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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1835864 No.1835864 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1835869


>> No.1835868
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>> No.1835872
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>> No.1835876
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>Implying humanity will survive the coming decades

>> No.1835883

We will most likely have something on the scale of a world war within the next 40 years. But no, most of us will not die.

>> No.1835886

Can we not apply this to Muslims?

>> No.1835891
File: 26 KB, 410x365, 1257496638255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying a world war is the only global extinction level event in the near future
You must be new here,

>> No.1835895


>>Implying I will still be living on earth in 20-30 years

>> No.1835900

Only if you agree nobody of any other monotheistic religion can get it either until they renounce their faith. Anyway I have no sways over matter like this. The religion could simply be trolled out of him, 'LOOK MODERN SCIENCE LETS YOU LIVE HUNDREDS OF YOUNG YEARS WHAT HAS ALLAH EVER DONE THATS BEEN PROVEN LULULLULOOULUO'

>> No.1835902
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>Implying you'll be able to get out without humanity's aid

>> No.1835906


No. You can opt out though if you don't want to have to play nice.

>> No.1835908

I'm okay with pure white Christians.
Dirty shit skins is what gets me.

>> No.1835910

Why the fuck does the world need them again?
Oh right. No reason whatsoever.

>> No.1835916 [DELETED] 


The world doesn't "need" you either. In fact you seem to have negative value.

By the way, I bet you don't know anything about the Muslim faith, do you?

>> No.1835915

>Dirty shit skins is what gets me.
Just a protip, such an ignorant comment makes you look like an asshat on /sci/. By saying shit skin, it's basically saying every middle eastern person EVER is shit etc etc. Racial stereotyping. Outgrow it for fucks sake.

>> No.1835920


The world doesn't "need" you either.

By the way, I bet you don't know anything about the Muslim faith, do you?

>> No.1835928

No special reason why the entire region is compatible with the barbarity of ancient mentality.
They're not productive in any way, and without the oil they'd be wiped out.
I know more than you can imagine.

>> No.1835942

The part where they actually believe in a can't-be-proven deity?
The part where they worship a prophet who married a 6 y.o and fucked her at the age of 9?
The part where they worship a piece of rock alleged to have fallen from the sky?
The part where the Dar es Salaam is the only tolerable state of being and all else fall into the Dar al motherfucking Harb?

Yeah no thanks.

>> No.1835943

Did it ever occur to you to try and offer a far superior alternative to them and begin the secular non-religious education of middle eastern children? If there's ignorance in a civilization then you help them the best you can to overcome it. Not fucking wipe it off the face of the earth. I've met awesome middle eastern people that have really hardcore muslim parents but are all atheist and interested in the sciences, planning to become physicists and all that.

Shut the fuck up before you open your mouth about something you're not knowledgeable in.

>> No.1836016

Has it eve occurred to you that if an entire population of millions, and later hundreds of millions and finally over a billion, that had several millennia to have evolved itself from their inane state of being, with the aid of other population readily available to them via commerce and politics, did not succeed in doing so, maybe they simply lack the capacity and are therefore beyond redemption/completely useless bags of protein?

I get you Inurdaes. You're a leftist bastard.
You strive for understanding and cooperation in a world incapable of such merits.
I have no respect for these people.

As for
>I've met awesome middle eastern people that have really hardcore muslim parents
>Implying a very small segment of a group can redeem an entire group

Also, your first paragraph has no connection to your closing statement.

>> No.1836031

>Has it eve occurred to you that if an entire population of millions, and later hundreds of millions and finally over a billion, that had several millennia to have evolved itself from their inane state of being, with the aid of other population readily available to them via commerce and politics, did not succeed in doing so, maybe they simply lack the capacity and are therefore beyond redemption/completely useless bags of protein?

Not everyone's societal and scientific progress follow the same route. They have the capacity, they just didn't originally arrive at the one we did.

Also as for muslims, as you so eloquently put it:
>Implying a very small segment of a group can redeem an entire group
That also goes for religious fundamentalist nutjobs and then the rest of the fairly mellow population.

>> No.1836080

The rest of the so called mellow population has brought current society to what it is today.
So you still have no case.

>> No.1836095
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I'm talking about Muslims, are you? Because if you're blaming Lady gaga and Twilight on Muslims...

>> No.1836098

I still hold on to the fact-supported belief that we're going to have a nanotech revolution, and if we play our cards right it could end primeval scarcity and create a nanosocialist world, and make spaceflight economically viable to more than a few corporations, leading to the colonization of space and the asteroid belt being Von Neumann'd.

- Molecular Assemblers (Nanofabs)
- Telomere reconstruction
- Medical nano
- Genetically-engineered super-furries
- Exploration of the solar system
- Post-scaricty
- Nanosocialism
- Either AI or human intelligence augmentation

>> No.1836099

Damn man you always mention the genetically engineered furries.

>> No.1836100



>> No.1836123

People living in the future will always be the Gary Oak to your Ash Ketchum. The human race is advancing. FeelsGoodMan.jpg

>> No.1836153

No way this shit is happening any time soon.
On another note, finding a room temperature super conductor would be better anyways.

>> No.1836155



>> No.1836157

I should be more specific.
No way we're getting smart nanotech anytime soon that can repair shit. Maybe intelligent to a point (calculator level intelligence or less). Now if we found a room temperature super conductor we probably could.

>> No.1836164
File: 46 KB, 441x383, Win face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we survive the upcoming bottleneck and emerge victorious as glorious trans-humans, we will leave this earth in great heighliners and soar amongst the vaunted pillars of the heavens, riding great fonts of photo-leptonic fire, we travel so fast and so far we forget our birthplace

>> No.1836174

Ya'll niggaz still
>Implying we'll survive the coming decades.

>> No.1836175

>implying we won't

>> No.1836221


Who said anything about smart, socializing robots? You just need a molecular assembler and people who start making blueprints, then it's all set.

>> No.1836292

>implying you will be one of those trans-humans, unless you have something to contribute to the cause

>> No.1836303
File: 135 KB, 394x479, 400-billion-motherfucking-suns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeeeels bad man.

>> No.1836309

just try to get along with the religious crazypeople

>> No.1836315

Hey /sci/. is it religious to believe on afterlife?

>> No.1836343

I would say so, yes, as there is currently no scientific evidence to support the existence of an "afterlife." It's a comforting thought to entertain, though.

>> No.1836346

brb...reading arthur c clark book again for wishful thinking.