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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1835028 No.1835028 [Reply] [Original]

life on earth is pretty boring:
our capitalist consumer culture is really dull, everything revolves around consumption, even experiences have become simple objects you consume...seeing a movie, bungee jumping, blablabl,

I want to explore the universe

whats the next best thing?

>> No.1835037

psychology and astral projection man

>> No.1835040
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explore the world

grab yo muthafucking backpack, and pack some snacks ans shit, and take off into the bush. will you return? i dont fucking know you might get mauled by an animal or something but thats up to you motherfuker. instead of sitting here in front of yout goddamncomputer just grab yo snacks and go

>> No.1835048

Explore innerspace by looking at what the fuck is going on inside subatomic particles.


>> No.1835057
File: 137 KB, 1024x837, How can people not know what beauty this is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exploring the desert or the forest or pretty much any place that isn't made of concrete and glass. Life on Earth boring? HA! I seriously doubt you've ever really looked around you at all the life there is out there, even in the environments we create. So, instead of longing for the improbable, why not learn to appreciate what you already have? If you hate the systems we've created, why not see what else the world has to offer? You want to explore the universe, but I doubt you've explored what's around you.

In other words, stop complaining. If you want a trip, try LCD. If you want an experience, go hike up a mountain and make a point to notice how the flora and fauna change with altitude. Then think about how those systems are maintained.

Life boring...I mean, seriously, where do you guys come up with this stuff?

>> No.1835060


Im thinking of fucken just going to Asia, traveling and teaching english instead of doing my masters

?!?!?!?! DUNNO

>> No.1835062


I used to be fascinated by squirrels and trees and shit when I was a kid, but not anymore.

Everything seems so mundane.

>> No.1835084

COME ON, didn't anyone else laugh hard at this post?

(no matter how true or false it is)

>> No.1835085
File: 19 KB, 460x288, Escalator Fox 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, but have you thought about the relationship between the squirrels and the trees? Squirrels disperse acorns of Oaks and also live in them. It doesn't exactly qualify as symbiosis, but both species benefit in the long run. Without squirrels dispersing the acorns, they'd fall under the tree and be quickly destroyed by parasites and predators concentrated by the parent Oak (I forget what this hypothesis is called, but I'll google in a minute). Therefore, they are very important to each other. This is, of course, just one aspect of a complex system. Nothing is mundane, really. Even if you could 'solve' the general system, variations in individuals keep things interesting.

>> No.1835108
File: 303 KB, 728x1024, [gasp]X3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, here we go; I knew I'd find it:


>> No.1835130


are you a squirrel scientist?

>> No.1835136


>> No.1835175

I enjoy understanding life from a human perspective. I know that we are driven--all of it--from the smallest specs of what makes up matter to the organisms these specs form. We think we are different because we are so, well, 'individual', but we are still part of the hive.

I do wonder if that will ever change though.

Anyway, I know what you mean about consumption and all the bothersome factors associated with it but I lose myself in the bigger and little things in life.

>> No.1835187

I'm saving a few thousand dollars and am planning on one day just grabbing my essential shit, a few changes of clothes and hitting the road.

You should do that, OP.

>> No.1835344
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>>If you want a trip, try LCD.

>> No.1835382

Ok, I just licked my computer screen. When does the high start?

>> No.1835395

Thinks the middle ages were like dungeons and dragons instead of 12 hours of farm work a day and bubonic plague.

>> No.1835423

They weren't really that bad, sure during farming seasons there was a buttload of work, but outside of planting and harvest there was an equally impressive buttload of free time.
Anyway in the middle ages things made sense, you just went to church and listened to your priest tell you about god and didnt ever have to think or question anything.

>> No.1835448

I agree with the OP. Halp?

>> No.1835456



>> No.1835466

Exploring the ocean would be the next best thing. We still know fuck all about it

>> No.1835484

You mean LSD?

>> No.1835497

life is an art,
you make it into a craft,

>> No.1835499

science, being the study of life, is also an art, which was made into a craft, faggots

>> No.1835528

The next best thing? Google Earth!