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File: 50 KB, 400x268, global-warming-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1832550 No.1832550 [Reply] [Original]


Take it to the masses /b/!!!!
(I know your not my personal army but i suspect alot of you will get behind me on this!


This is a promotional video for an eco campaign that is a total fail, and most be made public!

>> No.1832569


>> No.1832572

i also bump

>> No.1832579

>implying the planet is not hotter OVERALL

>> No.1832598

I think you take tv commercials a bit too seriously.

Although I admit when I talk to people who aren't onboard I do wish I had like a little blow the up button - not like I'd use it - more like the feeling you get when your stuck and traffic and you wish the slow fuckers would get out of your way so you could get where you need to go.

So yeah I think the commercial does a fine thing of sending up us environmentalists for that internal and juvenile desire. Also I signed up for 10:10 so thanks for the advert!

>> No.1832602

>If we kill 10% of the worlds population then we will decrease carbon emissions by 10%.

I just solved global warming!!!

>> No.1832603

God dammit, people pull this shit and it rapes legitimate concerns.

Well don 10:10 you've done more today to set back the cause then all the efforts of all the opposition.

>> No.1832605

>implying that Global Warming hasn't been confirmed overall
>implying that whether or not it is our fault is important to finding cheaper fuels and whatnot
>implying the terrorism thing isn't meant to be melodramatic on purpose for a humorous slant. Or that maybe the people that made it opposed 10:10 and were commenting on how supporters were too fanatical about it.

>> No.1832611
File: 15 KB, 476x482, 1272564550672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the wrong board to ask this on. The scientific consensus is that AGW is real.

>> No.1832616


They realize after the fact how stupid the idea was it seems.

>> No.1832629

I can see where you're coming from but it is so absurdly over the top. How can someone take it seriously.

Its the equivalent of thinking autotune the news is serious business.

>> No.1832631

Irrational people will take it seriously easily, most of the populous is irrational.

>> No.1832634

I hate hearing people say "so much for Global Warming!" on days that it snows. Especially here, in fucking Wisconsin

>> No.1832638

If we keep treating them like they can't take a joke then they'll never learn how to let us be funny.

>> No.1832639
File: 14 KB, 236x338, Screen shot 2010-07-20 at 6.26.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most scientists say climate change in human made

>> No.1832644
File: 13 KB, 325x241, Screen shot 2010-07-21 at 8.41.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

84% say humans cause global warming, 10% say natural

94% of scientists say climate change is real.

84% say humans drive it

>> No.1832652

I agree. Last winter (in NYC) a girl in my analytical chemistry class said to me that same line "so much for global warming" after it had snowed for a week straight.

I raged and asked her if she knew that increased air temperatures were what caused heavy snow and that if it got too cold no snow would fall at all. She said no - and I told her to be scientist and do research before being stupid.

>> No.1832657

OP here, i'm not claiming that Global Warming isn't humanly caused, i'm opposing this video. It's incredibly poorly thought through, and to get a man like Richard Curtis to direct it, and Tottenham to promote it makes it worse. If this went to television 10:10 global would be fucked, the bad PR that would come from killing anyon who doesn't agree with you would be huge. The idea that if you don't conform, you die, is an awful thing to be backing.

>> No.1832661

Yeah, but I don't like taxes or government. Therefore all of science is disproven.

>> No.1832664
File: 9 KB, 195x237, ccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>doenst believe in global warming
>bascially doesnt believe in science


you sir are the true JOKER.....

>> No.1832667

>it's snowing because it is hot

>> No.1832672

>This is a promotional video for an eco campaign that is a total fail, and most be made public!
>says he actually agrees about global warming after a bunch of people tell him he is stupid.

>> No.1832683
File: 291 KB, 506x675, screenshot_015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah look if they were serious about it it would be reprehensible - but shit man they clearly aren't serious about blowing people up.

Again like most humor it plays on a truth - that being on board means being driven fucking nuts by people slow driving in the fast lane (to reuse a metaphor). How many times have you raged at the idiocy and apathy of the slow fuckers?

That is what makes it funny - does it make a good commercial? Who knows. I think so, but I'm chaotic good (thats Mr. tesla over there) when it comes to this shit and probably a poor judge of these things.

>> No.1832687

In NY, it used to regularly get too cold to snow.
Now it is warm enough and cold enough in winter to snow

>> No.1832692


How the fuck is this humorous?

This was a genuine promotional video, and i understand that they weren't asking for all those who oppose them to die but even the implication that this was the case has brought down campaigns before.

>> No.1832695
File: 7 KB, 302x167, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snowing. Do you understand it?

>> No.1832703

You know you're right - I think I admitted that if I like the ad campaign it is probably for all the reasons that the ad campaign should not be shown.

It's probably that I was abused by humorless fucks when I was a kid.

>> No.1832708
File: 7 KB, 170x186, Troll don't feed it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eco terrorism
>reducing carbon emissions
>Take it to the masses /b/!!!!

>> No.1832742
