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1821176 No.1821176 [Reply] [Original]

Do you lucky motherfuckers realize that you're part of the first generation that will live forever?

Advancements in Biotech, Nanotech and Medical science within the next 40 years will make disease and death from old age a thing of the past. Human lifespans will be measured in centuries, if not millenia. You'll get to see the first starships get built.

We'll be like Tolkien's Elves. Except not beautiful.

We'd also only have to maintain our biological bodies until our minds can be uploaded into sleek new indestructible machines.

>> No.1821183

> implying that immortality will be avaliable for ordinary people

>> No.1821182

I've seen this on /fit/ yesterday...
also no

>> No.1821202

>extinction-level event 20 years from now

>> No.1821214

It's good to be optimisctic, OP.
And then you will ride a starship to the new galaxies yet unknown. And life would be awesome

>> No.1821216

>Implying that'd be nice.
>Implying it's not likely to happen yet, unfortunately.
>Implying we'll get there.

In regard to such life extension technologies: I'll believe it when I see it. (That is the time line of its occurrence)

>> No.1821218

Read this.
Realize something fucking similar will happen by 2050.

>> No.1821223
File: 255 KB, 1000x806, Warhammer_Vampire_Lord_by_b_nine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if they get that far, the treatments wont be availble to anyone but the richest people. Actually, I dread the thought of science going that far. I, for one, do NOT welcome our undying overlords.

>> No.1821227

It's a shame to see people with an IQ off the charts kill themselves because they're rejected by the hopelessly retarded and idiotic general population and society. They'll miss all the fun and see everything you can only dream about today come true.

Also when you're on your way to the Andromeda galaxy in your personal space-ship, who the fuck will care if another female human being ever had your dick in her mouth?

>> No.1821228

I consider myself a transhumanist, and I'm not even that hopeful.

>> No.1821234

>Except not beautiful.
Why not? We can eliminate the body's decay, we can certainly pretty it up as much as we want.

However. If every single person in our generation gets to be immortal, and there isn't some sort of mandatory sterilization, the population explosion alone could possibly ruin society in the following generations.

>> No.1821238
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1) Far more profitable for pharmaceutical companies to make it affordable to most people
2) They don't, 20 million people, including me, are going to turn up infront of these skyscrapers with crowbars looking very very pissed off.

>> No.1821243

Thanks for the interesting story.

>> No.1821250

I actually hope you're wrong.... It gives people too much of a chance to get and abuse power T _ T

I'd rather die.

>> No.1821251

Inb4 TA-65

>> No.1821255

>Except not beautiful.
>implying plastic surgery is fiction

>> No.1821258

What if they just don't tell everyone when this technology becomes available?
what if it already is?

>> No.1821277

It's not. Seriously.

Although the SENS foundation and the Manhattan Beach project could already make some remarkable progress if people weren't so retarded these guys who could actually make a difference wouldn't have fucking _fund issues_. We spend millions ever minute on war machinery to kill people of our very own race and NASA doesn't even get 0.5% of tax incomes. This saddens me.

>> No.1821278


>> No.1821282

And I believe that the Manhattan Beach Project and SENS are getting a few million dollars in funding from some rich guys that are interested in the possibilities.

>> No.1821287

>A couple million dollars
>It costs 400.000 dollars to shoot the automatic guns that are mounted on US helicopters... for 12 seconds

>> No.1821288

Overpopulation is gonna suck

People become immortal, they make more babbys, those babbys become immortal, those babbys make babbys, those babbys become immortal, those babbys make babbys, those babbys become immortal, those babbys make babbys, etc.

>> No.1821292
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>> No.1821293

Just like all those "alien visitations are real. We have experts here giving concrete prove. People in high positions in various governments" videos and articles. The ones that of course have changed the entire world because no one who sees them ever passes them off as unimportant to them and forget about it within the week. Right?

>> No.1821294

Seriously, there's an international conspiracy to make you think you're smart and educated but you're nothing more than an employee, the security guard at the front gate that thinks he owns the whole complex.

Once technology gets to the point where things are repairing themselves and we can live forever, we the serfs will be exterminated.

Eugenics is alive and well and you fear men in caves.

>> No.1821296


>> No.1821300

That's why we won't stay on this planet. That's the nature of the human race. Exploit your current location and move on once its resources are worn out.

>> No.1821302


So their going to make them mandatory with every age stopping operation?

>> No.1821303

I think people forget the cultural implications of such a scenario. There isn't going to be this intellectual and biological imperative to reproduce as there is now. Not when 40 is getting on in ones years and reproducing is more of a now or never deal; changes to; 40 is nothing, I literally have centuries at my disposal.

Not to mention: generation ships? I know, the term is kind of odd here.

>> No.1821306

Assuming I was the head of a country I would implement some sort of sterilization, with sperm frozen for later times to fill up eventual deaths from accidents etc.

>> No.1821308
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>> No.1821310

>implying you can predict the state of technological progress 40 years in the future with anything even resembling accuracy.

>> No.1821312

Yeah it sure is smart and easy to try to exterminate 99.9% of the human population. They'll totally won't defend themselves against the few people who have money & power.

If they do that we'll bomb ourselves back into the stone-age.

>> No.1821322
