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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 225x225, mindread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1812622 No.1812622 [Reply] [Original]

Mind-reading? Sweet.


>> No.1812631
File: 57 KB, 800x800, spray5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wet dreams

>> No.1812649

>mind reading
>implying that's a good thing

>> No.1812651

What this can eventually mean

> control a video game character using your entire body's impulses

> record all sensory perceptions / record emotions and 'verbal' thoughts


>> No.1812653

Ewww. I hate the idea. So many ways it could be misused. United states in mind here.

>> No.1812654

You dream like a terrorist, Get in the van.

>> No.1812655

you're afraid obama's going to watch you masturbate?

>> No.1812658

Please... as if someone's going to sneak an fMRI machine into your house to read your thoughts when you aren't looking.

>> No.1812659

Only fearful people reject progress because of the ways it could be "misused".

Anything can be "misused".

Things aren't intrinsically good or bad, just the situations they're in.

>> No.1812663

You dream like a luddite, get in the van. This is /sci/, moralfags beware.

>> No.1812669

This is my dream... that one day, well, dreams, can be recorded. Seems like we're getting very slowly closer.

>> No.1812675


>> No.1812702

>blogpost from 2008

>> No.1812705

Pro: Stephen Hawking could control a robot body if they only interpret the image he's imagining!
Con: Sleep-walking/spasming/thrashing.

>> No.1812706

Should it be developed? Sure. But make laws so you need consent to use it.

>> No.1812725

Actually... those are already in place. How do you think you'd end up getting an fMRI? People, this is MEDICAL EQUIPMENT. You could no sooner read a stranger's mind than you could irradiate them with X-Rays or inject them with radiotracers.

>> No.1812766

What about it?

>> No.1812837

Passively observing brain activity and implanting ideas into the brain are two pretty fucking different things.

>> No.1812839

Okay, well here's how I plan to develop it. You cover the back of a subject's head with about 5000 electrodes measuring surface voltage (standard eeg stuff, but more points of reference).

The you let the subject watch movies, TV whatever, maybe browse the web, but images are going to be better than text, which is probably going to be worthless for this. So probably movies and TV.

Then the tricky part. Develop a neural network that take the input from the 500 electrodes and back-propagates the image being watched. It's tricky for the same reason that any visual interpretation network is... it needs to be consistent under small translations and rotations. In other words the screen image needs to be represented in the neural network a little closer to how the brain processes an image, rather than raw pixels.

Let the subject watch several thousand hours of tv and movies, and the neural network should be entrained. Then we should be able to see what he sees, and see what he dreams. There could potentially be seriously high resolution from the data from 500 electrodes. Can you imagine waking up and seeing computer images from your dreams?

>> No.1812892

You make it sound like they aren't going to advance the technology.

>> No.1812915

What? FUCK! He would too.