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File: 84 KB, 555x541, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1840008 No.1840008 [Reply] [Original]

So my friend just said she learned on CNN that in a few years around 2012, solar flares from the sun could start reaching earth due to the sun expanding with age, all stars do that.

She is pretty dumb, but then so are a lot of people. How do we hold CNN to account for such blatant lies?

>> No.1840010

>How do we hold CNN to account for such blatant lies?

it's a statist "news" channel, are you serious?

>> No.1840018

This sounds more like FOXNews' territory than CNN. CNN would've just reported on people who believe that the Sun is expanding, instead of saying it is.

>> No.1840020
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>> No.1840025

She needs to stay away from that propaganda. Fox has fair and balanced coverage of the liberal solar flare menace.

>> No.1840027

Thats a good point, but if they're broadcasting it, theyre implicitly endorsing it, just like how they published an article that claimed hundreds of thousands of american children were kidnapped to be sex slaves each year

>> No.1840030

>solar flares from the sun could start reaching earth due to the sun expanding with age, all stars do that.
Our sun is not even half way through its life yet
There is still like 1 billion years before the sun becomes too hot for life on earth
I HOPE we'll be at least be at Mars by then

>> No.1840032

>it's a statist "news" channel, are you serious?

And yet it's more reliable than fox.

>> No.1840034

1) This was announced on pretty much every network (correct or *NOT*)
2) CNN doesn't do 'news'. It presents opinions from both sides and leaves it at that. I've only seen Anderson Cooper put people on their shit.

>> No.1840038

Welcome to "Freedom of Speech". i laugh at the graph that shows America like dead last in having freedom of speech. Our freedom is nearly unregulated, and the few laws we have to try and keep the freedom from being abused are rarely enforced.

Best thing to do, start a website, fake having an organization, I will help you pad the numbers, and start legal rumblings against CNN every time they pull shit like this. Only way to do it, strength in numbers, threaten their advertising revenue, claim to have more power than you really have, never back it up, never back down,

>> No.1840039

News flavored entertainment

>> No.1840040


>> No.1840043

Regulation is for statists.

>> No.1840045
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>> No.1840049

link or it didn't happen

>> No.1840051

Laws are regulation of freedom, do you disagree?

>> No.1840054

>We need to regulate freedom or else people will believe stupid shit!

>> No.1840055

"The freedom to swing your fist ends when it reaches my nose"

>> No.1840061

Could I please have a link to this bullshit? Because it sounds hilarious.

I'm assuming they were probably talking about coronal mass ejections, not about the sun expanding far enough for solar flares to smack us. The latter would be ridiculous. But either way, it's pretty funny how everyone is scrambling to guess how the world will supposedly end in 2012.

It's only been 12 years since the last groundless and silly apocalypse scare. It's too soon.

>> No.1840063

Theres a difference between not allowing someone to say stupid things, and encouraging them not to

>> No.1840064

You mean this?

>> No.1840072
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No I don't. When you regulate freedom it goes away.

>> No.1840079

Not true, I still have my freedom when I hit your nose.

>> No.1840081

Right, so educate people. Oh wait, we tried that. We gave them information, but they rejected it.

It's more comforting to continually invest in the same, comfortable lies than to accept "harsh" realities, like a plummeting economy or the non-existent scientific basis for gods and afterlives.

Do you know why Rush Limbaugh has so many listeners? It's because he says what people want to hear, not what they NEED to hear.

>> No.1840083

At least we can finally ban religion this way.

>> No.1840086


>According to the most recent Department of Justice statistics, an estimated 100,000 to 300,000 children are sold for sex every year in the United States.

Its "op-ed", but there are still CNN logos everywhere. This article contributed directly to Craigslist shutting down its adult services section

>> No.1840089

You have, like, the most, unnecessary commas, that I've, ever seen. Christ, are you, an English, major? I, haven't seen so many, gratuitous, and misused commas, since college, English, classes.

>> No.1840092

I let a child play on the playground. I don;t want limit my civilian's freedom, so the playground has no safety standards. The child dies after falling on some loose metal. But at least they are all free.

And in the case of the news organization, if your going to claim you are telling people about events that are actually happening, you better fucking mean it.

>> No.1840093

The Soviet Union tried that. You know the result.

>> No.1840097
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>1/30th - 1/10th of the country's population

>> No.1840102
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US population is 300 million, not 3 mill
>pic related, you deserve it

>> No.1840103
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Ever heard of natural selection? It's got us this far.

>> No.1840106

And that is why it is a lie. After a 5 years we'd really fucking notice the dent.

>> No.1840110

100% agreed, but you've actually encouraged me to continue my long-term goal of popularizing truth, not just science or facts, straight up truth. If we accept your fatalistic outlook on life, then we've lost before the fight has begun. An anti-Limbaugh will emerge one day, and that will be a glorious day for the world at large. No, it will be a glorious dawn to an even more glorious day.

>> No.1840114

If that is how you think natural selection works, then please, give us your full address. Let's test out your ability to survive metal objects.

>> No.1840123

It's just an average. Also 100k-300k is relatively a small number for this population. As well we're still popping more children than out each year.

>> No.1840125

Your intent to murder me is not comparable to a child's lack of a sense of self-preservation.

Also, I pack heat. 2nd Amendment, bro.

>> No.1840127

BTW, this means you lose according to the sane outsider's perspective on the debate.

>> No.1840129

As long as religion was gone, I couldn't care less.

>> No.1840133
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Stop jacking my thread, you homos

>> No.1840135

>lack of religion is more important than the good of society
Who's dogmatic now?

>> No.1840137

I just read up on Russias atheism rates, and wikipedia doesn't even mention it on the demographics page, and even on their religion page "atheist" only pops up twice, with like 4% reporting themselves as atheist. WTF??

>> No.1840138

The religious and agnostics.

>> No.1840141

Stop jacking off homos.

>> No.1840147

Russians tend to be very superstitious about a lot of shit. Over there they find whistling indoors as a bad omen, and if you bring a child with you that likes whistling but is unaware of this superstition, expect a lot of dirty looks from locals.

>> No.1840153

Wow. You are just as blind as the most religious people.

>> No.1840156

Random chance is also not about a lack of a sense of self preservation. Regulations are supposed to be there for a reason. To believe freedom can survive unregulated is to believe freedom is equal to anarchy and anarchy is good. Here on Earth we are not free to endanger our own freedoms. We have laws against con artists. Laws against piss poor construction. Laws against lies. laws against theft. Laws against violence. If you believe natural selection is about surviving the consequences from a complete lack of order, than please, what is your address. It's your belief, back it up.

>> No.1840159

This says otherwise. LOL @ how low the USA is

>> No.1840168

I am nothing like the religious or agnostics. We needn't a country ruled by by religious beliefs and superstition, we're already being strangled to death over various ideologies and political depositions, at least remove the ones that deal with mysticism and the super natural and keep to the beliefs that are tangible and evident.

>> No.1840169
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If order and structure can't come from chaos, how did humans come to exist in the first place? Nature didn't have laws to put us in jail for killing, stealing, etc. And I'm demonstrating my sense of self-preservation by not being a fuckwad and giving out personal information on the interbutts.

>> No.1840174

That's just...embarrassing. As the earlier poster alluded to, people will not listen to what they don't want to hear. Thankfully, the internet makes it so that, at the very least, it's harder to avoid the truth.

>> No.1840175
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Yes, get rid of everyone who is poisoning society.
Your ideas aren't your own.

>> No.1840179

I disagree, the internet lets people find places which cater more extremely to their beliefs. . Conservapedia, for example

>> No.1840181

Hey bro. You are an ideologue too. Gnostic Atheism is just as much and ideology as Islam, Shinto, or Judaism.

>> No.1840184

This is just agnostic propaganda. Always equating religion and atheism to murderers.

>> No.1840186

And this has been followed out long enough.
>If order and structure can't come from chaos, how did humans come to exist in the first place?
Troll. Suspected, but just in case it was a legitimate argument i followed it out. Disappointed it was an attempt to abscond with my bearded bovines rather than discuss a differing point view.

>> No.1840187

>remove the ones that deal with mysticism and the super natural and keep to the beliefs that are tangible and evident.
>remove the ones

Remove how?

>> No.1840193
File: 6 KB, 157x153, 1276298988407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a troll because you can't think of a response? Natural selection created humans from microbes, I'm content to let it keep working without artificial interference.

>> No.1840197
File: 10 KB, 221x228, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
goddamnit you guys.

>> No.1840199

>without artificial interference
He says through a computer. You're a troll because this is trolling. It's not a legitimate view anymore. The holes in the logic are too big.

>> No.1840206

By keeping them separate from leading or governing a country or state of location. Never have anyone rule anything "in the name of a higher power" or some dogmatic superstitious bullshit.

>> No.1840208

...sorry. CNN has that effect on people. Tis why we have /new/ to attract most of that shit.

>> No.1840209

>proof that agnostics are always paranoid about people intending to murder certain belief groups

>> No.1840212
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Then stop calling me a troll and point out a hole in my logic. Mudslinging may work in politics, but we were having an argument about ideology.

>> No.1840222

Sad, he was talking about removing beliefs, not believers.

>> No.1840239
File: 54 KB, 350x525, propaganda_quiet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what, then, "educate" people that your ideology is right over others. Again, no original thought here.

>> No.1840242

No, just removing them entirely, not teach any.

>> No.1840248

>more agnostic propaganda about belief assertion

>> No.1840254


Otherwise you're just using rhetoric to sound off about your vision of Utopia with no idea of how to get there.

>> No.1840262

Because allowing people to believe what they want in order to explain what they can't is somehow illogical?

>> No.1840265

Separate them everyday lives, keep the essentials that drive the day forward.

>> No.1840271

Again, more agnostic propaganda that associates belief assertion to religion.

>> No.1840275

well it's wrong and cancerous

>> No.1840276


>> No.1840280
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You don't like my arguments so you call them invalid with no supporting arguments?

>> No.1840283

Blame the agnostics, they always bring religious shit to science threads when it's unneeded and unnecessary. They're all trolls.

>> No.1840284
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>> No.1840288

No, it's pure and simple propaganda from a dogmatic belief group, thus entirely relevant and thus no argument or debates deserve the cruelty of dragging it in their squabbles, even childish ones deserve better.

>> No.1840299

>Your arguments are all propaganda therefore I must not listen to them.
What are you basing this on? Why not try to refute an argument you disagree with? This is the science board after all.

>> No.1840307

It's based on agnosticism and agnostic dogmatics. It's fucking common knowledge how they propagate their belief and attacks on others, thus pointing it out is like pointing that water makes you wet.

>> No.1840311

This is probably what OP is talking about

>> No.1840329
File: 94 KB, 300x922, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My points are invalid because it's common knowledge that my points are invalid?

>> No.1840350

Yup that's the truth. People who believe a grass blade is just a fair when no one is around have more credible arguments than agnostic propaganda.

>> No.1840367

Why don't you go look up what a fallacy is, because you've constructed your ideas on a pile of them. I'm a gnostic theist by the way.

>> No.1840378

No if you were a gnostic theist, you would be supporting my arguments for religious rights, and against agnostic-attempts to attack atheism and religion.

>> No.1840382

CNN has a habit of picking up on stories without actually researching them first. That's why they fired Miles O'Brien, because they weren't going to have someone that knew what he was talking about on their network.

>> No.1840387

>I'm a gnostic theist by the way.
Please leave, all you guys do is troll /sci/ ._.

>> No.1840394

The entire time I've been arguing that atheism is like all other religions: just an ideology. Everyone has a right to believe whatever they want to believe. You haven't made any sensible arguments and none about religious rights.

>> No.1840397

May I refer you to this video?

>> No.1840401

Just because I believe a deity created the universe doesn't mean I discredit Science. Please leave your prejudices at the door, man.

>> No.1840413

>The entire time I've been arguing that atheism is like all other religions: just an ideology.
This is agnostic dogma and propaganda, always equating atheism/theism/religion to sheer words, instead of the belief and influence they pertain to humanity. Always crossing them to each other.

>> No.1840421

You guys always slam us about evolution and over-exaggerate scientific fallacies to troll us over associated atheism. Please leave /sci/ so we can keep this a non-troll board, I'm begging you ._.

>> No.1840426

That's exactly what I said right there: They're all different beliefs that impact the way people act. You just repeated why I said.
>atheism is like all other religions: just an ideology.
>belief and influence they pertain to humanity
That's an ideology. Q.E.D.

>> No.1840435

Again, agnostic propaganda against religion/atheism by associating belief with influence.

>> No.1840438

>You guys
I'm not "you guys" I'm a person. I agree with evolution, it's obvious it's what happened. I don't point out logical fallacies that aren't glaringly obvious.

Lumping all theists into the category of the young-earthers makes you more closed-minded than most actual religious people.

>> No.1840447

No, you guys are trolls that keep coming to /sci/ and filling it with "Theism: 1; Atheism: 0" crap and bringing up religion and philosophy in a board about science and logic. You're not people, just idiots that like to dick around.

>> No.1840450

Christians often pester non-Christians about how their religion is the only right choice and everything else is wrong.
Jehova's Witnesses often pester non-Jehova's Witnesses about how their religion is the only right choice and everything else is wrong.
Muslims often pester non-Muslims about how their religion is the only right choice and everything else is wrong.
Atheists often pester non-Atheists about how their religion is the only right choice and everything else is wrong.

Is there really much more of an impact than that?

>> No.1840459

Again, agnostic lies to lump all beliefs together and shit them off as a single and only belief, instead of the separate and simple ones they are.

>> No.1840467

Again, I'm not "you guys" just one person. There's no score between different belief systems. I don't care if you are an atheist or anything else. I do care if you try to assert that your belief or lack thereof is superior to that of others. This is the science board, and given that none of these groups has proof, positive or negative, to support their claims, that arguing about who is right is pointless. So stop trying to pick a fight.

>> No.1840472

>Again, I'm not "you guys" just one person. There's no score between different belief systems. I don't care if you are an atheist or anything else. I do care if you try to assert that your belief or lack thereof is superior to that of others.
Then leave us the fuck alone and stop trolling this board with your "how can you believe in x if it's just a theory" and various other crap.

>> No.1840474

Of course they are separate beliefs, people just think theirs is right without any information to back themselves up because it's the one they have picked (or were born into and never left). And then they support their beliefs the same way, by trying to convince everyone else they are correct.

>> No.1840479

This is just agnostic propaganda to discredit other beliefs and enforce it's own.

>> No.1840486

I don't do that. Just because I believe in something doesn't mean I follow whatever stereotype of that group you have in your head.

Science has accomplished great things, but as long as there are babbling idiots who stand behind science as an ideology and not a rigorous thought process, its accomplishments will be impeded.

>> No.1840491

That's not what I'm saying at all. Nobody has proof to back up their beliefs, so just let everyone believe what they want. Let people believe in a kettle orbiting the sun between Earth and Mars or a Flying Spaghetti Monster, or whatever.

>> No.1840495

You keep coming here to force your theist equality bullshit and to doubt to stereotypes. Yet your kind is responsible for around 90% of the trolling that goes around here daily. And now you're enforcing some half-assed soliloquy on science accomplishments and religious backwash to try and hide your theist values and assertions. Just fucking leave and let this board return to normal for at least a god damn night, no trolls allowed.

>> No.1840501

Now you're just propagating some agnostic dogma that all beliefs are false.

>> No.1840505

No. In the eyes of science, all beliefs are equal. Their validity is indeterminate.

>> No.1840512

Another example of agnostic propaganda trying to discredit all beliefs, and using a major belief to push their bullshit even further.

>> No.1840514

I'm actually trying to have an intelligible discussion, even if I have to deal with trolls. It could be argued that I'm now discussing philosophy, but I'm approaching the discussion from a scientific angle. If you honestly believe my religious beliefs preempt me from the right to engage in intelligent discussion, then you quite frankly do not have a scientific thought process and do not belong on a board about science.

>> No.1840522

If you aren't going to at least take the opportunity to engage in a debate about ideology from a scientific perspective, what are you doing on this board other than trolling?

>> No.1840527

Your religious beliefs are responsible for the trolling that goes all in this board. You guys are responsible for the cancer and dickery that is posted on /sci/ daily, always bring up science vs. religion bullshit and discrediting well accepted theories. I want you and your faggots to leave and never come back here again, you just turn things to shit.

>> No.1840534

Agnostic propaganda to try and put multiple beliefs together for the sake of frivolous argument.

>> No.1840539

THEIR attitudes toward their religious belief are responsible for their actions. Painting me as responsible for the actions of others because I am different from you in a similar way to the way the are different from you is just being prejudiced.

>> No.1840549

Who is right doesn't matter. Just because I think this doesn't mean I'm not a theist.

>> No.1840552

Oh this is just typical theistic bullshit. Anything that challenges your beliefs are prejudice, but when you come here to troll and spam us for our supposed atheism, it's OK then, huh? It's always OK if in the name of religion and theism.

>> No.1840554

More agnostic dogma used to discredit all beliefs.

>> No.1840570
File: 6 KB, 314x316, troll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't troll and spam this board. Look up the word prejudice.

Your beliefs are just as valid as mine. Arguing over who is better gets us nowhere because nobody will be able to prove anything.

You guys have been entertaining as hell, but I've got to go to work. Good night.

>> No.1840578

Again, any claims against is prejudice in your eyes. Any criticism or back talk is prejudice against belief, but is justified when you guys come here to troll and spam the place, it's always justified if it's done in your belief, and prejudice when we tell you to stop.

>> No.1840581

Now you're just using agnostic propaganda to equate beliefs as one, discrediting them all individually.

>> No.1840708
File: 16 KB, 300x312, rolleyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I'll have to side with the agnostic guys on this one.

There are many hues to atheism and the atheists in this thread are a disgrace to science. They're more of the angsty teenage atheists who try to promote science without actually fully understanding it.

On behalf of all atheists, I apologize for their hostility and repeated ad hominem attempts.

Please try to keep an open mind, you stupid morons.

>> No.1840713

They're not the ones spamming the place, you faggot trolls are the ones arguing in circles bumping this shit and keeping it on the front page.

>> No.1840717
File: 19 KB, 407x277, sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll overlook this because I'm tripping balls.

>> No.1840722
File: 14 KB, 447x301, 1286052422536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw trolls ACTUALLY think there is only one kind of atheism

>> No.1840765

>thinking there's more than one athiesm.

so if i have an orange, is there more than one way for me to not have it? or is it just plain black and white, there is an orange, there isn't an orange.

>> No.1840769

You can turn it into orange juice or infuse with another fruit or squish it in your hands.

>> No.1840771

wow lrn2not heresay

unless YOU hear it from CNN it's heresay, and if it's heresay it's fucking bullshit

GOD lrn2 judge judy

>> No.1840773

there's still an orange though. thiest
if there's not an orange. Athiest.

>> No.1840780

Agnostic atheism, Gnostic atheism, Apatheist atheism.

>> No.1840793

retarded atheists