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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 177 KB, 359x277, MAGNETS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1810392 No.1810392 [Reply] [Original]

Ready to rage /sci/...


>> No.1810419

she tells the truth. All physicists are wrong.

>> No.1810452 [DELETED] 

she's probably right but still it's unimportant; her end of days theory is wrong, we wont go into the sun.

>> No.1810468
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They look related...

>> No.1810478

She reminds me of this horrible woman in my astronomy class...

This bitch asked if measuring wavelengths from peak to peak is the reason we could "1 mississippi 2 mississippi 3 mississippi"

Yeah. Try and figure that one out. I tried to rationalize why she would ask that all day and couldn't.

>> No.1810483 [DELETED] 


>offtopic uneducated opinions

Anyone going to contest her or is she right?

>> No.1810498

Seriously though, she doesn't sound like that big of an idiot using all of her science words, but she's overlooked that gravity isn't made of particles, but it a curving of space-time.

>> No.1810501

Are you fucking retarded?

^Me. Gravity is a curvature of space-time. I don't think anybody tries to contend that gravitons exist anymore...

>> No.1810505

I think it's fucking hilarious your dumb ass accused me of being uneducated while asking if this idiot was correct.

>> No.1810509 [DELETED] 

If gravity is magnets then what are magnets?

>> No.1810512

>>1810501 I don't think anybody tries to contend that gravitons exist anymore...
"Hello, I have never heard a lecture on GR, but I like to pretend I have"
Welcome to sci, everyone.

>> No.1810515 [DELETED] 

If gravity was really magnetism then it would be MUCH stronger.

>> No.1810518

>protip: everything creates a gravitational field, be it the Earth or a fucking ant.

>> No.1810519

It's true. I do like to pretend. Thanks for adding to the discussion.

>> No.1810526

I'm pretty sure she just reads about most of the physics terms she uses and makes up her own understanding of it.

>> No.1810531

We should send her a message containing only "antimatter" and see what's new on her channel next week ;)

>> No.1810537 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 380x333, alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>again, offtopic
>again, trolling
>again, retarded

Are you going to contest her point or is she correct?

>> No.1810548
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>> No.1810555
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lol check out her webpage. She writes everything in caps.


Also, i like how she said that the sun is in the centre of our galaxy.

>> No.1810576
File: 21 KB, 387x315, 20100914-224720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

Nobody cares, faggot.
Too obvious.

>> No.1810597

So you admit you're out of your league on this one? hmm?

>> No.1810608 [DELETED] 


It irks me so bad when people say that IRL. I don't say anything but damn.

>> No.1810629

>And the Sun says "I want it"

This lady is being fed the wrong information... or she's just retarded.

>> No.1810640

Holy fucking shit. Even Michio Kaku wrote on her blog.

Dr. Michio Kaku 2 months ago

I will say that I have myself, checked and re-checked the facts here. I find your theory to be puzzling. You're right this is not what we we've always been taught. Your theory goes against the fact that we have always looked at gravity and magnetism as two separate forces. However, I have searched for and studied the Unified Theory of Everything almost my whole life, and seriously do wonder after my fact checking if your right. I heard about your concept on Youtube and entered Gravity is Magnetism into my yahoo search engine and was quite surprised to see that your theory holds second rank. Now I begin to search for math of this theory and it brings me to having to sit down with my colleagues and spinning the numbers. This may take a long time to prove or disprove. If you're right Keeker, the world will change dramatically. If magnetism really is at the heart of all creation, a lot of science books will need to be re-written. I for one want to be a part of that, so I have every intention of doing this math and doing my best to get to the bottom of your theory. If your not familiar with who I am , I am a professor at City University Of New York, and have done many spots on Sci Channel. If you look me up you will see me on Wiki-Pedia and this will prove my dedication on this subject.

>> No.1810650

>>1810629 <-- samefag here

I hate her for spreading ignorance. someone kill it with fire please!!

>> No.1810672

Please euthanize her, I will pay you lots.

>> No.1810679 [DELETED] 



Seriously I was blown away when I saw that.

>> No.1810681 [DELETED] 



>> No.1810704

Stupid people are funny. Sometimes I think that the universe put stupid people on Earth just to amuse us.

>> No.1810709

so this guys been studying hardcore math/science his whole life. would it be possible for an average guy like myself who just rediscovered his fascination with science to ever catch up to his level?

>> No.1810715


presumptuous elitists are the most amusing
type of stupid people :)

>> No.1810719

I wouldn't be aspired by him.

>> No.1810724 [DELETED] 


Yes. How old are yo- wait... it doesn't even matter. The answer is yes.

If if you don't succeed, you shot for the stars. If you fail you'll still be way the fuck up in space.

>> No.1810726
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>> No.1810729 [DELETED] 


>Dr. Michio Kaku
>if your right


>> No.1810731


who would you say, then?

>> No.1810732

We must send him a letter telling him he should brush up on his English.

>> No.1810733

Fuck. Amazing. Give this woman a Phd.

>> No.1810736

Sarcasm to the max, demean the phd even further, fuck yeah!

>> No.1810744
File: 77 KB, 620x520, 17189-130475-g-620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1810799

this bitch has timecube syndrome.

It's a syndrome I just made up, but I believe everyone has it to some extent, and people like her, to a dangerous extent. It's the syndrome where you think you know enough to make a claim about the universe. Obviously, some people DO know enough to make a claim, but these people are a minority compared to the vast population that attempts to make claims. People like her and timecube guy are at the extremes, having no knowledge but making a tremendous claim.

>> No.1810847
File: 44 KB, 468x349, mrbeanwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody as thunderf00t to destroy this bitch.

>> No.1810858
File: 372 KB, 791x600, do-mushrooms-errrrry-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1810870

thunderfoot is too angsty fighting islam with his own ignorance

>> No.1811297
File: 46 KB, 409x405, I can fap to this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1811307

I'll do my best to explain it in layman's terms because there's a lot of people out there that really don't understand a lot of the scientific terminologies and it's kind of a little complicated.

>> No.1811309
File: 206 KB, 800x533, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i raged so fucking hard

>> No.1811313

all my life I worshipped the great magnet

looks like I'll be the only one chilling in heaven, enjoy hell fags

>> No.1811517
File: 411 KB, 861x761, fat32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so.. you think.. maybe... Dr. Michio Kaku
was only posting on her site cause.. maybe.. he wants to hit it?

>> No.1811525

ICP really started something horrifying.

>> No.1811527

so thats how pictures get started

>> No.1811661

>implying that really was Dr Michio Kaku.

>> No.1811669

I am sure you mean.
>Assuming that really was Dr Michio Kaku.

>> No.1811671

>blender at full speed
>making a gravy shake
>gravity doesn't exist

>> No.1811672

>"Magnets can create free energy"
