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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1869572 No.1869572 [Reply] [Original]

If theres no sound in space how did armstrong and those other dudes talk to houston??

atheists: 0
christians: 1

>> No.1869581

Thought so too stumped to answer i guess

>> No.1869584
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>> No.1869585

>Implying the sun is made of fire and burns

>> No.1869589

If you pick both, then what?

>> No.1869590

>implying you dodged the actual querstion because you love cocks. and you dont know.

>> No.1869592

what is the air in space contain?

>> No.1869596


>> No.1869601

>air in space.


>> No.1869604

Look up plasma. Plasma doesn't need oxygen, in fact, if it does come in contact with it, it destorys it. Thats why there is no oxygen in space.

>> No.1869607

cause it's' like really hot

>> No.1869610

I looked up plasma in my Christian textbook and it says it needs god. Checkmate Atheists, its in a textbook.

>> No.1869612

Also if theres no sound that can travel through a vacuum how come there so loud?

>> No.1869616

why is it so expensive to go to space//??? cant we just make everything you need to go to space free?

>> No.1869619

scientists are the easiest religion to troll

>> No.1869627


it contains what we call negative air. negative air is made of negative matter, which can not be measured, seen, or in any other way observed. but for yet unknown reasons, electromagnetic waves travel through it.

>> No.1869629

coz greedy athiests want space all to themselves so they can be like hey god doesn't exist cuz i go into space. Checkmate coz jesus loves spshul snowflakes

>> No.1869634

how come we don't know. i thought we had smart scientists out there..... like michio kaku, albert einstein, richard dawkins

they don't know?

>> No.1869635

>unknown reasons
Sounds like god. Checkmate

>> No.1869636
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Kaku reporting in...

>> No.1869644

If OP has nothing but a vacuum between his ears, how does his skull keep from imploding?

Athiests: 0
Christians: 0
/sci/: 1

>> No.1869648
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Speshul Snoooflake repoorting in.

>> No.1869653

op here and no you fail. also since there would be two vacuums one for each ear they wopuld cancel each other out.
go love your dads cock fag

>> No.1869658

What the hell kind of science and math board is THIS?!?!

>> No.1869660
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I want to see the proof that a vacuum has a unique inverse

>> No.1869672

doesnt the law "matter is neither created nor destroyed" contradict itself when scientists say the big bang "created" the galaxy....

>> No.1869668

he used jesus magic dumbass

>> No.1869670
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>> No.1869675

u mad

>> No.1869680

uhh not a law

plz see E=mc^2

>> No.1869682

You can't win in a game of chess against god, he just breaks all the rules.

>> No.1869684

says in my book that it's a law....

>> No.1869686

This is failchan.org, that's all anyone needs to know.

>> No.1869688
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no. you can create a brick from clay. you can create universe from an everything particle making a bang. a particle containing everything making a bang is gonna be a big fucking bang. hence bbt.

>> No.1869690

Because the Sun doesn't "burn" in any shape, way, or form. It's continuous nuclear fusion that goes on and on for billions and billions of years.

>> No.1869701

The Big Bang was never created. Matter can never be created or destroyed, but it can convert into pure energy as well as pure energy can convert itself into matter. The Big Bang would be nothing more than a huge release of energy that converted into matter, and is still converting to matter to this day as the universe expands.

>> No.1869706


don't try to contradict it without even having your lower division physics classes done.

>> No.1869707

that doesn't make sense.....so you're saying a tiny particle just one day out of no where exploded creating everything we know, just because it wanted to? someone or something had to have made this "bang" happen...

>> No.1869709

Correction, there is no sound in a vacuum. This is because sound travels through the air or through solid objects. A vacuum is an area that is completely devoid of any kind of atmosphere. Seal a box until it is airtight, pump out the air until there is not a single atom of air and you get a total vacuum. Neil Armstrong and the other Apollo 11 astronauts used a radio to communicate with mission control in Houston, Texas. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves, which light is also. They do not rely on the air as a medium. A radio detects these electromagnetic waves and translates them into audio that humans can perceive. The audio is emitted from a speaker, which is modeled after the human voicebox and uses the air that the astronauts brought with them inside their spacecraft to allow sound to be transmitted from the speaker to their ears. To send a message back, the crew spoke into a microphone that translates the sound their voiceboxes make into electromagnetic waves that are detected by mission control's radio, translated into audio for them to hear and vice versa. As for the sun, it is not a ball of fire, but a ball of superheated plasma that is created through natural fusion reactions caused by the sun's mass compressing in on itself. Fusion reactions happen as long as there are atoms and as long as there is a force to exert on the atoms to make them fuse and does not rely on oxidation.

>> No.1869712

as far as i know, atoms are what create sound. we can hear them..... so then if we can't hear "sound" in space doesnt that mean it doesnt exist... are you saying there's no atoms that make up space?

>> No.1869720


ok...let's break this down...sound travels via pressure waves. you hear shit because those pressure waves beat against your ear drums. in space there is not enough matter to allow pressure waves to propagate

>> No.1869721
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Science prevails again

>> No.1869729
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>> No.1869738


accumulation of energy is one possible explanation. the particle living in the 5th (i think) dimension accumulates energy and then reaches a breaking point. one theory is that the universe expands then due to gravitational forces the expansion slows down and the universe collapses on itself. once it collapses it accumulates so much potential energy that it cannot be contained, and "bangs" again. like a mass on a spring, oscillating. I think this is a terrible explanation on my part. I haven't had upper-division GR yet.

>> No.1869745

The sun is a miasma of superheated plasma

>> No.1869746

Not to add fuel to the trolling fire, but, you're sort of wrong.

Stars with masses larger than ours actually rely more so on the C-N-O cycle to fuse hydrogen into helium. In case you didn't realize it, the C, N, and O in that name refer to Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen.

>> No.1869759



sorry but sound waves can be sent through space

>> No.1869776

Sorry, but I won't believe any news article written by a bunch of kanucks.

>> No.1869782



>> No.1869793

>>which can not be measured, seen, or in any other way observed.

So god is negative matter? WTFUX?!

>> No.1869804


no. god doesn't exist. get with the program.

>> No.1869808

Okay, but the way it works is it's like a tuning fork. It only causes vibrations in two objects made of this quartz through electromagnetic waves. Although this might mean that we won't have to rely on complicated radios to communicate over short distances and instead make microphones and speakers out of this quartz and put them in space suits for astronauts to communicate with each other.

>> No.1870485

Implying a christian textbook is a real book.