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1811151 No.1811151 [Reply] [Original]

If humans are animals and part of the ape family

why does the term anthropormorphism still have relevance?


>mfw when we are all just apes with cellphones and rockets

>> No.1811158

because we are humans..
humans are important for us more than apes

its like the Inuits.. they have 20 different names for snow.. its because it so relevant for them.
but this doesn't mean snow has a higher hierarchy for Inuits compared to Africans.. snow is still snow.

>> No.1811164
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that was the stuidest thing I ever read

it was inconsistent, off topic, and filled with incorrect information

captcha fucking related, I should sage your ass

>> No.1811165
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>>mfw he doubts it and doesn't see all our similarities in behavior and appearance.

>> No.1811187

pwnd much?? and you just answer saying is a flaky response??
Anyhow, we are the only apes and animals for that matter that are capable of consciousness.
That of course has a particular interest in science fields


>> No.1811195


>implying that you have a definition of consciousness that actually means anything

>> No.1811206

In other unrelated news, Neanderthals are smarter then us.

>> No.1811211

If we were lions instead of humans the word would mean to attribute lion characteristics to animals or non-living things, phenomena, material states and objects or abstract concepts.

>> No.1811223


im not going to do your homework.

there may be a lot of debate of what actually is.. but the fact that others animals arent capable of it is what is important.

>> No.1811227

>why does the term anthropormorphism still have relevance?
because it would be irrelevant if it was called zoomorphism, moran!

humans are animals

that doesn't mean that animals are humans

>> No.1811234

hey Nearduntels! if u so smart than why are you ded?


>> No.1811243

that's rite faggot. I am the only "animal" (more like God) capable of consciousness. none of you have consciousness. otherwise i would see everything you see.
oh wait, your "consciousness" is just the predictable behavior that i can easily sense.

>> No.1811267

Not so sure, man.
They might have had bigger brains, but they had pretty huge bodies too. That makes them smarter than h. sapient, the same way as blue wale is smarter.

>> No.1811291


>but the fact that others animals arent capable of it is what is important.

so we're just making up facts now? sweet

its a fact that your head is made up of exactly 3 types of niggers

>> No.1811341

making up facts?

show me any animal that is consciousness besides human?

>> No.1811370

lots of animals are aware of their existence. monkeys are a given, since they can actually learn signal languages, which involve knowing what 'I' means. also ravens have been demonstrated that they can differentiate their reflex in the mirror from themselves, they know they exist

>> No.1811388

consciousness is debatable. Animals are aware of there surroundings and have a concept of reality and feel sensation. You can base this on them running from predators, showing signs of pain and fear, and being aggressive. If this is not good enough maybe you should start questioning if you are conscious.

>> No.1811444

those animals are conscious of themselves.. but they arent conscious that they are conscious