You're all evil, and by being evil you're all dead, zombies, no life just a meaningless insignificant existence. Even the religious who are unaware of the truth are evil, just accepting what they've been taught to be true rather than using their intelligence and romantisism to come to conclusions. You're all keys, and the government (spirit) uses these keys to conquer -- they're alive, just through evil.

I on the other hand am alive, I'm part of the true Christian Spirit, and I believe in advancement, I hold my key in my hand. Brave-hearted and Romantic, a real human.

>> No.1870864

You have no place in this world, you don't deserve to be here, and God (love) always wins, it's a fact of life. You're dealing with laws of existence, and your egos make you think that you can win this battle, but really, you're just keys, and the government is fighting your battle. Now tell me, what exactly has the government done to help the world? I only see depletion of resource, waste, pollution, wars, brainwashing, etc. So whilst you think "Oh it's fine, LOL, this kids Gayyyy!" you're really sitting still, dead, in the last days of time.

>> No.1870867

aether is an engineer?

>> No.1870871

Aether is a Christian Scientist, a real scientist; not a dead-mad-scientist (like you guys)

>> No.1870878


God cannot be known. Don't say he's love because that means you think you know him.. and you don't know shit,

stfu you dumb cunt

>> No.1870883

2/10 plus a gold star for the effort.

wtf guys, is this board really this full of christfags? I just came here today and all I see is christfag / troll threads

>> No.1870884

government keeps us safe from the church which is the epitome of evil


>> No.1870886

How does it feel to know, that for the rest of your lives, you will never achieve something "Good," only a boost of morale in your insane-mind. It's exactly the same as a retarded person getting a certificate saying "You're Retarded," and that's with anything you guys will do, throughout your whole meaningless life. You are so insignificant you're almost invisible, nobodies. You can buy the best clothes on the planet, but you're still a monkey standing there still in some cotton, laughing about the paper you have in your hands. LOL, you're all fucking insane. How ya feelin? Trained-Dogs?

>> No.1870890
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>> No.1870893

I guess being an egotistical dick is just part of the theist experience, eh?

>> No.1870894
File: 46 KB, 450x301, NYC_gay_pride_062507_03-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay pride bro!

>> No.1870898

Now that's just uncalled for. Who was that talking about love earlier? The stupidity of some people just amazes me. I really, REALLY hope you're a troll; for your own sake! BTW, high-five if you are. You got me.

>> No.1870902
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>> No.1870906
File: 69 KB, 199x176, 1272315967342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aether = michael = gay troll

>> No.1870920

a human without an ego, is not human.

>> No.1870926

Compare me, to you, and see what you're missing out on. Zombies.

>> No.1870928

Lol, is that you? "Rip you to pieces" haahahahha this is the best thread ever, thanks faggot! This is actually one of the best laughs I've had in a few days, and that's saying a LOT!

>> No.1870938

The spirits of Christianity and Islam will rip you to pieces, probably in 2012. What's funny about that, you'll scream and moan when it happens, you're just a pussy in a government home who thinks he's a man. LOL That's the funny part, a man, yet he's weak and cowardly !

>> No.1870942

Ya'll are just mad he's telling the truth.

>> No.1870954

I thought this was /sci/ where we debate and fact-check, not /new/ where people spam ad hominem's at the first thing they don't like.

>> No.1870972
File: 16 KB, 360x288, omnomnom1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aether.You are a genius.I'm crying because i laughed as i had never laughed before.Seriously,you are awesome.I can't believe that there can be so much fail in one place.Thank you!Thank you!THANK YOU! You have just made my day great!
I will keep bumping the thread with nice photos

>> No.1870997
File: 477 KB, 768x961, Fatal_crash_9_From_Charonboat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael?Could you please continue with your hilarious rant?

>> No.1871004

I thought the world was supposed to end 2,000 years ago

What happened Christfags? Did you miscalculate god's word?

>> No.1871005

Sometimes I can't help but feel helpless
I'm havin daymares in daytime
Wide awake try to relate
This can't be happenin like I'm in a dream while I'm walkin
Cause what I'm seein is haunting
Human beings like ghost and zombies
President Mugabe holding guns to innocent bodies
In Zimbabwe
They make John Pope seem Godly
Sacrilegious and blasphemous

In my lifetime I look back at paths i've walked
Where savages fought and pastors taught
Prostitutes stomp in high heel boots
And badges screaming,"Young black children stop or I will shoot!"
I look back at cooked crack
Plus cars that pass by
Jaguars mad fly
And I'm guilty for materialism
Blacks is still up in the prison Trust that
So save me your sorries, I'm raising an army
Revolutionary warfare with Damian Marley
We sparkin' the ions, marching to Zion
You know how Nas be NYC state of mind I'm in

>> No.1871009
File: 55 KB, 352x338, loldong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1871012

I feel sorry that you keep images like that on your computer, you must have problems.

>> No.1871016
File: 49 KB, 640x512, Dissected-chan-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do you.But at least your are funny,lol

>> No.1871018

Those pictures along with the gay pictures, are there to scare you cowardly trained-dog mentality humans away, awww ;3, bless you're little coward socks.

>> No.1871024

/sci/, I thought you were the one board that was free of pictures of penises being mutilated...

Wow, I never thought I would say that phrase.

>> No.1871027
File: 903 KB, 737x1049, bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh,sorry i pissed you off Michael. I know you must be now crying from such quite nasty images. I would love to meet you and tell you how sorry i am for what i have done.I would love then to fist your little ass as you scream for mercy.

>> No.1871029


>> No.1871040


>> No.1871043

The man has a trained-dog mentality, and he has a bad interpretation of religion, overstanding, he still thinks it's a fairy-tale; "I want to feel reality," and therefore he's saying religion isn't reality. What a fucking idiot, individual faggot.

>> No.1871046
File: 279 KB, 400x480, 7c09a2625b9e3f806d0c840e8b9004723469def2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this, michael: If everyone thinks you're crazy, would they believe you even if you were right?

Look, you could be right about some things, but the way you are framing your arguments is fucking insane. Almost nobody is going to tolerate that long enough to extract any reasoning from it. I'm used to seeing crazy shit and even I am having a hard time following it.
I can kind of see where you are coming from, but you have to slow the fuck down and spell it out for people to follow it. Also, when you get feedback, you need to try and understand what people are saying and clarify or correct your points, not scream at people.

>> No.1871053
File: 129 KB, 700x525, CAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1871058

Let's begin:

1. Chemicals don't exist.
~The simple reason being that a 'chemical' seems worthless, expendable and humans believe they are different/above chemicals. When really these chemicals are working to grant you life. The sun for example; to you, 'scientist', it's just a constant chemical reaction. Where as to me, Christian, it's love for us, and the reaction is the sun working for us, it's our father, and alike our human father, it's job is to work.

Do you understand this, if you don't you're retarded or ignorant cause sorry, it's pretty simple.

>> No.1871059
File: 9 KB, 300x317, Stephen Malkmus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1871068

Ahh, the good old "The universe was created for us" mentality.

What if we find life amongst the stars? Was the universe created for them too? Who died for their sins?

>> No.1871070
File: 25 KB, 560x420, 101007171424-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


michael doesn't exist, nothing to be seen here citizens, move along, this thread is now about upright "walking" bacteria

>> No.1871076

Well, if you are going to be civilized,then only now i will enter this argument.
I can agree with you Michael,everyone can,in fact.Why?Because what you are saying,it is only an issue of interpretation. The Sun is there and it works as it works ( a nuclear reaction),and you can give it the meaning you want,thus symbolizing it.It's not bad to do so;if your point of view makes you treat people in a good way,makes you take care of the environment,and so on,then i don't see why your life philosophy is something bad,even if it is wrong.As long you allow scientific research,you won't have,at least with me,any kind of problem

>> No.1871079

You dumbass the sun IS a giant nuclear fusion reactor. All stars are. We can also actually see chemicals and study them.

Quit trying to fucking personify the sun.

>> No.1871085


2. The universe was created for everything, I worship 'we', meaning I worship everything, and everything is love. The human 'spirit' is what I'm a part of, it's my family, and by nature I would respect my 'family' the most, whilst respecting everything else, for I believe in God (love), rather than Satan (hate).

If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.

>> No.1871087


I'll try to reciprocate that.

Life is inseparable from nature and chemistry. You seek to abolish boundaries that we set separating the two then?

>> No.1871093
File: 188 KB, 1100x907, epicurius_god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1871106

3. I'm a Christian Scientist, I'm not worried about having a problem with you, I want you to change your research and protect my mother. You allow the love you've been taught to forget to control, you're a media and education clone. You're not a scientist, you're 'scientific' research is death worship; worship being 'following that path' -- in the end, due to your sciences (nukes, depletion of resource, disease, etc) you end existence for the human spirit and the sons of mother nature/jacob. You also kill our mother, and that's not fair.

You are dumb -- you're not romantic, you're taught to focus more on death worship (I've explained what worship means in this context) rather than loving women and loving life -- if you don't die through nukes, etc, you'll die through racial slop, your education is nihilistic, you pull the blacks, asians, indians, etc towards your country, through spreading disease and disorder in theirs; they move east, and you never move west, why would you want to? Slowly (in your eyes), through homosexuality, bad birth rates, deaths, the white race becomes extinct. All due to one word, "nigger".

Any questions on part 3, or is it a K.O?

>> No.1871117

I want to advance, with a good spirit. I support the government, if the government tells the truth. I support science, if the science brings only good, and saves my mother.

You can't call yourself a scientist if you worship death. It's dellusion.

>> No.1871123

You treat science as if it was the one doing harm. The use you make of it is what is wrong or not.For example, nukes is a wrong use. Medicine,is good.
Industry is what kills Mother Earth, not science itself. On the contrary,nowadays we are investigating how to stop this. Science has also saved my life ( i had once to get a surgery,a quite complex one,and well,here i am :P) and will save the Human race.
Also, i didn't actually understand that post 100%,so could you please elaborate a little more on it?Thanks in advance

>> No.1871132
File: 329 KB, 561x794, b335715cd522675b77999fc0c44c806b7012399b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A scientist's purpose is to discover, not to destroy. Scientists must avoid irreversible destruction even for the sake of discovery.

>> No.1871141

Epicurius, that sly bastard. I wish I could meet the philosophers of old.

>> No.1871161

This is correct.

Under the influence of 'Atheism'; the belief in the letter 'a' (the real atheism, the belief in no love), you become a meaningless fiend.

The term 'a tree' seems expendable, you put yourself above it, under the impression that it's there for you to use, not for you to protect or 'be as one' with.

The term 'the tree'; theism; the belief in the word 'the' (true theism, the belief in love), gives more meaning to the factor. The tree, is here to give us life, we should respect the tree; if the tree is hurt, we should fix it.

If 'a tree', it's not a problem right?
Today 'a man' died,
Yesterday 'a country' got nuked,

The Christian (is a scientist) who wants to advance with 'good' spirit. Promotes romantisism and good will, protects his mother, and is greatful towards his father.

As I said before, the chemical reaction in the sun, to you 'scientists' (not really scientists), is nothing but chemicals, you're above them, they're here for you to use and are expendable. To me, it's important, I'm thankful for it and I'm not at any point saying that the work the sun does is nothing but a chemical reaction, because chemicals don't exist, only life and love.

>> No.1871173
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Think of all the great quotes from great people that are misunderstood. This one for example, makes so much sense to me, but to you guys, nothing, just a poetic piece of language, and this is one quote, imagine all those you've misinterpreted; Ghandi, Da Vinchi, ?? You've got some enlightenment to experience.

>> No.1871177

Hang on...
Does there really have to be an equal amount of good/evil in the world?

>> No.1871180


>> No.1871195
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>> No.1871199
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>> No.1871222
File: 90 KB, 652x427, 46745_116122368443217_108943762494411_108676_3090222_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ thread.

>> No.1871229

I win then?
It's not often you find a Christian winning debates on /sci/... Or anywhere really. Brilliant, I better save the thread to add to my collection.

>> No.1871243

Ha...Ha....Ha.... ha ha

>> No.1871250


That's Kingdom Hearts, OP.

>> No.1871251

Sometimes I wish that I wasn't the only Christian troll on this board, and that the Spirit of Christianity is here with me, trolling subliminally...... One can only dream.

>> No.1871267
File: 16 KB, 255x352, LaughingElfMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when 90% of the posts in this thread are OP's.

>> No.1871808

You still have to prove everything you have said...you haven't done so.You only interpret reality as you wish.