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1866608 No.1866608 [Reply] [Original]

Will humanity ever go to another galaxy?


>Andromeda Galaxy 2,540,000 light-years away

>> No.1866614


>> No.1866616

Eventually, I don't see why not.

>> No.1866621

are you a fucken ass

>> No.1866624

Not human beings in their present form. However, cybernetic hybrids are already on their way in, and that's a real game changer.

>> No.1866629
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Don't be preposterous, the reapers have been proven to be a myth.

>> No.1866635

The galaxy will come to us

>> No.1866636

if we survive long enough and continuously advance then it would seem that we would eventually do so, yes. the issue is that unless we find a way to completely circumvent light speed and relativity then to outside observers in both galaxies, millions of years will pass while the intergalactic ship is in transit.

>> No.1866640

ahh yes "reapers", we have dismissed that claim

>> No.1866644

Aside from creating worm-holes and near-light or ftl travel, there are a few possibilities for us to navigate the cosmos:

1) Find a way to digitally recreate the human mind. This way, we could effectively build a ship that is nothing more than a giant computer. This would effectively be the Matrix, except in space.

First, store the genomes of at least 2 or 3 dozen human beings, as well as numerous plants and animals that are necessary for our survival into a computer
Then, design a machine whose sole purpose is to build other machines (sort of like the stem-cell equivalent of machines)
Then, the built machines would have the tasks of building bio-domes and terra-forming them to be hospitable for earth life. Some machines would search for the elements that are necessary for life, some machines would mine for ore (or perhaps they could use carbon) to build structures and life factories, some machines would search for water, etc... etc... etc...

Put all of this into rather mediocre sized ships that fire off in different directions, each ship outfitted with computers that search for suitable planets to build upon. The ships can be initially used for parts when they land.

Those are about the only ways I can think of
After that, build a

>> No.1866662

Funny you should mention; I just saw Serenity last night.

Cybernetic hybrids will be able to take billion year naps, then wake up and go about their business. It's the only practical way I can think of to accomplish intergalactic travel.

Wormholes, even if they can be made to work, are likely to be hazardous to human health.

>> No.1866690

No. We would be lucky to survive as a species long enough to visit another star. Galaxies are way too far away, and most are receding due to the expansion of the universe.

>> No.1866691


right, because NOTHING could possibly go wrong while floating in space for billions of years under the care of robots

>> No.1866698

>>receding due to the expansion of the universe
Receding how fast? If cybernetic hybrids can nap for arbitrarily long periods of time, is this a deal breaker?

>> No.1866704

Yes. Would need sample_size > 1.

>> No.1866737

>Galaxies are way too far away, and most are receding due to the expansion of the universe.

it will be an incredibly long time (many billions of years) before expansion causes our local group of galaxies to become more inaccessible to us than they are currently. i'm not saying we will or won't ever travel among the galaxies, but if we don't then space expansion will not be the reason.

>> No.1866743

Just for the sake of some fictional perspective...

In the Star Wars canon, even after intelligent life being around for hundreds of thousands of years, and stuff like Hyperdrive being tens of thousands of years old, I don't think there's ever been exploration of another galaxy in their particular fiction. There's been an extragalactic invasion though....

It would take a level of scientific advancement much beyond what we've got now to even try that....

>> No.1866755

>It would take a level of scientific advancement much beyond what we've got now

ooo that sucks, science is declining and we will never reach a higher level of advancement ;_;

wait which way does time go?

>> No.1866758

not in the sense that you mean, OP, no

>> No.1866790

>ftl travel
Stopped reading.
No. We won't survive long enough as a species to achieve that level of technology.

>> No.1866801

Imagine the launch of a massive generational ship, bound to travel the stars for millions of years until they reach their destination!

What kind of creatures would reach Andromeda? Would they even remember their ancient mission? Will Earth be some sort of ancient myth for them, one that nobody really believes?

It would be GLORIOUS.

>> No.1866804

Define "humans"

The post singularity über-consciousness will in fact travel to other galaxies

>> No.1866815

There is no law that prohibits ftl, we have laws that prohibits going at the speed of light.
Also neutrinos have mass and travel at the speed of light

>> No.1866822

>Also neutrinos have mass and travel at the speed of light


>> No.1867516

That's assuming there is anywhere in Andromeda for someone to go. Is there air? You don't know!

>> No.1867569

>reach Andromeda
>nothing to see
>"This place sucks, let's go home!"

>> No.1869489

i wont alow this to 404

>> No.1869492

they travel close to c, not at it.

>> No.1869500

Who knows, maybe someday we'll be able to, with some new technology and knowledge that we can't even comprehend yet.

>> No.1869503

I don't see what the meaning is of us going to another galaxy. It's not like the planetary variation or physics are going to be any different.

>> No.1869512

by the time we go we won't be human anymore.

>> No.1869523

Travelling those distances using conventional means is basically pointless. Shit even trying to reach alpha centuri using those methods is pointless. If we don't invent travel using something like a wormhole humanity is doomed to die out in our solar system.

Also slightly offtopic, wouldn't it be crazy if there was a planet that harboured life that was intergalactic space? I mean, just one planet orbiting one star hurtling through space not tied to a galaxy.

>> No.1869525
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Time taken to reach Andromeda at sub light speeds, 28 years.
