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File: 11 KB, 468x316, smokingEPA_468x316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1796131 No.1796131 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ smoke?
Simply for the sake of personal research, I want to know whether the majority of /sci/ducks smoke or not.

Please try to answer the following:
Do you smoke?
Why?/Why not?
How social groups you belong(ed) to judge(d) smoking
Other factors affecting your decision.

For the sake of it, here's my profile:
1)I do not smoke.
2)From a young age I knew that smoking may be bad for you and in no way beneficial.
3)During High School and Sixth Form, smoking was generally viewed as disgusting by the majority of the student body. My close knit group of good friends are all non-smokers, and my wider group of friends and acquaintances includes only a few smokers. Most of my family disapprove of smoking.
4)The biggest influence on my decision was that when I was very young, quite a few family members died and coincidentally, they all smoked. It was kind of implied to my brothers and myself that smoking causes early death.

>> No.1796144

>Do you smoke?
>Why?/Why not?
because I like to, any other reason and youre a tool
>How social groups you belong(ed) to judge(d) smoking
reword this to make sense plz. and idgaf what other groups think of it or me
Other factors affecting your decision.
personal research

BTW i am talking about weed, not sure if you wanted tobacco smokers, as far as tobacco
1. no
2. I see no reason to
3. n/a
4. none

>> No.1796149

No, but I tried smoking for a bit.
It's expensive, makes breathing harder.
Seen as cool or neutral by most of my friends.

>> No.1796164

>reword this to make sense plz
How could it make more sense? Say you're in a group of friends or part of some other group, like Christian Club or some shit. How could their general opinion of smoking have influenced your decision to smoke?

>> No.1796171

I do not smoke, but I do drink heavily

>> No.1796175

derp on my part, misread

>> No.1796177

Do you smoke?
>Yes, weed only.
Why?/Why not?
>Good balance of positives/negatives.
How social groups you belong(ed) to judge(d) smoking
>Close friends fine with weird. Less close friends find it stranger as they are fairly conservative. People find it strange I have never tried a cigarette but smoke weed.
Other factors affecting your decision.
>Desperation, societal influence, peer pressure, boyfriends.

>> No.1796182

Do you smoke?
Yes, infrequently

Why?/Why not?
Started from peer pressure of sorts, as pretty much all my friends smoke, and while they didn't force it on me, being offered a smoke every five minutes, and always breathing secondhand smoke caved me in.
I keep it up because I enjoy the relaxing effect, it makes me feel a little more focused, calm, and collected.

How social groups you belong(ed) to judge(d) smoking
The people who's opinion I actually care about either smoke or endorse it. I am aware that the majority despise it, which makes me want to do it more out of spite.

>> No.1796196

>>Do you smoke?
>>Why?/Why not?
>>How social groups you belong(ed) to judge(d) smoking
I belong to no social groups.

>> No.1796202

Do you smoke?
Why?/Why not?
>Is not worth
How social groups you belong(ed) to judge(d) smoking
>bad in general
Other factors affecting your decision.
>I want to be as healthy as I can to live as much as science can help me

>> No.1796205

>Do you smoke?

>Why not?
Because it's fucking poisonous.

>> No.1796215

> occasionally
>i like it
>They smoke much more often than I do

>> No.1796241

I use to, but quit months ago.
Because I'm not a pussy; niccotine buzz fucks you up, yo; father/grandmother/uncle use to smoke, so i was always around it.
Majority of friends have, or use to, smoke, and a few who haven't.
Enjoyed it when I only smoked a few a day; pack lasted for a week, enjoyed the benifits, cleared my mind. Then, i started smoking up to a pack a day; shit got expensive, and i could feel the negative side effects, and decided to quit.

>> No.1796248

pretty much this

>> No.1796253

No, I don't smoke.
Reason: Poorfag, and because I enjoy not having lungcancer.

>> No.1796270

>Do you smoke?
FUCK no. At least not tobacco.
>Why?/Why not?
It tastes like shit, is expensive and bad for your health.
>How social groups you belong(ed) to judge(d) smoking
They don't give a fuck and you shouldn't either.
>Other factors affecting your decision.

>> No.1796276

1 - Yes, quit recently but not being able to find work has been stressing me out.
2 - Teh stress
3 - My fiance got me into it, but we're cutting back and moving towards quitting for good. (Wish us luck)

Even if I quit, I might have one every now and then, though. A cigarette after a few drinks is great, and I don't drink often. Also, I love smoking in the rain.

>> No.1796299
File: 222 KB, 644x428, mflb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't smoke but I vaporize weed all the time.

Healthier, more pleasant taste, efficient and quite stealthy.

If you are asking about tobacco than fuck no, There are not redeeming qualities of smoking cigarettes. It tastes horrible, gives you lung cancer, awful breath and drills a hole right through your wallet.

>> No.1796316


obvious troll is obvious

>> No.1796320

>It tastes horrible, gives you lung cancer, awful breath and drills a hole right through your wallet.
>Implying weed doesn't have all these side effects

Stupid drug addicts.

>> No.1796322


Why? It IS expensive.

It's like burning your own money and then inhaling the smoke to do some additional damage. Pointless.

>> No.1796329

engineer detected

>> No.1796330


>you don't have to spend more than 10 bucks in a week to smoke rarely. If you have any sort of small income it is easily affordable.

or weed is just cheap up here in the pacific northwest

>> No.1796335


I'm talking about cigarettes.

I grow my own weed, don't feel like giving my money to drug cartels, thank you.

>> No.1796339

Drug cartels? I buy it off niggers. Selling weed is sort of a job...

>> No.1796343
File: 86 KB, 300x300, adult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not Smoke, Swear or Drink!

>OH Fuck i forgot my smokes at the bar again!

>> No.1796346


to support the legalization and economy of it

>> No.1796353


Well, we have no niggers in here. There is though a mafia that sells drugs.

I'm from europe if you were assuming otherwise. Maybe it's done differently here.

>> No.1796362

Tastes good, calms me down.
They all smoke too.
I'm going to die of hereditary heart disease, cancer or diabetes before I even reach 60 anyways, so I figure.. what the hell?
I figure theres a lot worse shit out there to be addicted to.
I'm just happy its only smokes, and not alcohol like the rest of my family.

>> No.1796370

In NZ we've got white boys selling it in the rich neighbourhoods, getting it from friends in the Maori gangs who are working for the Chinese triads.

>> No.1796376
File: 162 KB, 1024x768, 100924-043640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interestingly enough, this thread made me want to have a smoke

>> No.1796385

Fuck hereditary illness. I've got a heart attack at 50 on my dad's side, as well as liver disease and kidney problems, then if I survive that on my mom's side I've got arthritis and dementia to look forward to. So if I don't die young my old age will be miserable.

>> No.1796399

I just got back inside from smoking a bowl.
I smoke pot.
I do not smoke tobacco.
Why I smoke pot: I enjoy it, right now I am listening to music in a highly focused calm. It can also help insightful thought.

Why I don't smoke tobacco: Do I even need to give a reason? With the amount of information available now-a-days I can't imagine anyone picking it up unless they're pretentious ingrates who don't appreciate their bodies or the more common, addicts. It's literally a death sentence.

How social groups judged smoking:
I'm fairly discrete about it, no reason not to be. After all, it is illegal. However, my parents know (told them when I turned 18). My mom seemed a bit disappointed when she found out but really just appreciated that I was honest about it. I'm fairly sure my dad smokes pot as well, so he didn't seem to care at all.

>> No.1796402
File: 13 KB, 441x408, 1274424202263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying pot is a safer alternative to cigarettes

>> No.1796424

>implying you're not trolling