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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.1830363

Pic related...

>> No.1830376

sup OP

>> No.1830383


>> No.1830381


>> No.1830389
File: 93 KB, 1600x1200, UFO-NY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could argue this idea all day long, but there is so many batshit crazy people behind the subject, I'd rather not bring them out of the woodwork.

There is a ton of crap around on these sites, but some of it is quite interesting to say the least, and a good use as references if you really want to research this subject.

I make no stance on weather or not any of it is real.


>> No.1830393

>sup op
>does nothing

>> No.1830395

hmm alright man, we'll see in a few days then lol

>> No.1830398

If I were an alien I wouldn't be out in the ass end of space, which is essentially what earth represents.

>> No.1830407

maybe they're insane?

>> No.1830409

well we can't really assume that now can we, we have no idea what they would intend

>> No.1830412

remember they're either completely like us or completely different, either way we have no idea what they want to do with us, this be OP btw

>> No.1830419

>weather or not any of it is real
is that a pun?

>> No.1830423

universe is huge...

>> No.1830426
File: 16 KB, 247x184, 1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably, i just noticed that lol

>> No.1830435

What was that news story of people testifying to bombs being disarmed by unidentified objects?

>> No.1830441
File: 16 KB, 160x160, 1274673882117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright well it's late guys, discuss if you want, op out

>> No.1830444
File: 10 KB, 245x225, earthspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We can't assume Earth is in the ass-end of the Galaxy?

Pretty sure we can.

>> No.1830450

ugh last post, to answer, apparently while scientist were testing nukes, UFOs were seen outside at every occurance, almost everytime the scientist tried to test them everything malfunctioned and they couldn't test it...i can't remember i'm fucking tired, night /sci/

>> No.1830459

you really like rustling my jimmies, fucker. i meant "we can't assume" as in we can't assume what they're doing in the ass-end of the galaxy, sorry for the fail. we don't have an idea

>> No.1830466

I would like to know, how did we compose a picture of our galaxy, does anyone know? I am not saying aliens did it, just curious. Better offtopic then batshit insane.

>> No.1830468
File: 49 KB, 256x256, tf2 soldier spray_icon308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kbye /sci/

>> No.1830473

We didn't.

>> No.1830479

>weather or not

>> No.1830481

O.o my birthday was the 27th... Aliens hijacked my birthday! Fuckers

>> No.1830495

what the hell makes our end the ass end? I'd rather live here than that shitty galactic centre, just sayin.

>> No.1830511

The center would be a radiation bath and a fireworks show as the black holes warp our time and space.

>> No.1830516

There would be no such thing as night.

>> No.1830519

>implying any practical difference
heliopausis would just be closer

>> No.1830526


Well, up until the invention of the incandescent light bulb, humans could look up and see the Milky Way Galaxy on clear nights. Pretty much every culture on Earth has either a word or a phrase to describe it, in fact.

Most of our pictures of the Milky Way are usually artist renditions based on what we know to be true about our galaxy, in theory anyway. We know our galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy and we extrapolate from there.

I was going to post this directly but 4chan has this silly rule about not uploading pictures that are 33 MB in size.


>> No.1830530

Our solar system would be moving at a 10th of the speed of light. Fuckin fun. Ok someone come up with a plan to move us to the middle of the galaxy.

>> No.1830540

Thanks a lot for the reply. I haven't seen the milkyway that clear in awhile. I grew up on a farm away far away from any city or town, now I live in a city... light pollution sucks ass.

>> No.1830584

>>implying any practical difference
exactly so stop calling ours the ass end

>> No.1831082

3 hour bump

>> No.1831100

I wish there were aleins, but all evidence points to no life in space except us

>> No.1831110

>all evidence
>I am an ignoramus please rape my face

>> No.1831115


lol butthurt terran detected.

>> No.1831117

Since when was SETI "cancelled" by the government?

>> No.1831128

I don't care. I would still be a failure of a human being.

>> No.1831133


WTF is this? Is this what people who live in the middle of nowhere see?

>> No.1831137
File: 33 KB, 496x702, alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My visual representation when native inhabitants of Sol continue to live in the dark

>> No.1831160


God damn, I'm going to the mountains in Chile devoid of light pollutions if that's what I can see in the sky.

>> No.1831174


Yeah, because that's totally real and not enhanced by a supercomputer or anything.

>> No.1831302

Yes. This is what you see in the sky at night.

To really get a good view, you've got to be a long ways away from any city, in an area with thin/clear atmosphere, and with a new moon so it doesn't reflect sunlight onto everything.

>> No.1831560


Its funding was dashed well over a decade ago.

>> No.1831619

We all want life to exist besides us so bad, we create imaginary beings that look like us by not quite in our heads.

>> No.1831624
File: 10 KB, 251x241, 1270935448519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I live in a small village consisting of a few houses and I can see the fucking milky way and fucktons of stars

>> No.1831664
File: 12 KB, 105x134, lolface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> mfw dat sky

>> No.1831682

I want dat sky.

>> No.1831708
File: 2.91 MB, 3456x2304, SpruceKnob-Night-Sky[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly?

>> No.1831712

I am so jealous, makes me miss when I was on a farm and I'd sleep on the roof of my house in the middle of winter, just to see the stars so clearly.

>> No.1832056

>Another speculation suggest that we are about to be invaded and the peoples of Earth forced into slave labor to mine certain rare elements.

Oh god it's just like avatar

>> No.1832178

what are those white things in the sky

>> No.1832195

Solar flares

>> No.1832216

Dat second link man.

I'm going to guess it's bullshit?

>> No.1832241


> According to my sources

I would be tinkled pink to know what his "sources" are.

>> No.1832361

so jelly i could kill you slow

miss my granpa's village ;_;