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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1817824 No.1817824 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys.

Today I found on the street a small crate where the trash is. I usually don't pay any attention to that kind of things but, this crate contained lots of old things. Probably the owner wanted to get rid of it.

The crate contained a lot of old recorded VHS movies, some magazines, CDs with software like, for example, a tutorial for Office 95... but the things I found that amazes and intrigue me the most are those three documents.

>> No.1817867
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Something tells me that this is some kind of a prank or something, but, I want to share it with you because it may be of your interest, or at least because it's curious.

Some of the contents of those documents are in spanish. This is something to expect, as I live in a country where we speak Spanish. For example, this one.

It talks about some kind of an AI program. I don't understand too much about it, but I'll do my best to make a small translation.

The first page is a briefing for some kind of an AI program project. It talks about something called "neuronal network". I guess, this is the brain of the AI.

"The neuronal network will be compound of files in a folder, each one related with a conversational topic. Each file is compound of words." (...)

"A reserved space will be created for the AI to store the user data, the data of the last conversation, etc."

Then it talks about the process.

"The process will be made trough a library. Then, it will send a signal to the program with the abreviated specifications".

>> No.1817875
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Then it talks about a semantic network.

"The semantic network is still not being used, but it will have a folder with audio wave files of 4440hz with the phonemes".

"Programa UI (User Interface)

It's the user interface. It will be a form at full screen with the program data (The status of the AI, the nodes and the chat area). Here's where the user input begins."

>> No.1817893
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The rest talks about the process to perform the operations, or something like that. It's too long to translate it here, but as a briefing, the AI must be programmed in a language called C#, for Windows, and it must have a external communication with some kind of a robot.

>> No.1817907
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This one is bigger, and it's content is weirder. As the title says, it is from 2005.

>> No.1817932
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The first page is in english, and it talks about an enterprise that makes nanosystems, or something like that.

I'm not too sure if this guy was an employer there, or maybe he was just a hobbist who likes science. That's why I'm posting this here, after all.

>> No.1817939
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More articles about nanomachines, this one from the internet, in spanish.


I don't know exactly how to translate that last thing.

>> No.1817940
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Thats strange...hmmm i dont really know :p

>> No.1817946
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>> No.1817949
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And then, suddenly, source code.

>> No.1817952
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>> No.1817955
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I don't fucking get this.

>> No.1817966
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Now that you mention it, it says "techonology". That made me laugh. It must be some kind of a joke after all...

There are three pages like this one. I don't have any fucking idea of what is this.

>> No.1817972

>Remember, a second have 100 milliseconds

>> No.1817974
File: 1.32 MB, 3000x4000, GEDC0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More code. This one does some calculous.

>> No.1817978
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>> No.1817988

Looks like a script that transfers some data through cable/internet/etc. The whole thing with a, b, cosX, etc. is nothing more than a test, looks like it, because it's all evaluated in terms of known constants, no variables.
Looks like a sheet full of different files and methods they have.

>> No.1817989
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And then, lots of weird pages about software.

There are editors for weird languages like visual script editor, batch script, and simple programs to copy files and all kind of shit. Oh, and programs to make calculus about the space.

>> No.1817999
File: 1.21 MB, 4000x3000, GEDC0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm skipping some pages.

These are some articles from the Encarta enciclopedy, about the cuantum theory.

>> No.1818005
File: 839 KB, 3000x4000, GEDC0018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A list of reserved words from different languages. It has reserved words from languages that I have never heard about.

>> No.1818009
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It has three pages of keywords. This is the last one. I didn't knew of the existance of a language called Eifel.

>> No.1818015
File: 585 KB, 3000x4000, GEDC0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A source code in visual basic for a console calculator. I remember doing something like this in BASIC when I was in high-school.

>> No.1818023
File: 544 KB, 3000x4000, GEDC0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, then there are some pages with a source code of a program that do some stuff with the hard drive.

>> No.1818038
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>> No.1818052
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Well, I am not going to post the full source because it has a lot of pages, but it only makes weird stuff with the hard disk.

And that's all.

As much as I can tell you, this must be some kind of a nerd (with all my respects for the nerds) that likes this kind of stuff about computers and all.

I skipped some pages but, if you want something else, just tell me.