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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1865338 No.1865338 [Reply] [Original]

We know the Earth is flat because the Bible tells us so. But for those of you skeptical, close-minded types that flat out refuse to accept the overwhelming Biblical evidence, I have designed some experiments you can do at home that will show you, before your very eyes, that the world is indeed flat, and not spherical as some crazy scientists proclaim. It's amazing how many people blindly believe in a spherical Earth, without ever having seen it for themselves! I intend to change that.

1) Jump!
Now, scientists claim that Earth is spherical and rotating at a speed of between 700-1000 miles per hour, depending on your latitude. This is a very high rate of speed. You can disprove this nonsense by simply jumping up as high as you can. Really, it's that simple. What happens when you jump? You come straight down to where you were. But, if the Earth were indeed spinning at such a fast speed, wouldn't you land hundreds of feet away?

If you were to stand in the flat bed of a truck going 75 mph, and jump straight up, what would happen? You wouldn't fall straight down. You would fall out of the truck. That's because trucks move, the Earth doesn't. This experiment proves the Earth is fixed in space and doesn't move.

>> No.1865342

2) Blow!
Since if the Earth is supposedly a sphere, it naturally comes to assume what would happen to people below the equator, like in Australia? Since they are underneath the sphere, wouldn't they fall off? This is where scientists come up with mumbo-jumbo like "gravity" and "centrifugal force" to explain away their theories. So, the scientists want you to think that because the earth is so much more massive than people or things, that people will naturally "stick" to the bottom of the earth because of gravity.

This can be disproved very simply. Get a balloon and inflate it as big as possible. It will be a spherical shape. Now, take a piece of paper and try to rip, tear, or cut the tiniest speck of paper possible. This paper represents a human being, much smaller in mass to the balloon, which represents the Earth. Now try and place the small piece of paper to the underside of the balloon. What happens? It falls off!

That's right. Even though the balloon is so much bigger in mass, it cannot hold the tiny paper. So if the Earth was a sphere, no one could live below the equator because they would fall off.

>> No.1865347

3) Get High!
Ok, this one you really can't do at home, but you can do it out in the world. Stand on the ground and look around you. What's the farthest you can see? Maybe it's a building, tree, or mountain. Now, find some place very close to it where you can get a much higher vantage point. (This also works if you're on a jet and about to take off.) Notice how in the higher place you can see much farther? You can see more of the world the higher you get. This shows the world is flat because the higher you go, the easier it is to see over obstacles. At the same time, it shows the world cannot be spherical. Because if the world was curved, the far distance would forever remain out of view because of the Earth's curvature. It would eternally be over the horizon.

If the Earth was a sphere, it would not matter how high you went, you would still see the same thing. Since this is not the case, the Earth is flat.

These experiments are all confirmed by creation scientists as being 100% accurate. If you're skeptical of the flat Earth, why don't you do these experiments so you can see truth with your own eyes.

Yours in Christ

>> No.1865352
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Oh you.

>> No.1865356

this got me so fucking angry when i didnt realize it was a troll site...

>> No.1865390

You mean the flatearthsociety thing?
There are about three loonies who actually believe there. The rest are incredibly skilled trolls and people who are just testing their debate skills by arguing for beliefs they don't actually hold.

>> No.1865403

>was trolled by three people

>> No.1865439

Does the bible seriously tell us the earth is flat?

>> No.1865454

There's a point where god lifts a guy so high he can see all of the Earth at once or something. Kind of hard to do that with a sphere.

>> No.1865478

on the other hand, you can to that with a map.

>If you were to stand in the flat bed of a truck going 75 mph, and jump straight up, what would happen? You wouldn't fall straight down. You would fall out of the truck.
So what is the science that keeps us in the same place relative to the earth, but not the truck?

>> No.1865623

> So what is the science that keeps us in the same place relative to the earth, but not the truck?

Inertia. With the truck, you have air resistance trying to prevent you from keeping up with the truck. If you aren't in contact with the truck, you have no way to overcome this.

If you tried it on the moon, you would land back on the truck (provided that you jumped straight up).

>> No.1865649


Do it in a truck with a closed back and you'll land in the same spot.

>> No.1865656
File: 9 KB, 198x237, 888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is highlarious

anyother jokes?

>> No.1865669


noep. they took it from Greeks.

>> No.1865700


greeks knew the earth was a sphere


>> No.1865750


Some of them knew. Others believed it was flat.
Same as geocentric and heliocentric universe, the church just picked the side of the arguement they liked best.

>> No.1865858
File: 47 KB, 419x333, 1284833826966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Earth is flat

yeah.. suuuuure


>> No.1865874

The bible says the Earth is round and "hanging upon nothing".

Sorry "edgy" kids.

>> No.1865880

Trolls sure love jumping

>> No.1865920

How would they know that?

>> No.1865951

the bible also mentions four corner of the earth.

that book is so ambiguous you can use it to "prove" just about anything.

>> No.1865954

Hi troll. How about some real science for you?

Ok, for 1. This experiment could be done by an retard, in fact it was done in the classical age by an Alexandrian librarian. There was an obelisk located somewhere in upper Egypt close to the equator and another 1 located in Alexandria. A note was made that at midday on the summer equinox there was very little to no shadow. The Librarian looked at the obelisk in Alexandria at midday on the summer equinox and noticed a shadow. He used the angle of the shadow, had a man measure and walk the distance from 1 obelisk to another and then calculated that the earth was round. He was not far off either, he was 99.6% accurate.

>> No.1865970

Ok, 2. So if you rub that balloon on your head and a hair sticks to the bottom, it shouldn't because of gravity. But it has an attraction, which has greater force than that.

Also, you are assuming that space has some sort of gravity. That is full blown retarded. Mass is the only thing which has gravity. But considering Mass and Energy should technically be convertible into each other, gravity is caused by mass, and mass is caused by gravity. And since the earth goes around the sun (obvious if you look at the orbits of planets around the sun for a while), we have seasons because the earth is wobbling, at an angle of about 23 degrees from infinity.

>> No.1865985

OK, 3. Well this is plainly stupid. You already answered the thing you were trying to disprove. We already see an infinite horizon, Because even if the world was flat, there would need to be an end. The World is not spherical, it is elliptical and more shaped like an egg than a ball or sphere. I have already shown an ancient example of why the world is round. Plus, according to your nigga logic, you believe that the ocean would literally fall off the face of the earth and magically appear.

Checkmate Troll. You have lost. Now go pray to your god. He might repair your anus.

>> No.1865990
File: 121 KB, 378x512, trolled_hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1865992


gets lolz