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File: 131 KB, 347x347, beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1856523 No.1856523 [Reply] [Original]

A current mission is planned by the Russian Space Administration to launch water bears at Phobos to study the scientific theory of panspermia.

>> No.1856535


>> No.1856557

Oh wow, maybe some day they will become intelligent enough (after millions of generations) to phone back to us.

>> No.1856581
File: 8 KB, 221x228, Bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck water bears, lets just launch some bears and see what happens

>> No.1856593

Russia so crazy.

>> No.1856602
File: 27 KB, 550x428, tardigrades-are-invincible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying water bears aren't superior

>> No.1856605
File: 54 KB, 361x365, BearInAwe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1856609

>my face when i googled water bear because i though it was some kind of actual bear

>> No.1856613

Frozen bear carcass on Phobos found 200 years later. They put it in museum, call it god of fear, after Phobos.

>> No.1856623

I bet they'll colonize and dominate Phobos. No predators, unlimited land as far as they're concerned, and underground too...

>> No.1856626
File: 36 KB, 398x398, phobos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious motherland.
Smack waterbears into Phobos, smack Phobos into Mars.

>> No.1856633
File: 56 KB, 600x471, PutinWORLDISMINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Putin is the god of the new world

>> No.1856639

The living moon.

>> No.1856650

A million years from now, the waterbears on Phobos evolve into a highly evolved, yet hateful species, and launch an attack on the species that humans become. I support this.

>> No.1856660

Then they realize that their deity, Vladimir Putin, was an Earthmen and go 'oh fuck we killed jesus what have we done'

>> No.1856659

Well shit. Are you the prime minister of water bears?

>> No.1856665

Moar like Earthbear, amirite?

>> No.1856667
File: 64 KB, 177x200, pd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then suddenly, water bear priest molest water bear children.

>> No.1856670

They need to send pics of Putin and a copy of his DNA with them so that they don't attack us.

>> No.1856671

>Some can survive temperatures of -273°C (-459 °F), close to absolute zero,[5] temperatures as high as 151 °C (303 °F), 1,000 times more radiation than other animals,[6] and almost a decade without water.[7] In September 2007, tardigrades were taken into low Earth orbit on the FOTON-M3 mission and for 10 days were exposed to the vacuum of space. After they were returned to Earth, it was discovered that many of them survived and laid eggs that hatched normally, making these the only animals known to be able to survive the vacuum of space.[8]
the real master race
100 million years later, human will be gone for sure, these guys will stay for sure

>> No.1856672

Do we even have the technology to preserve dna and photographs that long?

>> No.1856674


>> No.1856677

They'll spread out and conquer the galaxy and beyond. I am mad.

>> No.1856678

What's wrong?
Tardigrades ARE water bears.

>> No.1856680

Phobos isn't as aggresive environment as the earth is + you can simply freeze it or put it in a sealed diamond capsule.

>> No.1856687

Hmm good idea. So our future is secured... well Putins is, I bet they'll see us as trash.

>> No.1856697
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 1279268385722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My superiority complex.. utterly destroyed.

>> No.1856700

They will honor us as the children of the gods.

Then conquer us because that's what Putin would do

>> No.1856703
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 1244792325561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when the Immortal God Emperor Putin will return to Phobos a million years later and will enslave the Russian Martian Bears to conquer the universe

>> No.1856737

That's awesome. I welcome our future huge intelligent water bear masters. (we'll all live to that day thanks to Manhattan Beach Project)

>> No.1856741

First we send the water bears to Phobos, then Deimos, then Europa, then Titan, they will jumpstart an ecology!

>> No.1856746
File: 274 KB, 602x556, megivingafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 million years later, human will be gone for sure, these guys will stay for sure
and they won't have evolved/controlled anything/done anything useful

>> No.1856750

I promote you to head of NASA, send out more water bears then russia.

>> No.1856770

>implying they won't dramatically change after a 100 millions of years in a completely unusual environment for them.

>> No.1856771

There's nothing for them to eat there.

>> No.1856781

>implying anyone cares about such insignificant problems

>> No.1856784

[citation needed]

>> No.1856788

Their small size and simplicity is what allows them to survive the conditions they do. They cannot evolve any complexity without losing that.

>> No.1856790

>implying OP didn't give a link, proving his statement

>> No.1856793

>implying it's true

>> No.1856800

But they'll have no food.
Forget water bears to phobos, get some damn space-faring algae to Mars. Is there even any that could survive on Mars? If not time for GENETIC ENGINEERING.

>> No.1856806

Algae for what?

>> No.1856813

>implying they can't eat rocks for maximum awesomeness

>> No.1856834

Turning part of the atmosphere into oxygen, should we need a little extra when we get there. Also so it can spread and become a food source for later life forms, like maybe water bears. If we let the algae grow enough, and add in other simple life forms to eat it, Mars could continue life even if we kill ourselves.
Captcha: sacrifice cidead

>> No.1857016

So basically you want the algae to teraform the planet for the tardigrades?

>> No.1857034

> citation
> wikipedia
choose 1

>> No.1857038

same text

>> No.1857042

I'm talking about sending them into space.

>> No.1857047

oh u
Read the "Tardigrades" part of that text.
>inb4 lololoitrolu

>> No.1857052

dude that is a direct copy of fucking wikipedia

>> No.1857057

It's easier than terraforming it for humans, and tardigrades have the superior genome anyway

>> No.1857093

happy now?

>> No.1857130

As the website is down, here's the cached ver:

>> No.1857150
File: 61 KB, 400x388, 58351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I had a different idea of what a "water bear" was