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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 175 KB, 640x480, PHI TUNNEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1820615 No.1820615 [Reply] [Original]

What is the secret of PHI, The golden ratio, The sacred CUT, The golden mean, The golden rule, ect....

PHI. 1.618.... what is your SECRET.....

I see you everywhere on earth, in the galaxy, in the finite and infinite... you curl my hair, you make my toilet swirl... WHAT IS YOUR SECRET!!! Your crafty way of bringing order to the chaos of the universe... I WILL KNOW YOUR SECRET!!!

>> No.1820624

are you the oracle

>> No.1820627
File: 1 KB, 74x36, MSP75619cbfe3295768d7600005h3fhbd1b503g0b9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you wake me up? What did you want again?

>> No.1820629
File: 27 KB, 469x462, 1284867690947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FACT: you'll die without ever knowing

Also no one will miss you when you die

>> No.1820638

Common share with me what you know....

My friend has found that Magnetic fields of multiple tesla's can be generated with the proper application of geometry based on PHI. with only a few wats of electricity.

As well, any design based of PHI is the MOST effective, and powerful design.

>> No.1820643

No. The secret of PHI is that it is the result of two or more infinities colliding in perfect relativity. That's what Pi is, for example. I've mentioned math that deals with things that are higher than two infinities.

... still looking at zero on the graph and how ignorant people are looking for the infinity of infinities.

>> No.1820645
File: 78 KB, 604x603, 13431_1233048899495_1027331104_747922_1546737_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to post some stuff, maybe you might have something to say...

>> No.1820652

That is Godly.

>> No.1820656
File: 35 KB, 462x460, 1281946822820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you an english major?

>> No.1820658
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>> No.1820659


Jesus Christ you're retarded. You seriously think that every irrational number is a gateway into an alternate universe or some shit? Here's a protip: there are infinite infinities of irrational numbers that are significant, likewise infinite rational numbers. Just because pi is significant and irrational does not mean it's otherworldly, by your logic I could say that 2 is the meaning of life

>> No.1820661
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>> No.1820668

Math is backwards. If it incorporated zero as hyperinfinity and performed operations backwards, you can create a math that disproves Godel's silly theorem.

>> No.1820670

I couldn't give a fuck less about irrational numbers

but the transcendental........

>> No.1820672

>by your logic I could say that 2 is the meaning of life
obviously not, 42 is the meaning of life and everything

>> No.1820674

No, my logic is perfect -- I can do math with colors.
Can you do that, faggot?

>> No.1820677
File: 24 KB, 498x497, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hate on the retarded bro. We should encourage special people like "The Oracle" for being so independent. It is really amazing that he can use a keyboard all by himself.


>> No.1820681
File: 29 KB, 299x277, image011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The reason why I think that PHI is MORE than MEETS THE EYE.....

Is because it is the ratio which exists in all forms in the universe. It also dictates the behavior of the forces of the universe. As well, it applies to the MICRO and MACRO world. The galaxys are shaped by it, so are the viruses and bacteria....

If god had a makers mark, I think PHI would be it.

>> No.1820679


Why dont you then, you flaking sack of shit? Oh wait, you're retarded and base all your posts on flawed aspie opinions, and spend all day on 4chan. Today I stalked a girl along the beach.

>> No.1820685

but 2 is rational stupid. By your logic you might as well curl up and die because no one could distinguish the world being any different if you did, its like saying your life has no meaning.

>> No.1820687


Yeah man, blue + yellow = green

Go look at the sky where the sun meets the blue

>> No.1820689
File: 39 KB, 300x395, epic-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1820690


It doesn't exist in black holes faggot

>> No.1820691

No no no, 0 is hyper infinity. It is a boundless set that contains all infinities. If you take two of them and divide them together you get one. That represents wave logic as now its 0/0 = 1 = 0, 1+0/0=2=0

See, the function repeats itself and creates all other infinities from 1 and everything in between. Infinities can be borrowed from hyperinfinity endlessly, completing the logical error of borrowing infinite sets from nothing.

How many of you tards think you can borrow something from nothing?

0 serves as a tangent to inbetween any number system and any system of algebras so that you can link logics together because... they all have 0 in common.


>> No.1820692


>> No.1820694

I know boundless 'set' is contradictory, but please, use your imagination you mindless bots.

>> No.1820695

i dont think so, it doesnt appear in the maxwell equations :p

>> No.1820696

inb4 transformers

also: its called apophenia OP, look it up

>> No.1820703


Zero doesn't equal 2 you fucking moron, maybe that's why you're so retarded, because you think being a moron on 4chan equates to being smart

>> No.1820707 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 255x152, oracle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I am The Oracle and I am in all of your threads trolling it up.

Please, tell me what you think you know and I will set you straight - morons.

>> No.1820710
File: 117 KB, 543x412, image2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So... a water Vortex has nothing to do with the shape of a tornado... nor the spiral of a Galaxy?

It is just me being nuts... and seeing things I want to see.....

>> No.1820716
File: 19 KB, 478x710, bob-dobbs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1820714
File: 149 KB, 797x1200, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww, thats so cute
He is trying to do math
GOOD JOB Special Buddy!

Maybe one day, when you are older you can learn real math.

>> No.1820713


0 divided by 0 equals 1.
1 divided by 1 equals 1.
1 plus 1 equals 2.
2 divided by 0 is a transcendent infismall number.

>> No.1820717

Reminds me of all the Greys laughing at the kid who see's color.

>> No.1820720
File: 3 KB, 246x200, Symbol_Of_Enlightenment_DH5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1820721
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1267275342612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets stop picking on "The Oracle" guys. Its not very nice to make fun of the mentally handicapp. Its not his fault his mom was a drunk slut who gobbled up dick for bus change.

>> No.1820729

Awww, didn't notice that 0 and infinity operate the same on a graph did you? I'm sure that means nothing. Go back to solving problems.

>> No.1820734


Reminds me of all the normal kids picking on the delta aspie niggetfaggot who thought he was top shit, until he ended up eternally on 4chan

>> No.1820737
File: 86 KB, 610x900, 1266749741187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was some loose cheap pussy. Kinda miss the old slut though. If only she didn't commit suicide. I guess she just couldn't live with the constant shame of her son. I probably would have killed myself too.

>> No.1820738


You're trying to convince us that infinity is a number, or than zero is not.

>> No.1820742
File: 18 KB, 450x408, Phi-whole-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What concerns me the most, is that you all treat me with contempt and disrespect. As if you are superior.

>> No.1820747

I was never born. I abducted this body through astral possession. Did you know the averaged gamma fields emitted from your brain can be picked up by other people's brains in close quarters, and when aligned just right through order of reason and emotional state, given a close enough distance, you can force someone to say something with a loud thought?

Ancient Dirty Knees secret.

>> No.1820750

1 divided by 0 equals infinity
~riemann sphere complex analysis :D

>> No.1820753

Numbers are objects. Objects are arbitrarily divisible.

Zero is a different color of infinity.

There's black to represent energy that's too low for you to see. There's white to represent colors that are too high for you to see. When something brighter comes along, in contrast, the old object is automatically not as bright in your perception.

Por que?

>> No.1820756
File: 240 KB, 285x285, Positive Pole.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick hes onto something.... SHUT HIM UP!!!

>> No.1820759

1 is the sum of all numbers inbetween 0 and 1, which is infinity in itself. If 1 is the combination of all parts in between, how did you get them from nothing? Nothing doesn't exist -- by writing 0 you are trolling yourself. Any number after 1 is crazy by the dictionary's standards.

>> No.1820761

Just taking time that you can't get back. :(

>> No.1820760
File: 31 KB, 678x669, sroden1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1820764


1/2 + 2/3 =\= 1 you moron, what the shit fuck?

>> No.1820766

no, zero means nothing, so it means if 1 is 1 object then is zero no object, thus you cant divide it....you cant divide nothing in 3 parts of 1/3 of nothing...thats bullshit
also is infinity all objects..only a few theoretical rules in some fields(complex analysis) handle that objects of nothing and all, only that such people like you cant fool with them around...

>> No.1820772

>I know boundless 'set' is contradictory, but please, use your imagination you mindless bots.
The fact that you seem to think mathematics doesn't deal with sets of infinite size proves (amongst lots of other things) that you have no clue what you are talking about.
Read a little about cardinalities; aleph; Cantor; etc.

>> No.1820774
File: 19 KB, 240x249, troll_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1820791

>1 is the sum of all numbers between 0 and 1
no it isnt you retarded fuck.
2 is

>> No.1820793

sorry 2.5*
mind blank

either way you're a retard

>> No.1820797
File: 131 KB, 442x491, aspietard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking idiot. Didn't you see my name?
Silly bitch. I am the Oracle.

>> No.1820801

excuse my shit, its 1am here.
ignore both these posts

>> No.1820872

>excuse my shit, its 1am here.
>ignore both these posts
Especially since the sum of all _numbers_ between 0 and 1 (inclusive) is in fact 1.
Look: 0 + 1 = 1.

>> No.1820885


If you draw it out, you should get a never ending spiral that leads to a closed circle. Within the line are all the colors of the rainbow!

>> No.1820889

The never ending spiral goes AWAY from the circle. The spiral signifies imaginary numbers while the circle are your traditional calculations, the hole in the center... well... thats in every fractal formation.

You will get this formation naturally if you complete a rainbow. Anyone can see it IRL!

>> No.1820890


>> No.1820932
File: 37 KB, 932x424, 1285356613196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish people like OP would die a horrible death. Simply because they aren't trolling and think their retarded ideas are right.
Also, the alien crap. Motherfucking idiot.

>> No.1820958

The poke would actually travel only as fast as the speed of sound in that medium.

>> No.1820970

>0 divided by 0 equals 1.