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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 425 KB, 900x1218, 2007-02-23-billions_and_billions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1796188 No.1796188 [Reply] [Original]

If you would gladly allow yourself to become more socially inept for the sake of becoming more intelligent you must post in this thread.

>> No.1796198

Honestly, I don't need more intelligence. I need more motivation.
I wouldn't do it.

>> No.1796219

More intelligence would mean you could do more with the little motivation you do have.

>> No.1796225

I agree. I'd sacrifice some of my limited social skills for self control.

>> No.1796224


no not really, I'd probably still be on 4chan

>> No.1796242

Probably this, I simply have no desire and thus no motivation to do anything. Sometimes I wish I was a greedy motherfucker out to get rich just so I wasn't at a standstill.

>> No.1796251

I can't be more socially inept
I'll gladly post in this thread

>> No.1796262

Also explain someone explain OP's image

>> No.1796264
File: 11 KB, 152x143, kimiko11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dresden Codak

>> No.1796266

Biochemists who are actually doing stuff, develop better motivation drugs.

>> No.1796271

I wish I could find a girl interested in transhumanism
>We could be immortal together...

>> No.1796275

I'm both socially inept and a total moron.

So yes, I'd definitely enjoy intelligence.

>> No.1796283
File: 39 KB, 400x751, disgusting-carrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya i did that. snapping out of it. see my sleep deprivation thread.

>> No.1796284
File: 12 KB, 126x149, kimiko15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1796294

like meth!

I could be a girl one day.. after all we have forever

>> No.1796295

I think we all do. I wish women were smarter, or at least delusional in the fun way like we are. For example the most recent and smartest girl I've dated celebrated the LHC breaking down, is an elitist bitch that wouldn't want intelligence enhancing technologies for disadvantaged people, and wouldn't upload her consciousness or travel to other planets. Her delusions consisted of me cheating on her, or knocking her up and stealing her child. Why are there no awesome women?

And no, that wasn't the only problem with her. I think I'll leave it there, though.

>> No.1796302

Beaches and whores. Go to /r9k/.

>> No.1796303

>>1796295smartest girl I've dated celebrated the LHC breaking down

Wow I hate women...

>> No.1796319

All day every day.

>> No.1796328


Fucking this.

I'm intelligent enough as it is, but one unmotivated fuck. I hate how lazy I am. Sure I ace all the exams and tests but I never go beyond what is essential to achieve my goals.

How can I possibly be a scientist is I'm so lazy? HELP ME /sci/!

>> No.1796331

ITT: Betafags sit around wishing their life was better.

>> No.1796342

Hey man, I just wish there were more interesting people and such.

>> No.1796378

My girlfriend got all touchy when I talked about maybe becoming cyborgs together so our self repairing bodies would allow us to live forever. Why do people want to die so bad? Anyway, told her that if I were a cyborg, my dick would be vibrate, and she got over it.

>> No.1796389


>> No.1796391

He's been spotted. Are you a woman, or is your boyfriend an engineer?

>> No.1796396

No I'd probably shoot myself.
My mom is the same way, again no defined religion, people just seem to be far too willing to accept death into their lives. The fights more fun if you think you have a chance of winning I think.

>> No.1796404

If that chance is not determined by your own actions, what does it matter? It's all probabilities. A small chance at life does not mean you should not make arrangements for your extremely likely death. You're just trying to escape the realization that it's possible for you to die someday.

>> No.1796425

Why be dead-set against life? Pun intended. Who is to say that your actions don't determine your chances? And why arrange for the event for which arrangements matter least?

>> No.1796463
File: 593 KB, 900x1218, 2007-05-06-after_many_a_summer_dies_the_swan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1796264-san, I love you. This comic blew my mind. I always though Axolotls were cute, but this err, 'hidden feature' they posses is all kinds of awesome.

>> No.1796500

Why do the two have to be mutually exclusive.

Some of the most intelligent people I know are also some of the most charismatic. Aspergers=/=Smart.

>> No.1796501


>> No.1796502

If it is even possible for me to become more socially inept, sure.
I think it would be like dividing by 0, thou

>> No.1796521

It's not saying that you have to in real life. It's asking if you could trade some of your social skills for intelligence, would you. I think that once you reach the stage that you would, you have no social skills anyway.

>> No.1796527

Introversion for the win.

>> No.1796531

I've been in the said process for the last twenty years. In private social interaction I'm a total wreck, but my people skills in selling stuff are paradoxically through the roof.

>> No.1796541

You sir, answered your own question. You just need to carefully outline your goals then do only what is required to achieve them. I'm lazy because almost everything that happens in society is horribly inefficient. You just need to optimize what you want then complete what is required. Now, what I'm stuck on is just what those goals are. I wish there was a realistic career guide that told you what people ACTUALLY do at their jobs.

>> No.1796570

>mfw we could have probably gotten into God-tier universities if we'd done some decent extra-curricular activities and actually applied ourselves.

We are fucking smart, unmotivated, lazy fucks. Out of curiosity, how many of you had parents into the sciences as well? My mom had a master's in creative writing, and my dad was a pretty successful business consultant with no formal training beyond high school. I surpassed both of them in scientific comprehension by the time I was 8, just because neither of them had the faintest idea as to how the universe works.

>> No.1797501


>> No.1797517

Intelligence is worthless compared to social skills... perhaps not in ideal terms, but in any terms that matter. People who are socially capable will get jobs, get contracts, and get laid. The just don't get it.

I'd happily trade some of the "intelligence" I have for an equal distribution of charisma.

>> No.1797520
File: 46 KB, 334x555, 1285045163052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awwwwwww yeahhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.1797521
File: 65 KB, 640x512, 194139252_5020fc53cf_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only life was like RPGs... ;_;

>> No.1797525

I can't rationalize why I laughed so hard to your pic.

>> No.1797534

>If you would gladly allow yourself to become more socially inept

If by that, you mean my emotional response to social situations change. Obviously I can force myself to be more social, or I can read books on how to socialize and come better at it. But I would still always not enjoy it.

If I could change my brain, such that social situations make me happy as opposed to uncomfortable, I totally would. Getting more intelligent would just be a bonus.

>> No.1797540


oh wait, nevermind, i answered that totally backwards :P

nooo, i dont think i would, im already too anti social as it is, and thats not healthy.

>> No.1797551
File: 339 KB, 1500x1063, 333195 - Kimiko_Ross dresden_codak webcomic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting I would sacrifice it easily for more brainpower

I would add the extra points in math

>> No.1797560

>not healthy

Topic: My cha is already as low as it can go. I tried selecting the aspergers trait for -3cha/+15int but you need 3 cha to begin with. If there was some other way to reallocate these stats I would gladly accept.

>> No.1797566
File: 910 KB, 778x652, 1285265086464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Rather than focusing on numbers, facts, and conceptual relationships some people focus on names, wit, and social relationships.

If you were more intelligent and could focus on more things, you'd be less socially inept not more.

>> No.1797584

>Rather than focusing on numbers, facts, and conceptual relationships some people focus on names, wit, and social relationships.

These are different things. Someone could have social perception but could not use it to discipline himself into social mechanics.

It's not that rare.

>> No.1797589




>> No.1797591

I'm agreeing with you, I'm disagreeing with the OP.

The trade he offers is absurd.

>> No.1797595

Social awkwardness between you and n persons is given by
A=[(i-i[avg,1,n])²-i*cha]^(n!), i>i[avg]
where i is intelligence, i[avg,0,n] is the average intelligence of persons 1 through n, and cha is your charisma.

The positive portion of the awkwardness function grows faster with int than the negative portion; The function is monotone increasing with increasing intelligence.

>> No.1797598

In case anyone did not notice this is an official image of kimiko NAKED

>> No.1797599

>Rather than focusing on numbers, facts, and conceptual relationships some people focus on names, wit, and social relationships.

that could help but a disproportionally to your worth inflated ego is easier and much more effective

>> No.1797613

>implying she wasn't originally and always some ultranerd drawfag's wet dream

>> No.1797617


>> No.1797618

>implying that matters

>> No.1797619

>implying you're not fapping

>> No.1797627

Having an inflated ego doesn't work if you don't know when and how to use it, and that requires an understanding of social relationships. Worse yet, in a society like ours with an extremely limited understanding of "wit", inflated ego posturing is all that's required to satisfy that requirement.

There are plenty of brilliant, egotistical people who posture inappropriately and just look like douchebags.

>> No.1797629

>implying I was
>implying I implied that

thanx for reminding me though

fap fap fap fap fap fap fap

>> No.1797637
File: 12 KB, 301x400, houseMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are plenty of brilliant, egotistical people who posture inappropriately and just look like douchebags.
I bet that douchebag would get lots of pussy if was IRL.

>> No.1797641
File: 101 KB, 301x322, 364796 - Kimiko_Ross dresden_codak webcomic.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1797648

Better to think of it as "taking" pussy rather than "getting" it. Douchebags are less likely to express doubt, and less likely to take "no" for an answer. They're also less likely to waste time wondering if they're in love, wondering whether she's interested, wondering what consequences a quick fuck might have, worrying that they may seem inadequate... whatever. They just take.

That's got nothing to do with social skills.

>> No.1797658

...or intelligence.

>> No.1797660


>> No.1797661

this thread is getting me hard as fuck

>> No.1797670

More girls who aren't cartoons, plz.

>> No.1797688

I need more intelligence, I don't need to get along with a drunken frat roommate.

>> No.1797801

OF course, Won't need no social skills when I solve all the fucking problems then give myself social skills via brain enhancements

>> No.1797894 [DELETED] 

I like to think that I have enough intelligence and a creative, open mind. The problem is with my poor memory. I want to learn fucking everything.

With a little more motivation and resources I would probably sacrifice decades of my life to build a really advanced AI. I would teach it everything that is worth knowing.
A brain-like artificial intelligence could advance really fast since it wouldn't have the limits of our human brains.
If kept under control, it would eventually help me achieve immortality too. I never understood why people wouldn't want to live forever. Something is obviously wrong with them.

>> No.1797902

I like to think that I have enough intelligence and a creative, open mind. The problem is with my poor memory. I want to learn fucking everything.

With a little more motivation and resources I would probably sacrifice decades of my life to build a really advanced AI. I would teach it everything that is worth knowing.
A brain-like artificial intelligence could advance really fast since it wouldn't have the limits of our human brains.
If kept under control, it would eventually help me achieve immortality too. I never understood why people wouldn't want to live forever. Something is obviously wrong with them.