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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1821186 No.1821186 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/, I have a suggestion for you, but first you need to turn your mind off (oh dear god) for a couple of seconds and try to absorb something that might irk you slightly. If you tldr your way out of this one, then you're only hurting yourself.


>> No.1821188

There are people who know absolutely everything there is to know about various academic subjects, but seem to know jack shit on how to communicate intuitively with other people, let alone the laymen. They'll dismiss your profession, your knowledge, your life, and all of your experiences as completely useless without proper analysis because they're impatient and angry.

Not everyone who isn't a scientist is destined to be like loud-ass Shaquita in da projectz, an annoying-ass weeaboo at Kawaiicon, a "bro"-spouting beer-guzzler in some fraternity, a couch-enthroned pothead who just absorbs without giving, a stupid hipster who thinks their shitty existential acrylic paintings are good, or a head-banging anarchist who wants nothing more than to rot on earth.

>> No.1821191

And that's not to say there isn't value to any of those people, either! They certainly have intelligent counterparts, some of whom are misguided, some of whom have legitimate and understandable reasons for being the way they are.

I'm just tired of all these angry /sci/ducks berating everyone who isn't a science major or rejects the shitty public education system in favor of a free, autodidactic lifestyle only to turn around and be like "You're a fucking retard" to everyone who's at least trying to be like them, but can't get past this or that math problem or concept. You expect everyone to be like you, but then reject them when they try. Not everyone is born with intelligence, let alone the same type of intelligence you have.

So many of you seem like angry little sociopaths who had everything handed to you from a young age, so you don't understand people who aren't in college because, say, they grew up in an economically unfair situation with shitty peers, shitty teachers, and dependent parents. Their sufferings may have lead them to be a business major or an art major because they know how to deal with people, but science and math seem too far off for them, and by the time they understand it well enough to actually get a job with it, they'll be swimming in student debt for the rest of their lives.

>> No.1821193


>> No.1821194

Situations yield people yield situations. Not everything is this black-and-white "EVERYONE IS DUMB BUT ME" bullshit.

One of the biggest steps to making science and technology accepted by the uneducated masses is to stop approaching them with such a pretentious and angry attitude all the time, and try to make the difficult concepts easier and intuitive for them.

That all said:

I suggest all of /sci/ watch Good Will Hunting to understand what I mean. And I know you tend to hate cultural things like movies and all that, but this one will be worth it. It deconstructs so many of the social situations I see on this board.

>> No.1821195


>> No.1821198

I have no problem listening to your argument.
Your problem is that your argument is meaningless.
You're not providing evidence, research, or ANYTHING. You're simply making claims and moving on.

Before you try to convince other people that what you're saying is right, you should first study how to make effective arguments. Otherwise, you're just as worthwhile as a bag of rocks.

>> No.1821199


Trolls detected

>> No.1821206

I really don't think the crap you read in various responses is actually /sci/. That'd be akin to saying the troll threads that spawn up are a production of /sci/ and not assholes flooding the forum.

More often then not, I encounter a mix of crap posts, combined with actual posts. It's obvious where the intelligent posts are coming from, but it does make one stop and wonder where the others are.

>> No.1821207

> and try to make the difficult concepts easier and intuitive for them.

Hey MR SCIENTIST, y u gotta spend yo whole life progressin yo field??? I wanna know yo secrets dog. explainz 2me in a simple way man.!!.

>Recently, new mechanisms of action have been described for chondroitin sulfate. In an in vitro study, chondroitin sulfate reduced the IL-1β-induced nuclear factor-kB (NF-κB) translocation in chondrocytes. In addition, chondroitin sulfate has recently shown a positive effect on osteoarthritic structural changes occurred in the subchondral bone

nah forget it dog, imma go watch some good will hunting. shit's so cash

>> No.1821208


I dont agree with this. I think if someone is incapable of explaining something, no matter how complex, in laymens terms, then they themselves dont understand it. It doesnt matter how many PHDs they have, if they cant explain a difficult concept to a laymen, they dont understand it, theyre just playing "the chinese room". I know im misusing that philisophical example, its meant to show that a computer isnt conscious of what its doing. But im saying its that an expert doesnt actually understand what theyre experts in.

>> No.1821209


Where's your research?

Shut the fuck up and be human for a few seconds and listen. Not everyone is a robot who can afford to prepare an academic paper complete with research and experiments every time they wish to speak.

>> No.1821215
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Agree with OP.
But still.

>> No.1821220


Anyone who talks like that probably doesn't even know what Good Will Hunting is. Their favorite movie is probably soul plane.

Way to dismiss the movie I was talking about before you even understood it what it was about.


>> No.1821222


This, I agree in a sense, but I think your making a judgement based off of a poor sample. The sample being people who 4chan (lots of highschool kids who are in denial about their own stupidity + anonymity = assholes)

Probably the most common argument i see on 4chan is "youre a fucking idiot, clearly you know nothing about ______" which isnt even an argument, its a blind claim, which is clearly based in emotion, making it not only blind, but irrational. These people are the actual trolls, somehow 4chan has forgotten what a troll is.

>> No.1821225

I understood everything you said, it's been said before and will be said again.

As a mathematician I found Good Will Hunting hilarious. As a person I found it a terrible film.

>> No.1821229


>> No.1821240

Go to college, you will soon realize people arent actually like >>1821191 (stupid assholes who think they know everything)

However, you will find a lot of this >>1821188 stupid teachers who dont understand what theyre doing, they just know how to do the math. I cant tell you how many times ive raised my hand in classed and asked "so what does this model actually represent?" and the answer I got back, involved more abstract math that had nothing to do with my question. (Ive noticed this a lot with indian teachers, I think they study their asses off to get into american schools, and they are indeed "smart" but they dont really understand what the fuck all the math theyre doing actually represents, they just know how to follow all the steps and rules to solve anything in the textbook)

>> No.1821241


Then as a person, I encourage you to enjoy life by yourself, working towards obscure progress but being unable to communicate it.

So many of you seem to lie in every post you make.

"As a mathematician"

Bitch, please. If you were that important, you wouldn't even be on /sci/ right now. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

Maybe you are some math wizz with a bunch of degrees making that "300k starting" so many of you like to talk about more than the details of the career itself who likes arguing with people on the internet just to make them feel dumb. However, that's not going to encourage people to join you in your field. It's just going to repulse them.

So gg on that whole progress thing.

>> No.1821245


Yes, ive seen that before, and i generally resepect feynman, but he did an absolutely horrible job explaining it. When I saw this you tube video, my respect for feynman dropped several notches. I could of done a much much better job.

>> No.1821254


I know most of these people are trolls, but I don't want to be presumptuous, so I give them the benefit of the doubt as people. Just in case they're actually that misguided or angry. If they are, they should be talked to with reason and logic, not what basically amounts to the same things they're saying.

>> No.1821256


Ya, thats what im saying, people who ask stupid questions arent the trolls, its the people who give stupid answers. Somehow its gotten reversed in a lot of peoples minds. And i see someone ask a genuine question (albeit stupid), and he gets a shit ton of trolls responding who just accuse him of being a troll.

e.g. "Anyone who post below this line got trolled"

>> No.1821259

>Bitch, please. If you were that important, you wouldn't even be on /sci/ right now. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

You are very hostile. I never said I was important. I don't think I am important.

I study because I enjoy studying, not because I think it makes me important.

>Then as a person, I encourage you to enjoy life by yourself, working towards obscure progress but being unable to communicate it.

I can communicate it with my peers and could probably communicate it with an enthusiastic undergrad. I don't understand why you think I should/will spend my life alone.

Seems to me that you have no experience of the academic world.

>Maybe you are some math wizz with a bunch of degrees making that "300k starting" so many of you like to talk about more than the details of the career itself who likes arguing with people on the internet just to make them feel dumb. However, that's not going to encourage people to join you in your field

I don't need to encourage anyone to join "my field". Science has it's own intrinsic beauty that will always attract people to study it academically.

Also, I think you've been trolled pretty hard with the whole $300k starting thing.

If you're trying to make me feel guilty because I know more than you when it comes to a certain subject, you're a tad insane.

I could be overwhelmed by the technical details of a mechanics job, but I wouldn't get angry and tell him he's a terrible communicator because he can't explain it to me. He doesn't need to.

If I really was THAT interested, I'd enrol in mechanics school.

>> No.1821262
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I thought it had some relevance. Plus it made me laugh.

>> No.1821266

>people who aren't in college because, say, they grew up in an economically unfair situation with shitty peers, shitty teachers, and dependent parents.

This describes me, but I still turned out to be a bitter intellectual. Watching a lot of Star Trek and being able to read before starting school kinda helped with that I guess.

>> No.1821273

Yes you are correct OP.

The village idiots have continued to multiply and now use (coincidentally) most of their time in the usual way, violence - pain inflicted to others from their lack of common sense.

But now we have the Internet, where all the village idiots can come together.

>> No.1821290

Good job.

My youtube subscription has yielded some more magic. Here, it's a gift:


>> No.1821297

It has nothing to do with science...

People need to put others in a lower level so they can feel better about themselves. Whats the best place to do this? a science board where you expect intelligent discussions to take place...

I really pity those people

>> No.1821304

> Dear /sci/, I have a suggestion for you, but first you need to turn your mind off (oh dear god)
Starting your argument with "Don't think about it or it will be obviously wrong" is never confidence-inspiring.

> There are people who know absolutely everything there is to know about various academic subjects

> but seem to know jack shit on how to communicate intuitively with other people, let alone the laymen.

> They'll dismiss your profession, your knowledge, your life, and all of your experiences as completely useless without proper analysis because they're impatient and angry.
No, they'll do it because those things are completely useless as proof of anything.

> Not everyone who isn't a scientist is destined to be like loud-ass Shaquita in da projectz, an annoying-ass weeaboo at Kawaiicon, a "bro"-spouting beer-guzzler in some fraternity, a couch-enthroned pothead who just absorbs without giving, a stupid hipster who thinks their shitty existential acrylic paintings are good, or a head-banging anarchist who wants nothing more than to rot on earth.
Just 98.99997% of them.

>And that's not to say there isn't value to any of those people, either!
Oh, certainly not.

> I'm just tired of all these angry /sci/ducks berating everyone who isn't a science major
Fucking magnets, how do they work?

> or rejects the shitty public education system in favor of
Kent Hovind's Bible Camp Homeschooling

> Not everyone is born with intelligence, let alone the same type of intelligence you have.
So you're asserting that because they aren't equal in your opinion, we should value their input as equal to trained specialists with proven understanding.