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File: 72 KB, 706x540, Suicide_Booth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1795410 No.1795410 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Ingenious fictional machines/inventions

The Suicide Booth

Lets face it life sucks and every generation is becoming more nihilistic than the last having absolutely no desire to live long lives. This little invention makes suicide easy and hassle free. It removes the overriding fear brought on by survival instincts and disintegrates the corpse leading to easy clean up and virtually no wait time.

This device would be great in countries with high suicide rates like Japan and Finland. Whoever invents a working suicide booth will be making a killing, pun intended.

>> No.1795428
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>Lets face it life sucks

My life fucking rocks! Sucks for you bro

>> No.1795456


waste of a perfectly good body IMO.

Why not just invent a drug that will induce a memory wipe or a really serious case of Amnesia then "train" the volunteer to do productive stuff instead?

>> No.1795480


Expensive and time consuming. The suicide booth is an untapped billion dollar market and it will also help deal with the overpopulation problem.

>> No.1795484
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>> No.1795495

This. Make one.

>> No.1795502
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>> No.1795505

I hate to be the one to point out the obvious, but this invention won't get off the ground. No matter how practical it appears, politics will not allow it to be successful. Too many oppositions on moral or ethical grounds.

>> No.1795508


Yes making Suicide Booths is easy. But when you factor in the millions of zealot religious fags in the world the idea becomes not feasible becuase it won't be generally accepted by our society.

>> No.1795514


Because you are a bitter nihilist too.

>> No.1795528
File: 15 KB, 200x155, 200px-What_if_Machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking want this

>> No.1795544
File: 22 KB, 209x325, Scruffy_Futurama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1795547

Damn... The things I'd test with this machine...

"What if I came on to one of my fourth grade students?"

"What if chimichangas start coming in 6 packs instead of 8 and 10 packs?"

"What if that blood from the misquito in the urine I drank contained HIV?"

>> No.1795561
File: 10 KB, 259x194, finglonger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That thing's worthless.

Now THIS is truly ingenious.

>> No.1795573


porn industry won't allow it.

>> No.1795582


What if we had a way for us to generate Prime numbers faster than we could ever imagine

>> No.1795589


Why?... on second thought, yes they won't allow this

>> No.1795593

according to futurama they have had them since 2008
i was disappointed when 2008 came around and they had not been created yet

>> No.1795598


>"What if I came on to one of my fourth grade students?"

I am astounded that no one reacted to this question until now... In /b/ i would expect it. But in my /sci/?

>> No.1795601


Of course people are gonna do their moral masturbations to pat themselves in the back so they can feel good balls deep inside, but I honesty believe this can pass I mean they already sell suicide bags online.

>> No.1795607


you reacted.

>> No.1795606


Or if technology becomes sophisticated enough to selectively alter memory then it will probably be the case that problems leading people to want to commit suicide will become non-issues.

>> No.1795609


>I am astounded that no one reacted to this question until now.
>no one reacted to this question until now.
>until now.

>> No.1795614

It's funny because 2008 ended up being a year there would be a lot of demand for them.

>> No.1795616


No more jobs for psychologists then

>> No.1795619

>every generation is becoming more nihilistic than the last
That's not untrue.

>> No.1795629

A lot of suicide has nothing to do with memories.

>> No.1795635


>Expensive and time consuming. The suicide booth is an untapped billion dollar market and it will also help deal with the overpopulation problem.

A lot of will be intruiged by the fact they they can get Suicidal people to do the memory wipe/Amnesia thing.

I believe that there is a TV show that explores this concept

>> No.1795646


the TV show that you are referring to is Doll house

>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dollhouse _ (TV_series)

>> No.1795656


>"What if that blood from the misquito in the urine I drank contained HIV?"

Take a look at yourself too buddy, i have a feeling that this is normal to you.

>> No.1795661

Are you insinuating that I'm a homosexual? Or am I misunderstanding?

>> No.1795662

I went through hypoxia training with nasa... gotta say if i had to go it wouldn't be a bad way

>> No.1795666

Anyone who is suicidal is mentally ill. Giving them access to a suicide booth would be like attaching a helmet to everyone with the flu that shoots you in the head when you sneeze.

>> No.1795668


No, merely pointing ut the fact that you drank urine

>the urine I drank contained HIV

>> No.1795669

Oh, ok. I guess the homosexual thing didn't make sense.

Well, the whole urine fetish of mine started with me urinating on myself in the shower, and over time it escalated to occasionally tasting and drinking it. Honestly, I don't know why I do it, but I think a lot of it has to do with smell (the most primitive sense).

>> No.1795673


meh, at least you are not eating your feces.

>> No.1795683


If you're dead you have no more problems. It's as simple as that. There are people in mental hospitals who are beyond help, the Suicide Booth would not only make money but decrease the burden on the tax payers.