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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 30 KB, 460x300, alcohol[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1804642 No.1804642 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Alcohol, and why the fuck is this cancerous material still legal?

>> No.1804646

Money and addiction?

>> No.1804650

because it's people's right to act in their own self (dis)interest and no governments place to tell them they can't.

let's not do politics here.

>> No.1804654

Basically this. The industry has tons of money to throw at politicians and we all saw what happened during the prohibition...

>> No.1804655

no politics on /sci/ please.
move to the uae or something

>> No.1804659

>Implying that alcohol consumption's consequences are confined to its user.

>> No.1804660

Because making it illegal won't prevent people from using it.

>> No.1804661


Yeah, drunk drivers and drunken brawlers sure are hurting only themselves.

>> No.1804662

Because Prohibition proved that it was a stupid idea and a waste of tax money.

>> No.1804663

Because people need an outlet from the pressures of society.
That, and the existence of Irish people.

>> No.1804667

Because it makes life bearable.

When you get a job and a family of your own, you will understand.

>> No.1804669

>Get a job
>Get a wife
Hey buddy, this is 4chan.
Don't mess with our inability to have normal lives.

>> No.1804674

>Yeah, drunk drivers and drunken brawlers sure are hurting only themselves.
>implying that either thing you just mentioned is legal

>> No.1804676
File: 227 KB, 398x370, big-mac-extra-value-meal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast food, and why the fuck is this cancerous material still legal?

>> No.1804679

Pfft, the day the good things in life are outlawed is the day I move to Sweden.

>> No.1804680

why should be?


>> No.1804682

Alcohol is legal because of heterosexuality.
In the land of faggotry alcohol is b&.

>> No.1804683

this thread, and why the fuck is this cancerous material still legal?

>> No.1804687

Cigarettes. Why the fuck is this cancerous shit still legal?

>> No.1804688

either way I'll not get dragged into this, /sci/ is above political trolling

if you really want a government to tell you how to live, go live in the middle east or something. There are plenty of people who agree with you

>> No.1804694

How about this:
Humanity, and why the fuck is this cancerous species so irresponsible?

>> No.1804695
File: 575 KB, 800x566, mecca-kaaba-during-annualwashing-before-hajj2-cc-toursaudiarabia[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion, and why the fuck is this cancerous material still legal?

>> No.1804696

>I'll not get dragged into this
>claims to be above politics
>go live in the middle east

>> No.1804699

Wait, wait... so I should get a job and marry in order to live a shitty life that will compel me to ingest large quantities of alcohol just to bear with it?

I'll stick to my anime, thanks.

>> No.1804703

if life's that bad kill yourself
drinking should be for personal pleasure

>> No.1804710

If you have to drink to make you family bearable, maybe you should get divorced and give your wife full custody. You shouldn't be a father.

>> No.1804713


The simple explanation is that we tried to get rid of it (prohibition) and it didn't end well.

>> No.1804720

4chan, why the fuck is this cancerous material still legal?

>> No.1804746

Because anon

>> No.1804766

Because drinking Alcohol is fun and relatively harmless. OP just is to young to understand how awesome it is to go out drinking with some bros and have a good time.

Oh and drinkers tend to live longer than non-drinkers.

>> No.1804773

Not OP, but sure is fun going out with a bunch of drunkards who act like retards. That's exactly why I almost never go out with people unless I know for sure they don't drink.

>> No.1804776

Because human idiocy, ignorance and weakness of character and mind.

>> No.1804781

Because humans are weak and place comfort over merit.

>> No.1804788

Because people like sticking long and round objects in their mouths.

>> No.1804812

Alcohol is the only way some people can have consensual sex in the missionary position.

>> No.1804846

Didn't know you knew my ex wife....sadly her dad molested her for years. I didn't know that till long after we divorced.
Feels bad man

>> No.1804860

because mammals in general enjoy getting trashed?

>> No.1804868

ITT: What?
Alcohol is great, fuck off.

>> No.1804877

Alcohol has been around for humans for long enough to have humans actually develop more efficient ways of metabolizing alcohol. Some people have even conjectured that the very reason man went from a hunter-gatherer to a farmer was because of alcohol. It's not going away anytime soon.

Also, see Prohibition, where trying to get rid of alcohol was a complete failure.

>> No.1804882

>One important reason is that alcohol lubricates so many social interactions, and social interactions are vital for maintaining mental and physical health.

oh god what i'm doing...

>> No.1804889


>> No.1804898

I'm not sure it's cancerous, but because alcohol consumption itself isn't a very difficult habit to break or control like hardcore drugs or something, and mostly because of the cultural significance it has had throughout history, some alcoholic beverages (like wine) is actually good for you as long as it's kept in moderation, and the last time we made it illegal just made things worse.

But mostly because liquor isn't as bad or problematic as some other substances.

>> No.1804900

gotta say, it WOULD make much more sense for alcohol to be illegal and marijuana to be legal. never really understood the logic, there.

but, hey, beer kicks ass.

>> No.1804902
File: 67 KB, 444x353, monty3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why the fuck is this cancerous material still legal

It's called having rights, and having a choice. If you do not like it don't drink it. Don't be a fascist asshole OP.

>> No.1804923

naw, I know regular drinkers and regular smokers. Weed makes you a lot dumber and divorced from reality that alcohol. I think we're better off the way it is.

>> No.1804940


Alcohol makes you more prone to violence than weed. And one can get physically addicted to alcohol, unlike weed.

Divorced from reality is still divorced from reality, no matter what chemical you use.

>> No.1804948

No, it's different. Weed makes people fucking nut-casses. If we didn't live in a democracy I wouldn't care, but since people vote for the government that I'm going to have to live under, I don't want people smoking weed.

>> No.1804956

Blame prohibition when nobody stopped drinking even though it was illegal. If too many people refuse to obey the law there's nothing the law can do to stop them.

Try driving in Egypt. A friend of mine worked there for a year, the first car he had was wrecked because he stopped at a red light and was rear ended. The second car he had was wrecked because he tried going through a green light. After that he stuck to walking or taking a cab.

It's the same problem. Even though it would benefit the world to get rid of alcohol, even though it would benefit Egypt to obey traffic laws, if nobody bothers then there's no way to enforce the law and eventually the law gets repealed.

There is absolutely no benefit to drinking while there are plenty of terrible side effects, exercising your freedom is not a benefit. We do not have the freedom to harm others, just try yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater and see how far your freedom of speech gets you.

>> No.1804970

[citation needed]

Reafer Madness is not a source.

>> No.1804972

>Weed makes people fucking nut-casses
bullshit, I know a weed smoker who doing pretty well majoring in physics in a pretty decent college. He is pragmatic and down to earth

>I don't want people smoking weed.
who are you do dictate how other people live

>> No.1804978


>> No.1804981

Voting means nothing, don't even try that son.

As far as alcohol is concerned... it doesn't hurt anyone besides the drinker and if the drinker hurts someone they were broke a law that exists anyways.

>> No.1804982


I'd conjecture that the reason "nutcases" smoke weed is it's illegal, so they must do some nutty things to obtain it.

Also, I guess we've had different experiences with people who smoke weed. Some who's way too high is much less of a safety hazard than someone who's way too drunk, IMO.

>> No.1804987

>just try yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater and see how far your freedom of speech gets you.
I hate it when people use this example, doing that endangers people as it can cause a mass scare and someone could get trampled on.

If I'm in my own house drinking or smoking pot I'm not endangering anybody, and I shouldn't have to fear the police kicking down my fucking door for doing something in my own house.

>> No.1804989


>> No.1804993

>bullshit, I know a weed smoker who doing pretty well majoring in physics in a pretty decent college. He is pragmatic and down to earth
So the fuck what? If he smokes a lot of weed it will fuck up his brain.

>>I don't want people smoking weed.
>who are you do dictate how other people live
I'm the person who has to live under the bullshit rules they vote for. And I'm a voter myself. And I vote no weed for anyone making decisions about my life.

>> No.1804997

>So the fuck what? If he smokes a lot of weed it will fuck up his brain.
give me a source or stop talking out of your ass

>> No.1805003

I'm not talking about safety hazards. I'm talking about fucking up people's ability to reason. And they're not that way before they smoke weed. And people who become potheads all become the same brand of stupid -- so don't tell me it's a coincidence.

>> No.1805005

>If he smokes a lot of weed it will fuck up his brain.
[citation needed]

>voting means anything

>> No.1805012

My source is knowing and interacting with pot smokers my whole life. And for example noticing that every 911 truther and moon landing denier is a fucking pothead.

>> No.1805013


No, weed accelerates mental disease in those that already have it.

Much like alcohol causes addiction in those prone to it.

>> No.1805014

>If he smokes a lot of weed it will fuck up his brain.
Haha, NO

If it becomes a habit then his personality and mind will adapt to his new lifestyle, which can happen with anything. His mind doesn't chemically alter long-term because of weed.

>> No.1805015

>fucking up people's ability to reason


>> No.1805017

>pothead detected

>> No.1805023

Yes, heavy pot use drastically affects the function of the brain long-term and short-term.

>> No.1805026

Also weed only affects your reasoning when you're on it. When you're sober, there are no lingering effects.

>> No.1805027


>ignorant git detected

>> No.1805029

I asked for a validated source and you couldn't provide one. You're clearly talking out of your ass.

>> No.1805031

>heavy pot use drastically affects


>> No.1805033

>Anecdotal evidence based on perception of people's actions/beliefs

Nope, troll harder.

>> No.1805035

That's not true. The lingering effects can be detected with an eeg, or with a spect scan, or just fucking talking to them. Are you telling me you can't tell a pothead immediately when you meet them?

>> No.1805038
File: 31 KB, 588x473, carl-sagan-smoke-weed-everyday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1805044

Look at the spect scans on the amenclinics.com for the long term effects of various drugs. Look at the various literature on how pot use shows up in eeg.

>> No.1805048

not all of them are the stereotypical cheech and chong stoner

>> No.1805065


>> No.1805066


>> No.1805072

I can't necessarily tell if someone is an occasional user, but I can definitely tell if someone is a frequent user.

>> No.1805084

You have to be really healthy (mentally-wise) in order to smoke weed without any addiction, dependency, or side effects popping up. Even small anxiety problems or depressive-disorders would be risking it with marijuana. Schizophrenia can be triggered by smoking marijuana, even if you've never had any symptoms before but your family line has a history of it. Physically, marijuana is hardly anything more than eating junk food, but mentally it can be a daunting and exuberant chemical experience an individual can go through (key phrase: can be).

My family claims my dad is a schizophrenic (abuses drugs too), but there's never been any definitive evidence supporting it, we haven't seen him since his arrest 16 years ago. But I've been prescribed medication for paranoia problems, and my sister hears voices sometimes, but still we've never had a way to prove it. Well, if I did some marijuana I might be able to prove or at least provide evidence of their schizophrenic claim if it affects me as such. But the problem is that once I do it, it'll either be a temporary schizophrenic episode that stays as long as I'm still high, or it could end up being permanent to me. But still, I often wonder...

>> No.1805086

What about the drunk redneck ? You prefer his vote to make decisions about your life ? YOU THINK YOU ARE MORE ABLE TO BE A FUNCTIONNING MEMBER OF SOCIETY UNDER THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ?

on the other site, psychedelics are way more awesome than pot/alcohol

>> No.1805088

not all frequent users are black/and or jobless, that's just bigotry.

>> No.1805091

Yeah, I'd say the opposite about LSD. You can also tell a frequent LSD user, but they actually seem more intellectual. LOL. Doesn't mean that LSD makes you smarter, but they do come across that way.

>> No.1805096

LMAO, where'd you get that? None of the frequent users I know are black or homeless or even unemployed. But they ARE fucking brain damaged.

>> No.1805104

yes, it can speed up the appearance of schizophrenia in people (notice SPEED UP) and you're right about alot of things. As for anxiety attacks I used to smoke and when I got anxiety attacks it was always about the police finding out or the neighbor calling the police. The illegality of it and the repercussions for doing it are horrendous so of course I was gonna be scared. If this were not the case why would I get an anxiety attack.

>> No.1805107

Almost all people I know are brain damaged.That or just fucking dumb, can't tell the difference anyway.

>> No.1805116

I don't think that drinking affects what people believe, ideologically, or therefore affects how they vote. I have no doubt that weed does. LSD affects people's outlooks, but not necessarily in a bad way. Weed, in my personal, non-professional, experience, when partaken of often, tends to make people delusional in their thinking. The very idea of democracy requires that the voting populace is not delusional.

>> No.1805120

Have you every thought "Hey, maybe they're just fucking retards, regardless of the marijuana?"

I swear to god, its like fucking idiots who claim video games cause violence because they knew some violent kids who played video games. Perhaps they were that fucking way in the first place? I know violent people who played football. Does football make them violent?

That being said, I also know many people who smoke marijuana frequently (my brother included, who I talk to every day, before and after he smokes). It doesn't change anything about who they are. They don't get stupid, they don't get anything else that mellow, hungry, and they'll laugh at some things more than if they weren't high.

That being said, that's just what I've observed. It doesn't make it true for everything, which is why sources are so important.

>> No.1805128

paranoia and anxiety are common side effects, whether it is legal or not. The illegality of it just gives a convenient target for the paranoia and anxiety. You don't get the same thing with other illegal substances, because the other ones don't create paranoia and anxiety.

>> No.1805129

fuck this thread

If you really believe that weed should remain illegal then you really should read up on the War on drugs and all the unnecessary spending and bullshit it has caused. There hasn't been ONE benefit of weed prohibition.

>> No.1805133

afraid it might stop people from voting Republican?

>> No.1805140
File: 317 KB, 900x1600, 1266703401739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1805141

Well, I posted a link to a paper and I mentioned a website that publishes brain scans showing the deactivated parts of the brain for various drug abuse, so you don't have to believe my personal experiences.

Here a page from amen clinic that shows the effects of various drugs on brain function. You have to read a lot more on the site to really understand the pictures though.

>> No.1805152


>> No.1805153

Sort of, it's not what it can cause that's the main issue, it's how it can cause and the degree of the resulting actions of what it causes that becomes questionable.

>> No.1805154


>> No.1805159

Granted people still do drugs but the law does it make it more of a pain than it should be. It's just that there are so many more advocates of alcohol the gov would be hardpressed to illegalize it. But there is no logical reason why alcohol is legal when weed lsd mdma etc isn't, except that there aren't enough people to revolt against the illegalization like there was for alcohol back during the prohibition era.

>> No.1805164


>Implying Marijuana is the only illegal drug.


>> No.1805172

No, but its the one the government pumps the most money in

>> No.1805175

they should all be legalized imho. It's your own body, do with it what you fucking want.

>> No.1805191

Sex, why is this cancerous shit still legal.

>> No.1805197

cars, why is this cancerous shit still legal. thousands of people die in car accidents every year.

>> No.1805199

since the beginning of time, every culture has had one socially acceptable consciousness-changing drug and many unacceptable drugs.

white people have always enjoyed alcohol and ye olde white customs are still the governing force in western societies.

>> No.1805203


>> No.1805204

electricity why is this cancerous shit still legal. Electricity kills thousands of people a year, and often produces pollution.

>> No.1805218

because it can get you laid. sometimes.

anyway, doesnt OP mean carcinogenic?

>> No.1805219

Crystal meth, why is this cancerous shit still legal?

>> No.1805225

That's kind of a weak and low point to make. Murder is illegal and people still commit it, regardless the amount of effort you have to go through it. Same with rape, thievery, burglary, a lot of other serious crimes.

>> No.1805242

Victimless crimes, ever heard of em?
big difference there.

>> No.1805247


I disagree, murder, rape, thievery, etc..all imply an individual harming another individual. All other things are self inflicted. No one has the right to tell me what i can and can't do, even if it is potentially harmful to my body. People do dangerous things every day. Football players can get seriously injured playing that sport yet people revere them. People jump out of planes for fun(also potentially dangerous if your shoot doesn't open) see where i'm going here? Yeah certain drugs are riskier than others but it is my god given right to experience them.

>> No.1805253

Except those things are directly destructive to a healthy, productive society.

>> No.1805263

Yes. On a similar point when people disagree with me it is damaging to society and should be outlawed.

>> No.1805299

Directly damaging is not the same thing as damaging.
Don't confuse the argument.

>> No.1805307

>Directly damaging is not the same thing as damaging.


>> No.1805386

>I don't think that drinking affects what people believe, ideologically, or therefore affects how they vote
Why are stupid people allowed to vote then?

>> No.1805391


>thinks drinking won't cause paranoia or anxiety

>> No.1805395

they might riot.

>> No.1805451

I find concern in their objectivity, notably they compare a brain with heavy usage for a number of consecutive days to one which hadn't used in a month then try to extrapolate long term side effects based on the difference.

That's not how one makes a valid comparison between anything.

Example: This towel is wet, later it's dry; note the difference. Clearly the towel having been wet will hinder it's function at a later date.

>> No.1805501

why are fat people allowed to use public restrooms

>> No.1805520


Why are babies allowed to poop?

>> No.1805526

why are people that fart allowed on airplanes

>> No.1805533
File: 268 KB, 533x562, trolltemplate12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolls, why is this cancerous material legal?

>> No.1805540

thanks for the bump troll brother!

>> No.1805543


Why are skinny people allowed to shop at the grocery store?

>> No.1805553

why are women allowed to vote

>> No.1805559


Why are single fathers allowed to have custody?

>> No.1805613

why are gays allowed to marry

>> No.1805617


Why are priests allowed to molest children?

>> No.1805642

I am incapable of enjoying alcohol responsibly because the kids who picked on me in high school drank it.

>> No.1805661

Why shouldn't they be?

>> No.1805662



>> No.1805667

what? no touche...

>> No.1805670


it was a very touche.

>> No.1805684

/sci/ i am disappoint

>> No.1805687


In Soviet Russia, /sci/ is disappoint in you.

>> No.1805714

have you tried drinking it?

>> No.1805731

Why should humanity abandon such an old friend?

>> No.1805733


Alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

Homer Simpson, /sci/entist

>> No.1805773
File: 17 KB, 300x400, Bombay_Sapphire_London_Dry_Gin_70cl_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1805982
File: 29 KB, 324x448, TANQUERAY_PACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]