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1822780 No.1822780 [Reply] [Original]

Earth 2.0 has been found:



>> No.1822794

we've known about the gliese system for fucking ages

>> No.1822799

How far away is it?

>> No.1822809


There are a shitload of Glieses, Gliese 581c, 581d, this 581d thingee is a new one.


20 light years.

>> No.1822817

i've already built a space craft that compresses space ahead of it, and expands it behind it.

I have coords set in for this planet zone. It might be a one way trup though, since I'm running only 6 playstation 3 emotion chips. Dont have the calculations to track earth while we're gone.

so, if you're female I'd prefer it.

>> No.1822846

> only revolving and not rotating
shit planet is shit

>> No.1822948

This is, so far, the most Earth-like planet ever found. You should be nerdgasming.

>> No.1822967

>"If these are rare, we shouldn't have found one so quickly and so nearby

This is what makes me giddy~

>> No.1822984

Ok so some Officals are coming out claming "UFO's" buzzed our bases in the 60's.

U.N. Is coming out with First Contact Protalcalls, and The Gliese system we've known about for a while, has a potental Earth like planet.

Ok lets say for Shits and giggles, the "UFO's" that buzzed the bases in the 60's where real and not of Earth construction. Then lets speculate even more that they came from Gliese.. Ok if they could somehow go 90% the speed of light, they'ed return home in the 80's 1990's. Take a break prepare a return trip...

They could potentaly return to Earth around now.


>> No.1822992

An Earth-like planet isn't good enough.

Humans are fragile

>> No.1823028

Well don't you have it all figured out.

>> No.1823029

Too bad about the tidal locking, but I'm sure we'll still be able to colonize it if we can reach it.

>> No.1823062

>perfect planet for supporting life
>tidally locked

Well, guess we'll have to wrangle an asteroid or blast a chunk out of the planet and give it a moon.

That should give it a spin, and maybe slow down the orbit.

>> No.1823106

Tidal lock doesn't sound too bad. Instead of dealing with huge temperature differences between day and night, one can just sit where it's just right.

>> No.1823114

I belive if we can get to it in 100-200 years we'd be advanced enugh to do so. What if something is living on it, and its advanced.

Hmmm. Intersting to see what they would look like on a tidal locked world.

>> No.1823123

Oh shit. It's Remus.

>> No.1823132

Lmao, those were my thoughts exactly.

>Is within the habitable zone and only 3-4 times the size of Earth...


>...and is tidally locked to its star

>> No.1823136

So what do we name it?

>> No.1823152


the tidal lock would probably produce some very powerful storms and make the planet a not very nice place to live

>> No.1823154

inb4 Reach

>> No.1823161

I always wonder in cases like this, what kind of life would already live on these habitable planets?

>> No.1823190


At least we could live along the equator?

>> No.1823217

Planet BOB

>> No.1823618

this is cool