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1806168 No.1806168 [Reply] [Original]

When will I be able to plug myself into a video game simulation.

tl;dr:will I be able to simulated prince of persia

>> No.1806189
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The actual form of this question is
>When will we be able to so completely understand the inputs and outputs of human brain that we can hook said brain up to a computer by some means and have that computer understand those inputs and outputs and react to them accordingly.

I don't know. I assume someone is working on it.

>> No.1806229

We're nearly capable of that now, considering how we can already interpret signals to individual limbs. Make those button pushes and you'd be twitching and flopping in your seat but playing some mad Prince.

>> No.1806262
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No, see, you're over simplifying. We know how nerves work and how the brain recruits certain groups of muscle fibers. We don't fully understand now it activates the correct groups of muscle fibers at the correct rate of nerve impulse in order to lift different-weight things. Plus, a lot of that lift is reflex that requires feedback from the muscle (specifically muscle spindle fiber). The trick is not just getting visual, auditory, and somatosensory senses correct, but also getting proprioceptive input... from the computer... that's crazy. I mean, I think we can figure it out, but decoding how that information is stored and generated is going to be a task.