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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1799758 No.1799758 [Reply] [Original]

so.../sci/ on average how much do you scientists/physicists/mathmaticians and engineers actually make in one year on average. Its not really 300,000 is it?

I mean, going through all that schooling for a degree and stuff must put you guys in quite a bit of debt and stuff. Also what is a day at work like for you guys?

Im a blue collar worker personally, working as an apprentice electrician, im only going to spend like 40 weeks in school in the next four years, until i get my journeymans ticket, at which point i will be making 100k plus if i decide to work up north on the rigs or at one of the diamond mines, or about 65k if i work in a more residential setting....college/university just seems like a waste of money to me, i tried it, and couldnt figure out why so many people decide to go. Bur i guess if doing something you enjoy is really what matters, i would be happy even if i made way less than i currently make, which isnt very much anyway.

also, we can talk about what happens you die ITT

>> No.1799768

fresh out of college working in a bio lab making 35k

i dont mind though because what i do is really fucking cool. its like some i am legend resident evil gene therapy shit.

>> No.1799767

>implying there is anyone on /sci/ that has actually graduated and working as an engineer or physicist

>> No.1799770
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>in quite a bit of debt and stuff

No, Grad Math and Physics programs (most science programs) pay the students. You will have no debt.

Only engineers (faggots) usually have to pay for grad school.

>> No.1799778 [DELETED] 

>Only engineers (faggots)
I'm detected large amounts of butt hurt in this sector

>> No.1799782

Did you just take general ed bullshit and decide it wasnt for you?

>> No.1799785

>Only engineers (faggots)

I'm detecting large amounts of butt hurt in this sector

>> No.1799793


i went for computer science, i really enjoy programming and dealing with hardware, it was all the totally unrelated classes i had to take that turned me off of university though

>> No.1799795

>unrelated classes

like what

>> No.1799797

maybe you just weren't good enough at math

>> No.1799799


I think you'll find that somehow it all works together.. I'll concede most gen ed courses are pointless, but some have practical applications when you get to your core classes.

>> No.1799804
File: 85 KB, 1216x610, 1277436378493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the typical way /sci/ refers to "engineers".
You say engineers (faggots)

R U New to /sci/?

>> No.1799803
File: 225 KB, 1024x1542, 1253403167419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Medical Physics Masters.
Save lives.
Make bank.
But mostly, radiate EVERYTHING!.

>> No.1799802


english, history, econimcs, i fucking hated math too, but math is good to have so i didnt really mind it.

i just dont really understand why somebody who just wants to program computers needs to learn all of this unrelated shit.

im loving working in a trade because when i go for my schooling every year its 100% related to what im doing and we do plenty of hands on to back up the theory

>> No.1799814

I dont understand why sci hates engineers?

engineering is just applied /sci/

does /sci/ hate scientists too or just applied scientists?

>> No.1799821

False. If you are any good, you get paid for grad school in engineering. It's usually business majors who have to pay for grad school.

>> No.1799825

>Hate math
>Major in Computer Science

I dont think I'm understanding your logic here.

>> No.1799841
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why do you think /sci/ hates faggots (engineers)?

/sci/ is tolerant bro! You need to keep your own bias to yourself. It has no place in /sci/!

>> No.1799849
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ok....so maybe i was bad at math. the fact that i just fucked off whenever these unrelated classes came about probably didnt help either

>> No.1799865


>Hate math
>Major in Computer Science

I have some bad news for you...

>> No.1799889

you literally just stole my exact post from 9 minutes ago

>> No.1799904

Everyone here is students who call themselves the profession they're studying.

There are no actual scientists here.

>> No.1799906


>> No.1799910

software developer four years out of school: $68,500 a year.

>> No.1799915

anyone have the original comic where they blow shit up?