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1799731 No.1799731 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1799738

Epic fail. Everyone knows Kelvin is the System Internationale unit for temperature. If it's good enough FOR SCIENCE it's good enough for you.

>> No.1799753

By English system you mean Imperial? Because that's French, as is SI. Get your facts straight.

And Fahrenheit>Kelvin? You're clearly not a scientist.


>> No.1799756


>> No.1799759


Shut the fuck up, you don't use kelvin for anything but science. If you actually say something like "Hey, I heard it is getting up to 320 kelvin today" then people will just look at you like youre an idiot

>> No.1799762

as a European living in America for a long time, I still hate imperial over metric, but would not switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius ( no experience with kelvin on daily basis so can't judge)

>> No.1799763

Celsius is Kelvin-273.15, same scale.

>> No.1799764
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>320 kelvins

>> No.1799772

Learn to RANKIN with franklin

>> No.1799774


>> No.1799776

>Isn't comfortable with Kelvin


>> No.1799794

No, It's just that I'm not a 12 year old who tries to refer to everything in kelvin instead of a regular temperature scale, because I don't go out of my way to try and get people to think "oh wow xD he smrt scintist xD lol"

>> No.1799823

>Implying 12 year olds are taught Kelvin
>total Ad Hominem

You tremendously mad.

>> No.1799833

Réaumur is a magic scale because it allows you to use simple techniques to create a high precision thermometer.

>> No.1800663

What's Fahrenheit even based from?

I know Celsius is based on the mp/bp of water, and that 0 degrees Kelvin is when movement of atoms completely stops.

>> No.1800674

100F is about bodytemp

>> No.1800680

This is actually fairly interesting, and one of those things that wikipedia is great at telling us.

>> No.1800688

0F is the equilibrium point of icy saltwater. It is scaled so that the boiling and melting point of water are 180 degrees apart.

>> No.1800690

According to Fahrenheit, temperature goes in circles.

>> No.1800696
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what the hell are you doing delisle

>> No.1800700

If it doesn't go in circles, why call it degrees?

>> No.1800708

Imperial is french and inferior

Farenheit is some crazy shit with pointlessly obscure measurements. Kelvin/Centigrade FTW

>> No.1800712

Because (and I wish I had spoiler tags) there are 180 of them between where water freezes/melts and where it boils/condenses.

>> No.1800778

Make your mind up, OP.

If Metric > Imperial, then it follows that Celsius > Fahrenheit, as the metric unit of temperature is the Kelvin and Celsius uses the same scale (most calculations involving temperature involve differences rather than absolutes).

>> No.1800793 [DELETED] 
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I'm man enough to admit that both Fahrenheit and Celsius suck

>> No.1800797

Calsius is better tho, think of water boiling and freezing points