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File: 78 KB, 450x334, bender-smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1804931 No.1804931 [Reply] [Original]

how would one go about taking a tv station off the airwaves?

we're talking foxnews here if you're curious.

i'm pretty sure we'd have to take down their provider satellites directly to prevent outages on other channels. only problem is idono how to hack satellite stuff...
the other option is to blow it out of the sky using some sort of home made rail-cannon. but i'm pretty sure that's pretty costly and that i'd have norad breathing down my ass afterwords.

>> No.1804943
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any suggestions, meat-bags?

>> No.1804967
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is there anybody out there?

>> No.1804974

Ask professor fransworth

>> No.1804983

If enough people stop watching it then they will go bust.
Stop watching it.
Tell friends and family to stop watching it.

>> No.1804985
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bomb the fox building until they give up on rebuilding it

>> No.1804992

If you don't like it don't watch it. Quit trying to censor people you don't like

>> No.1804998
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this give you a concept

>> No.1805004
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i don't like it and don't watch it. Normally i'm never for censorship but exploitation of the stupid and scared needs to stop.

>> No.1805010

just like the exploitation of labor and resources

>> No.1805022
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and the exploitation of your momma'.

>> No.1805030

I don't think I like you OP. You seem to be ... kind of ... anti-freedom. I am sure you are well meaning, but what you want to do is wrong.

>> No.1805049
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Your mom is wrong.

>> No.1805051
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freedom to exploit the stupid and scared being taken away from goldsmiths by removing their mouth-piece.

the only other alternative is to just wait for the older less educated generations to die off.
but those motherfuckkers are living longer than ever nowadays.

>> No.1805054

Fauxnews you say?

Too much work to take them down in any meaningful way. Might as well get in with that anon who wanted to take out Catholicism if you have that much free time.

>> No.1805068
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thanks flexo!

love, OP

>> No.1805073

I dont think its wrong, he just has the wrong motivation

>> No.1805083
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yeah that's kind-of what i figured.

it's not like i've got nation-state funding for my giant back-yard rail-cannon as previously mentioned.

perhaps from the inside out then?

oh yeah new Apocalypse episodes tonight. fuck year!

>> No.1805093
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so you don't think it's wrong to take a tv station off the air, just not for the the reasons OP has for doing it?

mind explaining what reason you would like?

>> No.1805100


>> No.1805102

First, freedom of speech- it's pretty rad.

Second, if you're made at any news agency, it shouldn't be Fox. Fox News lies and incites people who already think the way our government wants us to think. Now, CNN, MSNBC, and the like, they are the organizations that deserve your anger. They are like a Capitalist safety net that catches all those potentially "radical" minds that reject what Fox News is saying. They are the mouthpiece for the other side of the twin parties. They don't report on how this form of "two" party Capitalism has left 1/7 Americans (most of whom children) living in poverty. The certainly don't report on the fact that the government set the poverty level at just over $20k/ for a family OF FOUR so things wouldn't look so bad. They never report on the fact that the US unemployment rate is TEN TIMES HIGHER than that of Cuba. They never report that without a single payer system, health care costs the American tax payers $100 BILLION per year (as the government gives tax write-offs to the hospitals for people who never paid their huge bills because they don't have health insurance). Anderson Cooper never risks his life to obtain a video that shows American troops killing Iraqis like they're playing a video game. Wolf Blitzer never shows us how Israel used illegal white phosphorus on UN and Red Cross hospitals in Gaza despite being given the coordinates in advance. CNN certainly doesn't report that EVERY year on 9/11 Osama bin Laden makes a tape that warns us that if we continue to give Israel monetary and political support, attacks on Americans will continue.

>> No.1805108

>>1805102 continued.

I could make this list all day, but it wouldn't matter. People will still think that the "liberal" media is on the people's side- despite the fact that every shred of evidence suggests otherwise.

Fox News is not the problem. The people who listen to them are already lost. The problem is that, when people make an attempt to find out the truth, they are scooped up by another incarnation of the same propaganda machine.

>> No.1805103
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quite, you!

>> No.1805115

>something about batman kicking your ass or something

>> No.1805122
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>Second, if you're made at any news agency, it shouldn't be Fox. Fox News lies and incites people who already think the way our government wants us to think

ok, i've obviously come to the wrong place for advice.

you're fucking retarded.

i'm better off on my own.

>> No.1805168


"Anon proved my infantile idea irrefutably wrong. :( I'm taking my ball and going home."

Learn to take criticism and improve yourself, OP.

What is more effective use of your time?

A) Attacking a news organization whose viewers are already pawns and will never change.

B) Attacking a news organization(s) whose viewers are looking for truth and change and finding nothing of the sort?

At any rate, grow the fuck up.

>> No.1806957

Watch algizera English, its like the Max X of news that shit is pretty cash. Also watch bbc world anyhow if you get your news from the normal outlets enjoy your spoonfuls of propaganda and limited resining skills full of sensationalist illogical feculence.

Industrial lasers used to cut plate metal if focused and aimed properly could take down just about any satellite you wanted.


>> No.1806979
File: 53 KB, 1029x813, 1274164968762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww...looks like the poor little guy is brainwashed

Its ok little guy, you should turn off teh FAUX, and go live life alittle bit!

>> No.1806984

OP, how about cutting power to their studio?

>> No.1806991
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>> No.1807002
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You dont need to get it taken off, you just need to educate the people not to be so gullibe.

The people who watch faux are usually very very simple minded. Just have a talk with them, it is pretty easy to make them see how stupid faux actually is.

>> No.1807011
File: 20 KB, 300x201, headroom2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this:


the theory involved would still work today. if one was only trying to interfere with the signal and not hijack it, one could easily disrupt the station's transmission to the satellite.

>> No.1807027

Why don't you create a hostage situation in the studio? Oh wait...


>> No.1807030
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Im sure you could rally an attack on there website at least. But there website isnt really used by too many people. Most of Fauxes views are the elderly and arent too "tech savy".
Faux/Republicans are the party of the past. The Republican party is pretty much dead, they keep trying to rebrand themselves to no avail. Its pretty funny to watch.

>> No.1807051
File: 66 KB, 450x300, beck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could just "off" everyone at FAUX, then yourself. You would be a hero to all of America!
jk....I dont condone violence

>> No.1807297
File: 32 KB, 600x457, Funny_Pictures_6912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a few things you might want to look into as far as hateing on one side or the other in the realm of politics.
if you dive to support either side you can be sure you have been played.
so many lies have passed for truth a person of your generation will probably have a rough time getting to the bottom of things.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. -- William Casey, CIA Director

>> No.1807321

I'm no expert...but couldn't you just send your own MUCH STRONGER signal to the satellite, overriding the regular one?

ask in /tv/

>> No.1807363
File: 190 KB, 800x800, 1285260818168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here after being gone all day.

I'd personally like to throw a stick in your spokes by pointing out that your point seems more like their propaganda than anything else i've heard here. what better way to keep the status quo than convincing poor saps that everything is lies and that their votes mean nothing?

waiting patiently for your stupid ass generation to die.

>> No.1807421


anon fukking delivers.


love teh bbc. i listen to world news on npr in the car all the time. dono how to gauge the
propaganda levels on normal npr and local affiliates but the reporters seem to be unbiased to me.

also seriously? industrial lasers eh? its a neeto idea but i still think i'd end up having a boss fight with an NC130H firing a tactical military laser back at me with much better precision.

i dont think deorbiting the satellite is a good idea nor overwhelming their broadcasts with my own.

i think i've got an idea of how to get'er done.

it's definitely more discrete.