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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1797028 No.1797028 [Reply] [Original]

How can philosophy be a science if it's just applied THC?

>> No.1797034

THC (a grass)?

>> No.1797039

Could you stop posting this thread please?

>> No.1797042

if philosophy is applied thc, math is applied philosophy and science is applied math.
Then in a way science=applied thc

>> No.1797052
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You can't own "property", man.

Wow. My hands are huge. They can touch... Everything but themselves.

>> No.1797055




>> No.1797061

Ok lets rephrase that stupid comics another way
Lets say you go into a teleporting machine and your atoms are copied and cloned of you is created on the other teleporting machine while your original self is destroyed. Would you still be you or would you have died?

>> No.1797085


You wouldn't be you, unless you managed to replicate every single experience and memory you had from your brain, and even if you could, the process would be similar to the fact that almost every single atom in your body is completely different to what it was a few years ago as your cells constantly die and rebirth naturally. Human beings are made up of a collective of life.
I still don't see how this is a good philosophical question, seems fairly self evident to me.

>> No.1797090

So you're saying that you naturaly die and are reborn everyday so cloning someone with your same memories and experiences would just be the same thing?

>> No.1797098
File: 174 KB, 1100x805, Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-from-tosylate-xtal-3D-balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>searched google for THC
>my face when applied Tetrahydrocannabinol

>> No.1797103

Yes, he is arguing this. However, what he fails to take into account is that the cells that are born and die everyday are chained together. Each part of you forms a chain, so to speak. However, with cloning and copying like the philosophical poses, there is a severance. The clone creates is a creation of a new chain. Even if it has all the same memories and experiences, it cannot be logically included in the chain since none of its parts spawned from original.

>> No.1797105

Pretty obvious indeed.
Especially since taking a teleporter can be seen as a life-changing experience.
It's only because you "think" you're the same person that you were a second before that you stay the same. Cogito ergo sum.
If you manage to translate that "idea of yourself" into the new body, even if it's not the same body, you'll stay the same.
Like transgenders or fat people who exercise.

>> No.1797110

fuck yeah maaaan