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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1849872 No.1849872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1849885
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Tyson on low tier?


>> No.1849884

Where is the troll tier?

>> No.1849886

Kaku isn't even worthy of the shit tier. He is a fraud and a joke.

>> No.1849891

Shouldn't even be mentioned really. Not like he ever did anything worthwhile.

>> No.1849895

Hovind and Leibniz on the same tier hehe ;)

>> No.1849902
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Hovind in a list of scientists

>> No.1849903
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I don't know any of these guys.

>> No.1849911

>no Tesla

>> No.1849935
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Aristotle is not amused...

>> No.1849949
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Nobody likes me...

>> No.1849960

OP here. Ok I admit that I forgot a few.

Somebody fix it with the following rules: You can add one scientist to every tier and exchange one scientist for another in each tier.

>> No.1849986

I accidentally clicked on /sci/ and I only recognize the few scientists that the average person would recognize

could you post their names?

>> No.1849987
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engineers are faggots

>> No.1849989
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Add lesch to low tier.

>> No.1850007
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Ludwig Boltzmann was a badass. His grave stands as testament to this.

>> No.1850011

I don't see Gauß and Feynman in God Tier, therefore this chart is invalid.

>> No.1850013

Why is Kepler in the shit tier? Certainly he qualifies to be in the low tier.

>> No.1850022

Darwin in God Tier. HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.1850021


God Tier: Einstein, Darwin, Edison, Newton

Top Tier: Kelvin, Weinberg, Russell, Planck

Mid Tier: Bill gates, Susskind, Pasteur, Mendel

Low Tier: Dawkins, Tyson, Sagan, Galileo

Shit Tier: Kepler, Kaku, Lennox, Behe, Leibniz, Collins, Hovind, Lysenko

>> No.1850018

How generous.

>> No.1850031

fucking aye.

>> No.1850032


>> No.1850033


Yeah. His theory is just the foundation of all modern biology after all.

>> No.1850035

>mention Edison
>don't mention Tesla
>put Edison in a tier higher than below shit

Confirmed for retard/uneducated

>> No.1850042

Just gonaa say this once WHERE THE FUCK IS TESLA

>> No.1850051

all the faggots from god and top tier have been proven to be fucking wrong

Also all the ideas of sagaan have been debunked
he is just famous for saying billions and billions

>> No.1850058

Hovind, Liebniz and Kepler in same tier. Is this a joke?

>> No.1850062
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>> No.1850067

>Michael Behe in shit tier

Isn't there something lower than shit tier you can make for IRL trolls like that? What's that white stuff that collects around a girl's taint when she's overweight and doesn't wash down there? You could put him in that tier.

>> No.1850068

troll confirmed.

Tesla >> Einstein

Sure einstein was smart, but tesla contributed a SHIT TON of inventions/ideas that we use today. Whereas our lives would not be quite as different without Einstein's contributions. In fact, I'd say other than the photoelectric stuff, nothing really comes into practical use today.

It could have use in the future, but for now, Tesla wins.

>> No.1850071

>Also all the ideas of sagaan have been debunked

look at this, this is how retarded you are-
Sagan's contributions were central to the discovery of the high surface temperatures of the planet Venus
Sagan was among the first to hypothesize that Saturn's moon Titan might possess oceans of liquid compounds on its surface and that Jupiter's moon Europa might possess subsurface oceans of water.
He further contributed insights regarding the atmospheres of Venus and Jupiter as well as seasonal changes on Mars. Sagan established that the atmosphere of Venus is extremely hot and dense with pressures increasing steadily all the way down to the surface. He also perceived global warming as a growing, man-made danger and likened it to the natural development of Venus into a hot, life-hostile planet through a kind of runaway greenhouse effect. Sagan and his Cornell colleague Edwin Ernest Salpeter speculated about life in Jupiter's clouds, given the planet's dense atmospheric composition rich in organic molecules. He studied the observed color variations on Mars’ surface and concluded that they were not seasonal or vegetational changes as most believed but shifts in surface dust caused by windstorms.

>> No.1850072

Edison is a fucking hack, put Tesla there.

>Bill gates


>> No.1850080

Hawking will be above God tier if we ever discover E.T.s

>> No.1850086


>> No.1850092
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>>1850051all the faggots from god and top tier have been proven to be fucking wrong

myfacewhen calculus proven to be fucking wrong

>> No.1850123
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>mfw icwutudidthar

>> No.1850139

>God tier: Newton
>Shit tier: Leibniz

>implying Newton wouldn't have just sat on calculus and used it to make himself seem smart, taking it with him to his grave if it wasn't for Leibniz

>> No.1850142

>>1850080Hawking will be above God tier if we ever discover E.T.s

... not for very long if what he says about them is right

>> No.1850141

God tier: Einstein, Tesla, Friedrich, Newton, Feynman I think
also enrico fermi should be up there some where

>> No.1850147

>hovind shit tier

he's not even shit tier. he's not even a scientist

>> No.1850148

Hell's yeah nigga.

>> No.1850150
File: 40 KB, 315x474, thermodynamics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1850141also enrico fermi should be up there some where

Hell yeah! He wrote the book on thermodynamics.

>> No.1850153

>implying that's not what mathematicians did in general anyway in the 17th century.

>> No.1850157

Fuck Edison, Tesla is the shit

>> No.1850165

Maxwell should be god tier and everyone eles shit tier

>> No.1850166

...and got that nobel prize thing remember?

>> No.1850167
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>our lives would not be quite as different without Einstein's contributions

>> No.1850192


I'm pretty sure Einstein is one of the reasons we got into the "Nuclear Race"

>> No.1850200
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>troll confirmed
>implying your post is not a troll post also

>> No.1850203

>"for his demonstrations of the existence of new radioactive elements produced by neutron irradiation, and for his related discovery of nuclear reactions brought about by slow neutrons".

But that was during the era when it was suggested awarding the Nobel prize to the only physicist that DIDN'T discover a new elementary particle.

>> No.1850206
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ok I fix'd it

>> No.1850302

Newton > Tesla. We don't even use AC anymore to move energy. We use high voltage DC (HVDC). Look it up.

>> No.1850310


Not Newton, I mean Edison. But yes, Newton is better than Tesla too.

>> No.1850324


>> No.1850330


>Implying AC is the reason why Tesla is so great

>> No.1850331

Where the fuck is Russel Wallace.

>> No.1850341


His ideas weren't even 1/2 as thorough as Darwin's.

Darwin also had amassed much more evidence than Wallace; he had his theory written and sealed in an envelope to be opened after his death.

Wallace just made him open it earlier.

>> No.1850343


Alfred* Russel Wallace

>> No.1850345


Wallace doesn't count because Darwin got it right first.

>> No.1850354


HVDC is for transporting electricity across hundreds of miles with no interruption you faggot. AC is still much better for country-wide power delivery.

>> No.1850358


I guess, but didn't he actually come up with the idea first?
Surely that's far harder.

>> No.1850367


>missed the joke entirely

Darwin... GOD tier... get it?

>> No.1850370


Darwin came up with it first. Wallace, some 20 years into Darwin writing his book, sent him like a 20 page manuscript about evolution and natural selection.

Darwin's ideas were so much further along that even Wallace gave up credit.

>> No.1850371
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Image for proof.

>> No.1850372
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>> No.1850377

Iiiiii'm ok with this.

Personally I'm very fond of Tyson and Sagan, though they're more educators than anything else...

I guess there should be an "Educator/PR Tier".

>> No.1850389


I am also fond of Tyson and Sagan, but they aren't really accomplished scientists like Darwin or Tesla. They're more of a source of inspiration, teachers, idols, etc. This tier list is more for scientists that have made discoveries.

>> No.1850398

What is the guy from Happy Days doing there?

>> No.1850453

who dat is?