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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1811740 No.1811740 [Reply] [Original]


Today Rep. Bart Gordon announced that in order to ensure NASA has an authorization bill on the books in time for the next fiscal year, he'll be pushing for a vote on the Senate version of the bill this Wednesday.

If you were one of the awesome anons who helped by calling congressmen and writing emails, I just want to say awesome job guys, the battle has been won and the war is almost over!

All that's left is to convince enough people in the House to pass the Senate bill, and with the author and former advocates of the House bill now backing the Senate's version, our chance of success just went way up!

Two days till the vote, keep calling and tell your reps YES on S.3729! We can do it guys!

>> No.1811753

Great, just what we need. A massive hole to throw money into.

"Space: at least it's not a bank." (Actually heard this argument. On /sci/.)

>> No.1811807

Fuck yeah, i'm going to migrate to space when i get the opportunity.
It will be like a new america, only with no debt, uneducated black people or fatties(maybe rich fatties, but poor fatties are too expensive to get into orbit)

And then we'll nuke you all from orbit to teach you a lesson.

>> No.1811823

If you were better at killing 1 out of 100 politicians than corporations, they might listen to you.

>> No.1811841


enjoy aging faster than us on earth.

>> No.1811864

lol He wouldn't age much more then a fraction of a second a year over us on earth. Even the sun with much more gravity then earth gain much time dilation over us. Its approximately 6 minutes a year more time then us on earth. To top it off, no matter where you are in space, be it near a black hole or on earth, or in space. To you, you will age at the same rate, no matter what, but relative to others, at different rates.

>> No.1811884

>Has it back to front.
I think poster means due to the effects of microgravity or perhaps the radiation.

>> No.1811909

Guys quick I need a copy of one of those posters /sci/owan made so I can send them to American friends

>> No.1811920

I've noticed that /sci/ doesn't know shit about politics.

Really, are they autistic 14 year olds who is only knowledgeable in one subject? And even then the I've noticed the average poster here just made it to geometry

>> No.1812042
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>> No.1812587


>> No.1813885
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>> No.1815163


>> No.1815188

Still wary. I hoped for an actual direction and some new spacecraft (Plus, development on spacecraft and STAYING WITH IT rather than "omg costs $$$ let's abandon lolol and talk about how awesome muslims were once" )

>> No.1815198

>implying I give a shit about america

yeah, call me when NASE's budget is on the line. Until then, lol @ americans shitty space program

>> No.1815220

Heads up kids.
Michael Bay is coming to NASA (Again)

Let's just hope he doesn't ruin another Space memorial (Seeing the plaque made by Bay on the Apollo 1 memorial all because the old one wasn't "Relevant enough" pisses me off every time I see it.

Think they'll use the Ares 1-X tower (That they JUST finished and are now decommissioning) as a prop for an explosion?

THAT'LL teach the kids about science!

>> No.1815234

Just because you spend a lot of time and money on something doesn't necessarily mean it's worth continuing. Shit is shit no matter how long you spend polishing it.

Time to cut our losses with Ares I and try something else.

>> No.1815245
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On the bright side, if Congress doesn't pass the bill on Wednesday, maybe NASA can keep itself open by selling Bay some rockets.

>> No.1815255

I wonder how many people said that about Apollo?

Look what happened to THAT?

Oh wait.
It was cancelled.

>> No.1816449

Difference is Apollo actually flew. Ares I is no closer to being completed now than it was when the program started. An LV that's more shuttle derived like the proposed Jupiter series can be completed sooner.

>> No.1816658

Just called my rep's office, waiting for the staffer to call me back with his position on the bill

>> No.1816694


Stop responding to him fag.

You are obviously getting trolled. If not trolled, then you are arguing with a Fox News cock sucking republican. Which is worse than getting trolled.

The senate bill is clearly the better of the two, and Obama made the right call considering the circumstances.

If the bill passes as intended and survives reconciliation largely untouched, then NASA will have been saved.

Also, the senate bill looks awfully similar to the Mars Direct initiative. Which is great.

>> No.1816729

What would you advise me to do to benefit this endeavor?

>> No.1816755
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So it sounds like the bill's going to go before the House under a suspension of the rules. That means it's going to need a 2/3rds vote to pass.

While having former advocates of the House bill now backing the Senate bill will go a long way to helping it pass, if you want to help make sure it passes you can help by calling your congressman and telling them to vote YES on the senate bill tomorrow.

>> No.1816761

Can do.

>> No.1816838
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>> No.1817299


>> No.1817308

Republicans will filibuster it.

>> No.1817330

Someone's a pessimist.

>> No.1817786
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