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1818381 No.1818381 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck your shit! I'm busy saving 1 billion lives!

Norman Borlaug, the greatest person who ever lived! Borlaug's work has saved more lives than those taken by Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined.
He save upwards of 1 billion people!


>> No.1818400
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>> No.1818415

>guy I've never heard of
>does unbelievably great things\

I hate America... why does this man not have a month in his name?

>> No.1818422

Because the people whose lives he saved were in Africa and India.

>> No.1818444

So how does one go about entering that kind of field?

>> No.1818540

You can't really say he saved that many people. There were thousands like him in his field. He's not really all that special.

Saying things like he saved so and so many people is like saying the people who implemented the one child policy in China killed 500 million people.

Or the people who made the policies and let a culture develop where it is acceptable to have a negative population growth in the developed countries killed billions of people.

>> No.1818550

He didn't save anything. He only increased the human habitat's carrying capacity.

>> No.1818567

But that is a correct state if they killed children. (sperm is not children, eggs are not children, embryos are not children)

>> No.1818579


Thus preventing mass starvation.

Fuck yeah!

>> No.1818586


>Thus delaying mass starvation.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.1818591

Borlaugs work saved 1 billion people.
Just as Hitlers work killed 11-17 million people.
These are both true statements, and can be abbrivated to Borlaug saved 1 Billion, and Hilter killed 11-17 million. The fact that it is there "work" is fucking implied.

>> No.1818609

Hopefully we get another guy as great as Borlaug, when that time comes

>> No.1818616

Lol don't you mean "I'm busy being dead?"

Dude died a couple of years ago or some shit

But yeah, great man.

>> No.1818618


Face it. Malthus was wrong. Get over it. The population's going to stabilize once Africa and India get their shit together, and by that time if the luddites have been overcome we'll be fucking swimming in genetically engineered food.

>> No.1818630


I'm going to hope the population stabilizes before that, probably going to have to genocide some niggers until they learn to stop fucking so much though.

>> No.1818632

Then I could say I saved 1 million people with my very marginal work in robotics. You could use that to develop more efficient systems in agriculture, an automated harvester that increases efficiency by 0.1 percent.
I'm a fucking hero. And everyone else who contributes something to science.
Or you could use it for more efficient weapon. Then I killed 1 million people. Lets stone the witches.

>> No.1818645

The great thing about science is that's it's rarely ever 'this guy' but rather 'these guys'.

Everyone who's ever made a positive contribution to the field can say I contributed to <end result>.

>> No.1818649


Yeah? What do you think will cause the population to stabilize? Changes in population growth are always due to something. I would like to know how it will end up.

>> No.1818673


>> No.1818682

Skip to 2:24 if you like for Borlaugian goodness.

"That's billion, buh! That's Carl Sagan billion, with a B!"

>> No.1818694 [DELETED] 

Emma Watson.

Born: 15 April 1990

19 fucking 90.

20 years old.

Twenty years old.

Already rich as fuck.

>> No.1818698
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>> No.1818912

who put Codex Alimentarius on top of the food chain?
you really think the owenrs of this world really did something for humanity that they wont use to twist like a knife in humanities side.
your hero got played and his 'great gift' is being used against us all.
Codex Alimentarius by their own projections will kill more over the next few years than he saved
these facts will be concealed by growth in other reigons of the world
the totals will remain about the same
but huge death in areas not in the good graces of the planets owners
food shortages will occure and not because of lack of availablity but because of excessive buracracy deliberatly placed in the way
maybe you dont comprehend exactly companies like MONSANTO participate in the some of the most sinister designs this planet has ever seen
your hero, participated in handing them our lives.. through no fault of his own