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1808983 No.1808983 [Reply] [Original]

I realized no science theory will ever be true or describe objective reality.

Time to study philosophy and get some real knowledge.

Cya suckers, enjoy living in the matrix and figuring out nothing, I gotta go transcend this shit.

>> No.1808986


time to do some drugz bro!!! fuck text books

>> No.1808990

>implying there's anything to transcend

The only useful knowledge we can gain is the knowledge of our surroundings. Your hypothetical knowledge cannot serve in any mean but to entertain.

>> No.1808991


science is just full of research programs and language games that change over time


useful like how we need plumbing and other trades

>> No.1808996

No you double nigger I'M the warden! You can't be the warden because he's me, and I'm the warden.

>> No.1808998

Phd in science.
Ph stands for philosophy.

OP doesn't know what philosophy or science is.

>> No.1808999

do evolutionary biology

>> No.1809000


it serves the most important function: how to live life

enjoy being a capitalist drone working under the illusion of objectivity

>> No.1809003

Fellas, fellas, fellas.

Surely we can agree on one thing.

At least we're not fine art majors.

>> No.1809007


ya do biology, psych and cognitive psych

as far as im concerned the only interesting fields in science are the ones that deal with Humans and consciousness...the rest are dry and intellectually handicapped...

no one cares about minerals and particles, the fuck are they good for? nothing.

first we gotta figure out consciousness

>> No.1809008

>implying philosophy can't be a hobby

>> No.1809012

Kind of agree with OP.

BUT academic philosophy is just as retarded as academic science. Don't study either academically, universities are shit in terms of personal enlightenment or figuring out the world

self-study is the way to go

go to University in order to get a career

>> No.1809018


Study everything, it's all good

Do work you enjoy, fuck money and prestige

Enjoy life, it's pretty short, you're almost dead lol

>> No.1809029

>Implying I'm not a hippy, left wing, pot smoking physicist.

You don't have to spend 10 hours a week in a classroom to question society and values. Philosophy is intuitive to any intelligent person. The techniques in problem solving and analysis learned in physics can easily be applied to other subjects, even different value spheres. So why devote myself to understanding in one dimension when I can learn literally multidimensional analysis on a quantitative level, and apply to everything (with necessary abstractions)?

>> No.1809054


because it isn't abstract enough, it doesn't question its own premises.

in order to test theories you have to accept a gigantic framework which isn't even true, and will never be true..

plus what you are researching is trivial, unless you are just in it for the money--then it has a use. science is just another trade skill.

>> No.1809056

until we can genetically engineer super beings and exterminate the human race science is fucking USELESS

>> No.1809060


What college you go to? I'm a junior hippy pot smoking physicist at the University of Illinois UC.

>> No.1809064


Ya, well some people are smart and just want a good intellectual way to make money, instead of doing heavy lifting.

No one said science will discover any truths or accurate view of reality. Science will never say what is the good life and what is worth doing, and how to use what it discovers. It is a very sterile discipline, but still useful...like any trade

>> No.1809073

>things are actually true
>look for proof, not for evidence
>almost everything i work with is too abstract to have any applications
>alpha as fuck

>> No.1809074

>laws of motion
>OP is fag

>> No.1809076


>Doesn't question it's own premises

You have no idea about the history of physics, or the purpose of experimentation. Philosophy proves nothing, and is just intellectual masturbation that never results in anything provable or testable, nor does it ever aim to make itself empirical. It's basically just a broader form of theology.

>> No.1809083
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<--- OP

>> No.1809086

>easy way to make money without doing physical labor

>make up models to explain some observations

>never figure out anything fundamental or deep about reality

>tentative, transient models subject to change over time

>models subject to different interpretations, lol

>reductionist fallacies everywhere

>circular reasoning everywhere, defining things into existence lol

>> No.1809091
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Bitches don't know science is an applied branch of philosophy.

Philosophy is the study off any problem of any type, not just the Herpa-Derp "Is this real life?" bullshit pseudo-intellectuals puke out. This is why science professors are called PHDs (Philosophy doctorates).

>> No.1809106


I know about the history. It is the result of philosophers arguing about important things and how to acquire "practical knowledge"

Physics is one of the many gems that Philosophy continues to shit out.

Philosophy shat out Law, Ethics, Anthropology, Physics, Psychology, etc...now it is in the process of shitting out Cognitive Science and putting together a framework for Neuro-scientists to study consciousness with...

Philosophy is simply the God of every intellectual pursuit. Nothing compares to it, nothing is greater than it, everything owes its existence to it.

Deal with it nerd.

>> No.1809120

>implying mathematic axioms are universal undeniable laws

>> No.1809121

Engineering is to Science as Science is to Philosophy.

Deal with it nerds.

>> No.1809127


>Engineering is to Science as Science is to Philosophy.

AWWWW SSHITTTTTTT SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1809132
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scientist are just Philosophical engineers?


>> No.1809138

But how does one philosophy of homosex?

>> No.1809154

ITT: butthurt sciencefags getting out witted by philosophyfags

Too bad neither of you will enjoy the aesthetic bliss of the fine arts

>> No.1809158


Assuming you're the person I replied to you made the claim that physics doesn't question it's own premises, the abandonment of a 300 year old framework (Newtonian Mechanics) shows that you're talking out of your ass.

While philosophy may have been the start to the sciences, it's more philosophical thinking then the actual study of philosophy itself that resulted in their creation. Modern day philosophy is shit compared to what it spawned.

If you need to be taught how to think philosophically you're already behind anyone taking a science major, they have that ability already and are applying it.

What you end up with at the end is that you're able to think just as abstractly as somebody with a science degree, except you know nothing of the physical reality that is.

Also, if you don't think quantum mechanics has a profound influence on the deepest of philosophical questions, such as what existence itself is, then you're a deluded fool with too much self-importance.

>> No.1809165
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>> No.1809169

Some branches of philosophy are shittier than others, and the ones related to science (empiricism, naturalism) are god tier compared to aesthetics, morality, and the rest.

>> No.1809171



I simply do what I enjoy without being pretentious or elitist about it.

Even though the philosophyfags argue better they are still just as insecure as the science fanboys....

>> No.1809179


quantum mechanics is irrelevant

what matters now is philosophy of math and logic

and philosophy of mind, consciousness particularly

These are the only relevant purely intellectual pursuits

in terms of practicality moral and legal philosophy still trump anything physics is dealing with right now (just in terms of being useful to man, not money making)

>> No.1809186

I wish I could revoke your right to use anything with a transistor in it.

>> No.1809192

--how consciousness works and what it is---
that is the question science and philosophy need to answer.
But first we need philosophers to figure out a coherent language for this field, define the meanings, do the thought experiments, figure out the variables before the engineers and scientists do the tedious grunt work!!

if you don't know how the mind works you can't really explain most observations accurately...you are missing 90% of the picture lol....at best you make some pragmatic predictions...but without any deep understanding about the structure itself

thats why physics is so trivial at this juncture...other than being a lucrative trade for nerds.

>> No.1809200


hey plumbing is super useful, but trivial and irrelevant

we use it all the time, but it lacks any interesting philosophical ramifications

quantum mechanics is just as irrelevant as plumbing..no one cares about it, it says nothing interesting about our world

it is another silly reductionist model that will be replaced by another silly reductionist model...etc

>> No.1809203


Infinite energy!

>> No.1809205


>thats why physics is so trivial at this juncture...other than being a lucrative trade for nerds.

i feel the same way, that's why im going into neuro-science and evolutionary biology

physics is way too dry, and philosophically mute

>> No.1809206

nevertheless I think neurology will reach there first and the philosofags will start butthurting to the results bringing fourth non-sensical arguments to disprove them [spoiler] no one will give a fuck though [:spoler]

>> No.1809210


physics can shed some light on neuroscience, don't rule it out so quickly

plus we need physicists and engineers and tradesmen to make tools for intellectuals to use when they figure out important things about reality

we need grunt workers...thats what scientists are for

philosophers do the thinking, scientists are the engineers

>> No.1809212


/yawn sounds like the same thing philosophers have been talking about for millenia, I'll consider your field important when you actually produce something other then subjective ramblings.

I mean, remember that all of our logic and reasoning is shaped and influenced by the consciousness that you want to explain, so it all becomes circular in the end. Quantum physics has shown that the universe doesn't have to follow what we consider logical.

Anyways, while you struggle to be relevant I'm just going to

Enjoy using a computer provided to me by physics

Enjoy abundant food provided to me by agricultural science

Enjoy the health provided to me by medical science.

and go to bed.

>> No.1809216


doesn't understand how neuroscience works these days


>> No.1809219


>i feel the same way, that's why im going into neuro-science and evolutionary biology

did you know that even if you split a lobster's brain into half it still feels pain when boiled? that's because its central nervous system is organized in two parallel series of ganglia

>> No.1809221

I went there. What dorm are you staying at? I stayed at Allen Hall and one of the Gabes Places (which suck btw).

>> No.1809229

>Quantum physics has shown that the universe doesn't have to follow what we consider logical.

quantum is one level of reduction, its properties don't apply to anything else but itself

for example, atoms are colorless, cats are made of atoms, thus cats are colorless

take an intro to philosophy class, maybe you'll learn how to not commit basic fallacies

>> No.1809242

>atoms are colorless

take an intro to quantum physics class, maybe you'll learn how to not commit basic fallacies

>> No.1809243


I also enjoy trivial things that give me pleasure

like toilets and computers and I appreciate tradesmen like plumbers and chemists. Thanks!

But for intellectual pursuits I prefer the deepest and richest fields, the most cutting edge.

Philosophy and neuroscience

law and ethics

things that matter and shape our lives

physics just wastes its time on shitty reductionist theories in order to explain other levels of its theories

no one cares how you justify your theories and how far you split your imaginary atoms....they are practically irrelevant and intellectually inert

>> No.1809247


>for example, atoms are colorless, cats are made of atoms, thus cats are colorless

Atoms emit photons which we perceive as color, cats are made atoms, emit light that we perceive as color.

Learn some basic physics and have an understanding of the universe before you even claim to show flaws in physical theories, you sound exactly like a creationist right now, creating strawmen left and right.

>> No.1809249


I guess the point flew over your head

not surprising.

>> No.1809256


Atoms have no bones.
Cats are completely made of atoms.
Cats have no bones.

I simplified it so even a physicsfag could understand.

>> No.1809260
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>>1809229 atoms are colorless.


>> No.1809266


They wont get it, logic is not their strong point. They simply know how to apply formulas mechanically.

They think quantum mechanics is "true" and applies to higher levels of reduction

lol physicsfags actually believe this

>> No.1809274


Meh, go ahead and get a philosophy major, you've proven yourself to be too dumb to ever have any weight. I mean just look at your argument

>things that matter and shape our lives
>posting on computer

how has physics not shaped your life you dullard?

The very fact that you're doing what you're doing, studying what you're studying, or even alive has been shaped by scientific progress far more then Descartes uttering, "Cognito ergo sum".

>> No.1809281


>atoms have no bones
>bones are made up entirely of atoms
>Richard Dunn needs your spare bones
>don't send in squirrel bones

>> No.1809284

>Mercury's ionized radiation = rainbow

I always thought that "Mercury" sounds like a drag-queen's pseudonym.

>> No.1809293


Actually atoms only have color under certain situations.
If the electrons give out exactly the same light as they absorb, the atom will be "colorless"

The light an atom reflects and the color it produces is not the same color an actual cat will reflect. Color depends on many variables, including physiology and psychology, even linguistics.

Physic fanboys aren't used to such broad ideas though with subtle angles, that is why they lash out ignorantly against the other poster.

So the syllogism is quite relevant

>> No.1809297


Oh I get it, I also see the major flaw in reasoning. Apparently there's a reason you need 3 years to understand how to not make basic fallacies in argumentation.

>Atoms have no bones
>Bones are made of atoms
>Cats are made of atoms
>Cats can have bones

I mean, you're intentionally making gaping flaws and leaps in logic, there's no wonder that you truly believe that just sitting in a room and thinking, without ever going that step further to see if what you think is consistent with reality, will ever affect the world.

The basic computer science courses I take expect a better ability to logic and reason then this shit you're presenting as "logic".

>> No.1809302

What are you trying to prove by spewing out logical fallacies and asserting scientists make them? Watch me do it too:

A philosophy book is made entirely of paper and ink. Paper and ink aren't knowledge; therefore philosophy books contain no knowledge.

>> No.1809305


Ya, thnx. The point is you can't simply transpose properties from one level of reduction onto another just because something is made out of something else.

Thats why properties of atoms and quantum phenomena don't transfer 1:1 to higher levels of reduction.

Water is wet, but individual atoms are not.
YOu can't go UP or DOWN, usually...maybe in some cases you can by coincidence

>> No.1809312


The point was some faggot said quantum phenomena and sub atomic properties apply to the real world, like 1 to 1.

like if something teleports on a quantum level it can teleport in real life

or stupid quantum properties have philosophical ramifications

they dont. you can't go from lower levels to higher levels 1:1

stfu and read the thread before you talk to your superior

>> No.1809325


the logical flaw applies to the poster who said quantum physics has interesting philosophical ramifications for the macroworld we live in

it doesn't for the same reason as the Atom-Cat example.

atoms have their properties
cats are made of atoms

it doesn't mean a cat has the same properties or lack of properties

simple idea, simple argument

i win automatically

>> No.1809326


I stayed at PAR then ISR, now at an apartment that's far as fuck from loomis.

>> No.1809332

>Atoms have no cats
>Bones are completely made of atoms
>Bones have no cats
makes perfect sense

>> No.1809334

quantum theory is just a guess lol

it's gonna be thrown out the window in 20 years along with particle theory

it'll be replaced by strings and shit who the fuck knows

every model is just an attempt, none are true or accurate, we only do science because it works, not because we understand reality with it

>> No.1809335

ITT: people who don't have an understanding of both philosophy and science

>> No.1809337

>every model is just an attempt, none are true or accurate, we only do science because it works, not because we understand reality with it


>> No.1809346


Ho and what about special relativity that show that the past, the present and the future can exist at the same time?

>> No.1809358


>implying scientists have a coherent theory of Time


so sad, go read some philosophy of time faggot

>> No.1809364


Hmm, interesting, where did I ever claim they transfer 1:1? I said that it proved that reality didn't need to be consistent with our logic, not that it automatically applied across all boundaries. Get reading comprehension and don't instantly assume something is what you want it to be, oh wait, you're basically theologians so that's your job.

Now I will come closer to saying the above however. Quantum mechanics is completely consistent regardless of the scale at which you apply it, it's self-limiting in that the larger the system you're absorbing, the theory itself shows that the effects become harder to detect. It's really not bounded by any scale, if you properly apply it, it correctly tells you the properties at that size. Now of course this means that you don't see any of the strangeness that happens at our scale, they are automatically reduced until they reach what we observe.

Obviously anytime someone uses reductionist methods they have to be careful when considering things outside of that method, but physicists are good at doing this, apparently philosophers are not. You can't consider the properties of a single atom and then assume its the property of a collection of atoms, you have to consider how each atom interferes with its fellows, when you do that, the picture becomes exactly what we observe at any level.

>> No.1809365

Except "Wet" (liquidity) is a property of the freedom the atoms have to move.

I'm not sure why philosophyfags are raging that "Scientists think quantum events apply to large scale". It right in the fucking name QUANTUM, latin for very small. When you've got a whole bunch of atoms all the random quantum behaviour averages out to the point of being almost irrelevant. Its the same reason psychology (individual human behaviour) is not the same thing as sociology (group human behaviour).

There are places where you're dealing with very small numbers of particles; like the transistors in your computer, so quit being a prick.

>> No.1809378


absorbing=observing, I'm tired.

>> No.1809386

> Implying that because you think it's true it's true.

Go read a book about special relativity and how it affects philosophy

>> No.1809395 [DELETED] 


>Evolutionary theory is just a guess lol

it's gonna be thrown out the window in 20 years along with the big bang theory

>it'll be replaced by creationism and shit who the fuck knows

>every model is just an attempt, none are true or accurate, we only do science because it disproves god, not because we understand reality with it

>> No.1809398


>I'm not sure why philosophyfags are raging that "Scientists think quantum events apply to large scale". It right in the fucking name QUANTUM

no one said scientists think it

a stupid poster in this thread thinks it, thats why philosophyfags jumped in to correct his idiocy

>> No.1809401


>Evolutionary theory is just a guess lol

>it's gonna be thrown out the window in 20 years along with the big bang theory

>it'll be replaced by creationism and shit who the fuck knows

>every model is just an attempt, none are true or accurate, we only do science because it disproves god, not because we understand reality with it

>> No.1809412


Nobody ever said that, philosophyfags believed something was said that was not, and corrected the strawman they created, because they fail.

>> No.1809478


Actually he did, and hes probably you, you retard


>>quantum mechanics has a profound influence on the deepest of philosophical questions

>>Quantum physics has shown that the universe doesn't have to follow what we consider logical.


Apparently some tard things properties at the quantum level not only negate LOGIC but also have consequences for DEEP philosophical questions, all of those questions take place at a macro level...

thus the poster (and probably you are him) are retarded and wrong

nothing at the quantum level has ramifications for LOGIC or Philosophy, it is only relevant for quantum mechanics itself and its program

which will be replaced soon

>> No.1809488


>Evolutionary theory is just a guess lol

it is actually a very flimsy theory albeit "reasonable" and interesting theory and much better than creation myths

it will be changed, dont worry, everything in science changes and gets thrown out eventually

it'll probably be modified to hell

>> No.1809497

SO we all agree

science produces no knowledge, no facts, no understanding of reality

science is a pragmatic tool for reaching some end, regardless if the method or theory is true.

science pales in comparison to philosophy in terms of intellectual rigor and scope.

science pales in comparison to art in terms of creativity, beauty and relevance to human life.

science, like the other trades, electricians, and plumbers and engineers, provides a VERY important function in society. Scientists are tools of society.

Scientists are little worker drones, like plumbers. They live trivial lives, but are necessary. We need ppl to dig ditches and people to make faster CPUS lol. Thnx.

When I want to know about reality and man, Ill read philosophy. When I want to learn about minerals and how a battery works I'll read science.
When I want fun and beauty ill observe art and literature.

Scientists are Philosophy's engineers. Cute little workers.

GTG philosophy has to create new branches of math and science and jurisprudence.

>> No.1809502

>Scientists are Philosophy's engineers. Cute little workers.



>> No.1809525
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>it is actually a very flimsy theory albeit "reasonable" and interesting theory and much better than creation myths
>beyond reasonable doubt, backed up with shittone of evidence and data, verified by various other scientific disciplines and no contradictory evidence or ratonable alternatives at all = flimsy theory
oh you!

>> No.1809536


u can't falsify it it can't be reproduced

any troubling evidence can be explained away with either "oh invalid evidence" or "this new phenomena accounts for it"

can't reproduce it, even if we could reproduce some evolution (like in a fly) it doesnt imply it happened in the past and to every species, etc.

too many problems with it, it's based on induction too much, like sherlock holmes, where theres smoke there's fire...but not always the case

evolution is JUST a theory, albeit an interesting one

>> No.1809553

Do we really have to go through this creationists arguments once again?

>> No.1809560

so how do you rationalize a fossil record with a consistent pattern of gradually diverging lifeforms in chronological order?

>> No.1809562
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>> No.1809569

So then philosophy found any answers to anything yet
Thats right i didn't think so.

>> No.1809577

>>1809502 Scientists are Philosophy's engineers.

Scientists apply empirical naturalistic philosophy.
Lawyers apply legal philosophy.
Preachers apply theological philosophy.
Artists apply aesthetic philosophy
UK polotitians apply parliamentary sovereignty philosophy.
Plumbers apply plumbing philosophy.

For the tenth time: Philosophy is any systematic means of acquiring knowledge, and using these systems is science, art, law, plumbing, etc.

Arguing if science is better than philosophy is as retarded as arguing if Superman is better than the concept of superheroes.

>> No.1809581

Darwin proved that science is all that matters.

Philosofags be all the angry you want.

>> No.1809590

>study philosophy and get some real knowledge
>study philosophy and get real knowledge
>philosophy real knowledge


>> No.1809594

Actually, if you read Darwin correctly he proved that being able to adapting just enough to pass on your genes is all that really matters. Even science is small time compared to that, everything is just icing on the cake.

>> No.1809595

Philosophy applied THC
Have fun acting deep stonerfag while getting paid nothing as a philosopher while science answers the real questions.

>> No.1809599

>can't reproduce it, even if we could reproduce some evolution (like in a fly) it doesnt imply it happened in the past and to every species, etc.

so your argument is that if we split and atom in the lab it doesn't imply that it happens in nature?

sage for trolling

>> No.1809608

>we only do science because it works, not because we understand reality with it
>we only do science because it works, because we understand reality with it
fixed it for you there

>> No.1809639

words can't describe how stupid OP is

>> No.1809678
File: 74 KB, 598x379, pop_godel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science provides a strong base for deriving empirical data while, however, devoid of axiomatic implications (laws) suited for consistency it cannot be understood traditionally as "true" or "false" in a broader sense. In consequence, many of the facts we have today will be devoid of context in the future because of the very nature of the falsifiability present within the system itself.

Philosophical progresses is often made with axiomatic insights similar to the ones made in pure mathematics. More often than not "things simple do not disappear" within the subtext of the field but rather they are refined.

Science can often change fast, with the discovery of a binding insight. Philosophical progress is often made slow, through technical awareness similar to linguistics.

Pic some what related, Godel and Popper.

>> No.1809682

And yet it works. (bitches).

>> No.1809687

>implying philosophical axioms hold more value than empeirical facts

>> No.1809707

Philosophers and scientist each hold certain axiomatic facts as evident.

: [

>> No.1809774

except that even if you believe that, we could form a theory that is true but we dont actually know it,

the "sheep in the field arguement" about knowledge is an example of that, (p.s. i said im talking about the truth part not the knowledge part)

and the same can be said about philosophy, most of philosophy is argueing over things that have no objective (or incredibly little objectivity) property to them, but then saying that it is 'true facts'

>> No.1809782

umm except we do understand reality with it, and if quantum theory ends up being bullshit, then it will probably be a very big stepping stone towards understanding reality better

>> No.1809798

so much fucking samefagging in this fake outrage thread

>> No.1809804


except that although maybe not for us with our current life span, technology etc, it would still be possible hypotheticly to reproduce evolution, this means it is still a falsafiable claim, where if you look at things like god etc that is an unfalsafiable claim. and when it comes down to genetics, if you did manage to see proof of macro evolution in a fruit fly it would imply that it happens to all other species too under the right conditions, if we witnessed macro evolution over multiple species of varying complexity, it would be borderline proof,

(But I would assume that if we found macro evolution in humans people would assume it happens to everything)

>> No.1809814

>state that science can't know anything for sure
>claim that philosophy is better because it doesn't even come close to trying
Enjoy working at starbucks for the rest of your life

>> No.1809821
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>>1809804 just a theory

Doesn't understand what a theory or evolution are.

Pic related: It's a fact that humans evolved (changed over time) and a billion other animals we have fossils/phylogeny/DNA for did too.

Why they evolved (Natural Selection) is a theory in the way gravity is a theory for why things fall.

>> No.1809854

ummm yeah i did fuck that one up a bit!!!
I meant that if we witnessed proof of macro evolution over many species it would be borderline proof of evolution as a whole

this was more of a response to the person i was replying to who said even if we found evolution in a fruitfly it doesnt imply it happened in the past and to every species

and i know what a theory is, (including the theory of evolution) im just a bit shit at wording things

>> No.1809877


<--- Has math and philosophy degree and is quite content making a lousy 50 grand a year working in an unrelated field.

Saying science is better than philosophy or vice versa will never really get much done other than give people with money less of a reason to fund either (not that philosophy needs much funding per say).

I wish more people with philosophy degrees had one in science as well...but for the most part undergraduate education doesn't stress the real importance and viability of science. I consider it intellectual suicide to presume otherwise...because science is not going away soon and people are just looking for reasons to cut anything else that doesn't promote visible progress.

Study math, physics, and philosophy and you might be able to make you cake and eat it too.

>> No.1809893

this is why im majoring in biochemistry, but im also doing psychology and philosophy papers as well

>> No.1810143

Philosophy will never get u laid.

>> No.1810150
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>> No.1810155
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>> No.1810160

that is an emission pattern from a spectrometer to identify a mixture

>> No.1810162

U mad?

>> No.1810166
File: 108 KB, 300x300, sandg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implyiFg >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implyXg >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying >implying

>> No.1810169

Knowledge in itself is irrelevant to the real world.
We're given a set of scientific laws that we perceive as truth. They are defined by us and are fit to please us. Now, they're most likely correct. Because everything's working out and there's been a lot of proof. But I still remain philosophical about it. But on the other hand, I try not to think about knowledge in such a way, especially since I study physics and psychology.

>> No.1810175

>implying correct

Correct through the logic of science, 'one' 'word' 'quantum physics' - which are all lies.

Completely wrong through the logic of nature, 'opposites'.

>> No.1810178

Science will never get u laid, nerdatron...

>> No.1810931

Scientists are Philosophy engineers
Lawyers are Moral Philosophy engineers

Everything is subordinate to Philosophy

feels good man.

>> No.1810936

Science only has theories, inductive guesses, nothing is true. Everything will change eventually.

No point to study something that'll be different in a few years from now.

No point to study something that doesn't even model reality accurately.

Science is only good as a job, a trade, like plumbing and carpentry. But in the grand scheme of things it does not inform or enlighten anyone.

>> No.1810938

>Everything is subordinate to Philosophy

I tend to agree, well said.

>> No.1810940

Must feel good to be relapsing into depression.

Take your fucking medication and get off 4chan Mikel.

>> No.1810942

CH4 + Cl2 → CH3Cl + HCl
CH3Cl + Cl2 → CH2Cl2 + HCl
CH2Cl2 + Cl2 → CHCl3 + HCl

>> No.1810945


>Science is only good as a job

Of course, who argued otherwise? NO ONE.
I dunno what you're going on about...

Ppl dont learn science because it reveals truths about the world, they study science because it gets them jobs. Scientists are just as clueless as Cooks and Firefighters....

>> No.1810995

>all of those questions take place at a macro level...

Says who? The universe is the universe at any level, and all levels are important. Apparently philosophers are extremely anthropocentric to think that questions are only important if they're at the same level we exist at. When you ask a question like, "what does it mean to exist?" quantum mechanics changes the way you can look at it at the smallest levels, due to wavefunctions and multiple paths, granted its only for very small things, but it still says some startling things about the nature of reality. You just like to create strawmen.

And by the way, I WAS the one who you think said something I didn't, you just enjoy reading meanings into things that aren't there, like all great theologians.

>Ppl dont learn science because it reveals truths about the world, they study science because it gets them jobs.

Feynmann, Einstein, Hawking, etc. would all like a word with you. I study science because it teaches me the way that nature really is. You study philosophy because you can't reconcile your thoughts with reality. The simple fact that we have a philosophyfag using creationist arguments shows why pure philosophy is shit tier.

Go get your philosophy degree and maybe someday you can think a thought as profound and worthless as, "I can imagine a perfect being, one requirement of perfection is existence, therefore god exists." I am tired of philosophers who don't realize they're studying something to learn how to do what scientists were born being able to do.

>> No.1811002


> this is what scientists really believes

If you're a philosophy student, it means you'll always have something to talk about and be an interesting person. I know I've had my fair share of fun thanks to it.

>> No.1811010

>>Assuming you need schooling to talk out your ass all day.

>> No.1811015

>implying philosophy students aren't so handicapped that they desperately need those 3 years to function on the same level as someone studying science

>> No.1811018

you can learn all you want about philosophy by just day dreaming everyday

>> No.1811019
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Why do you think I implied that? Just told you philosophy helped me get laid.

>> No.1811023
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>>Imply... nevermind, fucking true.

>> No.1811026


That's like saying you can know everything there is to know about science by just starring out of a window

>> No.1811029

no, philosophy is a subject completely enclosed in your mind, you do not have to go anywhere

>> No.1811030

Women will listen to anything that is on their wavelength, that is about all philosophy is useful for. Still, goodjob tricking the small minded.

>> No.1811035

i guess these philosophers are so much higher up than me because they can just have sex with any women and i require more than just a vagina

>> No.1811036


The comparison is still valid. All you have to do is have a look at the world, and you'll know everything there is to know about science.

By your reasoning

>> No.1811038
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philosophy will ruin existence for you.

stay dumb and happy, you'll thank me later.

>> No.1811039

well actually yes... you just need to know where to look

>> No.1811040


> butthurt virgins detected
> I can ad hom as well, am I cool tyet?

>> No.1811043

Actually pretty true, it's just the world has a lot more to it then just staring out the window, and we've been working on sorting out the world at all its levels for a while. Philosophy is just all thought-not necessarily connected with reality, science applies thought to extract patterns from nature.

>> No.1811049


Hah, told you I was right

>> No.1811051


philosophy is un-tested science

>> No.1811053


Not really, science just apply philosophical models worked out by philosophers so engineers can just apply scientific models worked out by scientists.

They're the middle man. SOMEONE has to collect all the data and report it.

>> No.1811054


> Implying philosophy is a branch of science
> Implying it isn't the opposite

Read ANY book on scientific history before implying stuff like this

>> No.1811059

So wait, what philosophical models do scientists use? I mean, I guess you could mean reason and logic, but those existed before philosophy, and are pretty much set. What new models has philosophy created that scientists use?

>> No.1811075

i have a feeling that everyone in this thread believes science is better and this whole thread is either made up of the trolls or the trolled

>> No.1811077
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I think philosophy is the mother of the human knowledge.

It doesn't mean science doesn't matter, it just mean philosophy is important.

>> No.1811078

University sucks. Philosophy and science are great. I think we are going to find that studying the concept of an idea will give understanding of reality

>> No.1811081

Looks like cleanup on aisle four.

>> No.1811084
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>> No.1811091
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Gödel already probe that logic is a failed field..
and isn't philosophy heavily based in logic?..

fuck pure philosophy is a fucking waste.. you want to transcend, study cutting edge science (anything related in my pic), Cosmology, and do a lot of LSD/DMT/THC..

>> No.1811094

I don't know why 4chan doesn't have a Philosophy board yet

>> No.1811097

u mean a /tro/ board?

>> No.1811098

philosophy sucks cocks.science creates atomic bomb.science creates genetical engineered viruses.science buttrapes philosophyfags.science wins.

>> No.1811101
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The trolling would never end.

>> No.1811103

/sci/ perfect example

>> No.1811109

I was thinking about some new boots, you fit the bill.

>> No.1811116
File: 66 KB, 344x392, 1283980909302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OM NOM NOM NOM solve this philosophy fags

>> No.1811126

How has philosophy actually explained reality?

>> No.1811127

Poor guy, is he still alive?

>> No.1811141

ITT: sciencefags trying to argue with their superior philosophy overlords

As a student of Literature and Music I laugh at your petty squabbles.

>> No.1811143


Literature and music are heavily influenced, modified and infused with meaning by Philosophy. for instance, Hesse or Wagner...any literature or music that is worth a damn has philosophical undertones and implications

deal with it music nerd

>> No.1811145


of course, but why the need to argue?

>> No.1811154

still waiting for philosophy fags to explain to me what reality is and how does it work...lol

>> No.1811171


> So wait, what philosophical models do scientists use?

Inductive reasoning. Dividing knowledge into different branches. The scientific method. The principle of falsification is what, 50 years old?

And saying that reasoning and logic came before philosophy is retarded, when you're studying them and finding out how to use em, you're de facto doing philosophy

>> No.1811185


"reality" is a pretty vague word. You need to be more precise what you're out after.

>> No.1811213
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this is reality explain it

>> No.1811232

Really bad fistula

>> No.1811292
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-Majoring in Philosophy=
-Good writing, logic, and critical reading skills=
-Getting good LSAT,GRE,MCAT,GMAT scores=
-Going to Graduate School=
-Get JD---MBA---MD---PhD=
-Living good life, making decent or alot of money=


>> No.1811324
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>> No.1811326

>good writing

>> No.1811342


lol... a lot....happy? Jesus Christ...way to nitpick, faggot.

>> No.1811366

Your use of elipsis are annoying me.

>> No.1811385

This must be 90% of the trolls in /sci represented in anons art.

>> No.1811618


fuck this thread

i am bumping because i hate /sci/

>> No.1811625


Why do you hate sci?

>> No.1811631

I think because we drew representations of OP, and he is butthurt.

>> No.1811647


>I realized no science theory will ever be true or describe objective reality.

>171 posts and 23 image replies omitted

>> No.1811653

SO we should just give up?

>> No.1811659

What is there to argue with someone determined to give up reason and the frontal cortex of their mind. Let them become autistic.

>> No.1811668


That's like saying that engineers should stop building shit just because they don't understand all of it.

Now get back to work and collect those samples.