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1798449 No.1798449 [Reply] [Original]

What do you make of Stephen Hawking always on about how our planet will destroy itself and how we need to start making plans about living on other planets?

>> No.1798454

your a spartan, you dont even know who stephen hawking is, you dont even alive

>> No.1798467

Well, all planets will die eventually, so yes, if we want REAL long-term survivability we'll have to relocate at some point. It won't happen in the next few billion years though, so we can still delay it for quite a while.

>> No.1798469
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come on

everyone is ignoring him for the same reason i'm ignoring him, we don't care and it seems pretty far fetched

but he is a visionary and could probably make some accurate predictions about life in a century or two

>> No.1798473


he was talking about climate change and wars and stuff, small scale problems

>> No.1798496
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>that joke

>> No.1798499

The sky calls to us.
If we do not destroy ourselves,
we will one day
venture to the stars.

>> No.1798509
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He speaks truth. The only debatable thing is how long we have to get off the rock.

The sun is getting hotter as it evolves. In 0.5-1 billion years, it will have boiled all the oceans away and destroyed the biosphere. So that is an upper limit.

In the nearer term, there appear to be ice ages which have occurred every 40,000 to 100,000 years. The last one nearly wiped out our species. Even with our technology, another ice age would be devastating. Or if you believe in anthropegenic climate change, we could turn the world into a desert along similar time scales.

There are also global disasters which are improbable but could happen any time, such as asteroid impacts and supervolcanos. It would be good to have off-Earth colonies as backups in case something like that happened. (Though the colonies themselves would be far more vulnerable to extinction than the vast population of Earth.)

So I think learning to live in space is a worthy long-term goal (emphasis on long-term).

>> No.1798522

sounds like carl sagan

>> No.1798532

oh, and even shorter term: we will run out of oil within a thousand years. That also means we will run out of cheap rocket fuel. The present day may be the last time that space flight is economical. Maybe the Age of Oil is the only chance we have to get off the rock.

>> No.1798557
File: 13 KB, 251x191, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there appear to be ice ages which have occurred every 40,000 to 100,000 years

>civilization wiped out every time and evolution restarts

>this is the 7th version