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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 361x445, brainclimb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1821246 No.1821246 [Reply] [Original]

BOOYA. I am now officially getting paid to do what I love, and that is science. I'm 23 and never had a job before in my life, but my grades are excellent and I got hired as a research assistant doing brain research.

Now all I need is to do something about my unfortunate hairline and get a girlfriend and my life is complete.

Share with me: your success stories /Ψ/.

>> No.1821249

I am halfway through college and looking for work(I have been unemployed for the past 6 months>very poor economy in my local region)

>> No.1821253

Are you only looking for work in your field or also in other places? They always need people in places like McDonalds or something right? Doesn't matter how bad the economy is, people will always buy food.

>> No.1821261
File: 31 KB, 632x480, diogenes_and_lamp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for an educated man.

>> No.1821264

+1 internets for you

>> No.1821274
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>> No.1821281

Yo OP, what exactly are you researching in the brain?

>> No.1821283

Unfortunately no. As time progressed, and I remained unemployed, my restrictions in places I apply to, plummeted as well. McDonalds isn't hiring here, believe it or not, because they're overstaffed.

>> No.1821299

I'm now working on a number of projects around the phenomenon of the attentional blink (AD). It happens when people see a string of stimuli in rapid succession mixed with distractors. If a target stimulus is directly followed by a distractor, and that in turn is followed by another target stimulus, people will often report not seeing the second target stimulus. There are several hypothesis of why this happens and we hope to find out which one is correct. We have multiple methods of testing it and I'm mostly involved in EEG research but will also be doing fMRI and structural correlations with task performance (eg correlating diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and voxel based morphometry (VBM) data with task performance)

>> No.1821305

Wow that sucks. Are you from the states?

>> No.1821311

Yes; Vermont.

I keep a bright attitude, in that something will turn up...eventually.

As a side note: Land is so horribly expensive. >_<

>> No.1821315
File: 51 KB, 500x325, 1269227367045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve this thread

>> No.1821324

What do you study? Any chance of getting a job after you graduate?

>> No.1821326

I am doing master's of something I am not sure I really like (computer science). And it is driving me crazy. How is your life, /sci/?

>> No.1821332

You're doing your masters and you're not sure if you like it? :/

What did you do for your bachelors?

>> No.1821365

Ah, that's the catch though. Graduation is two years out. >_< Chances are I'll get a job 'then', but that's not 'now'.

>> No.1821367

I'm a 4th year civil engineering student. I hate my life ;_;

>> No.1821374

Man the fuck up and go do something you <span class="math">do[/spoiler] like

>> No.1821494
File: 131 KB, 1459x743, slor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1821501

i'm 16
have wonderfull girlfriend
don't pay much attention in school
still have best grades in my class

>> No.1821516

I did mathematics. It was okay but I didn't really want to do graduate maths and I thought CS would be easy. For some reason, CS profs like math majors. I didn't think there would be so much programming.

>> No.1821517
File: 29 KB, 468x458, internet-bro-fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1821538

>baw I hate life
>this thread

>> No.1821554

I like that

>> No.1821583
File: 42 KB, 380x360, ist2_215702-vector-fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1821604

Not a lot of success stories goin on in this here tread

>> No.1821749

I can hardly remember the days I still had ambitions ;_;

>> No.1821759


>> No.1821778 [DELETED] 

This is how the stomatogastic ganglion of a lobster is wired. Yeah...

>> No.1821784
File: 50 KB, 500x393, 500px-Stomatogastric_Ganglion_Fig8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how the stomatogastic ganglion of a lobster is wired. Yeah...

>> No.1821794

I've been a completely useless peice of shit ofr the past few years, this week I decided to focus on the glory that is science and math. Currently trying to finish my high school via home course work, after that I hope to go to a university. If I can get accepted.

Not quite a success story yet

>> No.1821819

Hey, at least you've found your motivation. I was a lazy little shit before university. I was held back a grade twice. As long as you get into a field you like you'll do fine.

>> No.1821829

>don't pay much attention in school
>still have best grades in my class
become complacent
start uni

>> No.1821830

what did you focus on in undergrad? logic? complexity theory? optimization? are you going for a good career with decent pay and benefits or research?

>> No.1821837

>mfw i am a first year undergrad student and have no idea how to do research with profs

i already know as much as a 4th year, but don't know how to 'demonstrate' it because none of my profs are currently doing research requiring my field. i know tons of first year students, even high schoolers (albeit it's a program) who did research.

>> No.1821999

>i already know as much as a 4th year
Believe me, you don't know half as much as you think you do. No offense. Learning has got a great deal to do with experience. As an undergraduate the most important thing you learn is <span class="math">how[/spoiler] to learn.

>> No.1822054

after HS i went to college, did shitty, got depressed, left. no prospects whatsoever.

took a year off, decided to try again in science. took classes, transferred to uni, will be graduating in the spring with an honours astrophysics degree and having done 4 semesters of research.

always a way to turn it around.

>> No.1822059

OP is probably a technician.

No respectable PI would hire someone without their PhD as a Research assistant/associate as they make even more money than a post doc.

>> No.1822067

maybe it's an issue of semantics. my friend with her BSc in physics (graduated earlier this year) is now a research assistant for a professor here. i doubt she makes much though