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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1845726 No.1845726 [Reply] [Original]

>Friend and I are having a discussion about religion.
>Friend says "Scientologists are those people who believe that we came from monkeys."

ITT: Shit people say that is really fucking stupid.

>> No.1845747

I overheard a girl ask, "Are the mountains always to the West?". I then began to vomit uncontrollably .

>> No.1845774

"the big bang? isnt that what killed the dinosaurs?"
"sigmund freud arent those the tiger guys?"
not making this up

>> No.1845785

is op really a faggot?

>> No.1845803

Oh thats not ba!?
>Vomits uncontrollably

>> No.1845807

I hope you euthanize them for the greater good.

>> No.1845821

"I have like 20/20 hearing."

>> No.1845823
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>Professor: "How many of you know what Einstein was famous for."
>Only one girl, a Twilight tard, raises her hand.
>"Uhm, he invented the lightbulb right?"

>> No.1845825
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These are the people that you will have to get R&D money from eventually...

>> No.1845829


actually, BAPTISTS are the ones who think we come from monkeys. Point in case, I know a couple of baptists who haven't quite made the transition yet.

>> No.1845830

>What are time zones? Girlfriend
>Earth came first, then the Sun. Social studies teacher.

>> No.1845902
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You have admirable restraint.

>> No.1846071
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>> No.1846089

6th grade social studies
"Why didn't columbius just use a plane to go to America

>> No.1846101
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>Transforms into an ant trying to comprehend the stupidity of that statement.

>> No.1846107

I remember reading about a kid who got suspended because he corrected his teacher, who was claiming that a kilometer is longer than a mile.

There's an image of the letter home, and basically the teacher was like "Whether I am right or wrong [child's name] should always accept what I say is truth without questioning it."

I lost the image on my last harddrive unfortunately...

>> No.1846114

"Do trees feel cold?"

>> No.1846116

>.< That was someone in my class I think, or it happened twice.

>> No.1846124

When I attended mass a few years back:
Preist: Some child may have bad parents who mess up their minds, but after 40 years of age, you should be fine. What's the big deal, get over it! You don't need therapy! That's just science and nonsense!
>mfw when he thinks 18 years worth of chronic events can't possibly last for the rest of your life.

>> No.1846129
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Imagine living in a house with 4 "social science" undergrads, 2 of which are pothead philosophers, and being the only person with any reliable knowledge on science. That was my first year of university. The amount of bullshit I had to listen to AND "DEBATE" LOL has reminded me why ignorance and happiness seemingly go hand in hand.
Nice fellas, though. Couldn't do without 'em.

>> No.1846127

I fucking remember that picture. Damn I don't have it either.

"You press a button to tell the thermos whether to keep something hot or cold right?

>> No.1846132

Any time someone says "WHO NEEDS HISTORY, ANYWAY?".

>> No.1846137

Why do chocolate people smell so bad?

>> No.1846154

>"sigmund freud arent those the tiger guys?"

I brought up Psychology and my ex-girlfriend said the exact same thing. I don't know what I was thinking trying to have an intelligent conversation with her

>> No.1846157

Whenever a religious person says to an atheist: "LOL YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE LOL MONKEYS."

>> No.1846167
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4 minutes with the google machine people

>> No.1846177

I have a few, some dumb bitch @ school

upon reading the word 'thesis' in class, she leans over to me "hey anon, whats a the sis ?'

we like to make fun of her:

"whats the capital of the united states?"

"whats the capital of Australia" (ausfags here)
"South Australia"
"thats a state"
"new Zealand"
"thats a country."
"Sydney?" (understandable, many make this mistake)

Friends were doing some 40 hour famine bullshit to raise money for kids in Africa- for those who dont know, basically you give up something and get sponsored (i didn't do it, just donated freehand) Upon someone suggesting she give up her i-pod she blurts out "would you ask them to give up their i-pod"

"what country is Cairo in"
"whats a Cairo?"

If i think of any more i'll come back, but thats just from the top of my head

>> No.1846182
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Oh, best one.

My roommate claimed that "second-hand smoke can't cause cancer because [his] mom smokes and [he doesn't] have cancer". Also he claimed that the smoking/cancer correlation is a "leftist conspiracy".

>> No.1846186

well who does?
[spoiler]inb4 standing on shoulders

>> No.1846188
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Keep going and I'm gonna burst into treats.

>> No.1846194

No I'm serious, I've heard this many times [that history is unneccesary] and all I can come up with is it keeps history from repeating itself. But seeing as history is repeating anyway due to incompetent leaders everywhere, what gives?

>> No.1846197


i agree with him, there is still no evidence that smoking causes cancer.

>> No.1846218
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>> No.1846222

Many Asians think that rain gets you sick, one of them being my mom. Apparently she went too far and made up some logic to why it seems so:
>"Brian, rain get you the sick because your skin suck in the water and make you the cold."
Her exact words.

>> No.1846233
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>> No.1846247


History is a tricky subject to deal with. A man who studies history has its benefit applied to him in general rather than in a direct and easily identified manner, like with mathematics. With math, you can calculate and solve problems with identifiable restraints and factors.

History teaches you several things. Obviously it teaches the past, which is interesting in and of itself, but it also teaches critical thinking. You can read about historical events and then, based on your knowledge of the event, figure out why certain things occurred. The more you study it, the more you are able to figure out the reasoning behind events and why certain things are more likely to happen than others. This can then be applied socially with people. You can learn from the actions of people in the past to figure out how best to act socially or in the workplace.

To some degree, history helps you learn how to manipulate others into doing what you want. If history repeats itself because of ignorance, it's because the people who know their history are willingly causing it to repeat to their own advantage.

>> No.1847337

teacher was trying to demonstrate difference between fact and opinion. presented the idea of smoking being linked to lung cancer.

half of the class claimed it was an opinion, even after the teacher pointed out the overwhelming evidence. mf = pretty much every rage pic ever made

>> No.1847373

See also: "Fan death"
South Koreans think that sleeping with a fan in the room (while it's running) will kill you somehow.

>> No.1847376
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I hope that teacher got fired.

>> No.1847387

er... that's not a fact. No correlation, no matter how much evidence can become a fact. A fact has to be directly observable.