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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 936 KB, 1070x898, 1247939511521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1812292 No.1812292 [Reply] [Original]

I think we need a way to quantify this chart, so we can put things in their proper tiers. The way I see it, there are a few different factors that could influence a certain degree's placement, such as the amount of time it takes to earn said degree (For example, it normally takes 8 years of higher education for an MD or PhD). That factor also brings the next question; Will a degree hold any value if you *only* get a BS/BA? An example for that would be the following: 4 year degree in engineering/CS? Enjoy your job. 4 year degree in African American Studies? Enjoy McDonald's.

Other such contributing factors would be average starting salary, average mid-career salary, and more importantly, how useful to humanity a particular field is. Less important ones would be a particular person's age, and if they are likely to get married and procreate or not.

What say you, /sci/? How should we quantify this? Let's make a general formula to plug in any degree to find its tier.

(By the way, this is the original troll chart. dealwithit.gif)

>> No.1812304

How can there be a god tier if there is no god?

Checkmate aatheists

>> No.1812315


>> No.1812322

I actually agree with the troll chart to a acceptable degree. I'm a Mechanical Engineer, and I defiantly see that at God Tier.

Some years ago Computer Science would have been at Top Tier, but every single retart now goes into CS, so Top Tier is fairly generous.

>> No.1812325
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>> No.1812338

Disregard females. Acquire currency.

>> No.1812339

>Implying money doesn't buy bitches and sex
>Where inverse of sex=money

>> No.1812342


I don't know dude the medics here are pretty much fucking everyone when they aren't passed out in pools of vomit.

Those hypocrites drink a fuck ton.

>> No.1812348

astronomer here

disregard females

fuck universe instead

>> No.1812361

Oil company piping designer here

disregard females

fuck 24" oil supply lines instead

>> No.1812366

OP here. Let that be your preference (I would also fuck the universe don't get me wrong). I think it would be best if personal enjoyment was left out of the equation. For example, I could say, "Oh, I think I want to get a degree in physics as I would enjoy it very much. However, I only want to go to school for 6 years. Let me see what tier that puts me in."

Same applies for philosophy, CS, mathematics, etc.

>> No.1812369


yeah have fun with your fucking HR diagrams and your fucking standard candles all of which will be proven complete BS in 50 years with the discovery of some new AGN or supernovae shit. how about you start contributing to society and stop wasting money on HURR DURR I PHOTOGRAPHED A NEW HOT JUPITER 300000 PARSECS AWAY GIMME ANOTHER 30 MILLION DOLLARS you stupid faggot motherfuckers?

>> No.1812373

This chart greatly undervalues life sciences. Biology is the basis of medicine, and it is the fastest-growing science in the world. The entire future of humanity depends entirely on research in genetics, and depending on how we go about things our race could swing in drastically different ways.

>> No.1812381


more money should go into life science research and condensed matter physics and medical physics research. fuck particle and theoretical physics. the shit they're doing these days are completely fucking useless

>> No.1812385
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>> No.1812386

>and it is the fastest-growing science in the world

Thanks to all the "pre-med" kids contaminating a legitimate academic field. I personally rage whenever I see someone major in something other than the fact that they are truly interested in the field.

>> No.1812387 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 377x371, Ernie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait wait wait. So your saying this chart, which puts medicine in God Tier, is undervaluing medicine?

>> No.1812391
File: 165 KB, 600x800, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medics are retards

>> No.1812394
File: 11 KB, 247x204, 1281982887502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life sciences faggot detected

>> No.1812402


Damn straight.


>> No.1812404


engineers are the ones that make shit happen faggot

>> No.1812405

sure is
>"my opinion is better than yours"
in here

>> No.1812407


>> No.1812416


You misinterpreted me. I don't me in terms of researchers in the field. I mean in terms of the growth of knowledge base. We learned everything about Biology in an incredibly short time. Biology classes in schools are actually observably growing in required course material *per year*. that means that almost every year there is something new to teach.

>> No.1812419

Ouch, looks like someone can't find a tier in which his/her field is Top/High Tier or higher.

>> No.1812423

The quantification as proposed by the OP is inherently biased towards engineers.

>> No.1812434


more like fundamental rules of the universe that apply everywhere >> value-laden human opinions

that's the whole point of this tier list, the higher up you go, the less opinionated things become.

don't believe me? compare english and chinese math textbooks at the same level. see how much difference there is.

now try comparing an english literature textbook to a chinese literature textbook, see if you can find any similarity.

>> No.1812437

Not necessarily. Anyone graduating with an engineering degree is going into a very flooded field (especially as of late) to do work that is generally considered boring, and is not beneficial to humanity 90% of the time, and to not make an extraordinarily high salary. Not to mention the dicks.

>> No.1812451

butthurt engineer detected

>> No.1812459

Actually "Engineering", as proposed by OP, has MANY sub-divisions. We could make a tiered chart of just professions in "Engineering"

Additionally, within these tiers, many are not flooded at all and are still in high demand.

>> No.1812460


why do engineers need to be butthurt when everything ever part of your body touches is engineering?

>> No.1812461
File: 55 KB, 485x748, wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that physics is how the universe functions and that nature does math.
You're confusing the territory for the map.

Philosophy of some sort of the other underlies every single branch of science on that list and to not have philosophy at the top displays an incredible amount of ignorance.

>> No.1812467

>implying a vagina is engineerd

>> No.1812473

Someone who has both a good mind and a good personality here.

Regard everything. Live eclectic and worthwhile life.

>> No.1812482

Do not try to state that mathematics is based on philosophy. That is not currently, nor has it ever, nor will it ever, be true.

Also, philosophy is based on chemistry and biology.

>> No.1812488


your bitch's vjj would hang lose like sleeve of wizard and be all hairy and bloody and shit without engineering, just like her boobs fool.

>> No.1812490
File: 33 KB, 407x559, GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U mad engineers?

>> No.1812495
File: 53 KB, 600x600, Albert_Einstein[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineers, U mad?

>> No.1812496


>implying nature does philosophy

>> No.1812505
File: 4 KB, 123x125, kylehydeface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musicfag here. Does "Shit tier" also apply to classical courses?

If so, pic related.

>> No.1812509
File: 17 KB, 445x331, einstein violin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks like you're shit tier you fucking jew

u butt hurt hitler whacked all you filthy pigs?

>> No.1812511

I think they might just be greedy, only pursuing a career for monetary benefits.

>> No.1812515

I will not make that claim. However, logic belongs to philosophy and logic has been shown to be able to produce mathematics, such as set theory.

There is a philosophy of Biology
There is a philosophy of Physics
There is a philosophy of Cognitive Science

The Scientific method is a philosophical construct. Philosophy is what we use to come up with ideas which underly how we interact with the world.

Questions such as, "Is the metaphor 'the brain is like a computer' a suitable one?" cannot be answered by math or physics or computer science, yet this question is of monumental concert for people working in artificial intelligence. This is just one of countless examples.

From my observations, people who bash philosophy have never taken a philosophy course and are ignorant of what philosophy actually is.

>> No.1812517

He can't read this. He died a long time ago.

>> No.1812521


lol is that shopped?

>> No.1812522
File: 17 KB, 414x231, feynman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U mad, engineers?

>> No.1812526
File: 32 KB, 480x360, retard alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time you happen to be lucky enough to have your life saved by an MD, show them your chart.

>> No.1812527

I studied, for a brief period, philosophy at Oxford, before giving it up. There are no philosophy classes anymore that surpass that of book recital.

(((Except, of course, political philosophy and the like! Then you don't even read books; you simply chat!)))

>> No.1812529
File: 417 KB, 1100x754, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u mad?

>> No.1812531



>> No.1812533

The only relevant philosophy concept is the concept of a unit. However, it can be argued that the unit originated in mathematics and then went to logic in philosophy.

>> No.1812543

Uh... wat?

>> No.1812545

>God tier

What the fuck? It is not only impossible to get a job in astronomy, but you also contribute absolutely nothing to society. You would be contributing more to society as a fucking accounting major

>> No.1812546

Um, we exist and are part of what would be considered nature [I used the word nature in my post as interchangeable with "reality"] and we are certainly doing philosophy, so nature, in some way or another, is doing philosophy.

What I mean by nature doesn't do math is that when an object collides with another object, the calculations of momentum, force, etc. aren't being performed so that the result may be known, they just happen. Humans just happen to have a system we've created called math [+physics] which accurately predicts how objects interact. Us coming up with these ideas do not cause these ideas to dictate how reality functions but merely are useful in explaining things.

This is why I brought up the map--territory relation. The "Map" we use of reality can be physics, but the "territory" certainly isn't

>> No.1812548
File: 223 KB, 1200x1651, tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey all you faggot tiers, bet you never heard of Information/Library Science, that's because we're too busy working.

Pic related, it's us information scientists being awesome.

>> No.1812549

The fuck? You do realize that engineers were the ones behind the plans for those buildings; we'd be screwed without engineering. But I do agree that a world without scientists would be shitastic.

>> No.1812552

>implying knowledge for the sake of knowledge is not contributing to society

>> No.1812564
File: 125 KB, 400x510, albert-einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1812566

Replace the word Astronomy with anything in shit-tier. Realize now that astronomy is at the very least pretty damn cool.

>> No.1812568

have fun when a fucking asteroid will wipe out all of humanity you gigantic faggot

>> No.1812576
File: 892 KB, 1070x898, 1285624002185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1812577

In this thread:
>implying the worth of a profession is how much money you can make off it
>implying that building bigger and fancier things makes us better people
>implying that money even is ontologically real

Enjoy your high paying jobs that don't really contribute anything to society. While I'll be gaining a greater appreciation for people and animals every day while constantly challenging my mind with philosophy.

Also, I'm a Maths major.

>> No.1812582

ive seen like 20 variants of that exact tier pic

>> No.1812585

can we round up and kill all the literature fags and musicians of the world? they're so fucking useless it makes me rage.


the answer to that question is simple: what have you so far missed by not reading any of the fucking literature shit of any other fucking country other than english? NOTHING, absolutely fucking nothing.

what the fuck have you missed by not listening to gay ethnic music from say africa or india or china ever? nothing, absolutely nothing. 99% of music and literature are fucking pointless as fuck. languages are merely tools for communicating with fellow scientists and engineers, and music is merely a tool that facilitates language learning at an early age. when was the last time a fucking piece of art or music increased the average lifespan of humans or improved intercontinental travel speed? NEVER. fucking pointless endeavors like these should be motherfucking banned by the government so people can't waste money on useless shit.

>> No.1812591

Music and literature gives people entertainment.

>> No.1812594
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>implying that increasing average lifespan necessarily makes us live happier more enriched lives.

>> No.1812600


>> No.1812602

There is currently more music and literature in existence than any person would ever need. Same goes for visual arts. In all three categories are incredible varieties and genres.

>> No.1812603
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>> No.1812605

I'm not going to rate any of these fields as I, like you, don't really know jack shit about them. Learning is always good and I'd be happy to study any of these fields. There are no shit tiers. Well, maybe theology. I can explain. Take everything theologians have ever produced and think if that would be instantly wiped out from our current knowledge. How would our life change? What wouldn't we know? Nothing of value would be lost. We would actually gain as a BUNCH of trees would be instantly saved.

But back to my main point. It is not about the subject, it is about what you do with it.

>> No.1812606

CS fag detected. Enjoy your programming job and sitting behind a desk for 40 years. I'll be over here (insert activities of a field that isn't boring as fuck).

>> No.1812613


yeah like you fucking astrofags would be able to do shit against an impending E.L.E.

like you fucking astrofags wouldn't go crying to the physics and engineering fags

like you fucking astrofags are actually studying the solar system these days and not wasting time and money looking for shit that's at least 100k parsecs away asking pointless as fuck questions such as "HURR are AGNs a primary source of cosmic rayz" or "DURR is the andromeda galaxy going to crash into our semen way in 4 billion years or 2 billion years?"

>> No.1812618


People who major in literature hardly ever produce anything good, they work in retail. People who have experienced awesome things and have amazing lives sit down at some point and write literature. Litfags who emo/hipster their way about don't have anything interesting to say.

Any well informed person knows that literature, music and the arts are useful and enjoyable. But any well informed person knows that someone majoring in these areas (especially in the joke that is the modern education) isn't going to produce anything of value.

>> No.1812623


have you read any shit from the OMFG 5000-year rich chinese treasure trove of literature shit?

are you contemplating suicide? why not?

now try living a day without fucking engineering, see if you don't freeze your fucking ass to death, you faggot. you won't even HAVE books to read without science and engineering

>> No.1812626

You are implying that all CS majors go to work in the industry. Not true at all. You are mixing software engineering and computer science.
Theoretical computer science student -fag here. Though I will be doing my masters in computational science.

>> No.1812632


Completely agree with this.

>> No.1812635

>implying science and engineering are needed to learn basic penmenship, formulate a thought or bind books
>implying without science and engineering the sun will stop working

>> No.1812637

>Theoretical CS
Fine. Enjoy teaching Theoretical CS. Also enjoy teaching people how to program. Either way, it's still boring as fuck. What's the matter? Couldn't handle a real mathematics degree?

>> No.1812640

ITT implying

>> No.1812641


>Any well informed person knows that literature, music and the arts are useful and enjoyable

yeah like drugs, theme parks and video games. literature needs to be taken off the primary curriculum and re-established as an elective. language should be learned from an applied approach - proficiency in scientific writing should be compulsory, people can pursue redundant artsy writing in their own free time

>> No.1812646
File: 880 KB, 1070x898, 1285624002185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1812652

>implying being able to engineer faggot electronics would save you from an asteroid

>implying an astrophysicist wouldnt be able to do the maths to launch a nuclear warhead and deviate the asteroid

>implying studying antimatter, dark energy and ftl travel arent the most important thing humanity should focus on

>> No.1812656


oh yeah? what are you gonna write on faggot? what are you gonna write with, faggot? how are you gonna bind shit, faggot? how are you gonna make multiple copies and distribute your shit, faggot?

>> No.1812660


With engineering, DUH.

>> No.1812667


I'm the guy you quoted and I agree completely. I've met some stuck up professors/authors/publishers in academia that truly believe that things like children's literature is essential to a society and without it we would all be drolling morons lacking morals. It makes me want to throw up.

>> No.1812670
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>> No.1812673

I don't see any of you making progress by calling each other useless.

>> No.1812674
File: 109 KB, 783x377, 1282943260930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when physicists will be traveling to stars and harvesting fucking fusion energy while engineers will be creating faggot stuff

>> No.1812681

Goddamnit, /sci/. When will you at least appreciate culture?

I'm a prospective English teacher. I won't claim culture is absolutely more important than the pragmatic solutions things like engineering offer, but that's why I'll make $40,000 and the engineer will make $65,000. There's nothing to be mad about.

Salary aside, things like music and literature are far from worthless. Humanities type pursuits engender a society with a sense of identity and heritage. Go read a book, it might help you appreciate other perspectives more.

It's as if a lit major raped this guy's mother, for chrissake.

>> No.1812683

Aww, now you're just teasing me ;-)

People who research programming languages or operating systems or compilers and so on are the ones who teach new students to program. I probably won't end up doing that, but it sounds fun. Maybe I'll work as a course assistant and teach them while I study.

Of course it is boring. To some. Everything is boring to someone.

For the last question: I don't know. Probably. I really haven't look into it. I just don't feel that special tingle below my belly button with pure math as I do with the computational stuff. If this ever changes I will let you know.

>> No.1812684
File: 11 KB, 526x289, tags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys still post this shit?

>> No.1812690

What the hell is wrong with you?

People are not robots. For whatever reason, human beings need to find emotional outlets for themselves. Getting rid of all forms of individual expression in favour of being scientifically progressive is pathetic. What is the point of moving forward in society if we're all emotionally retarded? Just for the bragging rights? There are problems you cannot solve with numbers.

There are two sides to the brain. Are you saying we just let one side of the brain rot just because you see one side as more functional?

Secondly, why do I never see these threads on /lit/? It seems the emotionally invested artists have angry complicated rants against science. But I read them all the time here?

Why so mad, /sci/? It's awfully illogical.

>> No.1812691

>mfw if you switch that around it'll be correct
Protip: engineers are sent into space, not scientists

>> No.1812694


they laugh at the ignorance of those who never read shakespeare yet they themselves can't give a proper description of newton's second law, which is the physics equivalent of not being able to sing the ABC song.

>> No.1812709

Yes, a small percentage of computer science graduates will end up with a respectable job dealing with complexity theory, and some will end up in academia researching theoretical CS. But 90% of CS graduates go into programming or sysadmin, in which case, see >>1812606

(seriously though, power to you if you find that stuff interesting. I dropped it like it was hot once I got into the upper level classes)

>> No.1812712

yeah, you're pulling that right out of your ass.

stop making stuff up to make humanities professors look bad, chochbag.

>> No.1812713

Physicists not be the first one going to stars. The first ones will be specially trained astronauts, who are tougher dudes than the physicists and the engineers put together.

>> No.1812718

>91 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.1812722

Former Air Force jet pilots with 20+ years experience to be more specific.

>> No.1812726


people need to find their INDIVIDUAL emotional outlets and express their INDIVIDUALITY, which is exactly the purpose artsy shit like literature and music serve, which is exactly why these subjects should be made electives from day one, and be separated from the fundamental shit that societies are built upon, like logic, reason and science. these should be compulsory.

>> No.1812728


no i'm not. try getting your humanities prof to explain the second law of thermodynamics, and see for yourself

>> No.1812732

Funny thing is, the physicists will scribble the things on paper and computer screens, the engineers will then build the ships and then a fucking jet pilot will take all the glory by sitting on a chair.

Fucking space travel.

>> No.1812734

and knowledge of physics

>> No.1812735


or they're just physicists and engineers who are fit

>> No.1812737

Actually, we contribute a fuckton to society. Maybe not in the short term, but definitely in the long term. If we ever want to get to space (or at least prevent mass extinction via an asteroid), you need us. And we make Yahoo News interesting.

>> No.1812740
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>Top tier


>> No.1812744

Also, we wouldn't have cheap digital cameras without astronomers.

>> No.1812750


quit ya yapping. you know you only come up with cool names such as black shit and dark shit just to keep the public interested because what you're doing is fucking useless. the only fucking contribution of astrofags to society so far has been CCD cameras.

>> No.1812751

Ask your physics prof to name one work of Coleridge.

>> No.1812754

So we're supposed to learn how to analyze books, symbols, speak, read and introduce ourselves to classic literature without any guidance?

I don't understand why you hate artists so much. We're just trying to understand the world in human terms. Trying to understand why we do things or the nature or reality in philosophy. If you really find such emotionally exploitative endeavours repulsive and useless, then you should be happy there is more available fields in the maths and sciences without us clogging it all up.

Live and let live, and stop trying to force people into roles to progress your idea of society. Last time I checked, it is forcing people into suitable job roles for the benefit of the whole society that is the trademark of many dictatorships.

Live and let live, bro.

>> No.1812760

lol this thread is like a fucking american movie
at first engineers and physicists hate on each other, but at the end theyre friends and they find their common enemy

>> No.1812761

>implying literacy, which literature is most often taught to foster, is not fundamental shit that societies are built upon

>> No.1812765

The thing is most of them could. Literature is a form of entertainment. People entertain themselves outside the workplace. To repeat what was said earlier in this thread, there is currently more literature, music, and art in existence than will ever be needed by anyone.

>> No.1812772

Why pursue all that information if you're not going to do anything neat with it besides build machines to make your life more pragmatic and less interesting.


And you probably have no friends. If you do, you lie a lot. Which creates quite a bit of cognitive dissonance, since it goes against your ultra-scientific, exclusionary values.

>> No.1812773

i think you forgot satellites, wich include but not limited to : GPS, communication systems, google earth and accurate meteorology

>> No.1812777


yeah the second law of thermodyamics is a bit more universal than some irrelevant faggot shit written by some faggot called coleridge.

>> No.1812805

>Literature is a form of entertainment

No it's not. Art and literature are symbols. They are accessible forms of protest, progressive thinking and and ways of saying what they see going on amongst the nature and unexplainable behaviour of their fellow man.

I don't seem to recall people holding up equations during Vietnam War protests.

Hell, I never see artists insulting scientists. Because most of us accept that we need individuals from every spectrum and interest to work together to make a society. It's that sort of 'one school of thought' idea that is the basis of dictatorships.

>> No.1812810

>American movie
You do realize that most movies come from America anyways, so you could have just said movie, no need to add American in there.

>> No.1812816

How about the fact that computer science is in mid tier while all the other mathematical sciences are in top? I mean seriously, the amount of people who are in CS and also in math is huge, why separate them that drastically? I can understand software development, but theoretical computer science should be in the same tier math is in.

>> No.1812818



>> No.1812821


The end.

>> No.1812830

I think computer science is a great career path. The computer science field is one of the fastest growing fields in the United States, as well as across the world, and computer science is also vital for society to function. Nearly every aspect of your life depends on computers in some form. Computers and the internet have become a huge part in our society, and are continuing to become more and more advanced in this day and age, so computer scientists are necessary for proper development of this technology to better society as a whole.

>> No.1812835

Rather than trying to refute your claim, in which you will respond by calling me a faggot several times and hide behind the army of the artisically challenged otherwise known as /sci/, I would like you to explain to me the second law of thermodynamics, in your own words and without the use of external resources. Be as clear and concise as you possibly could.

>> No.1812840

>states point
>no basis

Sure is logical, /sci/.

>> No.1812842

Go to multiple university websites and check the CS curriculum. You'll find that most (~90%) programs require calculus up to calc 2, linear algebra, and discrete mathematics, and basic statistics.

Compare that to calc 1-3, ODEs, PDEs, complex analysis, real analysis, abstract algebra, and advanced probability theory AT A MINIMUM.

>> No.1812846

I think you need to calm down

>> No.1812849
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>> No.1812850

>3 words capitalized

Sure, brah.

>> No.1812855

I think a lot of it stems from envy. Real genuine scientists with degrees don't hate artists at all. Einstein loved music, and cared very deeply for the arts. But these childish anons hating on art are just frustrated that there are unquantifiable abstracts in this world that science cannot explain. A real scientist would accept that certain things are beyond his personal reach and move on to something constructive to benefit the people around him the best he can.

>> No.1812876

And development of programming languages like IDL which are also used in image analysis for medical institutions.

>> No.1812886
File: 22 KB, 375x360, FACE 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you know how to operate a camera? Do you research various cultures in order to derive common symbols that you can use to enhance the message of the fiction you're creating, thereby eliciting a more powerful emotional response from your audience?

Do you know about sound production?


Do you know ten different ways to say the same word, in the same language?

In different languages?

Do you know about complementary colors? Philosophy of aesthetics? Do you understand common people well enough to know what makes them cry? Laugh?

Art requires skills, and, if done correctly, it makes bigheaded concepts more entertaining and accessible to the masses, thereby increasing the number of people on this planet sympathetic to scientific thought. Think Sagan's Cosmos. A much more effective method than screaming about how everyone but a small portion of the population who thinks as hatefully as you are "faggots".

Sick of all this close-minded bashing. I don't come to /sci/ to hear about how I'm a fag for being wanting to be a screenwriter/science popularizer. I come here for information from people who are based in a different field than I.


It seems like some of you pretentious fucks use the scientific method when it comes to everything but other people.

>> No.1812910

I totally agree with this anon.
Oh, so now an entire field's relevance and level of difficulty is dictated by the current university curriculum? If you know so much about math I'm surprised, since many upper level theoretical mathematicians are also theoretical computer scientists. They're deeply interwoven fields.

>> No.1812931
File: 102 KB, 410x279, doc horrible shocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question, which degrees will actually give you a good chance of advancing humanity? A lot of you seem to be mentioning how certain fields contribute nothing to humanity, but no actual alternatives are listed.

>> No.1812936

Very lightly interwoven field.

Biochemistry, but only if you get a PhD.

>> No.1812939

Exactly. They say all artists will wind up being pathetic losers, but what are the chances every person here will discover the cure to some disease? Find living species of bacteria on another planet? Or come up with some new law for the universe?

The truth is, most people here will be just as big of losers are us /lit/ faggots.

Beautiful post is beautiful.

>> No.1812951
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>> No.1812979

No, they really aren't lightly interwoven. All my CS professors are in mathematical research. Theoretical CS is all math.

>> No.1812984

Threads like this really make me respect (good) writers even more.

Those guys really do have the whole goddamn world against them.

>> No.1812986

The 20 greatest Engineering achievements of the 20th century:


We fucking get shit done. That's why we make more money than you.

>> No.1812989

I'm in med school. While it's unlikely that I'm going to create an HIV vaccine, I'm certainly going to make a huge difference in people's lives.

That's a little more important than writing a shitty poem or any of the other majors involving intellectual onanism.

/I was a poli sci and history double major, so I think I can speak to uselessness.

>> No.1813004

here's the difference.

90% of /lit/ fags will never write a novel. They'll never get published. They'll settle for getting some shit job in a cubicle and never actually use their degree.

On the other hand, 90% of engineering and science majors will create something. Maybe in a team, maybe it will be something as simple as a slightly better doorhinge, but it'll be something.

>> No.1813024
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Here's an even better question. Where do all of you get off ranking careers based on how much they contribute to society when you obviously don't care about contribution to society in the first place?

>> No.1813029


I think a good portion will teach. That's what I'm doing at least. If you're any good, that certainly benefits society.

(inb4 lol teaching shitty peoms to hihg scoolers LOL)

English teachers do way more than that. A large portion of the curriculum focuses on professional writing and expository writing. Also, regardless of your path through life, I'd hope we could at least agree studying literature/philosophy/history is key to your development as a person, especially during adolescence (I'm teaching high school, btw).

>> No.1813036


Maybe it's just my faggy little intuition that's based purely on unquantifiable abstracts, but something makes me doubt that you used empirical methods to acquire those statistics.

>> No.1813044


Sorry, in this post, I meant to paste:


>> No.1813055

Whoever made that Tier List is a dumbfuck; Archaeology is a SUBFIELD of Anthropology.

>> No.1813084
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>> No.1813100

"A GPA of 2.0 is required for entry into this major."

>> No.1813105

well if you plan to teach then get an education degree.

Also yeah, teaching is pretty sub-par too. I think the majority of the headscratching we science types do is when we look at the tuition we pay and then look at job availability/pay afterward and then wonder why the fuck anyone would pay 30k a year to be a teacher.

>> No.1813120



>> No.1813137

I'm saying many liberal arts majors will end up teaching, in response to anons post.

Also, I totally get where you're coming from as far as finances, but in my situation the state paid for tuition. I followed my passions and majored in Lit/History because it was free. I'm working on a teaching certificate now, so it's only gonna be like $12,000 to make $30,000 per year.

If you continue your teacher education and earn the additional rankings (which the school district will probably help you pay) you could potentially earn $60,000-$70,000 per year. Plus mad benefits.

It's not a bad gig, in some states.

>> No.1813151

I find it funny how you guys divide science up into sub divisions but not engineering.

>> No.1813155


Still, your ass is ours.

>> No.1813159


anyone with a 2.0 in econ isnt going farther than a bachelors.

>> No.1813200

Yeah, you can get up to like 90k in NY, but that's after like 20 or 30 years. And it's NY so the cost of living is usually crazy high. And the decent pay is in administration with usually requires a master's and often a PhD.

>> No.1813235
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>> No.1813251

This just in!

Having a valued degree from a good school does not guarantee instant success. You could still have a good GPA and be a complete piece of shit that will never make it.

>> No.1813276
File: 98 KB, 800x1107, majorhierarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, almost missed these two.

>> No.1813288

Majoring in Philosophy=
Good writing, logic, and critical reading skills=
Performing well on the GRE, GMAT,LSAT,MCAT=
Getting JD, MBA, PhD, MD=
Making decent to a lot of money=
Possibly living a decent to good life=
Eventually dying like everyone=
Wtf does it matter what you study?



It doesn't matter wtf you study. If you enjoy it, do it.

>> No.1813296

...ya...not bad advise here.

>> No.1813298

Amen Brother! (From a Dual Bio/Chem Undergrad, nonetheless!)

>> No.1813314
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>Economics below Mathematics and Statistics
>mfw Economics is heavily based on Mathematics and uses statistics on a regular basis.

>> No.1813330

I agree with this. Economics extensively uses statistics and mathematics. Also, it has very interesting application( Psychohistory anyone?), game theory, etc.

>> No.1813331

Although it's medicine, where exactly would a Bachelors of Science in Nursing fall?

From a four year university, not one of those nigger colleges.

Also, a Masters in Public Health..seeing where /sci/ these two stand..

>> No.1813332
File: 286 KB, 720x525, hatergunnahate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't agree more.

>> No.1813334


*/sci/ thinks.

>> No.1813395

Where does military science fall into this?

>> No.1813409

English requires numbers (since you need to remember what page you're on).
So I guess it should be up with math

>> No.1813422

doesn't apply to medicine, unfortunately

>> No.1813428


Way to troll faggot.

>> No.1813431

retards detected

>> No.1813433

>My face when I have a four year dramatic arts degree, and am currently working in Hollywood as a set assistant, getting paid 5,000 dollars a day to follow a cameraman around, holding the chords from his camera.

enjoy your years of wasted life while you try to put that useless geology degree to use, science fags

>> No.1813436

pointing out flawed logic != trolling buddy

>> No.1813445

anybody who takes this chart seriously has the mental capacity of a 12 year old. we effectively argued down this chart last night. anybody who still takes note of the chart is either a newfag or a dumbfuck

>> No.1813461

fucking this, any real scientist appreciates other fields, even fucking philosophy..EVERYTHING...... except maybe engineering.

>> No.1813468
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another jelly scientist in the making

>> No.1813469

I real scientist appreciates engineering. It's up to them if they give a shit about humanities and nonsense like that.

>> No.1813470

Why is Archaeology depicted so badly? I think it's an extremely interesting field. You are gonna sit there and tell me finding ancient civilizations and learning how they lived, worked, etc isn't interesting?

>> No.1813485

/sci/ completely ignores personal satisfaction in its analysis of things like this.

>> No.1813488

enjoy flipping burgers for the rest of your life

>> No.1813493

I am representing Education and Linguistics, but I feel no hate towards the other fields. I applaud every single student at my university for pursuing higher learning!

Also, Linguistics is really interesting. It might not be very hard, unless you think advanced grammar is hard, but I thoroughly enjoy it.

>> No.1813506 [DELETED] 

Well it's a joke because A) this chart is vague.

Is this about which careers are better? Business more lucrative than most on there. A doctor will certainly earn more than a mathematician, and astronomy should be near the low tier if that's the case.

Is it about intelligence? Chart is hilariously flawed, in that case.

See my post here and the following posts for that:


everything in this post is irrefutable, and it's astounding that people took this list seriously. Especially after the argument we had last night over the validity of the shitty list

>> No.1813515

Well it's a joke because A) this chart is vague.

Is this about which careers are better? Business is more lucrative than most on there. A doctor will certainly earn more than a mathematician, and astronomy should be near the low tier if that's the case.

Is it about intelligence? Chart is hilariously flawed, in that case.

See my post here and the following posts for that:


everything in this post is irrefutable, and it's astounding that people took this list seriously. Especially after the argument we had last night over the validity of the shitty list

>> No.1813544

Correction. Logic is Mathematics. Logic is a branch of Mathematics. Logic is studied in Philosophy, but is not spawned from Philosophy. People like Alan Turing/Kurt Godel were not studying Logic from a purely Philosophical standpoint, but from a Mathematical standpoint.

>> No.1813563
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> I find it funny how you guys divide science up into sub divisions but not engineering.

different tier

>> No.1813566


I propose that the chart is about:

a) How much a particular academic field of study / profession contributes to society; and

b) How pure the filed of study is. Maths is the most pure, since all other fields of study can be derived from or explained by mathematics. e.g. law is created by humans who's thoughts and emotions are dictated by psychology, which is applied biology, which is applied chemistry, which is applied physics, which is applied mathematics.

By this proposed selection criteria, the list is pretty much correct.

>> No.1813587


Your ranking of engineering disciplines is retarded.

>> No.1813724

>a) How much a particular academic field of study / profession contributes to society; and

Then it's still a god awful list for obvious reasons. Your average electrician contributes more to day to day society than a fucking astronomer. An astronomer should be near the low tier, and Law, economics, business, etc. should be in god tier.

A few more are changeable as well but I don't feel like getting into it all

>How pure the filed of study is

full on retard logic, bro. Literally, when I was 8 years old I recall doing exactly what OP is doing. I, and wide array of other adolescent kids probably thought in tiers as well in regards to which career or subject is "better"

Still, even if we flirted with the notion of there being a plausible tier list, the list would still need be heavily modified.

So my point still stands, anybody who took this list seriously is a fundamental manchild or a 12 year old. there's no other way to look at this.

>> No.1814214


Understanding the universe is almost of supreme consequence to society imo. Law, economics and business don't really contribute shit. Of course we need law, but studying it does shit all. Businessmen and economists just try to make money, they don't help people or further our understanding of the universe.

I think it's you who is taking the list too seriously. Nobody is suggesting that this is an objective ranking. It's just interesting to look at different careers. People should study whatever they enjoy studying

>> No.1814233


>> No.1814237

>Mechanical Engineering
>Shit Tier
Son, you are either trolling or retarded.

>> No.1814255

genetic engineering belongs in god tier

>> No.1814269

>Genetic engineering in low tier
Shit nigger, do you want Bioshock powers or not?

>> No.1814282

>Projected job growth of Environmental Engineering over the next decade: 31%
>Projected job growth of Biomedical Engineering over the next decade: 72%
>Theyre both in waste of life tier
>Projected job growth of Chemical Engineering over the next decade: -2%
>God Tier

I don't think I'm totally understanding how this chart works. I mean, I guess if by god tier you mean unemployed, then yeah, great chart.

>> No.1814290

Fucking engineers. It's almost fun to watch you peons fight over which of your disciplines is least inferior to math and physics.

>> No.1814293

Engineers make more money

>> No.1814304
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Yeah well, we have to pass the time somehow. Not all of us can waste a day on a $35k a year joke of a career.

>> No.1814305



We get shit done.

>> No.1814313

So do crime lords and porn stars, but those aren't exactly respectable niches in society now are they?

>> No.1814317

I assume computer science fits into god tier as well

>> No.1814329

>Code monkeys
Ha ha, no.

>> No.1814383

Oh dear, you sound mad

>> No.1814441

i wonder if the person who made this image knew the permanent shitstorm they were starting.

>> No.1814452


>biomedical engineering
>waste of life tier


>> No.1814460

I think it goes in opposite order. The disciplines with the worst job prospects are at the top, better job prospects are at the bottom

>> No.1814497

Pssst, biochemists do that.

>> No.1814574

Friendly reminder.

Just because you're studying something rated "god tier" by an anonymous imageboard filled with awkward antisocial introverts doesn't increase your worth as a human being. Don't get a huge dick, you awkward, misanthropic virgins.

alright continue

>> No.1814727


>> No.1814748

At my college, a lot of kids start out as compsci majors, realize it's too difficult (too much math for them) and become IS majors. I think that the retards may start as computer science majors, but they almost always go into IS after finding out how hard it is.
(I'm a Bio. major...)

>> No.1814775


This. Social grognards dont realize its how you talk and who you know, not so much WHAT you know.

I get to know the people in power. Then I am one.

>> No.1814825
File: 609 KB, 1280x720, Fuckyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when all you mother fuckers are going to get a nuclear bomb dropped on your head because the world ISNT made of Engineers and is actually just human beings.

Hurr civilizations dont need an identity to assert themselves and operate, right? If we all study math, then its like every will, like, share the peace, man!

When will you brainless fucks realize these things are DEGREES for a reason and that every society needs each and every one to operate at a capacity to trade, develop, and consume?

Youuuuu THICK mother fuckers

>> No.1814848

there's usually about ten people in each graduating class at my uni in CS

>> No.1814864

and about thirty people are in the first few classes from what i've seen the past few years

>> No.1814867

Some of these majors are vestigial
Also capitalism demands the death of art for the sake of art, and the use of art as advertisement
So really the only reason to get a liberal arts degree is to go into advertising

>> No.1814919


>implying capitalism isnt going to be the universal economic system of choice for a VERY VERY VERY long time

also opinions, your shit could be my art. Therefore invalid.

>> No.1814969

what kind of shit school is that, tier 4?

>> No.1815003
File: 40 KB, 400x300, YIPYIPYIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never implied that but go ahead and think whatever you want
I'm of the opinion that Wall Street is just going to keep doing what it's doing and turn this planet into a wasteland of depleted resources before the end of the century
We've made mountains and seas disappear just to get our hands on the resources beneath and the ocean is filling with carbonic acid, which will destroy the bottom of the food chain and turn the ocean into a wasteland.
That shit takes millenia to replace at minimum.
But please, enlighten me on how capitalism will be around for a VERY, VERY, VERY long time when mankind starves to death at the end of this century

>> No.1815010 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 298x279, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Scrubs taking god-tiers at shit-tier schools. Worthless.

>> No.1815018
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ITT: Scrubs taking god-tier majors at shit-tier schools. Worthless.

>> No.1815025


>earth is coming to an end fringe theories

>exactly why we need science


>> No.1815035
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>> No.1815056


>> No.1815060

ITT: People who seem to think everyone else's opinion is wrong

>> No.1815069

>Implying my school isn't highly ranked on Forbes list of best schools to get rich from.
>Implying my school isn't the best Uni to attend in our entire region for engineering.
>Implicating implications implying implicated fgsfgs

>> No.1815074

>implying you named your school
>implying you aren't looking to see if Forbes even has that classification when we call you out

>> No.1815081

Missouri S&T. Ranked 12th in public universities.

>> No.1815082

>Thinks ITT comment was directed at him specifically
>Starts going on about how much better he is than everyone
>Will be lucky to finish degree

>> No.1815098

Seeing as how I'm a junior and have a full ride, I figure I'll be fine.

>> No.1815114
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lol Forbes...

Definitely shit tier.

>> No.1815125

BAHAHA nigger please.

>> No.1815136

Why the fuck do you people care so much about what other people think of your degree? Do what you like a tell everyone else to fuck right off if they give you shit. That's what ALL the great scientists have done.

>> No.1815161

>Admits that pointing out shit-rankings like Forbes which have nothing to do with academics, and ranking school withing its "region", instead of simply giving the name of the school, is a clear indicator that one is attending a shit-tier school with shit academics.

By the way, I'm attending Berkeley, shit-tier faggot.

>> No.1815187

>economists just try to make money

are you feckin' serious, bro?

>> No.1815272

Just my 2 cents:
All the science majors plus engineering are needed because it is what shaped most of the world around us and continues to push us forward.

Chemistry was needed to make the low melting point alloys for making the movable type in the printing press. Also engineering and physics were needed to make the motors that drive modern rotary presses.

Mind, I like reading books and listening to music but we don't need required classes that simply live of the work of hard working people like authors and composers. I had a english teacher once who talked about this GREAT professor who is famous for writing an essay about some of the characters in Anna Karenina. Write your own books or write you self a Need help bless you sign.