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1823088 No.1823088 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be possible to control the rotation of a planet through the use of a propulsion system? Like lets say we went to a planet that was not rotating at all and we put a giant Rocket on one side and one of equal size and power on the other and then turned them on.

My logic is that if we jump started a planet that was perfect for terraforming (perfect size and distance from a sun) wouldn't this planet continue spinning because of Newton's law. "Any object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force"

any reason why this could or could not be done?

>> No.1823160

No answer yet?......guess your all not smart enough to answer

>> No.1823171

I don't think there are planets that don't spin. Something that has to do with the formation of planets. Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.1823180


OK, but could this in fact work to effect a planets rotation?

>> No.1823181

Jump, you have just changed the rotation of earth

>> No.1823185

Assuming the planet wasn't spinning. Yes, there isn't anything to stop you from spinning it. Though bear in mind that there 'will' be drag on the planet, just the same as on earth.(example, the moon creates noticeable drag on earth, actually slowing its rotation{a very tiny amount every year})

>> No.1823196

bump for interest. If we could do this to Gliese-581g that could be a very interesting idea.

>> No.1823202

Yes, it's possible, but only if your rocket engines are powerful enough to shoot their exhaust material into space. If their exhaust stays planetbound, Newton's third law and conservation of angular momentum screw up your plans.

>> No.1823207


I think we should start with figuring out how to get there before we try to start getting the fucker to spin

>> No.1823220

Very true. Just saying, once getting there becomes realistic, getting it to rotate faster would greatly increase the area on which we could survive (from the night/day border to the whole planet, assuming of course the average temperature stayed within habitable boundaries).

>> No.1823242

Tidal locking, it is possible for a planet to "not spin", or basically spinning in such a way so that one side always faces the body it orbits. Our own moon does it.

OP, what you have said is theoretically possible, but it would be an incredible endeavor to undertake. Also, this is a slow board, so be patient and calm the fuck down when you;re here.

>> No.1823426

Expect to use a decent percentage of the mass of your planet as propellant.

>> No.1823572

that's beyond the scope of his question.
He did not state where the source would be required from nor does the question ask it. For all we know he has 8th dimensional xanadu speedo rockets two for a klorithinian dollar that can shoot the entire planet across the known universe with near light speed acceleration.
So, no he might not need to use a decent percentage of the planets mass as propellant.