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1869630 No.1869630 [Reply] [Original]

can someone explain Schrodinger's Cat in simple terms?

>> No.1869637
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>> No.1869641
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>> No.1869649
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>> No.1869652

all possible outcomes occur simultaneously until what ever it is is observed.
Schrodinger said if you put a cat in a box with a geiger counter wired up to a hammer that would break a vial of poison if the geiger counter detected something radioactive and a radioactive material that has a 50% chance of being detected by a geiger counter
than the only way to tell if the cat was dead or still alive was by opening the box and checking. And that until you do check both possibilities are occurring simultaneously

also wikipedia is your friend

>> No.1869654

I read the wiki, didn't make much sense to me

>> No.1869656
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>> No.1869657

Once someone suggested the idea that everything in the universe could expressed as a cloud of random particles without shape, and that it takes shape and form only when we observe it.

Schrodinger gave an example with a cat that showed it was fundamentally flawed.

His experiment was an attempt to show that the state of any particle could dramatically effect the surrounding world, and that particles and their effects happened in real time.

Schrodinger's cat gives the example of a particle that could either be complete or could have been exhausted, ON or OFF if you want to think of it in terms of the result. The result of OFF was a living cat, the result of ON was a dead cat.

The theory Schrodinger was trying to disprove stated that the cat was both alive and dead until it was observed because the particle was neither on nor off till observed, which is silly.

>> No.1869659
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>> No.1869667

also important:

>>Schrödinger did not wish to promote the idea of dead-and-alive cats as a serious possibility; quite the reverse, the paradox is a classic reductio ad absurdum. The thought experiment serves to illustrate the bizarreness of quantum mechanics and the mathematics necessary to describe quantum states. Intended as a critique of just the Copenhagen interpretation (the prevailing orthodoxy in 1935), the Schrödinger cat thought experiment remains a topical touchstone for all interpretations of quantum mechanics. How each interpretation deals with Schrödinger's cat is often used as a way of illustrating and comparing each interpretation's particular features, strengths, and weaknesses.