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1821780 No.1821780 [Reply] [Original]

So I've had to take this Bible class to graduate. Basically, this guy is a young earth creationist, and he heard that I was an "evolutionist." She he printed out this whole packet of scientists who deny evolution and an old earth and gave it to me. I thought I'd share.

>> No.1821791

So he*

I'm high.

>> No.1821797

If it's a teacher tell him to stop poking his ass into your fucking beliefs

If it's just some dude same thing

>> No.1821813

Wait is it just that one page?

Or is there like a stack of it underneath?

Also - truth bends to public opinion? Lol

>> No.1821814

If you're in high school, good riddance to that place in june.

If you're in college, you're fucking fucked.

>> No.1821812

Print out a packet of the scientists who support evolution and give it to him.

You'd probably have to use a forklift though.

>> No.1821820

Notice that they only question evolution's validity- but don't support creationism. Evolution is still far more credible than creationism.

>> No.1821823

>had to take this Bible class
primitive country is primitive, what can you do

>> No.1821842

Sure is 1984 in here.
Ignorance is knowledge.

>> No.1821856
File: 183 KB, 960x720, Picture 151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind; I find it kind of amusing.
4 pages long.
This guy also teaches the class under this concept of a "worldview," and essentially explains to all of us that the only way we can have true meaning, logic, and morals is if we follow the "Biblical Worldview."

Anyone ever hear of this worldview bullshit before?

>> No.1821858

where the fuck do you go to school?

>> No.1821862

I heard of worldview bullshit before - you just told me. hahhaha... ha ... ha... yeah. I guess I wasn't funny :/

>> No.1821864


>> No.1821863

In bumfuck North Carolina. It's absolutely pathetic.

>> No.1821868

lol, USA

>> No.1821870

Where, specifically? My friend's girlfriend has to take a bible class to graduate and she goes to Gardner Webb.

Yall some fools for paying for that, lol. Enjoy your christian 'education'.

>> No.1821875

I like how none of these scientists are biologists.

>> No.1821880


Print out this page and give it to she-he.

>> No.1821916

not op here
i'm an atheist myself, but that can be turned around on science too lol

>> No.1821921


>this guy
>she print me out


>> No.1821925
File: 56 KB, 524x586, canadian_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had to take this Bible class to graduate

>> No.1821923

No it can't, the whole point of science is results should be reproducible.

A scientist would never go about trying to "prove" evolution by simply reeling off a load of scientists who agree with it, they would use the fossil record/dna etc etc.

Anyone that resorts to ad populum is a pussy.

>> No.1821927

see i knew you'd say that.
it isn't that we have evidence. it's that he won't give a fuck about it (willfully ignorant). Hence, i prefer things that will make them look like an idiot to himself and stfu promptly. Rather than herp derp your argument is this fallacy. HIM: OH YEAH WELL YOURS IS AS WELL. JUST CUZ EVERYONE BELIEVES BIG BANG DOESN'T MEAN ITS TRUE. no you see we have all this evi- LOLNO. EVERYONE BELIVES IT DOESN'T MEAN ITS TRUE.

yeah fuck that lol

>> No.1821932

I forgot we're dealing with stupidity here. Good point.

>> No.1821939

but that isn't using ad populum, that's an idiot using another retarded fallacious argument.

In this situation I strongly recommend walking away and saving your breath as there's probably no hope in arguing with them.

>> No.1821949

lol yeah. its a good argument. Just that it won't connect the dots in his fuckin' head.

You'd be better off doing this. It won't help, but it'll make you feel better.

yu0: Hey guy. Your argument amounts to an ad populum
guy: yeah? so does science. just because all these scientists believe evolution/bigbang/etc doesn't mean its true.
yu0: yeah but you see we have a mountain of supporting evidence.
guy: so? still doesn't mean its true if all the scientists believe it.
yu0: yeah well your mother is a whore.
guy: wat
yu0: well i figure since you're going to stupid about it, we might as well jump straight to the ad hominems and name calling.

>> No.1821954

You're an idiot.

>> No.1821957

I know.

>> No.1821972

wait, why the hell do you have to take a bible class to graduate. is this college?

>> No.1821978

Here's how you should do this:
You: You have presented no scientific evidence for creationism. Please stop bullying me into following your belief system.

>> No.1821990

I notice the OP is avoiding the question: Are you in college?

Because, if you are, why the fuck didn't you just go to a community college if you didn't have that many good options?


>> No.1822005

No college. This is public high school. I didn't have all the right credits to graduate last year, so I had to come back for an extra semester.

>> No.1822009

Oh thank god (pun intended).

>> No.1822039

so is the bible class required for a high school diploma? or is it just the only class available to you?
i'm from canada, didn't have to take any shitty bible classes when i did HS...

>> No.1822044

>This is public high school
you should introduce them to the concept of separation of church and state

>> No.1822049

No one in a western country should be able to graduate HS without a class on the Bible. That shat shit is basic to our civilization. Like the Magna Carta or the Roman Empire.

>> No.1822069

hey OP - show him this


>rughth that

>> No.1822074

You best be trolling.