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1842048 No.1842048 [Reply] [Original]

According to the theory, the solar system had its origin in a gigantic star into which a smaller, dead, waterlogged star fell. This impact caused a huge explosion which flung fragments of the smaller star out into interstellar space where the water condensed and froze into giant blocks of ice. A ring of such blocks formed, which we now call the Milky Way, as well as a number of solar systems among which was our own, but with many more planets than currently exist.

Interplanetary space is filled with traces of hydrogen gas, which cause the planets to slowly spiral inwards, along with ice blocks. The outer planets are large mainly because they have swallowed a large number of ice blocks, but the inner planets have not swallowed nearly as many. One can see ice blocks on the move in the form of meteors, and when one collides with the Earth, it produces hailstorms over an area of many square kilometers, while when one falls into the Sun, it produces a sunspot and gets vaporized, making "fine ice," which covers the innermost planets.

It was also claimed that the Earth had had several satellites before it acquired the Moon; they began as planets in orbits of their own, but over long spans of time were captured one by one and slowly spiralled in towards the Earth until it disintegrated and its debris became part of the Earth's structure. One can supposedly identify the rock strata of several geological eras with the impacts of these satellites.

>> No.1842068

i would expect the cosmos to be littered with huge chunks of irregular shaped masses, why is this not the case?
also these would be the oldest.

>> No.1842082


>> No.1842209


gravity is not a valid answer,

im sorry carl but do not insult my intellengences.

maybe i need to better understand what gravity is.

>> No.1842236


have fun learning what down is.

>> No.1842242

I lol'd

>> No.1842263
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>waterlogged star

>> No.1842281

if you were to make a mountain...like everest..you know the highest mountain on earth (yeah carl your right) it would be crushed towards the center.

and so the earth was round.
its a hot ear moment...i aint mad, it may work if everything started of as a molten mass but the original question below opening post was on another theory... and highlighted how much sci is up carls ass and also just how inept you actually are!

i feel sorry for carl.... he doesnt have a twitter page does he?

>> No.1842289


inb4 molten mass lol...everybody knows it was gasses.
inafter also why are all the planets on the same plane of rotation?
lets keep this up sci

>> No.1842337


Well, you should know that the planet have independent planes of rotation.

>> No.1842360

The answer to everything is time cube.

>> No.1842378

planets are round not due to gravity.

simplist way i can theorise it is oil in water..
except then all the planets would float to the top of the liquid.