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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1807736 No.1807736 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most dangerous thing in the world? Is it the lack of belief? Is it the lack of Faith? I say nay to both. It is too much of those that is soon to bring havoc upon this planet.
The Muslim extremists who desire to spawn hatred in every corner of the globe with their "right to dominate and rape all and from all non-muslims" as translated from their holy scriptures. The Christian ignorance that blindly believe in a coming doomsday where the rigthous will be spared if they'll molest enough minors and kill enough foreigners. The Jewish arrogance that claim they were first and forever will remain on the planet god has given them, and therefore their blood is thicker than all other living beings.
Those are the 3 main evils but there are minor evils as well. Cults, god-figures and sects that dignify hatred for the other by sweet-talking about a divinity's eternal love for his followers.
Where is your god, believers? Where is your evidence? I don't need to disprove his existence. He's already dead. Look at yourself and all that you believe is sacred - it is corrupted.

>> No.1807742


The words of gods are no more than human morals developed by civilization's advencement. Going through further interpretation with each generation, you're playing a game of broken-phone with your ancestors. There is close to nothing in any holy book, that is legal today by the democracy of men. Your religion is a fraud, your faith is a lie weaved by years of financialy profitable organizations that sought to sell hope to the narrow-minded simpltons.
But we're past that. I'm secular because I'm human. And I despise religion not because it's cool or rebellious. I despise it because it's old. A remnant of ancient history that shames modern humanity. The books you claim celestial were written by men. And no man will tell me what to believe as right. Human morals are human - not godly - and we'll decide what's right and wrong by ourselves.
If there is a god, his job is over. Like a child leaving his parent, we humans have grown and developed enough to leave it's embrace and take the world as our own.

>> No.1807778
File: 39 KB, 400x302, kenshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's already dead
Kenshiro? Is that you?

>> No.1807794

Just recently read a summary of all the honour killings in fundie muslim and christian communities (not sure but I don't think there were any jewish fundies involved).

This shit needs to end. Religious 'morality' is no substitute for human empathy and some impartial, secular justice.

Furthermore, the fucking creationists. I mean, fucking hell, how fucking retarded do you have to be?

All the good that religion has done is quite honestly superfluous. You don't need to be a theist to have ethics, and so the only reason left to believe in a god is pascal's wager, which says a lot about the integrity and honesty of one who makes it.

As for whether a god actually exists? Look around you. Do you see a giant hand coming down from the sky to save people in danger?

Do you see a world devoid of suffering?

>> No.1807816

ITT: atheist fags being retrorical.
Christ existed 2000 years ago and it's FACT
That's all I need and all you need to save you're familys

>> No.1807834

I'm OP and even I find it hard to believe this is not a troll...

>> No.1807845


Nazareth was a tourist trap who's earliest archaeological findings go back to about 2nd century CE.

Adam/Eve never existed, meaning there is no such thing as original sin (leaving aside the fact that inter generational guilt is stupid). So what the fuck do we have to apologise for? We're at the best time in human history right now, and we didn't need god to get here.

>> No.1809700

>Christ existed 2000 years ago and it's FACT
inb4: the world is 6,000 years old

>> No.1809721

Religion needs to go. All of it. Keep some of the bibles/korans/whatevers so future people can laugh at them. Tear down the holy places. Some very old churches can be left intact, because they are often quite beautiful, but destroy the more recent buildings.

And those people who say that "without religion I'd go on a killing spree" needs to be locked up for good.

>> No.1809722

>Christ existed 2000 years ago and it's FACT
[citation needed]

>> No.1809735

Silly OP, God was never alive. Things that aren't alive can't die.
1. He's not made of cells
2. Organization is debatable, I'd go for yes unless it means physically
3. He doesn't use energy
4. Homeostasis is kinda hard to define, too
5. He doesn't grow
6. He doesn't produce others of His species

>> No.1809758 [DELETED] 

OP here

>> No.1809763
File: 92 KB, 800x488, meditation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me; I'm just clearing my mind of what corrupts me, appreciating the beauty of life and pursuing human curiosity through science.

best religion or best religion? amirite

>> No.1809776

You're trying too hard. OP probably meant that "the idea of god" is obsolete, just like how Nietzsche explained it.

>> No.1809778 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 1000x1500, revolver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD is a THEORY just like science..
also STOP hanging out with people that are dumber than you!
>'The only way to get smarter is by playing a smarter opponent'

>> No.1809790

Theist here to disprove your fucking retardness
>1. He's not made of cells
He doesn't need to be and he can form as
cells as he did many many times during history.

>3. He doesn't use energy
Again - you can't prove it. I'm not planning to explain the lord's ways but EVERYTHING he does MUST PROBABLY exist through energy consumption and production.

>5. He doesn't grow
He doesn't need to because he's perfection in itself. so he probably could if he wanted. You don't grow all the time, does that mean you stopped living when you reach the peak of puberty? hmmm - NO.

>6. He doesn't produce others of His species
Humans are god's image, angels are god's underlings. There is no need for more than 1 god.
He did create messaiahs and prophets before like Christ (which is an excelent example for god's creation of offsprings) and there will be more to come with time.

Try harder teenage angst team

>> No.1809797

is your reply suppossed to be serious?

>> No.1809799 [DELETED] 

I agree, also the first step to reality is expecting the .... omg now i have brain damage

>> No.1809808


No, I'm sorry. On the off chance that was serious I have to point this out.

You can't go modifying well-accepted definitions to fit your preconcieved bullshit. That's the special pleading fallacy.

>> No.1809823

Definition by who?
I don't accept definitions to fit YOUR preconcieved secular bullshit as well. Open your eyes and you'll see god doesn't have to be "alive" to exist.

>> No.1809826

>1. GOD is not made of anything. God is made of God-stuff. Incarnations of God =/= God's true form

>3. If God required intake of energy to sustain himself, God would not be immortal. Besides, God breaks conservation of mass/energy all the time. God is God, he don't need no stinkin' physics.

>5. God is eternal. For God to grow (in any interpretation) means for God to not be God.

>6. God does not make little baby Gods. God makes little baby everything elses. If a factory could magically build cows through some crazy genetics shit, is it reproducing? Nooo, not unless it's building copies of itself.

>> No.1809827
File: 157 KB, 750x1090, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit - this guy is either a master troll or a common religionfag. I can't tell if serious or not so I'll give you a solid 5/10 for making me lol

>> No.1809829 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 313x312, tandi-int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think it is a he? as a matter of fact why do you believe it is a he?

-and yes girls are on 4chan!-

>> No.1809831

What is dangerous? When genetherapy becomes perfected, imma get red eyes, pointed ears, black wings, a black pointed tail, and then I will go around being nice to everyone. To challenge that long held belief that demons are inheritantly evil. This would delight me to no end.

>> No.1809832


woman are inferior moran

>> No.1809837 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 1024x768, derp story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad thing is he is not a troll, but he is reading this rite now thinking that he trolled us, but he just simply failed at life.

>> No.1809838

Please be a troll, I find it hard to believe religious people exist sometimes. How stupid can you be?

>> No.1809839


Special Pleading from http://www.fallacyfiles.org/specplea.html

Rule: Xs are generally Ys.
x is an X.
x is an exception to the rule because it is I (where I is an irrelevant characteristic).
Therefore, x is not a Y.

Everything that exists is subject to physics and logic. If your god is not, it doesn't exist.

Saying a god is 'beyond logic' or somesuch is merely saying that god is logically contradictory and no more consistent than the fevered dreams of a madman.

Dreamworlds do not exist. All we have is the here and now, and this here and now is governed by physics that specifically preclude a god as it is currently proposed.

>> No.1809840

you're all niggers

>> No.1809842


Fuck that, I want a pet pterosaur and some damn TENTACLES!

>> No.1809843

wow... that's like a... flying spaghetti monster vs invisible pink unicorn debate?

>> No.1809844

How could you tell?

>> No.1809847

tits or GTFO

>> No.1809852

herp derp herp derp

>> No.1809857 [DELETED] 

i was moved by this

>> No.1809859 [DELETED] 

>To challenge that long held belief that demons are inheritantly evil.
umm.. that's just one of the arbitrary christian beliefs. "Demon" in its original greek contaxt ment supernatural entity. Nevertheless being supernatural they don't real or are irrelevant to our reality so unless you could pop out to not existing you would not be a real demon either way.

>> No.1809863
File: 3 KB, 300x57, 1280813329923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be hard being around people who "know" you're nothing more then a cum dispenser, and know that "most" women can't think beyond relationships and babies and are subject to their hormones?

>> No.1809864

>To challenge that long held belief that demons are inheritantly evil.
umm.. that's just one of the arbitrary christian beliefs. "Demon" in its original greek context meant supernatural entity. Nevertheless being supernatural they don't real or are irrelevant to our reality so unless you could pop out to not existing you would not be a real demon either way.

>> No.1809867
File: 209 KB, 896x1646, square is a circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey theists. I have an idea, right? Okay.

All you need to do is confirm god's existence under experimental conditions, right? Do the test, publish it in a peer-reviewed journal and your beliefs will be validated.

If you're right, you have a shitload to gain, and if you're wrong, you might as well know the truth.

Go man go! Most atheists are scientifically minded. Show them the evidence and you'll have some intellectual converts.

>> No.1809869

I see what you did there.
>>cum dispenser

>> No.1809870

I am a heron. I have a long neck and I pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. If you don't repost this comment on 10 other pages I will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans.

>> No.1809874

How do you empirically prove a trans dimensional being?

>> No.1809875
File: 58 KB, 500x228, sharktopus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What is the most dangerous thing in the world?
The sharktopus, though if you ask /tg/, it's carp. Close call.

>> No.1809878

Hah, that will never happen, but if it does, and we have proof a god exists, we'd have to accept it, and then we'd proceed to find a way to god, to rape it like it has raped us. And ask him how the universe was created ect.

>> No.1809881

Its carp man, they can swallow you whole.

>> No.1809882


There's nothing about being trans-dimensional in any description of any god i've heard of. Wouldn't there be something in a holy book?

Sides, what does 'trans-dimensional' mean, anyway? A dimension isn't a location.

>> No.1809887
File: 68 KB, 425x544, giant salamander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're adorable!

>> No.1809891
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That depends on the type of dimension right? I mean there is the space/time dimension we reside in, that has 3 dimensions within it, but we can still "imagine" somehow extra dimensions. Sort of proving their existence is real, or else our minds are god and defying physics.

>> No.1809895 [DELETED] 

samefag detected

>> No.1809899
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>> No.1809902


Dammit, that's called your imagination. Just because you can imagine (or even visualise if you're some kind of cyborg) other dimensions doesn't mean they exist in reality. Just like the Balrogs, Smaug, Bilbo Baggins and Belkar Bitterleaf the Sexy Shoeless God of War.

>> No.1809907

True enough on anything but dimensions but our imagination is apart of space, it doesn't reside outside it, if we can imagine 4 dimensions and see them with our imaginations, whose to say it isn't redundant to say, we just saw the 4th dimension for ourselves.

>> No.1809912 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 300x300, fandd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the most dangerous thing in the world?
This Thead
>PS: you nao feel hungry for fooooood!

>> No.1809911


Go ahead. Try and move in the fourth spatial dimension. Try and VISUALIZE a fourth spatial dimension. It's just a mathematical construct.

>> No.1809919

>I can't see it, therefore it doesn't exist

>> No.1809917

that's a fucking stork! not a heron!

>> No.1809924 [DELETED] 

As a matter of a fact i do feel hungry my good man

>> No.1809934 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 300x57, adult-pvi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make a sandwich with cheese and tomato on toasted bread.
if you dont have tomato use ham....or both lol

>> No.1809936

Not everyone is as imaginatively hindered as you, I can, and I can even visualize open eyed hallucinations sober when I meditate. Our minds can create things that are beyond this world, get over it.

>> No.1809945 [DELETED] 

fuck this thread,now i feel hungry

>> No.1809952

reminds me of Stephen hawkings, how does he get shit done? With his bloody imagination, how did Einstein think? With his imagination, and practiced his ideas under math to create valid theories. Ect.

>> No.1809953

The most dangerous thing in the world right now is a nuke. Assuming nobody uses nukes ever again, the most dangerous thing is Apophis.

>> No.1809958
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Hunger, hunger fucking everywhere!

>> No.1809959
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>> No.1809969
File: 118 KB, 540x751, 1278517417269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what we did in /jp/ a couple years ago to finally stop posting this bullshit?

>> No.1809975

Have a sexual revolution?

>> No.1809977 [DELETED] 

yeah, however i dont like my ban to say BANNED FOR CP!

>> No.1809980
File: 463 KB, 380x298, 1282852965011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1809981

>You know what we did in /jp/
>implying weeaboos opinions/suggestions have any importance or respectability

>> No.1810002
File: 86 KB, 300x300, adult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: a bunch of kids on there lappies NEXT to each other trolling /sci/

in the fight against retards i am going to delete all my posts in this thread except this one!.
in 5

>> No.1810018


>> No.1810055

The most dangerous thing in the world is a bear, riding a shark that shoots laser beams out of its eyes.

>> No.1810114
File: 106 KB, 750x600, Bears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]