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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1851074 No.1851074 [Reply] [Original]

First time on /sci/. Just curious about what you all think about the differences between the races or if there is any. Not trollin.

>> No.1851088

the phenotypical virus of humanity is hard to describe in one sentence but thinking of it as such is enough

>> No.1851090

By races I'm assuming you mean humanity. The difference is so small that you shouldn't care.

>> No.1851099

>species: Homo sapiens sapiens

>what you all think about the differences between the races?


>> No.1851098

There's a lot of differences between race in almost all kinds of science. Biology, psychology, chemistry, physics, etc. All races have their differences that are examinable in each of those fields and many more. And each difference is either a benefit or disadvantage from each other.

>> No.1851101

There are numerous physiological differences between the different human ethnicities, but very little if any variation in potential intellect. Many people often mistake cultural influences and lack of educational opportunity as an indicator of some inherent difference between races.

>> No.1851108

Niggers are niggers because of the culture they are raised in. Nigger culture.

>> No.1851113

Elaborate then... why is there such differences in black communities all over the world vs white communities?

>> No.1851120

see >>1851101

>> No.1851130




specify or gtfo

>> No.1851144

Studies have show that hormone levels and brain capacity differ among races. Does culture really dictate the fact that niggers have sat in Africa dancing around fires, while only bettering themselves with the occasional gift from a western country?

>> No.1851175
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>Does culture really dictate the fact that niggers have sat in Africa dancing around fires, while only bettering themselves with the occasional gift from a western country?
Yeah, it's because of African culture. As we can see from black, excuse me, African-American invididuals and their communities in American and European cultures in the cities of Detroit and New Orleans which are oh ever-so-succesful, race or hereditary traits have nothing to do with this.

>> No.1851180

itt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7itD1wab2Q

>> No.1851189
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It's called poverty. And don't even bother bringing up those IQ statistics: those can easily change over 30 points if a black guy goes to university.
I remember reading some guy that was on /sci/, before he went for some bilogy crap he was about 110, and now is nearly 150.

>> No.1851206

Hahahaha, you best be trollin.

>> No.1851213

ITT: Nigger lovers that don't want to look at facts.

>> No.1851216
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>> No.1852202
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Asians are smarter and better at techniques than everyone else.

Niggers are just physically strong, and great at running.

Hispanics have crazy endurance and can live in any shitty condition.

Indians are smelly.

Whites/Europeans are...?

>> No.1852211

The Mario character. The "balanced" one that is sort of in the middle for everything.

captcha: small bounarre

>> No.1852212


Second place at everything,

Which makes us the most well rounded.

>> No.1852242
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>> No.1852253
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Well I'm studying their instinctive behavior to find out. So far, the data is inconclusive but...

>> No.1852264


we have bigger dicks and are stronger than asians, and are smarter than both blacks and hispanics

which means we win

>> No.1852388

Intelligence is the trait that matters the most. Deal with it.

>> No.1852402

>>black communities all over the world

If by all over the world you mean the United States and Africa. Go the Britain, see black people everywhere, most of which are no dumber than anyone else, and non-of which have the retarded ghetto accent that so many in America have.

>> No.1852405


intelligence without the ability to survive or reproduce efficiently means nothing

>> No.1852411
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This thread is still up?
Judge people on their merits, personality and achievements, not the darkness of their skin.

>> No.1852428


negro detected

>> No.1852429

>>we have bigger dicks

When did we as a species apparently decide that this was a desirable trait? Having a huge penis is horrible, you can't get it all inside a girl which sucks, she can't take all of you into her mouth which sucks (or doesn't, dohoho), and frankly it just generally gets in the way. It also doesn't make you a more satisfying lover, because a. the vagina molds itself to the partners penis anyway, so it's always a tight fit, and b. the vast majority of nerve endings in the vagina are in the first couple inches. Having a 9 inch long dick isn't going to make you hit more pleasure spots or anything.

And of course the most important fact is that most women can't orgasm from penile stimulation alone. If you want to satisfy a woman, better learn to use your mouth.

>> No.1852449

>not trollin

Stopped reading right there

>> No.1852454

>>bigger dicks than Asians

Isn't this something of a myth?

'they're shorter so they must have smaller dicks!'

>> No.1852457


>> No.1852467

Fuck off, shitskin.

>> No.1852479

>I'm so insecure and misunderstood, hey i know huehuehue i'll call him a shitskin

No really, get the fuck out.

>> No.1852481

According to what? What kind of intelligence? Why weren't whites smart enough to come up with the blues chord progression?

>> No.1852502

I love how racists seem to almost invariably be American, and they use America as their chief example, as if it's the only country on the planet with black immigrants.

>> No.1852503


so blacks invented the blues chord progression?

oh you mean after whites brought them over to our land and educated them, right?

>> No.1852505


too busy winning Nobel prizes.

>> No.1852512
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>oh you mean after whites brought them over to our land and educated them, right?
It's a very big problem when an Australian knows more about American history than the patriotic American himself.

>> No.1852529

Asians smell like shit and have poor hygiene because they think they are the superior race. Also, you have the worlds smallest penises (next to the Indians) and you drive like full blown retards. Enjoy smelling like fish shit and crashing your rikshaw. Wang.