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File: 330 KB, 1280x2877, course of human history civilization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1795985 No.1795985 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else here fascinated with the rapid development of civilization?

Think about how far we've gone in 10,000 years, and how far we will be in the next 10,000. Fucking crazy.

>> No.1795992

>>1795985 how far we will be in the next 10,000.

HIGHLY speculative. By definition.

>> No.1796009





>> No.1796033
File: 10 KB, 207x160, reaction beer stern face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when in 10000 years we're basically the same shit except with better medicine and faster computers
>still no flying cars
>no sea colonization
>no moon colonization
>planet devastated by human overpopulation

>> No.1796046

>we're basically the same, as we haven't done shit that is a complete fantasy souted by the liberal media to keep us as their bitches
Fuck you and your bullshit.

We all know it's impossible to colonize the moon, it ain't got air.
Neither does the sea.
Cars can't fly cause then they wouldn't be cars.
Overpopulation is a lie, have you seen earth?
Does it look crowded here to you?
Cause it fucking doesn't to me.

>> No.1796078
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>Does it look crowded here to you?

No, because I said IN TEN THOUSAND YEARS we will be.

>> No.1796090

>Cars can't fly cause then they wouldn't be cars.
This is very true. Why do people want flying cars so much, anyway? Just get a goddamn helicopter already if you apparently have so much money for a flying vehicle.

>mfw Mars is a dead planet again after its initial terraforming golden age died off, and its inhabitants got bored and moved on to Venus

>> No.1796098

>.>>mfw Mars is a dead planet again after its initial terraforming golden age died off, and its inhabitants got bored and moved on to Uranus!!


>> No.1796101

Population is self governing. If there is more people than the planet can support, those people will simply die off. If they don't, that means the planet can still support more people.

>> No.1796107

You have nothing to really compare the development of civilization to. From another perspective we haven't come that far at all. It seems less and less far the more you understand how stuff works IMO.

>> No.1796110

And they say that the Holocaut happen

>> No.1796112

>mfw the last star dies and somebody will see it BUT IT WONT BE ME DAMN IT

>> No.1796115
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>I don't know where we will be in 10,000 years, but I know where we will be in 40,000 - Einstein

>> No.1796121

That explains my rash.

>> No.1796122

and that its?

>> No.1796123

>hurr i'll just make this unfalsifiable statement that doesn't make any goddamn sense

>> No.1796124

Right, because at our current rates of producing fewer and fewer children, not even enough to replace people who die, will somehow add up to more

>> No.1796130
File: 32 KB, 500x333, AIR_AB139_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have flying cars TODAY

You don't want flying cars, you want magic carpets.

Picture related, it's a flying car that only rich people can afford. Save up enough money, and meet the licensing requirements and you could have your very own flying car.

>> No.1796132

>implying the world's population isn't growing
It said 6,870,801,084 when I opened the link. What does it say when you open it?

>> No.1796140

>>1796101If there is more people than the planet can support, those people will simply die off.

At that point the entire ecosystem will be so fucked up from people trying to get as much out of it as possible to support a massive population that things will get ugly.

>> No.1796142
File: 112 KB, 300x300, cande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, and how far we will be in the next 10,000. Fucking crazy.
it is crazy because history will always repeat it self indefinitely, the only thing that will change is that we will have more stuff!

>> No.1796145

protip: population growth goes negative once a country industrializes. This has happened to every single industrialized nation on the planet and is a direct result of greater education, standard of living, and birth control.

Once China, India, and Africa have finished industrializing, there will no longer be positive population growth.

>> No.1796147

>superior knowledge detected

>> No.1796148

Get this, my Agriculture proffessor is saying that the countries with the highest child mortality rates are the ones with the greatest population growth. It turns out when families have to worry about losing their children they have a lot of children.

So, counter intuitively, the only way to slow overpopulation is to save lives. We need to give better health care and more food to the poorest individuals on the planet.

>> No.1796151

the fuck?
How's that gonna work?

>> No.1796159

Everybody knows that. You are assuming that every nation will become post industrial and that it will happen before population becomes a problem. Population is already a problem in some regions. The more people we have on Earth the larger those regions will become... meaning more mega-cities, more slums, more crime, more a lot of shit.

>> No.1796162


By having the rest of the world come in and built their countries for them once they're the only third world nations (continent) left. You know people will do it to.

>> No.1796168

>>1796130 and meet the licensing requirements

Or ideally hire a chauffeur (read: pilot). The flying car idea I'm pretty sure implied they'd be easy enough for the average retard to operate, something helicopters are NOT.


Well world pop growth is down to 1.17%. If it stables out around 1% then in 10,000 years the population of earth will be 991,232,481,114. (6870700000*10000/ln2*100)

>> No.1796176


>more crime

So you're saying that there are more criminals in a high population city? What a fucking surprise.

>more mega city

What is wrong with that? You want to live in a nice green place? Accumulate wealth and bought a huge plot of land.

>More slums

Not caused by overpopulation

The whole overpopulation thing is a hoax. The ecosystem can go fuck itself if its not crucial for our survival.

>> No.1796174

Or just give them clean water, sanitation, and birth control... also cure them of religion.

>> No.1796183



Terraforming is real.

>impossible to colonize the moon, it ain't got air.

The fuck? We can make air you dolt.

>> No.1796184

You can fit the worlds population in Australia
but i guess most of you already know this and what it means..

>> No.1796189

>>1796176 if its not crucial for our survival.

I've actually gotten somewhat used to breathing oxygen...

>> No.1796191

I think everyone in this thread can agree on you being an idiot.

>> No.1796192


>implying we can't create oxygens artificially.

>> No.1796197

>>1796183We can make air

If you want to live in an underground bubble on a dead moon...

>> No.1796199

>implying all food needs could be satisfied by Australia

>> No.1796201

Instead of charity money going on shit like food, we just invest in industry in the crappy nations. Get people working building and working in factories, mines etc. Have powerful guards defending employees. Provide cheap education. Pretty much do Soviet Russia except with money and democracy and labour unions.

>> No.1796203

Implying we will ever have the energy capacity to produce sufficient oxygen artificially

>> No.1796209


>implying you know that we won't.

>> No.1796212

It's not that simple and you know it. And how is it going to work? Are you going to give a ton of money to some random 1st world businessman so he can build some sweat shops in Africa ?

>> No.1796213

>>1796201Pretty much do Soviet Russia except with money and democracy and labour unions.

So with all the least effective parts of the Soviet and American systems combined? I don't know how to fail more epically.

>> No.1796216

We will Never Colonize any other planet but our own.
the missions to outer space have absolutely NOTHING to do with Existence of life etc etc.
think $$$ instead

>> No.1796228

>>1796216We will Never Colonize any other planet in our fleshy human forms

Leave the meat behind, colonize with machines and minds.

>> No.1796233

Cuz there is oil on Mars?

>> No.1796238

Even if Mars was entirely made of oil, a gallon of oil doesn't have sufficient energy to make transporting a gallon of oil from Mars to earth worthwhile. Now if it was made of uranium...

>> No.1796239

>implying I'd have a problem with that.

and if you do you can stay on the earth.

I'll be living in my moon-basement with my plants and enjoying the hell out of it.

But realistically the moon would just be a launch point for mars, because the moon has less gravity than earth.

>> No.1796245

>>1796239I'll be living in my mom's moon-basement with my plants and enjoying the hell out of it.


>> No.1796250
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It was a joke.

>> No.1796265

If there was oil on Mars then we'd just bomb the Martians. Remember when we bombed the moon? Bush thought it had oil.

>> No.1796272

Clue #1: the moon does not rotate it pulsates ...
Clue #2: mars would make an ideal launching site...
if you still dont get it, i feel for you anon lol

>> No.1796287

Africa and the middle east do still have rates of children per woman greater than replacement, but with only a handfull of exceptions, even those backwards places are seeing their fertility rates nosedive

>> No.1796337


The homo sapien will easily turn each other extinct within the next 10,000 years.

>> No.1796350


>> No.1796352
File: 112 KB, 300x300, fandd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'M not the guy you quoted, so with that i say what logic do you have to support such a ludicrous claim?

>> No.1796360

Sauce or you are a lier.

>> No.1796373
File: 101 KB, 300x300, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
