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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1828746 No.1828746 [Reply] [Original]

what came before the big bang

>> No.1828765

Time started at the big bang, there was no before.


>> No.1828767

A previous big bang.

>> No.1828774

The big nothing.

>> No.1828775

Empty space and lots of quantum fluctuations, then uncertainty principle created a "bang", long story after that, you come on 4chan begging an answer. I tried to answer, but you probably just ignore it.

>> No.1828782


>> No.1828786



>> No.1828787

what came before the quantum fluctuations

>> No.1828788

God. What? It's not obvious?

>> No.1828792

jesus christ probably.

>> No.1828809

>big bang is gods birth
>in less then a nano second he spreads what ever he fucking desires across the universe
>lets it shape into what ever the fuck it does for his own amusement
>gives elements that little spark to create life
>lets life evolve as his form of creation
>all of this creates humanity
>was probably the equivalent of seven days to him.
>humanity starts writing shit scribbles about him that make little to no sense
>god face palms.

search your feelings, you know this to be true.

>> No.1828819

>implying time cant be negative

>> No.1828824



>> No.1828826

i reject your reality and substitute my own

>> No.1828831

fair enough. but if you look at the universe as an equation dependent on time, what created the equation

>> No.1828833

thats fine... reality is an illusion, make it what you want

>> No.1828835

Nothing, do you even understand what quantum fluctuations are?

>> No.1828840


>> No.1828842

quantum fluctuations arent nothing to me. where did they come from

>> No.1828847

Then don't look as the universe as a time-dependent equation.

>What created the equation
I know you're trying to tug "God" as an answer out of someone. Quit being a douche and go ask this somewhere else.

>> No.1828852

>nothing came before quantum fluctations
>implying they always existed
same as saying universe always existed. weak cop out.

>> No.1828854
File: 28 KB, 284x290, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont look at the universe as a time-dependent equation

>> No.1828857


>> No.1828860


Man created the equation, same as he created God.

Why do people think that something internal to humanity could have created the entire fucking universe? Oh yeah, ego.

>> No.1828865

I will waste no more time on you. Have fun asking the same question over and over, bypassing the answer as we know it. Grow up and learn science is science because it is ever improving and not all knowing.

>> No.1828869

Lmao, well said. We're all ego tripping.

>> No.1828871

sounds like a butthurt to me

>> No.1828874

bypassing answer, more like youre bypassing the question

>> No.1828883

lol he doesn't know to read past the first sentence.

>> No.1828884

Why don't you read the referenced post, chief?

>> No.1828889

>imlpying science isnt all knowing and that its not just you

>> No.1828891


More like there is no definite answer to give you. None that would satisfy whatever it is you're looking for.

Thousands of years of science hasn't figured it out yet, why do you think some message board will?

>mfw message board figures it out

>> No.1828901


The only eternal being ever, who is before the before and after the after.

God Most High.

The concept of eternal is impossible for us to grasp our tiny little contingent heads around. Also, to the people in this thread saying that there was nothing before the "big bang"... lol.

>> No.1828914

I thought that Stephen Hawking proved that the big bang created time. This would mean that there was no such thing as "before" the big bang.

>> No.1828939

eternity and nothing

two things most people can't grasp

>> No.1828945

They are also two things that may possibly be non-existent.

>> No.1828946


Goodness gracious, this.

>> No.1828948
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>concept created big bang

>> No.1828958


>thinks God did it

>> No.1828959

>big bang created time
what created the big bang

>> No.1828961


How could Stephen Hawking "prove" that there was nothing before the big bang? The big bang theory is simply an idea, and his brain is just as limited as ours...

Remember that God is on your side, only our egos would rather have us serve ourselves instead of God, who created us and nourishes us.

>> No.1828967

more logical

>> No.1828975
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>> No.1828981

as far as you are corcerned, the universe started when you realized you existed

>> No.1828989

Yes, the imaginary happenings of a made-up diety caused the universe to come into being.

See >>1828975

>> No.1828994


You shouldn't discard ideas because you do not understand them. Remember that before we published the electromagnetic spectrum we thought that what our 5 senses gave us was reality, which only proved to be a millionth of reality after the publishing.

tl;dr - what you perceive aren't the only things that exist

>> No.1828999

ITT: butthurts who think something came from nothing

>> No.1829004


Prove something always existed then, without bringing up God.

You can't? Okay then.

>> No.1829005

thats like saying velocity come from acceleration
if you cant explain the acceleration the it doesnt matter

>> No.1829009

Which deity you speaking of?

>> No.1829010

why deny the only thing that makes sense

>> No.1829011


Let us hear your theory then.

>> No.1829017


The one that keeps getting brought up in lieu of real answers.

>> No.1829020

lol can't believe this is even still being discussed

>> No.1829024

Yahweh the massive troll?

>> No.1829033

because it does prove shit

>> No.1829034


>> No.1829038


Yes, the imaginary sky fairy.

The answer to everything before man actually opened his eyes and looked around.

>> No.1829043


>> No.1829048

And here I was thinking it was Zeus.

>> No.1829056

as far as the quantum fluctuation theor, thats pretty much this>>1829005
proving the origin of the universe will be the last thing science ever does.

>> No.1829063

if its all-knowing then you can call it whatever you want

>> No.1829071

Wouldn't it have a right to its own name, if it knew everything in the first place?

>> No.1829078

10.5 eggs

>> No.1829083


>> No.1829092

>implying it deserves something we came up with

>> No.1829104

but youre probably trolling me now

>> No.1829109

Who says there has to be nothing before the big bang?

>> No.1829122

its the concept that something had to come first

>> No.1829124

I read a textbook explanation that said that "during the big bang the universe was so energized that virtual particles were created at virtually every point in space"

There have been experiments that have shown that cp symmetry can be violated during collisions because of magnetic vortexes, which I think created the imbalance of matter and antimatter in the universe

but before the big bang? I dunno.
don't you guys have any cool cosmology ideas?

>> No.1829128

Like I said, I thought that Hawking proved it. His research is in theoretical cosmology, so I'm sure his credentials outweigh all of /sci/'s combined credentials. Let's not act like we know better than he does.

It could be a fantastically simple mathematical proof. Failure to understand or research said proof is not a good counter-argument to its validity. This is not a statement to you specifically, but there are many on /sci/ who should take note.

>> No.1829132

I think he just went full retard. Abandon thread!

>> No.1829141
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mfw he actually believes this

>> No.1829172

No one knows. Not even creationists know what happened first in their theory. But the point of this thread is what came before the big bang, and the answer is quantum fluctuations.

>> No.1829173
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ITT: people believe something came from nothing

>> No.1829176


youre wrong

>> No.1829194

creationist theory holds but has no way to be proven, atheist say its not good enough but have no theory of their own ergo controversy

>> No.1829208
File: 25 KB, 240x199, nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wut nigga? Stop the trolling

>> No.1829209

No, what came before God? Ain't even no quantum fluctuations up in there.

>> No.1829214

lol what was he wrong about?
also was it a namefag?

>> No.1829217

>implying something came before god
now i know im being trolled

>> No.1829227

>implying something came before the big bang for the duration of this entire thread

>> No.1829229


>> No.1829236

>implying the big bang created itself

>> No.1829238

we have to get the concept of an origin for everything out of our human minds

there was no beginning

shit happens, sometimes it happens for a reason, sometimes it doesn't

begging the question of what happened before x before y before z ad infinitum, is redundant and meaningless.

>> No.1829240

>implying God created himself? I guess you can just go there.

>> No.1829244

I smell a creationist in this post who assumes stated things must be a fact, or not right at all.

>> No.1829246

Yahweh can't keep his head out of his ass, we all knew this.

>> No.1829250

but we have the answer

>> No.1829252
File: 847 KB, 1540x1028, crunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What came before Big Bang? Big Crunch, of course. And before that a series of Big Bangs.

>> No.1829260

>thinks concept created big bang
>thinks thats any different from believing in god

>> No.1829263

what started the series

>> No.1829266

Again, you think I actually believe that we humans, ANY of us, have the real answer, even fucking close? No. I just gave the most accepted scientific theory. This is a /sci board after all.

>> No.1829270

They are a anal bead loop.

>> No.1829272

Asking what came before the big bang is as stupid as asking what's north of the north pole.

>> No.1829279

You cannot argue with this logic.

>> No.1829281

Arguing for an "uncaused cause" and arguing for a judeo-christian god are two totally different things.

Christian who claim "uncaused cause" as proof of god are being silly. You could just as easily state that the ratio between a circle's circumference and diameter is pi, then say "see? god!" In other words, the two concepts have nothing to do with each other.

>> No.1829285

I have faith in creationist ability to argue, just wait.

>> No.1829290
File: 888 KB, 2048x1536, 1256250887556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans which are created and die within the centuries can hardly expect to understand the infinite years of a universe without creation or destruction.

>> No.1829299

you have no idea what deism is do you

>> No.1829302

Trans-humans will figure it out.

>> No.1829306

What do you mean?, You mean like how Christians are polytheist in denial?

>> No.1829309

this thread
god: 1
butthurts: 0

>> No.1829317

>implying belief in god and religion are equal

>> No.1829321


>> No.1829327

What does started mean? How do we define a word? What is a word? What is language? What does language mean? How do we define language without using language? How do our thought processes work? How do our thought processes produce consciousness? How do neural networks work? What gave rise to them? And so on, ad infinitum.

Once you answer those questions I will answer yours. Point being that we've already answered your question with Quantum Fluctuations but you obviously don't understand and so continue to ask questions that cannot be answered because they are nonsensical and irrelevant in such context and the only thing they cut deeper into is bullshit.

>> No.1829334

What came before god? No one knows. I'll tell you one thing, it's not one of your fairy tales fabricated by MAN.

>> No.1829340
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Butthurts:Over 9000
Deities: Jelly, Yahweh+Jesus, Zeus

>> No.1829341

>cant answer question
>blames it on question being unanswerable
>says im rejecting answer to unanswered question

>> No.1829361

There, I answered your question. If you don't think I've answered it then you are truly a lost hope as far as the human brain goes.

>> No.1829363
File: 99 KB, 418x455, time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came before god

>> No.1829365

first sentence
>temporary change in energy
you know my next question so im not even going to say it.

>> No.1829371

id like to point out

>> No.1829377

How many times must we repeat this.

>> No.1829378

This whole thread and no one brings up that article about the universe possibly being in a black hole? For shame, /sci/
inb4 " 'universe' means everything including the black hole we're in, dumbass"

>> No.1829381


>> No.1829388

Common... that's just silly.

>> No.1829390

your theory implies something was always there and that nothing never existed.

>> No.1829391

That is all explained when you study quantum mechanics, dipshits.

>> No.1829394

until it answers the question of what caused the quantum fluctuations

>> No.1829399

>how old do you think i am
its not. its that seemingly nothing bullshit

>> No.1829402

Dumbasses that don't understand quantum fluctuations, on my /sci/? It's more likely than you think.

>> No.1829407

Why is it silly?

>> No.1829417

doesnt understand the difference between nothing and something

>> No.1829420
File: 118 KB, 800x600, mantis-shrimp-791419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right, I'm going to try to do the impossible. Laymans terms time. Fuck, can't do it. Okay look, matter is destroying itself with a positive and negative all over the universe, right this instant, and it has been this way forever. This is how nothing becomes, and there is never nothing everywhere. Then suddenly, big fucking bang out of nowhere that creates maggots like you.

You're fucking welcome, Mantis shrimp signing out.

>> No.1829424

Nothing existed before the big bang. The big bang wasn't an explosion IN space and time, it was an explosion OF space and time. For something to exist "before" something else, time needs to exist first. Time didn't exist before the big bang. It's like asking what's deeper than the center of the Earth. There isn't anything deeper, because the center of the earth is defined as the deepest part. So is the Big bang the earliest point of existence for our universe.

>> No.1829443

Yet again doesn't understand quantum fluctuations.

>> No.1829445

quantum fluctuations by your example is
>the temporary change in the amount of energy in a point in space
a RATE is not he same thing as nothing which is why i used the acceleration vs velocity example.

>> No.1829449

The problem with quantum fluctuations is that it requires the universe to exist first, in order for there to be a scaffolding (spacetime) for the energy/particles to exist in, so the fluctuations can be come magnified

>> No.1829452

nobody knows as of yet

>> No.1829453

Another fag that doesn't understand quantum fluctuations.

>> No.1829458

cops out and says nothing never existed
have fun believing nothing came from nothing but was always something

>> No.1829471

The Universe's net energy is zero. Nothing exists right now. Nor did it ever exist.

>> No.1829477

our definition of nothing is different, or youre a troll
quantum fluctuation is not nothing

>> No.1829481

Oh really? Where's all that antimatter that normal matter needs in order for things to balance out?

>> No.1829484

>doesn't understand what's being said
>continues to talk shit
Read the damn article, retard.

>> No.1829488

Is this true?
I thought it was just "close" to zero.

>> No.1829490


>> No.1829492

I'm pretty sure your definitions of quantum fluctuations are different.

>> No.1829493

Yes, it is nothing, maybe you have an unscientific definition of nothing that has nothing to do with how the universe works. You are the troll. READ THE MOTHERFUCKING ARTICLE.

>> No.1829504

Yes it is, it's like in math when you multiply both halves of a fraction by the the complex conjugate, you're introducing something new but you still have the same as what you had before. That is how the universe can work without violating its own laws.

>> No.1829505

if you think net zero is nothing then theres nothing left for me to say.
>seemingly nothing theory again

>> No.1829509

See >>1829504

I have a PhD in Physics, motherfuckers.
I wrote that shit.

>> No.1829511

He isn't. He's skimming and picking out individual words that help his argument. Next thing you know, he's gonna pick out the word "the" and use it to disprove the argument.

>> No.1829551

and would you like to tell me who's doing the multiplying

>> No.1829553

I guess I'm missing something. If quantum fluctuations can result in pair production, but you only have one of the pair, thats not really net zero. I think you just read somewhere once that the universe was due to a "quantum fluctuation", and now you're wearing that like a badge, but you don't actually understand what it is, so you get mad when people ask you to explain it. You just shove the article at them. If you truly understood quantum fluctuations, you'd be able to explain what it is in laymans terms.

>> No.1829560


Doctors usually know wether it's time to argue or not, even though you do not look like a doctor.

>> No.1829571

I wrote the damn Wikipedia article and it's as close to layman's terms as possible without losing meaning (like Schrodinger's cat did). If you're too stupid to understand it then that's not my problem, go cook me some fast food and leave the science to the smart people.

>> No.1829573

let me put it like this
negative 1 + 1 = 0
but negative 1 is not nothing and neither is 1.
adding to get zero is not the same thing as having zero from the beginning

>> No.1829577

The quantum fluctuations you fucking retard.

>> No.1829578

A few people have already done so in this thread.

>> No.1829586

so something is doing something
but what came before the something

>> No.1829595

Yes it is the same, I can go from
0 = 0 to
1-1=0 and holy shit I started with zero from the beginning and got something else using a logically valid step. Of course -1 isn't nothing, -1 plus 1 is.

>> No.1829600


Once again, read the article.

>> No.1829611

if you add up all the numbers on the number line you get zero.
youre saying the number line always existed whereas im asking what created the number line
>also the number line isnt nothing just because it adds to zero

>> No.1829619

You fools, you're asking a question, he's giving you his answer, you don't accept it. It's HIS answer. He literally wrote the article. You don't have to agree. But he gave you a definitive answer to your question. Now shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.1829621

The number line IS nothing. Your example shows the very nature of the universe, that everything reduces to nothing. What created the number line? Nothing, because the number line is nothing.

>> No.1829638


>> No.1829646


I started with 0 now, using a fully reasonable mathematical method, I have 1-1. What created the 1 and -1 when I started with nothing?

>> No.1829648

Oh damn, u just madded.

>> No.1829651

the number line is a concept with endless possibilities. where did these possibilities

>> No.1829655

Why does something have to "create" anything?

>> No.1829659

i can solve this easily. in calculus you quickly learn 0 is not the same thing as nothing

>> No.1829665

No, you don't, maybe in your fucked up calculus class but I have a PhD, dude, I understand calculus.

>> No.1829669

Where the heck did you learn calculus?

>> No.1829670

>implying math always existed

>> No.1829675

He's not really giving an answer, he's just saying a word. We don't come onto forums to paste wikipedia links at eachother

>> No.1829676

What Martian form of calculus did you learn?

>> No.1829688

the difference between 0/0 and 0 IS

>> No.1829692

Because he wrote the article, that whole article is his answer.

>> No.1829697

It's undefined. How is it relevant anyway?

>> No.1829711
File: 2 KB, 430x53, af90b1ce7e651f8d18b59cff15225fd0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats true, but look at the pic, its not exactly conducive to conversation like what /sci/ is after

>> No.1829723

whats the difference between a 1 and the next number. we know its not the same, but to approximate, we say it is.

>> No.1829731

because 0/0 is what i call truly nothing

>> No.1829737

indeterminate forms
>and you say you know calculus

>> No.1829748

because something came first

>> No.1829750

Then you are living in your own isolated version of reality and we cannot answer your question. Have a nice day.

>> No.1829752

The fag with the o_O isn't me, dude. it's the OP

>> No.1829755

I accept that you can create equal amounts of opposite things out of relative nothing, but what I can't accept is that it happens randomly.

>> No.1829769

>the number line is nothing
how so
you have an infinite amount of numbers. even zero is a number.
youre saying the numbers always existed.

>> No.1829781

Well, you're already smarter than most people in this thread but what you need to realize is that the universe doesn't work the way you want to, it doesn't work in a way you consider 'right'. It works however the fuck it wants and we can only study it.

>> No.1829791

Is spacetime a thing? If its devoid of all energy and particles, does it exist? It has to, if it is expanding, OR redshift is a property of photons and not spacetime, which I'm inclined to believe because dopplar is relative

>> No.1829803

all this talk of quantum fluctuation is not answering the question.
>when i throw a ball in the air, at the top of arc, its velocity is zero.
>even though the balls velocity is zero, it has an acceleration
>the acceleration is not nothing
>same theory with quantum fluctuations

>> No.1829813

>>same theory with quantum fluctuations
No, it's not.

>> No.1829823

you say its not the same because you cant accept the fact youre wrong

>> No.1829840

I say it's not the same because it's not. You say it is because you are retarded.

>> No.1829843

No. You are literally comparing apples and oranges.

>> No.1829845

>quantum fluctuations are a change in the universe
>acceleration is the change in velocity
its the same concept

>> No.1829857

Okay guys, I have shit to do. But before I go I have something to say. I don't have a PhD, I didn't write that Wikipedia article I spammed you with, I didn't even read it; I don't know shit about Quantum Fluctuations either. But I'll be damned if this thread wasn't the most fun I've had on /sci/ in a long time. Thanks, you big pack of idiots.

>> No.1829858
File: 117 KB, 1018x645, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's two waves of opposite sign meeting and cancelling eachother out. One person is saying that because they cancel out to zero, they don't really exist, and another person is saying that even though they cancel out to zero, they still exist because if one weren't there, there would be a positive or negative amount.

>> No.1829867

>an apple is a fruit
>an orange is a fruit
its the same concept

>> No.1829887

>implying the person you were arguing with believed you had a ph.d or wrote the article

>> No.1829897

pretty much this

>> No.1829939

Except the Universe started with the 'waves on top of each other' and then they moved apart. Which is sort of how quantum fluctuations work.

>> No.1829951

youre still saying they were always there

>> No.1829973

We can't measure anything before the waves. They were on top of each other and canceled out. There was nothing.

>> No.1829997

they appeared to be nothing,

>> No.1830006

Any minute now, they're going to realize how turned on they are by eachother, and start making out. They're inches apart, feeling eachothers breath on their faces as they bitterly fight to have the last word of what has become semantics

>> No.1830018

But that's what came before the big bang, which is the topic of this thread. You're the one who keeps pushing your nothing agenda.

>> No.1830019

Appearing to be nothing and being nothing are not different when an observation is made and therefore are not different in reality.

>> No.1830027
File: 219 KB, 1600x1166, 1285838627037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before the big bang

LMAO, our concept known as "time" started at the big bang. There was no, "before". Time did not exist until the big bang.


>> No.1830036

wrong. if you took a picture of the two waves you would see it as a whole. there is a set.
>if im floating in outerspace and throw a bowling ball to move, the net momentum is still zero. but what cause the 'quantum fluctuation'. i did.

>> No.1830059

yes it is. by the same uncertainty principle.

>> No.1830102

>implying reality is nothing

>> No.1830120
File: 69 KB, 500x378, Wikipedia_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking dipshit.

>> No.1830137

I look at a star which as gone supernova several years ago but that information hasn't reached me yet. According to my observation, the star is fine, but in reality, the star has gone supernova

>> No.1830164

12 eggs, so A

>> No.1830165

im hiding under your bed
when your sleep i steal everything in your room
in your reality im a quantum fluctuation. does that mean i dont exist

>> No.1830169

How does matter not exist and then not exist?

How does disparate matter form together into complex thinking organisms?

Matter is of course constant.

What the fuck am I?

>> No.1830178

>mfw im watching an anime that has this same argument

>> No.1830186

The consciousness of the universe to figure itself out.

>> No.1830188

ima sum this thread up for you. eventually we came to this. all the numbers on the number add to zero but are numbers. one is saying the numbers are something and the other is saying that they are an illusion

>> No.1830195

according to this thread, a quantum fluctuation

>> No.1830199

It should be noted that according to what we think we know about matter being generated, you can't have a number without an equal and opposite number, so 4 and -4, and there shouldn't be such a thing as 4 by itself. But, thats what the whole universe is, a giant violation of that symmetry.

>> No.1830211

Yep. We're the flukes.

>> No.1830223

What about 0?

>> No.1830238

ITT: something is only seemingly something and is in fact nothing vs. its fucking something

>> No.1830239


Obviously: small bang

>> No.1830244

before small bang was...

>> No.1830245
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>> No.1830258


I'm sure it's not safe to tread there.

My mind can only take so much fuck. I don't know about anyone else. .

>> No.1830260

The real truth is that we do not know.

>> No.1830263
File: 28 KB, 318x472, brofist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least someone knows the answer

Thanks Anon!

>> No.1830271

theres is a major difference between something and seemingly nothing (not really). i can offer you can single point int the space time continuum or i can give you nothing. the volume of the point is zero but you know that nothing else can exist in that same place and thus you know you have something.

>> No.1830281


no bang

>> No.1830295
File: 3 KB, 343x327, sqr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1830301

what? wtf are you talking about?

>> No.1830333

t=0 is relative. there trying to find the starting point to an endless cycle. on is arguing that the cycle doesnt exist, the other is arguing that the cycle does and begins with the creation od the cycle

>> No.1830370
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Ohh, ic, so you just have some limitied highschool knowledge of physics, and you assuming it works for everything. If only things were as simple as you thinking. Do you like talking outta your ass?

This is not some trival gauge invaraince shit, I am not just setting a t=0, as a refernce point. The fact that time "started" at the big bang has to do with the "time evolution operator". This type of physics emerges at the big bang, at which point, "time began to flow".

I know it is all over your head, but maybe if you ever get to some Phd level physics you might start to understand. Good luck.

>> No.1830379

theres an absolute time, and a subjective time. if you were to travel at the speed of light t=0 but from the outside it doesnt. but im sure this is over your head

>> No.1830399
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LMAO, implying a photon cannot note its own change (as its time is always t=0).

You highschool fags alwasy make me laugh...thanks!

>> No.1830404

realizing youre wrong and argeeing with me does not make you right

>> No.1830406

Wow. Just wow.

>> No.1830414


I'm.. I'm not sure you got out all that you intended to, right?

>> No.1830425
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No one is agreeing with you, it is pretty obvious you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Have you ever even taken a physics class?...lol

Good troll bro