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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 53 KB, 1000x686, Ransie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1815561 No.1815561 [Reply] [Original]

So aliens visiting Earth may in fact be real.


Too bad this will just make the crazies act even crazier.

>> No.1815570

This has been going on for 60 years. It's not just nuclear weapons though. It's also nuclear reactors and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

>> No.1815580

Shit, first the UN appointing a space ambassador and now this? Are we on the cusp of full public disclosure of extraterrestrial activity?

>> No.1815588

UN space ambassador has been debunked for now, but this is different.

I wonder if the US government will ignore this as it always does.

>> No.1815595

Too bad there are too many people ridiculing others who have these experiences, they're all too afraid to come out and have their credibility tarnished. It's quite snobbish and insulting to call these people crazy if through no fault of their own they've seen these things. If we can get most people to shift from this attitude we might actually be able to find out what the fuck it is.

>> No.1815607

Full video of the conference, it's like 70 minutes long.

>> No.1815613
File: 26 KB, 320x480, 12856..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it may but they don't want us to know or else they'd show up on our doorsteps saying, HEY HEY! Look we're all advanced and stuff!, But uh sorry about the abductions, but if you got a problem with it. Well we can kill your entire species, that's what we say.

Love your friendly Aliens.

>> No.1815624

Aliens have to fly across the universe and tell us the terribly obvious and disarm our weapons because we're too stupid to listen. How sad.

>> No.1815630

I don't know looking at monkeys playing with dangerous shit is interesting.

>> No.1815633

Humanity has been sitting on a razor thing ledge with our nuclear stockpiles, ready to wipe itself out at a moment's notice.

Goddamn, I can only imagine how buttfucking crazy aliens would think we are if they ever found out about us.

>> No.1815635

*stares* Then just disarm them all please, every fucking last weapon on earth, and we pick up knifes, drowned us, violence should be beyond us at this point. If they throw stones, vaporize them. If they speak violently, rip out their vocal cords. Ect. Oh and please straighten out our religious shit. Its gotta be the worst mental plague known to man.

>> No.1815649

Maybe because they're trying to be non interventionists except for the really dangerous shit.

>> No.1815652
File: 507 KB, 1762x1151, pacl-q486-photo-4-fullsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you understood what people have to fucking risk to get this shit to you
you might snap to attention
but civilian /sci/ is civilian 'flower up thine ass' communistic propaganda buckets
ah.. average fucking civilian pukes
so full of lose... so full of lose

pic is device in operation
i personally knew a person involved in such research
really is hard to know what the hell to do about the types of profound self enforcing ignorance that exists
some of the people you dismiss as crazies are not
then again some are
generaly, it is not your place to comment as you lack basic qualification to discern

>> No.1815653

Time to nuke jupiter.

>> No.1815666

We're nuking Saturn next.


>> No.1815678

this shit freak me the fuck out

>> No.1815685

The devil sure frequents /sci a lot.

>> No.1815686

Well I agree non-interventions probably the best way to handle us.

>> No.1815687

There's nothing to freak out about. If extraterrestrials exist and are capable of traveling vast distances, if they wanted us dead, they have the technology to wipe us out in an instant (accelerate some mass, like a large asteroid out in Mars asteroid belt into the Earth, for example). The fact that they have not done so is promising, assuming this is all real.

>> No.1815696

Yep, they'd of done so a long time ago, and even if there was a race of malevolent aliens, we'd most likely be under some sort of wild life protection system from them. Maybe under an alliance because the craft types vary a lot.

>> No.1815702


or maybe they are farming us to raep our woman

>> No.1815714

Doubtful. Any civilization capable of traveling among the stars is expected to be sufficiently advanced technologically and probably have some sort of post-scarcity economy.

There is no need for slaves or the subjugation of others. Labor is entirely automated and any carnal want or desire could be satisfied with virtual reality simulation.

>> No.1815727

Yeah most definitely. Sad tho, I wouldn't mind being a sex slave. To a non-human at least, that I didn't have to talk to or understand, just there for the sex.

>> No.1815728

>implying that slaves could not be hooked up to an energy consumption machine that helps power a stupid ilogical spaceship that has taken millions of years to get here.

>> No.1815736

>Implying they don't just warp space.

>> No.1815744

>unknown aircraft observing nuclear installations

gee, who would've thought

>> No.1815749

You know their actually cheering us on, saying, PUSH THE BUTTON! like watching a football game. We're the latest entertainment. Unlike us they're probably immortal and could wait forever. Plus better drugs.

>> No.1815763

maybe we could fire a fuck load of our missiles so that the aliens have to show up to stop them, then we can start bothering them with all of our questions

>> No.1815768

>>1815322 continued
i personally was interviewed by majestic when i was about 12
at the time i had no recollection as to why
it seemed like i was being interviewed by a psychologist but after a few minutes of odd specific questions about interpersonal details within my family he proceded to give me some life advice
he being an airforce major who was trying for all he was worth to appear informal with his dress uniform jacket hung on the back of the chair at his desk 'i say major because i could see the cluster on it'
i had been taken out of school in the middle of the day to be interviewed
by an airforce major.. on an army post
years later my father explained when i asked that there were at most at any given time only six airforce enlisted men (maintence supply capacity {they were stationed next to where my mom worked and i knew some of them}) and never airforce officers stationed there
heres the big seceret if there is one (i.e. if you know it you probably dont know it)
if you personaly have encountered these beings
the first thing they do is as discribed in this video
when they 'entrain' they basicaly hijack your mind and can reformulate your ideas leaving your memory slightly reformed


>> No.1815770

>>1815768 continued

so i did remember a few kids
strange kids from far away
ansbach maybe (i was in germany) about 30km away i guessed
they had held me against my will for a short time in a treehouse type structure
they never spoke
they showed me around the structure as if it were a contract agreement that they be allowed something in return
the tour eventually ended in a small room where several of them got close to me and pushed me back on the floor/on a table
i have basicaly two memory tracks for the event for all but the moment when the guy leaned in close to 'entrain' me and put the second image over the first
that i saw perfectly clearly and it is much as discribed in the video link
when they let me go i ran home and told my brother (about the 'kids') who then stormed out of the house with intent to confront them appearantly
i laid down near the front door like a peice of cordwood flat on my back and remained in that position for what may have been hours in a manner as if i was asleep
at a time when i suspected someone would be soon entering the house i became aware that odd placement was odd so i got up and shook it off, went to my room etc..
my brother had still not returned and when i asked him about it years later he had no recollection of the event

so.. tell me about that time you went outside and saw nothing and remembered it clearly
im sure it will somehow give you insights to my experiences.. delusional insights..
you are simply not qualified to elvauate
hows that feel?

>> No.1815774
File: 31 KB, 426x304, 1285539873773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other evidence other than eyewitness accounts?

>> No.1815781
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>> No.1815784

OP was right about this bringing out the crazies. Case in point.

>> No.1815787

The UK declassified a large number of UFO reports recently, some of which back up these claims.

Everyone seems to be waiting for the US government to make a move though.

>> No.1815790

bullshit. that story was debunked.

>> No.1815792
File: 104 KB, 1169x767, scannedimage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 'photos' are pretty cool

Bet they all lack exif data though

>> No.1815795

photos are easy to fucking fake in this day and age.

what we really need are high definition videos.

>> No.1815796
File: 160 KB, 1169x765, scannedimage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1815798

Wasn't linking to story specifically, but the site(Its just on the front page thats all), there is plenty credible evidence out there if you can look passed the bullshitter's. I'm sorry, I should of made this clear.

>> No.1815799
File: 97 KB, 1169x767, scannedimage3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1815801 [DELETED] 

The burden of proof would be on you, OP, to demonstrate that a machine could be built to experience feelings. And demonstrating that is impossible with current knowledge, and may be always impossible.

>> No.1815802
File: 9 KB, 195x251, 1276309993050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads an article about Ben Rich
>father of stealth technology is old and crazy.
>believes in esp
>thinks that US gov is travelling among the stars thanks to aliens despite the fact that no one has leaked real evidence in 40 years concerning this. Not the USSR who had good enough spies to steal nuclear bomb tech in 2 years, not the free press. No-one. Except this crazy old guy.
>no physical evidence worth a damn.. ever.
>UFOs are definitely aliens guys


>> No.1815803
File: 213 KB, 1167x765, scannedimage4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1815805

Sorry, wut?

>> No.1815806
File: 151 KB, 1171x762, scannedimage5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1815809
File: 535 KB, 1600x1200, PICT0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1815815

Lmao, yeah there is some crazy bastards on that site.

>> No.1815816
File: 452 KB, 1600x1200, PICT0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1815820
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>> No.1815822
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>> No.1815824
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>> No.1815828
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last one in the set

>> No.1815829

Even the fucking aliens have ads all over their space ships?

>> No.1815830

They have my sympathy, if those pictures were real =P

>> No.1815832
File: 166 KB, 500x716, 1285617224894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people cant think
so they just derp and derp and pray the world follows suit
your getting left behind by your peers

>> No.1815839

Where did they come from? If they are digital fakes, they're really good, with varying realistic motion blur in each one.

>> No.1815841


So open-minded their brains fall out amirite

>> No.1815848
File: 420 KB, 1768x1203, pacl-q486-photo-1-fullsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you ever do a through investigation you will determine based upon the scale and origination of the devices that they are not vehicles for transportation.
their purpose seems to be involved in the collection of some form of energy and presumably not for power purposes as the device pictured generates electrical energy as well shaped gravitational fields
the writing was later determined to not be an oral language but more of an operating system

>> No.1815850

Looks like 3dmax to me.

>> No.1815853
File: 16 KB, 300x390, m-night-shyamalan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>where do they come from.


>> No.1815855

a quick google search based on this: http://isaaccaret.fortunecity.com/

If what the guy says is true, they're already all over the place, but invisible, and their spacecraft are literally made out of holographic computational material that is held together by some kind of gravity engine, rather than by traditional welds, rivets, etc.

Apparently the sightings happened because some technology was accidentally activated while being researched and it disabled their invisibility.

I think it's of interest to note that we are just now discovering invisibility is actually possible via the use of metamaterials.

Also he goes into some detail about their language that I didn't really understand. [It's just poorly explained, I think. Wish he went into more detail, it sounds intriguing, even in a sci-fi sense.]

>> No.1815861

I can think just fine, thank you. You present nothing more than anecdotal evidence and Internet copy pasta. Science requires concrete evidence. Sorry, come again.

>> No.1815862

while i was studying this device i reached a point where i could go no further in understanding
i went to a bookstore wandering to kill time
godel escher bach on the shelf
the rest of the book may be a wash but the random few chapters i read helped me see clearly what i was attempting to comprehend
nothing is random
god does not play dice

>> No.1815863

Here is feynman opnion about this kind of stuff

>> No.1815866
File: 64 KB, 177x200, pd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pulls little boy on chains* No no he doesn't, this was meant to be.

>> No.1815867
File: 622 KB, 259x173, 1276311172372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"god doesn't play dice"
>doesn't know about quantum physics.


>> No.1815872


>> No.1815874

Wow, looks interesting. Definitely saved for later reading.

>> No.1815876

I always have to lul when people dismiss evidence out of hand because science.

>> No.1815888


>talks about coast to coast am.
>a totally unscientific, psuedoscientific, uncritical, ghost and spirituality nonsence pedalling excuse of a radio show.
>literally the last people you want to contact if you have have genuine evidence of aliens.

lolno this site is stupid. Take your evidence to the papers or SETI you morons.

>> No.1815889
File: 32 KB, 400x541, awshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1815896
File: 798 KB, 2550x3199, pacl-lang-analysis-p120-fullsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the language i was focused on
hard to explain what it was in godel escher bach that made it so clear
its representative of form but with an insight to form that trancends normal linear linguistics, more like fractal
the guys out in the blue lab say those almond eyed beings can program this stuff fast as you could recite nursery rhymes off the top of their head
but even in hiding we don't (didn't) have computers that can hang with their 'syntax' much less 'grammar' or 'vocabulary'
these pics were made in 1985 and 86
took several months to copy some of this using what they had available
intresting note: they did come up with some useful civilian aplications for the methods they devoloped. Adobe comes from where? sun microsystems? where they based? Palo Alto?
you ever talk to anyone who lived near there at that time? lot of strange activity..

>> No.1815899


Cool story.

Definitely belongs on /x/

>> No.1815903


>copy alien tech

>best we can come up with is adobe.


>> No.1815904
File: 116 KB, 220x250, ainsley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying aliens work in the visible spectrum
>implying aliens use letters
>implying aliens would use the now defunct symbol of the atom

>> No.1815909

the fact that all math PHDs where utterly usless when dealing with this stuff makes me tend to agree. derpmath never finds anything of use that was not already found by some old guy that cant be arsed to alter his concepts on account of his being dead and all..

>> No.1815910

implying that those are letters or that that is a symbol of an atom

>> No.1815914


>they look like letters to me
>pic related.
>implying without green text

>> No.1815915


That's like the dumbest thing i've ever heard. Since you reject science, I suggest you turn off your pc and never eat food or take medicine again.

Kill yourself with a stone club.

>> No.1815917
File: 37 KB, 520x524, atom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgets to post picture

>> No.1815922

>implying that because it reminds you have that picture that the "aliens" must have been trying to represent an atom

>> No.1815931

>implying that I wasn't implying that the images' similarity to an outdated image of an atom makes it incredibly likely that this is just an elaborate hoax by some human who doesn't know science.

>> No.1815934

>implying that it is extraordinarily unlikely for anyone to use intersecting ellipses for purposes other than representing atoms.
>implying that the diagram isn't full of other circles and curves
>implying the atom interpretation isn't full retardation on your part

>> No.1815935

if he is going to talk about the likelyhood why would i listen to him?
i have already seen them
if he tries to invalidate my personal experience with not even so much as a cursory review of me
then i shal disreguard him as he is attempting to disregaurd me

>> No.1815940

>can't spell disregard
>opinion disregarded

>> No.1815942


u nigga is delusional

>> No.1815944

just imagine haveing massive ammounts of this type of data in front of you..
its happening to someone
why not you?
do you honestly think your degree will help?
look through the dan burisch project camelot interview for his description of how induction occures
ive heard similiar stories from many personal aquaintences
been around people who somehow 'qualified' for the positions for many years

>> No.1815949

hey sniper?
you happen to have info on the results of the nationwide(USA) manhunt?
where the private investigators went on nationwide television asking if anyone knew the utility pole in the photo?

>> No.1815957

A proposal: UFO's are future humans, time travellers, from a future world that had a deadly nuclear war at some point and/or nuclear fusion power runs portions of such devices and they are silently documenting how humanity stopped using primitive conducting wire and took on a power far greater, for better and for worse.

>> No.1815966
File: 211 KB, 361x361, 1280053932062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so weird.
There are only three options:

a) These people hope to gain notoriety and wealth from disclosing super cereal bullshit to delude masses of idiots

b) These people are crazy as all fuck, they are so crazy that they have completely deluded themselves and have descended further into insanity through internet discussion groups with like mined crazies

c) Everything they say is true and somehow none of it was ever leaked


>> No.1815968

time travel is impossible because entropy

>> No.1815969

Not to be dismissive or anything, but jeez, what a load of hooey.

>> No.1815970

admitedly, the last two lines of text you are refering to were added more for aesthetic reasons than scientific
tired at this point
if i can bother you with a request..
..if you were to ask of me to do one thing to apease your sensibilities, what would it be?
ive been genrous with a subject i usually am silent on
anon is anon
i reap no gold no fame

>> No.1815972

its been a constant stream of leaks
what the hell has been pluging your ears
its freakish
if someone were being raped or murdered
would you just ignore the victim and take the word of the only person able to talk?
the media is a tool used to contain this material
you have to seek the source
or seek personal experience

>> No.1815974


Why has nothing ever leaked mainstream?

>> No.1815976

and you know its imposible because you tried it and it didnt work?
your statement is not science; it is dogma

>> No.1815978

Like the other guy said, this stuff has been being leaked for decades. If you want to know why news agencies don't cover it, ask the news agencies. I think the answer is obvious. I think it's probably true, but if I owned a news agency, I sure as fuck wouldn't cover it, if I valued my livelihood.

>> No.1815979


Explain in detail why the general public, including academia has no widespread proof of anything you are saying.

Simply stating "The government-media covers it up" is not enough.

>> No.1815981

theres lots of videos on youtube
you wont find the best stuff there but if you are willing to take the time to sort through the magnetcar guys wonderous productions you will find a few gems

>> No.1815983

What does "widespread proof" mean? My brother-in-law took some UFO-studies class when he attended Temple University, and has been a believer ever since, so I guess academia does know about it.

>> No.1815988

and simply waiting to have this obviously sensitive data handed to you in a trough for the masses is not going to get you to the head of the line now is it?
have you bothered to look at who exactly 'by name and alegiance' does in fact 'own' the broadcasting companies and news agencies?

>> No.1815990

Humans are social animals. Rationality is possible for us but it doesn't come naturally. Natural behavior is to believe what everyone around us believe. To believe what is suggested by the preponderance of evidence, when those around us believe otherwise is unnatural and requires discipline. When confronted with such propositions people ask what is being asked here, which is essentially -- why should I believe it when everyone else doesn't believe it?

>> No.1815991

Butthurt christian detected.

>> No.1815992


On second thought this is like asking a religion to provide proof for it's claims. This is an infallible position since all the evidence is anecdotal.

Nothing can be believed unless it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt by multiple unbiased, peer reviewed sources.

>> No.1815999

and a relative of mine was debreifed after installing many many missles around a single building in the new mexico desert in 1996
(still bubbling with incredulous disblief and amazement i think) he oversteped his bounds i think when he told me during the debreifing it was explained that there were live alien beings inside
he didnt see them but it was still pretty overwhelming for him,
not so much for me, i just noded along as if to say i understand.
as it was more than 5 years since i had started tackling the many recollections of events in my own life that i had not understood when i was younger.

>> No.1816002


quantum physics is what made physics loose all the objectivity, quantum digging is a never ending hole in matter that kills all the determinism

I just hope alien technology doesnt involve quatum shit. If it does, their quatum theories wont be probabilistic

>> No.1816003

There should be an "Aliens Only Have One Font" trope.

>> No.1816004

I didn't even know there was a manhunt for the guy taking pictures.

At this point, I'm not even sure anything short of aliens walking into the average person's living room would convince them.

Photographs? Photoshopped.
Video of aliens interacting with people? Good CGI.
Alien walking into your living room? Mass hallucination caused by problems with the water supply.

I ain't saying aliens are out and aboot, abducting our women or anything. But it does seem like every single bit of evidence for them is immediately dismissed no matter what, and the subject material itself draws crowds and crowds of crazy people and scam artists.

Shit, you could actually have alien spacecraft buzzing over cities with loudspeakers blaring saying "HELLO PUNY HUMAN FLESHLINGS" and there'd STILL be people thinking it was all a hoax.

tl;dr aliens will never be accepted as fact until either the government says so, or the aliens reveal themselves to the general public en masse.

>> No.1816005
File: 36 KB, 400x360, 1284653490217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when disclosure of et life will bring the end of religions closer since et life is not mentioned in the dogmas

>> No.1816006

>Quantum theories
>No probability

Have fun with your flawed physics.

>> No.1816009

Holy ducks, if this shit is true, this could be the best time to live or be born, bracing for epic

>> No.1816015 [DELETED] 


Implying classical mechanics dont predict fure events at macroscopic scale with almost unnoticeable error

Have fun with your flawed dice game

>> No.1816019

That's what I said in 2001 when the Disclosure Project started, but everyone just ignored it. This will be ignored too. But I'm just a little bit optimistic.

>> No.1816021

>mplying classical mechanics dont predict future events at macroscopic scale with almost unnoticeable error

Have fun with your flawed dice game empty of practical applications on this era

>> No.1816031


I have no problem believing in alien life.

I have a problem believing in a cover up this enormous carried out by flawed humans and of aliens who can/are willing to interact with us on a meaningful level.

Fantastic claims require fantastic evidence. Videos on youtube, some suspect photographs and Anons on 4chan are not enough.

>> No.1816038

>implying that scientists and SETI in particular wouldn't be all over this shit

>> No.1816056

>Nothing can be believed unless it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt by multiple unbiased, peer reviewed sources.

LMAO. Confusing criminal law standard of proof with delusions about what peer review does with scientific method with epistemology.

>> No.1816060

> Any civilization capable of traveling among the stars is expected to be sufficiently advanced technologically and probably have some sort of post-scarcity economy.
Hahaha. I love post-scarcity fags. They really believe we're the way we are not because of evolution, but just because there isn't enough gold to go around.

>> No.1816062

Yeah, just like the discovery of the Americas and the native American people brought an end to Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism since those people and places weren't talked about in those their scriptures. (moron)

>> No.1816063

Anyone have a link that isn't a fucking video? Or is there really no story?

>> No.1816065

I think it would be very hard to discredit these men. I watched the full thing on latest ufo sitings site. I don't think however many people are credible, but these people most likely are.

>> No.1816067
File: 1.99 MB, 371x237, 1279410223562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

=D great idea.

>> No.1816069


Okay, what makes you believe in something?

>> No.1816070

Two different presidents have tried to get the information. Whoever has the info and artifacts, they're now out of the chain of command, and they're not sharing. Bastards.

>> No.1816071

>Implying aliens couldn't blocklist them.

>> No.1816072

Rational analysis of all available evidence.

>> No.1816078

So If I can bring a alien craft above you house, say 12pm tomorrow, you would still need a group of "rational" people to confirm?

>> No.1816079


Rational by what criteria?

The millions who believe in a magical bearded sky wizard believe themselves to be rational.

>> No.1816082
File: 93 KB, 500x500, 127871234055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I knew this stuff 10 years ago.

>> No.1816083

Fucking reason. Can you use it? I'm not going to explain reason to you. If you think only atheists are rational, then just go fuck off... you're an idiot.

>> No.1816086

No, I would rationally analyze the evidence of seeing whatever I saw, and make whatever conclusions or assign whatever probabilities that I found that followed.

>> No.1816097

What a bullshit. Imagine: humanity is in space era and we found a planet with intellectual life but they just started go into space. And what we will do? Stole their children and draw circles on their fields at nights?

>> No.1816101

So you'd be ok if I did this, and perfectly emotionally stable? Not proceeding to scream to the nearest tribal group member, look look what I just saw, its sooo awesome.

>> No.1816104

Who said anything about crop circles and stealing kids?

>> No.1816109
File: 110 KB, 407x405, tumblr_kuesv35Zs81qawdt5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever. I was into rational analysis before evidence was available.

It's about a priori knowledge - but it's really subjective and you probably haven't heard of it.

>> No.1816111

Ok, let's just fly around.

>> No.1816128

I'm always calm, rarely emotion, and belong to no tribal groups. I would be generally pleased if I saw an alien craft. Then I would get back to work.

>> No.1816133


>> No.1816157
File: 28 KB, 299x480, pantera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meet pantera
biological father of jesus
although the romans did kill about 29000 people for claiming to be the christ (krishna means that too) that particular messiah was imortalized by the funding sought out by peter and paul
look them up
paul was tax collector before falling into the mind game that is christianity (its "does your mother know that you are gay?" on steroids)
so.. what was that about christfag here?
are all your field expedient guesses so accurate?

>> No.1816167

more than one timeline visiting for more than one reason
again.. i refer you to Dan Burisch
project camelot interview et al.

>> No.1816173

GTFO of this thread and go to a board called /rlg, you might notice it isnt on 4chan, we don't want you, we're immoral as you on many occasions point out. Go die a horrible death to only find there is only hell awaiting you for lying just once in your life and not loving your Yahweh god over your family.

>> No.1816355

jesus was a faggot

>> No.1816386

Those aliens are dicks
If they have something to say why don't they just come down here and say it?

>> No.1816390

Adobe was a viable comercial extrapolation from the project.
deemed as releasable with almost no obstructions because it was not in any way based on any classified object or technology
glad i could clear that up for you

>> No.1816409

They're playing with us.

>> No.1816414

Maybe the aliens are afraid to invade because they know we can nuke the hell out of them

>> No.1816415

Imagine, a world of humans, and there are lolitas, lolis, and better. You have the technology to cross the universe in a instant, and you can abduct people, plus disarm the world from being able to retaliate. This is fucking win, I wanna be an alien. I wanna have a harem.

>> No.1816418

Then why didn't they just break the nukes? I doubt they're actually scared of them at all.

>> No.1816425

Because if they did we would nuke them?

>> No.1816439

Did you just fail at logic? They would disable them before we could launch them.

>> No.1816442

>Unidentified Flying Object
>It must be aliens!

Fucking idiots. Ever hear of the lag between military technology and commercial technology?

>> No.1816447

they are more concerned that we will nuke ourselves
they appear to hold a proprietairy claim in our wellbeing

>> No.1816466

I heard the germans worked on something called the "nazi bell"
The prototype supposedly worked by using a particle accelerator that accelerated red mercury and warped space time.
I wonder...

>> No.1816468

im not out of ammo btw
not by a long shot
but dosent seem right here
too many 'engineers' here
they dont get it that the mind can be greater than the body
maybe ill unleash on /x/ someday
but mainly when i log on i come here
because even if underdeveloped minds dominate the field
even if the field is in its infancy
people here look at what is real
and that is laudable
all i ask it that some thought be given to the fact that a great number of lives have been lost trying to keep this informations out of their hands and they do a great injustice to not lift their eyes when they hear what they presume to be 'crazies' running their way
some of those 'crazies' have been wearing presurized suits for decades and its time to let some of that pressure out
seriously, you dont know how many have stood before congress on this matter already
if you think its not mainstream it only means you have no clue what is mainstream

>> No.1816469

So you are saying commercial tech is better then military tech. I can't stop laughing.

>> No.1816473

maybe they are angels and god.

>> No.1816475

nazis.. interested in our well being? XD

captcha: 249 frograges

>> No.1816483

...what are you laughing at? Your idiocy? I said the exact opposite.

Rank and file officers like the ones in this video generally aren't privy to underground military secrets.

>> No.1816489

>that thing




>> No.1816500

Why would we still be be pouring resources into winged craft and sticking on earth? Please, its just a flawed hopeful argument.

>> No.1816566

No dude, they're using them for spying... maybe

>> No.1817947

they dont lack the exif data
but it is altered
attempted to change type of camera and a few other things
at that time however there were newer bits of data added to the standard that the person who altered the data did not know about
there is a great deal of information about these facts circulating the web if you care to know it
im still curious if there will ever be any way to determine the results of the nationwide manhunt for the photographer(s)
two fbi paid private investigators went on national television attempting to locate the utilitypole seen
the reason for the manhunt?
in order to have taken these pictures the photographer would have had to know at what time the interference would disable the normal invisible charistics or so it is belived by some within certain agencies
in order to know the timing of the tests that would cause the interference and to know the area that would be affected by the interfeerence they would have had to somehow been informed by someone involved in operations that have extreem high protocols for security which had clearly been breached if this was the case
my guess is the offending parties would not be found again soon after the moment of being identified
is it not that most here in /sci/ would frown such expidient disposal or sequestration of scientist and researchers under any circumstances..?

>> No.1818393

what if.. their interaction with the grains in the fields had at its inception more to do with the genetics of the grains than of any other organism at any scale?..
its been accepted by the establishemt in the form of peer reviewed paper that at least some of the circles are generated by microwave light point sources
media kinda shut up about this stuff as of the year that happened

>> No.1818623


I never heard shit about no manhunt. Post links.

>> No.1818667

there ya go..
sorry i cant be arsed to dig up all the crap on the investigators
might not be available now but at the time they had a link for leads and had some info

>> No.1818706
File: 25 KB, 216x282, ork wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interstellar flight capable civilization
>afraid of nukes

>> No.1818708

also this is intresting summary
also there was some guy on here ridiculing art bell
but if it was you who was burdened, perhaps threatened, by a knowledge of this type, what would you do? who would you turn to?
people who you already know have a massive irrational bias to ridicule to the point of chokeing on laughter while standing in front of difinitive proof?
or do you turn to the likes of art bell?
at least he is listening..