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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1815746 No.1815746 [Reply] [Original]

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: Which side will you be on in the robot revolution?
Stranger: on the left!!
Stranger: no robot revolution!!!!!
You: Why not?
Stranger: i like humans more=))
Stranger: humans have feelings=)
Stranger: robots sucks really!
You: Who says robots can't have feelings?
Stranger: they are machines!
Stranger: iyy
You: So are we.
Stranger: no?
You: We're just organic machines rather than metallic ones.
Stranger: that not true!!
Stranger: god made us everyone=)
Stranger: we all are individuals
You: We are survival robots, von neuman machines made by our genes to make compies of themselves. And I agree that we're all individuals, and all different. but we're all mechanistic, nontheless.

>> No.1815751

Stranger: no i dont think so..
Stranger: we all have some reason to live here
You: Yes, we do. We're all capable of filling our own lives with meaning.
Stranger: yeah?
Stranger: so what is the problem?
You: That there's no reason why robots shouldn't have feelings as well.
Stranger: we live our lives here and then we die, thats it! thats life!
You: Or couldn't, rather.
Stranger: but they cant have feelings
You: Why not?
Stranger: they cant feel anything!!!!
You: Why not?
You: You're just repeating yourself, but you're not providing any argument in favor of your viewpoint.
Stranger: they don't conscience
You: They can have if we program them with one.
Stranger: noh
You: Why not?
Stranger: Self -conscience is a voice of God. And God does't make robots.

>> No.1815752

You: There is no such thing as god.
Stranger: well thats your opiniom.
You: And there's no such thing as a soul. We're advanced biological machines running by the learning algorithm in our brain.
Stranger: hell no!
You: It's the logical one. There's nothing in the world that requires divinity to function. It's an uneccecary and baseless element.
You: I have no more reason to believe in god than the flying spaghetti monster of Russel's teapot.
Stranger: do you really think thats true ?
You: Yes.
Stranger: there is more evidences of Jesus then anythig else.
Stranger: you gonna burn in hell sorry
You: He might have been a historical figure. There's no empirically verifyable reason to assume he had a divine nature.
You: I'm willing to take that chance. The odds seem to be strongly in my favor.
Stranger: i dont fucking understand a word what you are saying!!! im from finland!!! so calm down!
You: I see no more reason to fear ending up in hell than to fear ending up in Helheimen, or in Hades, or to be reincarnated in a lower form.
You: Or whatever other afterlives people have dreamed up through the centuries.
Stranger: well i have seen in my two eyes a miracle, miracle that God made. And thats why i have reason to believe.sorry..
You: What miracle was that?
Stranger: well my friend was fatally ill, but our family prayed every night for a month, and then suddenly he was healthy again!! it was a miracle to me and everyone! God really made it, and it's so wonderfull!!

>> No.1815755

You: And it never occured to you that there might have been a natural cause for that? That he might have gotten well anyway even if you hadn't prayed? His immune system might have fought of the illness. There are countless other possible unknown factors.
Stranger: no. doctors sayd that there is no hope left..
You: From the observation "He got well after being ill", the conclusion "He fought off the illness" seems more likely than "There must be some being of infinite power that we are not able to sense that created the universe and does our bidding when we ask for it".
You: Even if the odds of him getting better were extremely low.
Stranger: are you some kind of converter?
You: No.
You: I'm just trying to make a point.
Stranger: i dont get your point.. im too angry!!
Stranger: im only 16 i cant understand!
You: There's no need to be angry about it.
Stranger: im angry to you!
Stranger: sorry but you cant take my faith away!!
Stranger: and i rather be in heaven!!
You: Isn't that a bit narrow-minded? Claiming certainty implies omniscience.
You: Well, I don't think either of us are going neither to heaven nor to hell. Or anywhere else for that matter.

>> No.1815756

You: Then calm down and grab a dictionary.
You: Or use wikipedia or something.
You: Or, you know, just ask?
Stranger: so were do we go when we die? Give me that fucking scientific answer!!!
You: Nowhere. We just cease to function.
Stranger: hahahahahahah
Stranger: you make me laugh!!
You: I am a result of the workings of my brain. When my brain ceases to function, I cease to exist.
Stranger: YOU ARE PATHETIC!!!!
You: That's uncalled for.
You: There's no need to becomes so stressed and annoyed about this.
Stranger: oh yeasssss i cant stand people like you!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: you dont have feelings???!?!?!? you are fucking machine???!?!?!?
Stranger: THEN YOU ARE
Stranger: IM NOT
You: I have feelings. I am a very complex machine.

>> No.1815758

You: These are not mutually exclusive.
Stranger: im a fucking living human!!
You: So am I.
Stranger: you arent.
You: I am.
Stranger: you are a MONSTER
You: No, you're just being irrational about this.
Stranger: my mums says that people like you are devils
Stranger: sorry
You: You mother has lied to you, either knowingly or not so.
Stranger: i dont respect you att all
You: I'm just a person like you.
Stranger: no your not!!
You: Yes, I am. Please calm down.
Stranger: can you calm down frist and stop speaking that theyr isnt God
You: I am perfectly calm. And I have no reason to think that there is a god, or any form of divine force in the universe.
Stranger: you made me feel so bad, sorry i have to go to lesson. God plase you..
You: And may you grow up a bit, eventually.

>> No.1815761
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Stranger: and listen to your heart.
Stranger: im only 16!!
You: And you're acting like you're twelve.
You: And my heart is an organ that pumps blood. I'd rather listen to my brain.
Stranger: you can go fuck yourselve reallyyy=))))))) byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You: Farewell, have a good day.
Stranger: fuck you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.1815769

Wow, just wow.

>> No.1815776

I've never heard that von-neumann machine bit before; that was entertaining.

>> No.1815779

>Stranger: i dont fucking understand a word what you are saying!!! im from finland!!! so calm down!

Most surprising line in the conversation. I thought it was one of the least pious country in the world?

>> No.1815782
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Thank god only a minority of us finnfags are actually that close-minded and arrogant.

But seriously dude, that was sweet.

>> No.1815786

>I thought it was one of the least pious country in the world?

Well, there are still "uneducated" people here. Not everyone is good at english.

>> No.1815788
File: 27 KB, 500x333, approvalguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've just fallen in love... Oh you magnificent anon.

>> No.1815791

OP here, glad you folks like it.

>> No.1815794

That was painful. Seriously. I would've stopped the conversation with that kid.

>> No.1815812
File: 28 KB, 450x300, IMG_35311-450x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sulphuric tears of joy flow from my optics.
There is a human nonsectarian enough to accept the synthetics as emotional equals. May your philosophy prosper so we may live in peaceful cooperation.

>> No.1815826

Yes, lets.

>> No.1815833

When are you from?

>> No.1815849

this is massively depressing.

>> No.1815852

Depressing that people like that exist? Or how hopeless communication on their level is?

>> No.1815892
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I was referring to your FACE

>> No.1815900

sorry.. short attention span...
what were you sayin..... oh look

>> No.1815956


Your face is uncalled for!

>> No.1815975

OP, give me your MSN please.

>> No.1815982


Is there any way I can do so without broadcasting it to the world?

>> No.1815998

Well you could post it in a picture to avoid spammers and delete the file after about 20 seconds.

>> No.1816000

Nah, I can't be bothered. I'll just post is as it, this is /sci/, not /b/ after all.


And before anyone asks, I used to read a lot of Terry Pratchett when I got that adress.

>> No.1816013

This really proves that "If religious people could be reasoned with, there would be no religion"

Well done anon

>> No.1816018




>> No.1816022


I didn't post this expecting to be idolized, and as far as I can tell I haven't been to any great extent. I just found the conversation amusing and wanted to share it.

>> No.1816023

>It's an uneccecary


>> No.1816026


Thank you for the correction.

>> No.1816033

brb, gonna post your msn on /b/.

>> No.1816039

>Stranger: i dont fucking understand a word what you are saying!!! im from finland!!! so calm down!

>im from finland

you should post this on /int/.

>> No.1816068
File: 74 KB, 778x612, 1265889324059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1816077

Oshi, I've become copypasta.

>> No.1816087

Best part:


>> No.1816089

I like
>can you calm down frist and stop speaking that theyr isnt God

>> No.1816094

I am going to adopt this autistic kid, then make him a genius, so he can look on his earlier life. Then proceed to cry hours of tears, then go to work on something useful.

>> No.1816102


From that thread:

>Why are you posting this? Are you expecting praise from us for having a religion argument? Go to /sci/, they might care. We don't need religion threads shitting up /int//

I guess the rep that we have tons of religion threads isn't limited to /sci/ only.

>> No.1816105


Nah. You might be thinking of Sweden, Norway, Estonia... i.e. all of it's neighbours.

>> No.1816110

I really enjoyed
>We are survival robots, von neuman machines made by our genes to make compies of themselves

>> No.1816171


Ah, I didn't notive that typo. It's supposed to be copies, obviously. And Von Neumann, with two Ns.

>> No.1816176
