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1797400 No.1797400 [Reply] [Original]

>Libertarian society
>No social programs, no public schools, no welfare
>Friedman's "natural unemployment rate" at 5% creates a class of citizens that have never worked or been in school in their lives
>at least 30% of the population does not know how to read, write or solve simple mathematical equations because they couldn't afford school
>millions of Americans make their living by preying on their fellow citizens who are better off
>10-20% of America's population ends up either imprisoned or overruns city centres where law and order break down.
>the rich retreat into gated communities
>the apocalypse is upon us

Is this what you really want?

>> No.1797407

>Friedman's "natural unemployment rate" at 5% creates a class of citizens that have never worked or been in school in their lives
>at least 30% of the population does not know how to read, write or solve simple mathematical equations because they couldn't afford school
>this is what socialists actually believe

>> No.1797410

Libertarians are convinced they are the elite. This is what makes them so amusing. They are the insiders that will live in the promised land.

>> No.1797419

You mean they are convinced that these two lines are bullshit:
>Friedman's "natural unemployment rate" at 5% creates a class of citizens that have never worked or been in school in their lives
>at least 30% of the population does not know how to read, write or solve simple mathematical equations because they couldn't afford school
If you're gonna attack them at least don't use strawmen.

>> No.1797435

Attack them? Why on earth would I argue with a Libertarian? I agree with everything they say except the expected outcome of their imagined changes. Just like I agree with socialists and communists about everything except the expected outcome of their imagined changes. These ideologies critically depend on humans that do not exist and will never exist.

>> No.1797441

Yes, such benefits should only belong to select few who deserve it via wealth and intelligence, let the other fuckers rot for this inferiority, not my problem, their fault one way or another.

>> No.1797453


Strawmans everywhere.

Most libertarians don't want anarchy, they want a government that fits between the two extremes, one that leans more to their favor.

Should I make a strawman argument about an authoritarian society to point out how baseless your argument is? I know I'm being trolled but I'm bored.

>No private schools, no choice in education or career choice, all chosen for you.
>75% of all citizens are forced into a class based on their government assigned role in life, because the government is human, however, money and connections can buy you out, into the high class.
>No choice in career and distribution of wealth prevents class mixing and traversal, you are born into your given position.
>Science grinds to a halt, government only takes what it wants, funds what it thinks is best, bureaucracy instead of profit based science block.

"Is this what you really want?"

>> No.1797463

>No choice in career and distribution of wealth prevents class mixing and traversal, you are born into your given position.


>> No.1797466

Remember the book Brave New World?

That's central planning taken to the extreme, were even humans are centrally planned (with regards to looks, intelligence, career). Where the individual is so subordinate to the collective that even in death they must serve, by being burnt for the purposes of heating.

>> No.1797469
File: 103 KB, 912x825, HansHermannHoppe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most libertarians don't want anarchy, they want a government that fits between the two extremes, one that leans more to their favor.

Nigga please

(And I'm a libertarian.)

>> No.1797486


Your parents are farmers, not because they want to be, but because their parents were farmers.

Government sees that you have knowledge and experience on farming from growing up on one, some asshat who has the position to decide thinks you are the best candidate in your class to become a farmer. Do you have the right to request or demand freedom to change or choose your profession? Can you vouch for the qualification of the government official who chose your permanent career? Even if you could bribe him, would you ever have enough money after the government takes most of your money in the form of taxes to use on social programs? I mean, you're just a lowly farmer...

I don't believe this extreme situation would likely happen, but it could, and this feared senario is one of the reasons libertarians fear socialistic ideals.

Both OP's scenario and mine are retarded, since both are making baseless assumptions about radical outcomes, and assuming them to be the standard outcome.

>> No.1797488

hurrr durrr Ima teh i337!

>> No.1797491


You're a sample size of one in of several billion.

>> No.1797493

>Libertarian is now a real word.

>> No.1797502

I consider my self a socialist, only in a moral base, since I am not convinced that long term socialist models could be functional and since I do not have econ-knowledge.

I do think that OP's assumptions are nevertheless somehow realistic since the U.S. are already in route of that with their current economic model and it certainly ain't the whatever minimal regulations exist to blame. The nordic model which tries to combine best parts from both extremes seems to be functional without creating so extreme unequalities that result in social destabilization.


>> No.1797573

There are several billion libertarians?

Wow I didn't know that!