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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 542x552, 1237782004922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1807440 No.1807440 [Reply] [Original]

This chart is pretty much perfect.

>> No.1807446


i agree

>> No.1807450

Drop engineering 1 or 2 tiers.

>> No.1807454

Math > Art >> Linguistics >> Physics > Engineering > Chemistry > Bioligy > etc

>> No.1807458

>god tier

>> No.1807460

>At the same level as History, Architecture, and Earth Sciences


>> No.1807462

samefag gonna samefag

>> No.1807465

Is this some kind of "legitimate sciences" tier list?

>> No.1807471
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>> No.1807473

>comp sci not middle tier
>chemistry not god tier

im an eng student but that is just bullshit

>> No.1807476

You forgot Women's Studies. Goes in super high god tier. It's way up there.

>> No.1807481

What was your methodology, OP?

>> No.1807482

>god tier

>> No.1807488
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Art > Physics, huh?

>> No.1807491
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>> No.1807493

If History's mid-tier, English and Philosophy should be, too. Employers tend to look at these degrees in the same light.

Disgruntled liberal arts grad here.

>> No.1807499
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Obvious Liberal Arts major is obvious

>> No.1807502

>mfw i am computer science, biology, engineering, and mathematics, and considering a phD in econ (aka super god tier math)

fuck yeah

>> No.1807503

im alright with this

>> No.1807506


Yeaah, Low Tier representing!

>> No.1807512

wtf is comp sci doing down there?

>> No.1807518
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and you're on 4chan, whatever buddy

>> No.1807523

>go to jumba juice
>cute girl at counter is talking to old couple
>they ask her why she works here
>she said she couldn't find a job
>they ask her major and uni
>tufts, engineering
>"Oh hey, my son graduated from there... did something similar... graphic design! He's employed, though, makes good cash."


>> No.1807536

I still want a list of criteria you guys. It can't be scientific contribution if engineering is so high, and it can't be salary if Business and Law are so low.

>> No.1807539
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>> No.1807541
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>> No.1807544

Comp Sci is God Tier unless it's of the pussy Visual Basic/Web/etc. variety.

Fluent in Assembler = god among men

>> No.1807556
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I agree with this. I tried to learn assembler. Anyone who can do bitwise operations, and make do without IF..THEN statements is pretty much made of win.

>> No.1807558

only CE/EE program in assembly.

>> No.1807561
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Hahahaha, you actually believe that

>conditioned by shitty CS programs

>> No.1807564

What the fuck, why is astronomy only high tier? it has just as much work as physics and math... IT IS PHYSICS AND MATH

>> No.1807568

I think I can see who is asking the questions and who is giving answers. There are limitations to all the replies so far.

First off -- >>1807491 this fucker who can't
even spell "Foreign Language" correctly displays his stupidity and shallowness.

I challenge all of you to teach any of the sciences in a second or third language, then come back to the debate table and see who has accomplished more.

If your goal is only money, you have tunnel vision. If your goal is human achievement, you have heroic vision. Adjust your priorities accordingly, but do not attempt to describe absolute values. Only Mathematicians can ever do that.

>> No.1807573


Yeah, but some institutions still do CE stuff under their CS programs.

> aspiring CE M.S.

>> No.1807579


because sitting around and "discovering" a new asteroid or two in the asteroid belt every week doesn't exactly contribute to society very well.

>> No.1807580

You mad that you have no creative bone in your body?

>> No.1807581


i think OPs chart was by "heroic vision" human advancement

calm down bro

>> No.1807584

Seriously these tiers are retarded. You can major in women studies and still be rich/smart w/e. You just have to apply it. This coming from an applied math and economics double major.

>> No.1807586


You mad that you don't have enough intelligence to contribute something worthwhile to humanity?

>> No.1807587

Computer science here. Bump us down one.

>> No.1807592

You're all retarded. The greatest scientists in the world had the utmost respect for the arts. Some of them were artists themselves. Any one heard of Leonardo Da Vinci?

>> No.1807597

ITT: Psuedoscientists argue difference of opinion

>> No.1807600

>Da Vinci

lol. he was an inventor and innovator.

>> No.1807602


Science has degenerated into trolling American religion. Keep up with the times, caveman.

>> No.1807609

LOL, I bet you've watched like two shows on the science channel and now consider your self intelligent. Go to college fag.

>> No.1807619

Where does meteorology fall?

>> No.1807621


LOL I bet you made a shitty drawing of a house in kindergarten and now consider yourself an artist. Go work at McDonald's fag.

>> No.1807623



>> No.1807625
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> >>1807564
> because sitting around and "discovering" a new asteroid or two in the asteroid belt every week doesn't exactly contribute to society very well.

wow, are you going to describe the shit on American television as a weekly contribution?

I'd say that a weekly update of asteroid activity (among other important duties) is a fucking important function, you pompous, forgetful, and near-sighted jerk

>> No.1807627

Can I ask people who make this list some questions?

I love teaching. Its what I'm majoring in. English, Philosophy, History. I adore these topics. They make my life worthwhile. I just wasn't good at math and don't really care for sciences outside of encyclopedic knowledge (IE my own inquiries, not majors)
I'll be meh about my $30k-$70k paycheck, but its what gets me through life. How is that..."poor"?...

What this chart seems to do is separate things by pay.

Here's the flaw with that.

>Imply this is the best way to make money
The people who make millions are not physicians and engineers, it is the corporations and conglomerates who hire said people. You're only as rich as your boss, fellas.

To follow through with that, what's even more hilarious
>Imply you make more than ATHLETES, the anti-thesis of the geek/nerd high-tier culture

George Carwin's pay as an engineer for one year<<<<<His ten minute fight with Brock Lesnar.

So you fail on that category.

>Imply what you major in guarantees you top tier pay in that category, that position, and NOT EVER a shitty job.

Oh fucking lord.

So asides to troll and get wall of text replies like this, why do people make "tier degrees"?

>> No.1807635

Yeah, engineering should be no higher then Mid-Tier

>> No.1807640


The list is about intelligence required, not expected pay. Also, you're assuming that the people making these lists put their field high to show that they make money or something? That's called being a "pompous ass".

>> No.1807645

> You're all retarded. The greatest scientists in the world had the utmost respect for the arts. Some of them were artists themselves. Any one heard of Leonardo Da Vinci?

> Science has degenerated into trolling American religion. Keep up with the times, caveman.

Wow, I thought it was the other way round. American religion has rejected science, and enjoys trolling science.

>> No.1807656

Actually musician, but I guess with your intelligence level you already deduced that and were just trolling... right

>> No.1807659

yep, this graphic's format is fucked up

it needs a title like "according to pay" or "according to brain work" and then we can all fight like animals about how much we earn, or about how much brain work we expend

atm we are arguing about points we haven't agreed on yet

>> No.1807665
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God tier.

>> No.1807690


Nah, musicians are cool. I like music.

Visual art, on the other hand, is a huge clusterfuck of retardedness. You can scoop a turd into a box or scribble with crayons and dub it art these days.

I'll always believe Science > Art though. Bitch at me all you want.

>> No.1807701

bitwise operations are pro

>> No.1807704

OP's pick is approximately correct in terms of intelligence required and how much each area of study contributes to the progression of society.

>> No.1807710

The funny thing is I completely adore science, hence me being on /sci/. But you can't say it's greater than music cause they are completely different. Greatness is relative.

>> No.1807712

i work at a grocery store, where am i?

>> No.1807715


1/0 is not infinity

>> No.1807723


Art and culture is important, but science is a more noble pursuit. Ultimately art is just a self indulgent past-time. Science the pursuit of objective truth and understanding. Hence, science > art.

>> No.1807730

Chart Goes from most boring to most Fun.

It is perfect.

>> No.1807732

Same fag here
If you mean Science is greater than visual art which I now think you are, then yeah I hate to say it but you're right =/ Part of me still wants to make the argument that I made for music in that they are completely different and relative in there greatness but I don't know.

>> No.1807735


If greatness has another an additional condition associated with it, you can.

For example, look at this whole intelligence/pay argument people are having. Greater according to pay, or greater according to intelligence required?

Music and Science can be "greater" than each other in different categories, and whichever category a person thinks is on top is all opinion.

>> No.1807737


>Ultimately art is just the enjoyment of life.

>Science is actually just another pursuit of income.

>> No.1807741


> Chart Goes from most boring to most Fun.

Only if you're an idiot.

>> No.1807748


I agree. Well stated.

>> No.1807753

>>Chart Goes from most boring to most Fun.

It is perfect.

>> No.1807755


Artists have the potential to make much more money than scientists. And science is highly enjoyable. Your argument is retarded and so are you.

>> No.1807757

Well I personally believe that music effects a person as well as matter in general in a way that we don't fully understand. Ironically enough, it is something that science might one day learn to understand.

>> No.1807759
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Um, no.

>> No.1807766

Chart is the product of a capitalist worker drone.

>> No.1807772


It does, and I'm pretty sure people already study that sort of thing.

>> No.1807774
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>Low tier


It combines chemistry, mathematics and physics you half-wit cretins.


>> No.1807776

That is a very simplistic way of looking at things.

>> No.1807784

Godel, Einstein, Russell, Duhem, Poincare, Mach, ..

A combination of physics or maths and a met-theoretical/philosophical perspective is ultimate tier.

>> No.1807786


But what if I want Philosophy, AND physics.

Wut naow.

>> No.1807788

>as low as you can get
If lavaology was its own discipline, you could say someone is lower than you (in the sciences, womens studies are excluded from this) but they're geologists too. Only geologists are lower than geologists.

>> No.1807789


No, no it isn't.

>> No.1807791

Science is a business. You pursue what they fund you to pursue. They fund whatever they think will increase their profit margin.

If a scientist is ignorant of Art and Philosophy he is simply a little worker drone waiting for his next pay-check.

The chart is fine. It goes from most dull to most fun. Ironic.

>> No.1807793
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they already study that sort of shit bro


>> No.1807798

I know, I'm just saying

>> No.1807804


If you really believe that's what true science is, I feel very sorry for you. No fucking wonder humanity is doing so poor, too many people deceived into thinking shit like that.

>> No.1807808
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>Geologists some of the best paid undergrads.

>Must have knowledge of physics, mathematics and chemistry.

>Programs shares courses with engineering programs.

2/10, Geology deserves at least a high tier. I would like to petition OP to place geology at high tier.

>> No.1807811


You might have a valid argument if scientists actually made a lot of money, but they don't. Yes it takes money to fund research, but that doesn't immediately make it a business. Art in general is much more of a business in today's society than science ever will be.

Also, if you think that mathematics, physics and engineering are dull then I feel very sorry for you, because you obviously lack the mental capacity to enjoy the most fascinating subjects imaginable. What could possibly be more interesting than unraveling the mysteries of the universe?

>> No.1807817

this this fucking this

>> No.1807821

>Geologists some of the best paid undergrads
>implying undergraduate faggots matter
oh you.jpg

>> No.1807826

Medicine and Law should be the only things in God-tier. As they are the most important parts of any society. Without Law you revert to chaos.
Without medicine everyone feels like shit.

Technology comes and goes and is useless unless you have Medicine and Law. Thus all the other sciences can be downgraded easily.

Since philosophy is intrinsic to Law, philosophy would be God tier as well.

The rest is irrelevant. Medicine/Law/Philosophy = God tier.

The rest are for petty worker drones. Fucken plumbers and scientists lol <--

>> No.1807827

Can't we just agree all those professions are awesome? Why do we have to act like "I'm better than you cause I like science"? Well except for woman's/African American studies... fucking bullshit

>> No.1807831



>Plumbers and scientists

well we need trade skills too, engineers and scientists are good worker ants for any society. but like you said they are down on the ladder...

>> No.1807837
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>well we need trade skills too, engineers and scientists are good worker ants for any society. but like you said they are down on the ladder...

fucken true.

>> No.1807844
File: 109 KB, 542x556, 1237782004922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Geez, you guys fucking ran with this. Damn. Anyway, I made some changes after reading the thread.


Added, my good man. Without Geologists, how would we know if volcanoes would spring up under our houses?

Also, I know the font is different, I didn't make the original picture.

>> No.1807847

super math
math for gays
>computer science
math for tools and drones
math for virgins
math for women
biology, i mean math (for kids)
the fetal twin of super math
math for hipsters
troll math
>earth science
math (just kidding this isn't a science)
for people who are still learning to count dates
useless math
>political science
for those too stupid for math
>urban studies
math to control niggers
punching bags of mathematicians
because the lower masses cannot understand the world through math
memorizing things to hide from math
applied math for humanoid robots
>anything else
the bitches and hoes of math

>> No.1807862


You are incorrect. Maths, physics, engineering, etc are pure, in that they are universal. The laws of physics on earth are the same for everywhere in the universe.

No two civilizations on earth have ever had the exact same system of law. Law is an impure and trivial field of study. Law in today's society is about suing people and making money. It's because of people who study law that OJ Simpson got away with murdering his wife. People who study law do exactly shit to uphold a high moral or ethical standard, and are only out to make money. Unfortunately that's how our legal system works.

>> No.1807865


Where does law come from? The human mind. How do you understand the human mind? Neurology. How do you understand neurology? Biology. How do you understand biology? Chemistry. How do you understand chemistry? Physics. How do you understand physics? Math.

My logic is sound. Science wins. Have fun wasting your time with philosophy.

I think XKCD did something like this actually.

>> No.1807875

Math is simply the language of the universe. That's like saying "fuck books but english man, now that's legit" Which it is, but only because of it's use for communication. The stuff that math figures out is awesome and math is only awesome cause it can figure that shit out.

>> No.1807886


This. Everything in the whole damn world can be reduced to math.

see >>1807865 , he stole it from xkcd but that doesn't make it any less true

>> No.1807888

god tier reporting in. except i do chemistry and astronomy as well.

>> No.1807905

you know whats ironic, Aristotle, one of the great fathers of modern science as we know it, wrote a books on why political science is the master science.

of course he was actually trying to defend his argument with things like logic and reasoning, which i think we can all agree has no business in /sci/

>> No.1807909

I've seen this fucking tier everywhere and nobody has answered me WHY THE FUCK IS "engineering top tier EXCEPT MECH"? What's wrong with mechanical engineering? Fucking fuck fuck.

>> No.1807915
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there aren't many things that make me rage, but saying philosophy is "god tier" is one of them.

philosophy is a joke. philosophy is just a means for stupid people to pretend like they're smart. it's all relative and full bullshit ideas that waste time.

>> No.1807916
File: 64 KB, 900x552, sliding_tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose a new graph for us to argue about

an example will come next post

>> No.1807922

And who created Math? God.
Theists: 1
Atheists: 0

>> No.1807923


>> No.1807934
File: 104 KB, 900x552, sliding_tiers_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose a new graph for us to argue about... and here is an example of what I mean

The hard sciences need to me absolutely ordered, because they can be so ordered objectively. (for the most part anyway)

The other subjects are great only when they have a great mind behind them. They are shitty with a crappy mind behind them. Hence the subject itself is not the metric to follow, but only specific examples.

I think we can all agree that some music is better than other music. Hence some examples of music are god tier, while other examples are lol tier.

>> No.1807935
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Damned straight. Geology is responsible for every single man-made item on this planet. From the ore metals to the omnipresent plastics which are derived from crude oil, which BTW is located and extracted by geologists with our engineerbros.

>> No.1807940

just because philosophy deals with the intangible doesn't demean the nobility or worth of it's purpose

>> No.1807943
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>implying that Aristotle is the father of modern science

I believe you meant these guys

>> No.1807948
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>> No.1807954

Aristotle liked the cock.

>> No.1807955


Mining engineer reporting in. Much respect for geo's.

>> No.1807956


yeah it does actually

>> No.1807964

but he wasnt an engineer? was he?

>> No.1807969
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I like this new chart OP. Well done.

>> No.1807973
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>> No.1807975

Actually being well versed in the economy is held in higher regard than being well versed in computers...Well, that and especially astronomy & biology

>> No.1807978


You'd change your mind very quickly if every engineer on the planet went on strike. Either we're god tier or the world stops moving. We'll have our computers, sky scrapers, trains, planes, cars, and iphones back too.

>> No.1807985
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>> No.1807988

>God tier

Enjoy only being able to work as a teacher if you don't do something else too. A god tier degree should be able to work alone too.

>> No.1807997

>God tier

Im ok with this. Computer science is a very quickly growing field with excellent job prospects, and they are vital for society to function.

>> No.1807998


Engineers are still top tier dude calm down. It depends what KIND of engineer you are. Computer engineer or mechanical engineer? Fucking awesome is what those are.

>> No.1808001

> You'd change your mind very quickly if every engineer on the planet went on strike. Either we're god tier or the world stops moving. We'll have our computers, sky scrapers, trains, planes, cars, and iphones back too.

I feel pretty powerful because I'm teaching these subjects to students who can't speak English well. They need to master the concepts and techniques in English as well as in their own language. If I stop teaching them, then they stop producing for an English-speaking market.

>> No.1808002

Astronomy is almost entirely worthless

>> No.1808009

Philosophy means thinking critically and outside the box about some subject.

That's why it applies to everything, that's why it gave birth to science. That's why it will always be Uber-tier.

If you dont infuse your discipline with philosophy, whether it is art or science, you will be doomed to mediocrity, just another little worker drone. Fact.

>> No.1808010

Indeed. Think of one modern facet of human life that isn't touched by computers at some point. You can't. Computer Engineers/Scientists are extremely important these days.

Being a caveman doesn't count.

>> No.1808011

Psych major here...you may be giving us too much credit

>> No.1808017
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ITT: Trolls and pretentious students who can't see the value in anything that isn't completely dull, standardized, and lacking enthusiasm.

Your career isn't objectively better than anyone else's, and all the formal education in the world just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to human experience.

Learn2Embrace, dicks.

>> No.1808019

yeah they're somewhat important, but they belong in low tier.

well, they certainly aren't above chemistry, biology, medicine, economics, etc

>> No.1808021
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You actually believe that, don't you? That's precious.

>> No.1808022

Every flavor of engineer is a fucktard without an English tutor. I have based my career on coaching Engineering students and professionals, teaching them how to write so that people can understand wtf they are thinking. It turns out that it is not the English language that makes this communication step so difficult, The problem is you fucktard Engineers can barely speak a language, whether it English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese or wtf ever you speak. You Engineers are lazy communicators!! Try harder! FFS!

>> No.1808024

i said
>one of
not THE.

you know, a lot of greeks were gay so maybe

the study of most sciences could be considered to deal with the empirical, I.E. that which we can observe through physical instruments. On the other hand, philosophy deals with ideals, logic, reasoning, truths and untruths, what is right and what is wrong. Does the empirical nature of something to determine its worth? Are things which we can taste and touch the only things worth studying? To answer this question you must ask why do we study things? for the sake of learning, for the sake of bettering society and oneself are two common reasons. is there anything which the intangible ideals study in philosophy disavow as concerning these two things? does the study of what is right and wrong not better society? does the study of what a human beings purpose is, and how he should live his life not serve some benefit to the individual? and, is not the study of the facets of logic, (for instance, the study of our intrinsic need for casualty as explored by Kant) do these studys not provide one willing to read with something to learn?

as for the counter argument of practicality, law and state come from philosophy, they do not exist as empirical in the world. they were created by those who would think. both are often considered practical.

as for the reliability of empirical study versus the study of relative intangible objects like good and bad, it is difficult to call one necessarily more reliable than the other since the instruments which we use to study the empirical, sight, sound, touch, these are arguably just illusions which occur uniquely in the kingdom animalia. of which they are reliable tools to measure, who can say?

>> No.1808028

>They are important to us, but they definitely belong in low tier, computer science is nowhere NEAR as useful as economy majors are

I don't think I'm understanding your logic here. if something is required for society to run, it usually isn't just considered low tier.

>> No.1808029

somewhat important, huh.

go ahead and live without anything computer related for a week. when you come back we can discuss why you're wrong.

>> No.1808033

fuck you

>> No.1808038

>is there anything which the intangible ideals *STUDIED in philosophy disavow as concerning these two things?

fixed for myself, here we have evidence of why i am neither a write nor an editor

>> No.1808043

Yeah, computers are pivotal to society, i get that But somebody who has a career in any of the things I mentioned is more credible than than the guy who is well versed in computer science, so my point still stands.

>> No.1808044

...of course i meant to say writer... you know what just dont even bother reading my post, i really need to proofread a lot more

>> No.1808047

I dont know why, but that post made me laugh for some reason

I think it has to with the fact that it was so simple

>> No.1808050

Also, I was referring to people who have a career in a computer science related field as "somewhat important" not computers themselves, obviously.

>> No.1808051


You are the reason why humanity is sucking at things right now. If I hold up a banana and say "this is yellow", I am right. Science can explain why this banana is yellow in detail. All philosophy can do is sit in the back and yell "BUT WHAT IF IT ISN'T ACTUALLY YELLOW YOU GUYS LOL"

Philosophers are the trolls of the world.

>> No.1808053

That doesn't even make sense, how would an economy major be more useful than someone in CS? What do you mean by 'credible'? Less money, or what? I don't understand

>> No.1808055

oh shit, I missed business & law. People have careers in those fields are incredibly more credible than somebody in a computer science related career. This isn't even debatable

...Man, OP's list is so shitty. It's like a 14 year old made it or something.

>> No.1808060


hahahahahaha first time i laughed in this thread

>> No.1808067

Ok, now you're just trolling.

>> No.1808071

Lol this thread is like teen angst. You guys mad.

Philosophy gave birth to science = fact.

Philosophy = Dad
science = little hipster kid lashing out

>> No.1808073


You're fucking retarded. Modern businesses practically run on computers nowadays.

>> No.1808075

I'm doing cal 2 homework, so I shouldn't even be posting here, but....



and it's pretty obvious. Understanding our economy in this day and age can help you become far more notable as opposed to you having a little computer science related career. Especially in these times.

This an objective fact.

>> No.1808077
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>Salaries for all geoscience-related professions continue to exceed the national mean salary for all other science
occupations in 2008. Petroleum engineering salaries averaged $119,400, and salaries for geoscientists (except
hydrologists and geographers) averaged $89,300. Salaries for environmental scientists and specialists averaged $65,280, just $1,000 over the national average for other science occupations.


Geology confirmed for Master Race tier.

>> No.1808090

but... what if it isnt yellow? or, what if what i call yellow is really your blue? theres really now way to check

the point of philosophy, at least to me, seems to be to never stop learning, and to never stop realizing how much you don't know

>> No.1808088 [DELETED] 

uh, no shit? On a personal level though, you'll become more wealthy by being more well versed in business.....

My god, you are supernaturally retarded.

That's like saying:

>Don't want to become an electrician? You ARE aware that you a electricity is powering your room.....right?

kill yourself. I don't have time for 12 year olds

>> No.1808092

uh, no shit? On a personal level though, you'll become more wealthy by being more well versed in business.....

My god, you are supernaturally retarded.

That's like saying:

>Don't want to become an electrician? You ARE aware that electricity is powering your room.....right?

kill yourself. I don't have time for 12 year olds

>> No.1808102


You're wrong on so many levels I can't facepalm enough times to keep up.

If anything, Science is the Dad and Philosophy is the angsty teen.

Science: "Here's how things work guys! Now run with it and make cool things so humans can be awesome!"
Philosophy: "But what if you're wrong?"
Science:"I'm not, see here's some experiments to prove it"
Philosophy:"But what if those are wrong"
Science:"Sorry, I couldn't hear you, I WAS FLYING THROUGH SPACE"

>> No.1808110

I wouldn't mind getting classes in philosophy. I'd like to understand how humans think.

Seems like any logical move for intellectuals

>> No.1808116

Fuck year! Future petroleum geoscientist here! Also, three cheers for nepotism!

>> No.1808117

oooooo pikcahu thinks he's smart because he's in calculus 2.

enjoy wasting your time with unnecessary maths

>> No.1808118

>far more notable

Linus torvalds, steve jobs, bill mother fucking gates? Do any of those ring a bell? Not like the third is the richest man in the US or anything.

>> No.1808121


I'm retarded, huh? Just because I care more about actually learning things rather than just making money? Fucking hell man, your life must be boring as shit.

>> No.1808125


>> No.1808132


>doesn't understand what 'philosophy' is

>doesn't know the history of empiricism and how philosophers created the practice and reasoned for it against speculation and religious explanations


>> No.1808143

yeah, they became notable during the foundation of it all.

However it's all fairly mundane work now.

Really, computer science being in god tier is actually more laughable than astronomy being anything above low tier. That's a pretty hefty achievement.

My point still stands that if you're well versed in say, business, your chances of becoming rich and notable increases ten fold when contrasted with a little niche job in computer science

Look, I know you're a neckbeard who spends his time on computers, so you have to justify your existence, but just let go on this argument. you're fighting an uphill battle

>> No.1808144


Who cares? An apple is still an apple no matter what language you speak. Philosophy is just wasting time arguing about semantics when you could be doing real stuff instead.

>> No.1808146

actually philosophy is still giving birth to some "sciences"

like cognitive science, consciousness...it is mostly philosophers doing all the theoretical work

>> No.1808149

> Without Geologists, how would we know if volcanoes would spring up under our houses?

And more importantly, how would we find petroleum, without which our world would cease to function?

>> No.1808155


>doesn't have an argument

>hides behind green text


>> No.1808159


Um, no? Try neurologists and biologists.

>> No.1808161

>implying you will get rich as a business major

I know that you're clearly a mad business major who just finally realized that you will live the rest of your life making no more than 45000 a year, but that doesn't mean you have to take it out on everyone else.

>> No.1808163

ahahahaha. Yeah, we'll see whose life is boring when I'm living in a very house.

You'll be across the st----no, you won't even be in the same neighborhood, who am I kidding? You'll be in the same middle class or upper middle class house with an average, mundane lifestyle.

Listen to Radiohead's OK Computer, it'll resonate with you

>> No.1808172

>implying you won't get rich

Even if you won't be making millions, you'll no doubt be earning far more than a typical little computer science job

>> No.1808174


> thinks computers are a "niche"


>> No.1808175

So, uuhhh..

I'm studying CS, am I making a big mistake /sci/?

>> No.1808177


except semantics matter when you have problems and questions that dont make precise distinctions between different variables and your definitions are flawed and get misplaced

like space, time, gravity, energy, consciousness, momentum, everything needs a precise and coherent definition in order for a theory to be testable in some sense...

semantics are crucial also in law, math, economics, politics, not just science

philosophy of math gave birth to set theory, semantics are fucken crucial bro

>> No.1808179

Computer Science graduate here. CS is instructed in a lot of different ways. Some institutions teach it as more of an applied mathematics (sometimes it is called this). Other institutions teach it as 'hurf durf programming'. The second approach tends to give CS a bad name.

Also, psychology can be much higher on the list (up there with CS and Engineering) if it's mathematical/cognitive psychology. Those are closer to AI degrees than they are anything else. The wishy-washy social psychology can die in a fire, though.

>> No.1808184

Oh wow, he actually believes he will become rich with his major in business. I honestly want to believe it is a troll, but part of me says that he is really being serious.

>> No.1808187


of course semantics are crucial, that is why philosophy is crucial

it always tries to clarify meanings, and protect against fallacies and bullshit

>> No.1808188

no....Jesus Fucking...Wow.

the universe obviously isn't niche, but you won't become a millionaire by having an astronomy related career. get it? That's why shit like that deserves to be in low tier

>> No.1808190


I would, but I don't listen to shitty music. Have fun in the rat race while I do something I actually enjoy. Hahahahaha

>> No.1808193

Nah. I got my degree in CS and landed an $80k/yr job with full benefits and vacation. It's not a whole lot, but considering I'm strait out of college it's pretty good. Want to go back for my masters/phd because I fucking love research.

>> No.1808195

Hmmmm? If you know what the fuck you're doing you can indeed become wealthy.

>> No.1808197


hence why philosophy gave birth to science and jurisprudence

it tries to cut through bullshit and elucidate meanings...best subject there is for a human to study, everything else is a subsection of philosophy

>> No.1808202

oh-hahahahahahaha. I'll understand that you'll be having fun, bub. I just came in here to tell you that CS inarguably deserves to be in Low Tier

>> No.1808203

>philosophy gave birth to science and jurisprudence

>philosophy tries to cut through bullshit and elucidate coherent meanings...best subject there is for a human to study, everything else is a subsection of philosophy

Indeed ^

>> No.1808209


Why the fuck does becoming a millionaire in something denote it's importance? How about the goal of making life better for billions of people? Is that not important?

>> No.1808212

>hence why philosophy gave birth to science and jurisprudence

and gave birth to psychology, anthropology, medicine, etc

>> No.1808214
File: 52 KB, 850x650, 1275526559134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>major in anything engineering, computer science, or math related
>get MBA
>make more money than the fucking retarded business undergrads

>> No.1808220

One thing I forgot to mention that's kinda' nice about CS:

You can build anything in computers. With EE (another favorite of mine) you can do circuit design and simulation, but the actual cost of building a device is pretty high. You can drop $50 on a project pretty easily if you don't have a large base of components from which to draw. With computer programs you can say, 'hmm, I'd like a tool that will search porn sites for a certain face' and just like that, build it, no cost.

I did that last weekend. Still working on it.

>> No.1808221

hey bub, electricians are involved with very pivotal stuff, too. Does that mean they belong in god tier? No. Just because you work in a field that's pivotal to society doesn't mean that you are on a personal level.

This is a tier list for careers. Something that's personal to you.

>> No.1808222

Hint: He's trolling.

>> No.1808229

nobody here is trolling. Almost everybody here has laughed at CS being in god tier. you're a delusional idiot

>> No.1808233
File: 137 KB, 800x800, sample-0274778371f6e6a2e95abba113976081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if you double major in mathematics and visual arts? That's what I did.

>> No.1808234

one more thing...

I'm the guy who's picking on the little CS kiddies, however i gotta get back to this cal 2 homework. I'll periodically check your rebuttals at a less consistent rate

>> No.1808235

>25% job growth over the next decade
>one of the highest paying fields for college graduates
>bad choice

>> No.1808238


It is hardly "inarguable" when I'm arguing against it. Nice choice of words there.

Guess what, though? Computer Science and Nursing are the two most in-demand fields right now. Guess what else? Computer Science majors make the most money straight out of college.

>> No.1808242

I believe
Long-term contribution to science and society > personal enjoyment > money made.
As the second criterion varies from person to person, we're left with the long-term contribution to society as the most important factor. Taking a functionality view (where if something does work or expands concrete knowledge) then the chart is pretty much right on.

>> No.1808257

>make a tier chart with a few modest changes and a couple massive changes
>200 replies

>> No.1808260

>It is hardly "inarguable" when I'm arguing against it. Nice choice of words there.

Just because you're making ill-conceived attempts at disputing it doesn't invalidate it's inarguable status. That's like a theist arguing whether or not evolution is real. You can try to argue, but it's never the less an objective fact and you're still wrong.

and I don't care how much money you'll be making right out of college, pal. Look up the word "hindsight'

>> No.1808261


Awww, look at the precious little Math major! He thinks he can do something besides teaching with just Math!

>> No.1808267

But you're wrong, you fucking retard

>> No.1808269

No, business goes above everything else, because you are more likely to become rich from it. Major in anything math or physics related and enjoy never being rich, that's why business and economy belongs closer to the top, while physics and every other low paying degree goes to low tier, if not shit tier. Anyways, I have to finish this calculus.

>> No.1808270




I win.

>> No.1808272

I work for a company (which will remain nameless) in the top 10 fortune 500 companies. All the executives have degrees in computer science or engineering. ;)

>> No.1808287

ok? I just told you to look up the word 'hindsight'

you'll stagnate where as somebody who is more well versed in business and the like are more prone to become more wealthy

okay back to cal 2 homework. Fuck this shit.

>> No.1808288


He isn't wrong. He is right on. YOU are a retard for thinking that having a degree in "money-making" is viable with nothing to back it up.

Fucking wow.

>> No.1808296




I win again. I can do this all day hahahahaha

>> No.1808298

I'm pretty sure Bill Gates is well versed in business, too

>> No.1808306

I said it somewhere earlier in this thread, but yeah, if you REALLY want to make money, get a degree in engineering, CS, or physics or anything related, then get your MBA. You will make way more money than any business major, the main reason why is because any dumbass can get a bachelors degree in business, getting a degree in engineering or anything similar and challenging proves that you are actually somewhat intelligent, and not just a braindead business major spewing out bullshit about how he will be a billionaire, with a mansion in miami driving 2 million dollar lamborghinis everywhere and shit.

>> No.1808307

only when he had to be. he was a programmer first and foremost

>> No.1808314

How about Psychiatry

>> No.1808318

this this fucking this THIS

>> No.1808326

But he isn't right on. Just because you're a drone that's a part of the mundane machine doesn't mean you're superior...That's god awful logic.

Let's put it this way:

Paul McCartney contributed more and influenced more people in a positive manner than any of your friends in any of those fields. His main thing was music, which according to that in the LOL tier.

I am going into business. If don't become slightly mentally retarded in the future, I'll become more wealthy than you. Thus I'll be superior.

This is how the game works. little romanticized shit like "But I'll be working for the greater cause" logic is plain horrid.

>> No.1808327

If i were to go into medicine i would go for podiatry because i like feet

>> No.1808331



>> No.1808343

"when he had to be"

Oh, like to get his business up and running and everything else? THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE REFERRING TO, RIGHT? THE REASON WHY HE'S RICH AND FAMOUS NOW? RIGHT?

Of course, you won't be a bill gates. There never will be. Just like there won't be another famous astrologer.

Which is why CS & astronomy inarguably deserve to be in the Low Tier

>> No.1808350

You fucking math and physics faggots don't get it. Youre NEVER going to be rich with your worthless degrees, sure, you can do research and make 60k a year, but you'll never going to be rich. I'm studying business, I'm going to be rich, and that's how it goes. I will make more money than you, so I will be superior. There is literally no way I won't become a millionaire with my business degree.

>> No.1808360

You need to learn how to fucking read.


You use the term "drone" alot. That is precisely what YOU are. MAKE MONEY. MAKE MONEY. IF I MAKE MONEY I'LL BE BETTER THAN EVERYONE. MAKE MONEY. MAKE MONEY.

>> No.1808369


this is a god tier troll right here

>> No.1808372

>lulz I'll support my glorious nation and it's peoples by contributing to society! Heaven, I await you!

>> No.1808380 [DELETED] 

Nobody is trolling, the fact is, you are NOT going to be making as much money as me, there will never be any famous computer scientists or engineers. You're going to be middle class at the very most, and therefore, you aren't as good as me. I already know I'm going to be greater than middle class.

>> No.1808379

This is a full on retard, right here.

Look, I'm not denouncing math or anything.

In fact, how many people managed to get to calculus 2? It's not terribly hard but I've never the less noticed that it's not exactly popular on here. Maybe there's a reason for that.

>> No.1808393

Nobody is trolling, the fact is, you are NOT going to be making as much money as me, there will never be any famous computer scientists or engineers. You're going to be middle class at the very most, and therefore, you aren't as good as me. I already know I'm going to be greater than middle class.

>> No.1808395

>There is literally no way I won't become a millionaire with my business degree.
No trolling here, nope, none at all lol.

By the way, you don't get rich from working.

>> No.1808397


Wow, you sure are dense and deluded aren't you.

>> No.1808398

This is exactly what I was saying earlier, bro.

In fact, if you just scroll up a bit you'll notice that a variety of other people laughed at CS being that high.

Wanna know what's absolutely hilarious, though? I guarantee you that some of the CS fags are the same fags who denounced philosophy.

The irony is deafening

>> No.1808401

I have a MUCH higher chance of becoming rich than you do, you can't be anything more than middle class with your degree. No matter how you see it, I WILL be making more money than you

>> No.1808404

You sure are naive, aren't you?

>> No.1808409

sadly for you my idiotic friend greed is not something most people interested in math and physics

pathetic consumer

>> No.1808413


Okay. This is either a troll, or a 19 year old sophomore who still believes all the shit they told him about college.

Calculus 2, huh? That's pretty hardcore. Oh wait...

>> No.1808414

Please stop using CS as an acronym for Computer Science, guys. I don't want to insult Counter Strike like that

>> No.1808416

You don't even know what my degree is. And besides, an MBA with a focus in the energy industry is in my future, have fun with your undergrad business degree from a likely shit tier school brah.

>> No.1808423



>> No.1808424

Cool, that doesn't invalidate how CS should be in low tier.

>> No.1808435

It doesn't matter, I'm better at business than you, so I will make more money.

>> No.1808444

>shit tier school

>Harvard Law School
>Harvard Business School

the most prestigious school on the planet

>> No.1808451


The entire rest of the fucking world has already invalidated it. You're just too naive and deluded and greedy to see it.

>Almost every executive of most Fortune 500 companies are CSCI/Engineers/Sciencemen of some sort


>> No.1808454

Also...I mean...Fucking Harvard, man. Watch as these CS kiddies will still make an attempt to validate their career plans.

Just sit back and get ready for a gut buster

>> No.1808469

First of all:
Link to greentext?

Most of them probably have one in business or law, too.

Most of them does focus on CS for their career

just look at their very career they have now to show you how worthwhile CS is

>> No.1808472


you go to harvard hahahahahahahaha whatever you say bro

you sure do suck at arguing for someone going to harvard

>> No.1808479

I think you're missing the point

>> No.1808483

Math / physics double major here, I'm ok with this.

>> No.1808485




Oh man. You go to Harvard Law huh? Why do you suck at arguing then?

>> No.1808494

No I didn't mean to imply I attend there. I'm only 20 years old, you know. But like I said I'm doing my homework, so I didn't really articulate myself well.

I meant to make a point on how the most prestigious school on our planet focuses on those, so I found it peculiar that you automatically assumed that kid went to a "shitty business school" or whatever it was

And no, my arguments are impeccable. In the end the careers that make the money and what have you are the most valid. That's how a tier list in this regard is made

>> No.1808496


he's coming up with a doozy, get ready for harvard educated LOLZ

>> No.1808501

I think my point still stands

>> No.1808502

>Be in College
>Study CS
>mfw Business Majors trying to crash CS classes in order to get a minor IN CS because only CS guys are getting hired.

That and the biochem guys but medicine is a given.

>> No.1808510


Your entire argument is "i maek more money thus i is superior to you!" which is just simply isn't true.

Let me give you a tip: if you suck this bad at arguing you will NOT get into Harvard Law. Have fun working at Pizza Hut.

>> No.1808515

ahahahaha that post was a logical fallacy, dip shit.

"I know people that support my claims. Therefore I'm right! By the way, don't bother asking who these people are associated with, silly boy!"

maximum trolling

>> No.1808524

>which is just simply isn't true.

It's the only objective way can look at a list like this. Otherwise, either way you look at it the list is 100% subjective.

>> No.1808544


Whatever man. I'm not going to bother arguing with a shit tier debater like you. Have fun getting into Harvard. (snicker)

One more tip before I leave: If you honestly think making money is what makes a man intelligent, your life is going to be absolutely miserable. Godspeed bro.

>> No.1808567

who said anything about intelligence? That's completely irrelevant and has never once been referenced; almost as if you wanted to get it your system but didn't have the balls to articulate yourself earlier.

There's jobs that require a higher tier of intellect that's far above CS that isn't in god tier, though. So even if you want to bring that into the equation you'd still fucking fail.

Piss off

>> No.1808595


I lied. I'm still here. Your argument lacks substance; you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. You also seem to have no idea what we were arguing about.

Your last two words proved my last point though. Perhaps I touched on a point close to home? The first few steps are the hardest buddy. Good luck. =)

I'm out for real this time.

>> No.1808613
File: 93 KB, 733x765, Screen shot 2010-09-26 at 10.20.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol @ economics being troll math.

We CaN mOdEl AnYtHiNg!!!!!!

>> No.1808614

my arguments don't really lack substance, you know. I don't need go in-depth when arguing over something so readily apparent and evident.

>> No.1808635

all the people that make you feel things with their art and music fall on the lol tier

>> No.1808644
File: 80 KB, 542x700, 12855d49909299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, move over bros

>> No.1808653

>If the CEO decides to innovate

Didn't know innovation was something you could just do...

What's next, economists modeling the number of pylons required?

>> No.1808659

eh wondering what the criteria is though.

Brother got his J.D. with honors from Columbia Law recently, he's making about 100k a year starting. Not half bad.

Undergrad law? sure, shit tier. a lot of these fields vary based upon the level of education one attains though. For example, Physics is shit tier if you don't go beyond an undergrad.

>> No.1808667

Computer Science isnt God tier.

>> No.1808671


Well everyone knows that the amount of pylons required is always n+1

>> No.1808677
File: 268 KB, 397x496, at first&#44; then sinestro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art shouldn't be on this list

>> No.1808679

If this post is successful, then the /sci/ thread post cap >250.

>> No.1808690

I heard that Computer Science, Engineering, and pretty much any math field is neckbeardus maximus teritory with a pinch of forever alone mixed in.

Are they right, yes, no?

>> No.1808693
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Fixed for accuracy

>> No.1808700

wow you numbermonkeys are really insecure. who would've though?

>> No.1808705


I'm an Ausfag studying engineering, and that could not be more wrong. Generally speaking I've noticed that engineering students are smarter and more attractive (no homo) than other degrees. psychology has the hottest girls but engineering is close second. All the bachelor of arts students are weird and kinda gross looking.

Basically engineer students are like the jocks at my uni.

>> No.1808707

I'm sorry, but the touch of the woman, the smell of death, and even the awe felt when tripping on shrooms and recognizing all the mathematical patterns in nature are not things that can be "reduced" to an equation or some set of mathematical terms. Only complicated into it.

Mathematics is the language of how things move, but there's an entire dimension of feeling and consciousness you're missing out on. Things that are subjective and can't be defined or completely understood through the distance of empirical methods.

Without philosophy there would be no scientific method.

Without human consciousness there would be no curiosity.

Without art, there would be no means by which the absorption of scientific knowledge by a human brain would be practical or enjoyable.

Looking at someone else's life work and dismissing it as shit because you don't understand its value or don't want to is

A) A shitty philosophy.

B) Hardly scientific.

C) Enormously ignorant


D) Rather depressing.

Haters need to quit hating.

>> No.1808711

They require such threads to feel better about themselves because their lives are such shit the only way they can feel better is by belittling others.

>> No.1808712
File: 1.05 MB, 1441x1607, youdumbfuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basically engineer students are like the jocks at my uni
This is what engineering majors actually believe

>> No.1808715


> I'm sorry, but the touch of the woman, the smell of death, and even the awe felt when tripping on shrooms and recognizing all the mathematical patterns in nature are not things that can be "reduced" to an equation or some set of mathematical terms.

You are wrong. We can't do it, because the equations would be too complex for us, but these things can theoretically be described mathematically.

The "dimension of feeling and consciousness" you refer to is not a dimension at all, but is caused by physical processes which occur in the human body. All physical problems can theoretically be described mathematically, and all problems are fundamentally physical.

>> No.1808720


It's not what I "believe". It's a fact. You see, I actually attend university, unlike the majority of the people here.

>> No.1808730

well it looks like I brutally owned the little CS kiddies

>> No.1808734

how is law shit tier? divorce lawyers make more than most jobs i can think of that use the god tier degrees.

>> No.1808740


Because lawyers are a detriment to society and hinder the progress of humanity in general. Fuck law.

>> No.1808743

this list is widely discredited, and only a handful of 12 year olds take it seriously

>> No.1808745

To be fair, philosophy and law (as an academic discipline, not a profession) belong at least as high as history

>> No.1808747

maximum trolling or an angsty 12 year old

>> No.1808750

>not top tier

>> No.1808756

Anyone who thinks in tiers is a fucking retard. Full stop.

>> No.1808765


No. The list is about two things. It's about how 'pure' the academic field of study is (hence mathematics at the top), and it's about how much that field of study / profession contributes to society. Law contributes nothing, and it isn't pure. Hence law is shit. QED

>> No.1808771

The second step in the proof is not permitted, and it is not a property of limits.

Re-read the properties of limits closely.

>> No.1808780

are you the OP? if so shoot yourself for taking tier lists seriously.

If you're not the OP, then I'm assuming the list is on how successful you'd be per career.

If it's not about that, though. Then the list shouldn't be taken seriously, and you'd just inadvertently make yourself look retarded for doing so if you do

>> No.1808791



>> No.1808794
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>> No.1808801
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>> No.1808806

>the list is about how 'pure' the academic field of study is (hence mathematics at the top)
No such consensus exists.
>and it's about how much that field of study / profession contributes to society
No such consensus exists.
>Law contributes nothing to society
>it isn't pure.
>Hence law is shit. QED
Ohh, lookit the wee lad using latin abbreviations; it's almost like he's got a real argument! oh wait

>> No.1808808
File: 12 KB, 697x185, 1285280425569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You still don't get it. You're taking my use of the term "dimension" so literally, belittling my entire argument because I used it in more of a metaphysical, identifiable, easily-understandable, practical way, which basically adds to my point that thinking exclusively on the terms of math and science are dehumanizing and just not worth it.

You end up with all this information that you take so seriously, but nothing to do with it. You don't understand the value of human intuition; being able to feel around and explain, in a way completely understandable by the layman, what is going on without all the terminology and meticulous stuff.

I understand that math can theoretically describe these things.

But that's it, they can only describe. A long string of mathematical equations and relations outlining how each atom in two human bodies move and interact as the two humans make love would encompass millions of pages and certainly wouldn't hold a candle to actually doing it.

There's a time and a place for everything. EVERYTHING has value when used correctly. It's all good.

My point was is that the dismissive, pretentious attitudes of all these little students who want to assure themselves that they picked the "right" major (when they don't even realize that there isn't a right or wrong one because they don't dare consider the philosophical implications of the things they say) are cheating themselves out of being not only the smartest people they can be, but they're cheating themselves out of a life worth talking about.

>> No.1808810

>law contributes nothing
>entirety of society runs on it

>> No.1808817

boost biology and chemistry to god tier and you've got a legit chart.

>> No.1808820

In order:

God tier: Autistics and low-payed sexually frustrated people, neckbeards.
Top tier: Statistically the most intelligent of any profession, dedicated researchers in the fastest-growing science, extremely hard working do-gooders, people who follow their dreams regardless of end gains.
Mid tier: Faggots, republicans, hippies, college bros too lazy to get a real degree.
Low tier: People who were shy and nerdy in high school, college bros too lazy to get a real degree, failed engineers, pseudo-intellectuals.
LOL: Republicans, lazy college party animals too lazy to get a real degree, people who dream of making a career out of arguing with people, kids who failed out of everything else, OH GOD LOL WHAT IS THIS, not true.

>> No.1808834

i thought it was universally accepted that neckbeards have always been in shit tier - a reference point for all things bad

>> No.1808933

I don't differ too greatly from OP, but I'm going to college next year and I'm planning on taking:

History and Social Studies, Film and Computer Science. I wanna be better than everyone and prove it by knowing everything about their culture and shitting on it. :D

>> No.1808936

culture is shit.

>> No.1808948

aspie detected.

>> No.1808957

I'm in school for Biochemistry and Genetic Engineering. Am I God Tier?

>> No.1808959

It's ALMOST right, but exchange engineering with chemistry.

>> No.1808964

Biochemistry should be it's own category...

Bitches don't know about my synthetic life and PROGRAMMABLE ORGANISMS!

>> No.1808969

Double god tier here. Math and Comp Sci

>> No.1808988

Doesnt this shit get annoying. It certainly is for me. Its all branches of the same thing. You can get a degree in whatever the fuck you want, but knowledge and innovation is what determines "success" Also they all relate to eachother. You cant have one without the other. Chemistry wouldnt be where it is without physics. And physics math, And math computer science etc. etc. Everyone who participates in these threads are disgruntled jellys that want to hate on people on a different path. But you are all on the path of knowledge so STFU with your hate.

>> No.1809001
File: 166 KB, 1136x837, 1274630155345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English major here. loling hard at this thread. So you have to spend 8-10 years of your life studying? What a waste of your 20's. Jeez.

But then again, color me surprised that /sci/tards need to collectively stroke their e-penises to mitigate the harsh pain of social rejection and a life spent scraping together funds for academic research.

Ah well.

P.s. I'm actually enrolling in law next year. Looking forward to being smart and getting any pussy lol. That's like daily life for you guys right?

>> No.1809002

Literal God Tier - anything where you create life

also sage for tier thread

>> No.1809005


Sorry, it was meant to read "not getting any pussy".

But i'm sure you already knew that.

>> No.1809011
File: 18 KB, 281x400, pythagoras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you are still young faggots if you speak only 1 language.

And Greek and Latin classics for 2 years makes everyone Gods.

Also, remember that Pythagoras murdered one of his students who disagreed with him! The lesson is that authoritarian philosophy isn't open to creativity. Don't be a dickhead!

>> No.1809021

> disgruntled jellys

what's a jelly in this context?

>> No.1809023

>implying that you will have a fascinating career in research and not immediately get a different job since the US is completely oversaturated in phds...

>> No.1809030


It means "jealous". Try visiting /sp/ sometime.

>> No.1809038

I think I missed some of the controversy, but I appreciate your quotation by Heinlein.

>> No.1809067

>implying that you will have a fascinating career in research and not immediately get a different job since the US is completely oversaturated in phds...

who are you talking to?

Anyway, it sounds like you're stuck in the USA, which is quite a problem. I can commiserate with your dilemma but it sounds like you need more options. I can move around with a few options based on my language skills.

Maybe the problem with this thread is that it should have been started with every statement ending with, "IN THE ECONOMICALLY FUCKED UP USA"

... so drop the pretense of absolutes, and all the justification becomes clearer

>> No.1809084


Where are you from? I'm currently studying my undergrad in geology in the UK.

>> No.1809253

So wait, you did an english major before you even start law, and you're accusing people who do science of wasting time?

Not to mention that an english major isn't really going to help you with a career in law.

>> No.1809627

physics and math double major here, enjoy your engineering without us.

>> No.1810263

what a thread

>> No.1810682

As much as I hate all the hating in this thread, I find the discussion really interesting.

I say archive this shit!

>> No.1810749
File: 420 KB, 1072x946, 1217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1811064
File: 86 KB, 483x338, Eyjafallojokull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sci I was looking to find some tutorials on python. Its my first language so I thought I would start with something practical and easy. I would like tutorials that focus on practical applications and mathematics. Anything to point me in the right direction would be much appreciated